Abba Eban Was Right On The Money


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Abu Mazen blows away all the positive things he accomplished this year with one senseless remark.

Abba Eban, Israel’s legendary representative to the United Nations, once famously remarked that “the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas proved Eban’s point Friday, in an incendiary speech to the U.N. General Assembly in which he accused Israel of “a new war of genocide” against the Palestinian people.

Another opportunity squandered. During the Gaza War this summer, Abbas had positioned himself as a picture of moderation. When Hamas was accused of having kidnapped the three teenagers whose abduction set off this summer’s violence, Abbas condemned the kidnapping in no uncertain terms. As the war with Hamas dragged on, the Palestinian Authority was party to the cease-fire negotiations. When Israel and Egypt hammered out the details of who would monitor border crossings and the use of construction material in Gaza to prevent the construction of new tunnels, even Hamas accepted the notion of Palestinian Authority monitors.

Israelis are not terribly inclined to make grand gestures for peace right now – the region is in too much turmoil for anyone to know what a smart move would be. Yet many Israelis also know that international pressure for some accommodation of Palestinian national aspirations will only grow. Prominent Israeli public intellectuals continue to worry about the corrosive effect of keeping millions of Palestinians under our military thumb on our national moral well-being. So suddenly, Israelis had begun to wonder whether Abbas might be the guy with whom to make the deal.

Read more here: Another Palestinian leader makes a mistake at UN Other Views The News Tribune
Hoss, I just finished reading a book about the founding of the State of Israel called The Hope. Great Book.

The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted....the Arabs chose war...and vowed to exterminate the Jewish People in the Holy Land.

The Arabs have never wavered from this position in 70 years.

The Jews understand this....even if most Americans do not.
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?
You got Barry O. He's a Jew, ain't he?
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?

No that is not correct. Please read. You'll also note within hours of the Jewish State being declared the Arabs choose war and invaded Israel.

Isn't that strange? I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

Israeli Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?

No that is not correct. Please read. You'll also note within hours of the Jewish State being declared the Arabs choose war and invaded Israel.

Isn't that strange? I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

Israeli Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No, the Arab states attempted to stop the Jews from murdering or expelling the Christians and Muslims. You are just accepting propaganda.
Read up on the Plan Dalet, where the Jews planned to (and were successful in) expelling the Christians and Muslims even in the area where they had a small majority.
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?

No that is not correct. Please read. You'll also note within hours of the Jewish State being declared the Arabs choose war and invaded Israel.

Isn't that strange? I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

Israeli Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No, the Arab states attempted to stop the Jews from murdering or expelling the Christians and Muslims. You are just accepting propaganda.

Ah.....yeah.....r-i-g-h-t. :cuckoo:
“the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”
Indeed, the Palestinians never took the opportunity to surrender.
Doesn't count, Tinmore. They were never offered surrender terms.
They have never been offered anything else.
That's a crock of shi'ite and you know it, Tinmore. Arafart turned down a list of offers including about 90% of the West Bank. Go to bed, you old fart.
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?

No that is not correct. Please read. You'll also note within hours of the Jewish State being declared the Arabs choose war and invaded Israel.

Isn't that strange? I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

Israeli Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Well then how about me taking over 50% of the the process murdering 10,000's Americans sending the rest out of the area.....then telling my decendents "no one lived here/there before"........So pack you bags because I'm coming........Why should Israel be given this land of which they had no legal claim.....and Why should the Palestinians not fight for their for your "Arabs chose War" This is a LIE,The Jews prior to 1948 committed themselves to WAR against the Palestinians to take/steal Palestinian land to create Israel...........your white-washing of factual History is Moronic

Footnote to Hoss

And Hoss for Gods Sake get rid of that "Saluting Soldier in battle fatigues" it sends the wrong message......being as you are really a Gentle Man and a Gentle Soul........
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“the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”
Indeed, the Palestinians never took the opportunity to surrender.
Doesn't count, Tinmore. They were never offered surrender terms.
They have never been offered anything else.
That's a crock of shi'ite and you know it, Tinmore. Arafart turned down a list of offers including about 90% of the West Bank. Go to bed, you old fart.
Really Hoss,this is NO way to behave against Tinmore,that bastion of Truth and Rights..........Hossie,Tinnie is right again........You'r a Good Christian why don't you practice what you preach my friend...steve
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?

No that is not correct. Please read. You'll also note within hours of the Jewish State being declared the Arabs choose war and invaded Israel.

Isn't that strange? I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

Israeli Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Well then how about me taking over 50% of the the process murdering 10,000 Americans sending the rest out of the area.....then telling my decendents "no one lived here/there before"........So pack you bags because I'm coming........Why should Israel be given this land of which they had no legal claim.....and Why should the Palestinians not fight for their for your "Arabs chose War" This is a LIE,The Jews prior to 1948 committed themselves to WAR against the Palestinians to take/steal Palestinian land to create Israel...........your white-washing of factual History is Moronic
Your lack of historical knowledge is embarrasing, Steve.
Don't act so silly.
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“the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”
Indeed, the Palestinians never took the opportunity to surrender.
Doesn't count, Tinmore. They were never offered surrender terms.
They have never been offered anything else.
That's a crock of shi'ite and you know it, Tinmore. Arafart turned down a list of offers including about 90% of the West Bank. Go to bed, you old fart.
Well whoop de doo, that is about 20% of Palestine.
“the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”
Indeed, the Palestinians never took the opportunity to surrender.
Doesn't count, Tinmore. They were never offered surrender terms.
They have never been offered anything else.
That's a crock of shi'ite and you know it, Tinmore. Arafart turned down a list of offers including about 90% of the West Bank. Go to bed, you old fart.
Well whoop de doo, that is about 20% of Palestine.
"The Arabs are morons. They were offered a deal to split the land 50-50 at the beginning. The Jews accepted."

Not exactly, The Jews, a minority, were given a gerrymandered territory where they had a 51% majority. The Christians and Muslims who were a majority overall were to submit to Jew rule in the gerrymandered area. I am a Christian, I would not want to be ruled by Jews. Would you?

No that is not correct. Please read. You'll also note within hours of the Jewish State being declared the Arabs choose war and invaded Israel.

Isn't that strange? I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

Israeli Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Well then how about me taking over 50% of the the process murdering 10,000 Americans sending the rest out of the area.....then telling my decendents "no one lived here/there before"........So pack you bags because I'm coming........Why should Israel be given this land of which they had no legal claim.....and Why should the Palestinians not fight for their for your "Arabs chose War" This is a LIE,The Jews prior to 1948 committed themselves to WAR against the Palestinians to take/steal Palestinian land to create Israel...........your white-washing of factual History is Moronic
Your lack of historical knowledge is embarrasing, Steve.
Don't act so silly.

Really Hoss,Even the Israeli politicians at the time agreed with my Summation.......why in the past 60 years,do you think you can defy and deny their therefore you say the Jews were being and acting can't have it both ways my Friend....steve

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