AARP: (Ryan) Budget Would Upend Vital Programs and Shift Costs to Older Americans


Aug 17, 2012
“Budget Would Upend Vital Programs - AARP

AARP: (Ryan) Budget Would Upend Vital Programs and Shift Costs to Older Americans


CONTACT Media Relations 202-434-2560

AARP: Budget Would Upend Vital Programs and Shift Costs to Older Americans

Acknowledges bipartisan effort needed to strengthen Social Security

WASHINGTON— AARP Executive Vice President Nancy A. LeaMond released the following statement in reaction to the budget proposal released today by U.S. House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan:

“AARP believes that as Members of Congress consider proposals to address our nation’s fiscal challenges, they must be mindful of the impact on real people, not just the numbers. While the House Budget Committee Chairman’s proposal offers new ideas for confronting the deficit, AARP believes the proposal lacks balance and would result in a large cost shift to current and future retirees.

“The Chairman’s proposal, rather than tackling skyrocketing health care costs, would simply shift these costs onto the backs of people in Medicare. It would undermine Medicare’s promise of secure health coverage—a guarantee that future seniors have contributed to through a lifetime of hard work. If Congress is serious about reining in Medicare costs, it can start by allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices and speeding up access to generic versions of expensive biologic drugs..."”
The AARP sold out our senior citizens a long time ago

follow the money people
The op is on the 2011 version, 2012 amended. Get the facts, folks.
The op is on the 2011 version, 2012 amended. Get the facts, folks.

The new version doesn't shift costs to old folks?

Why don't you read it? A start:

Robert J. Samuelson: Ryan's Medicare plan might work, a study says | Deseret News

Robert J. Samuelson: Ryan's Medicare plan might work, a study says

Overlooked in the furor surrounding Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal — a plan, it should be recalled, that wouldn't start until 2023 and even then would affect only new beneficiaries — is a just-published study in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggesting that, well, Ryan might be right. The study finds that a voucher-type system might noticeably reduce costs compared to "traditional" fee-for-service Medicare. Three Harvard economists did the study, including one prominent supporter of President Obama's health care overhaul.

The study compared the costs of traditional Medicare with Medicare Advantage, a voucher-like program that now enrolls about 25 percent of beneficiaries. Medicare Advantage has cost less for identical coverage. From 2006 to 2009, the gap averaged 11 percent between traditional Medicare and voucher plans that, under the proposal by Ryan and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., would serve as a price "benchmark."...
The op is on the 2011 version, 2012 amended. Get the facts, folks.

The new version doesn't shift costs to old folks?

Why don't you read it?

I have. The value of the voucher seniors are given is capped, independent of the actual health costs they face.

As a backup, the per capita cost [to the government] of this reformed program for seniors reaching eligibility after 2023 could not exceed nominal GDP plus 0.5 percent.

That's called shifting risk (and costs) to seniors. AARP's point stands.
Looks like the older folks aren't loving it.


And hot on the heels of that Pew poll is the new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll:

Which of the following statements do you agree with more? (ROTATE)

Mitt Romney who says this proposal is a good idea because it would strengthen Medicare and reduce government costs for Medicare by giving future seniors more control over their own health care dollars and a choice between traditional Medicare and a variety of private plans.
Barack Obama who says this proposal is a bad idea because it would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher system giving seniors a set amount of money to pay for their health care costs and leaving them to personally cover costs above this amount.

Mitt Romney .................................................... 34
Barack Obama ................................................. 50
Mixed/Some of both (VOL) ............................ 2
Neither (VOL) ............................................... 5
Not sure ......................................................... 9
“Budget Would Upend Vital Programs - AARP

AARP: (Ryan) Budget Would Upend Vital Programs and Shift Costs to Older Americans


CONTACT Media Relations 202-434-2560

AARP: Budget Would Upend Vital Programs and Shift Costs to Older Americans

Acknowledges bipartisan effort needed to strengthen Social Security

WASHINGTON— AARP Executive Vice President Nancy A. LeaMond released the following statement in reaction to the budget proposal released today by U.S. House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan:

“AARP believes that as Members of Congress consider proposals to address our nation’s fiscal challenges, they must be mindful of the impact on real people, not just the numbers. While the House Budget Committee Chairman’s proposal offers new ideas for confronting the deficit, AARP believes the proposal lacks balance and would result in a large cost shift to current and future retirees.

“The Chairman’s proposal, rather than tackling skyrocketing health care costs, would simply shift these costs onto the backs of people in Medicare. It would undermine Medicare’s promise of secure health coverage—a guarantee that future seniors have contributed to through a lifetime of hard work. If Congress is serious about reining in Medicare costs, it can start by allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices and speeding up access to generic versions of expensive biologic drugs..."”

AARP's primary purpose is to sell insurance. They are lobbyists for Health Insurance. They lean left and certainly do not represent this Senior and I am not alone. I joined and then quit after finding out their true objective.
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The AARP sold out our senior citizens a long time ago

follow the money people

The GOP sold seniors out decades ago, fought Social Security for over 70 years and Medicare for over 40 years, from the beginning

President Obama took 716 Billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. He will not sign any Bill that returns the money back to medicare. You think it is OK?
The op is on the 2011 version, 2012 amended. Get the facts, folks.

The new version doesn't shift costs to old folks?

Why don't you read it? A start:

Robert J. Samuelson: Ryan's Medicare plan might work, a study says | Deseret News

Robert J. Samuelson: Ryan's Medicare plan might work, a study says

Overlooked in the furor surrounding Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal — a plan, it should be recalled, that wouldn't start until 2023 and even then would affect only new beneficiaries — is a just-published study in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggesting that, well, Ryan might be right. The study finds that a voucher-type system might noticeably reduce costs compared to "traditional" fee-for-service Medicare. Three Harvard economists did the study, including one prominent supporter of President Obama's health care overhaul.

The study compared the costs of traditional Medicare with Medicare Advantage, a voucher-like program that now enrolls about 25 percent of beneficiaries. Medicare Advantage has cost less for identical coverage. From 2006 to 2009, the gap averaged 11 percent between traditional Medicare and voucher plans that, under the proposal by Ryan and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., would serve as a price "benchmark."...
Samuelson got caught lying! The real fact is Medicare Advantage costs an average of 14% more than the Fee For Service plan of traditional Medicare, see fig 3 in link below.

Medicare Advantage plans are currently paid more, on
average, than FFS costs in their area. According to MedPAC,
payments to Medicare Advantage plans per enrollee in 2009
will average 114% of FFS costs for the counties where
Medicare Advantage enrollees reside
(Figure 3)
The AARP sold out our senior citizens a long time ago

follow the money people

The GOP sold seniors out decades ago, fought Social Security for over 70 years and Medicare for over 40 years, from the beginning

President Obama took 716 Billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. He will not sign any Bill that returns the money back to medicare. You think it is OK?
To fund the Medicare donut hole portion of Obama care, and the Medicare preventive health care co-pay part of Obama care you meant to say. So in reality Obama took overpayments to insurance companies, fraud and wasteful spending that pissed away 716 billion Medicare dollars and added benefits to Medicare that helps seniors with that saved money through Obama care. Why do you think it is better to waste Medicare money than to add senior benefits through Obama care??????
I have. The value of the voucher seniors are given is capped, independent of the actual health costs they face.

"Seniors who elect to enroll in the voucher program would receive premium support payments, which they would use to purchase private, Medicare-approved insurance plans that meet or exceed the benefit packages of traditional, fee-for-service Medicare."

shopping with their own money would reduce the cost of health care around 75% so this is truly the Holy Grail. Its called capitalism but liberals lack the IQ to know it.
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I have. The value of the voucher seniors are given is capped, independent of the actual health costs they face.

"Seniors who elect to enroll in the voucher program would receive premium support payments, which they would use to purchase private, Medicare-approved insurance plans that meet or exceed the benefit packages of traditional, fee-for-service Medicare."

shopping with their own money would reduce the cost of health care around 75% so this is truly the Holy Grail. Its called capitalism but liberals lack the IQ to know it.
You obviously lack the IQ to realize just how moronic that claim is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
The GOP's plan for the Social Security will be disasterous for most Americans, ESPECIALLY Americans who are under 55.

HC insurance vouchers will be issued that will NOT cover ther cost of decent insurance, count on THAT.

Meanwhile the very people who they are planning on screwing will continue to pay into the SSI plan.

THAT is the GOP's brilliant plan, folks.
The GOP's plan for the Social Security will be disasterous for most Americans, ESPECIALLY Americans who are under 55.

HC insurance vouchers will be issued that will NOT cover ther cost of decent insurance, count on THAT.

Meanwhile the very people who they are planning on screwing will continue to pay into the SSI plan.

THAT is the GOP's brilliant plan, folks.

well lets stick with the Democrat plan, let it GO BROKE so EVERYONE gets screwed
I have. The value of the voucher seniors are given is capped, independent of the actual health costs they face.

"Seniors who elect to enroll in the voucher program would receive premium support payments, which they would use to purchase private, Medicare-approved insurance plans that meet or exceed the benefit packages of traditional, fee-for-service Medicare."

shopping with their own money would reduce the cost of health care around 75% so this is truly the Holy Grail. Its called capitalism but liberals lack the IQ to know it.

The GOP's plan for the Social Security will be disasterous for most Americans, ESPECIALLY Americans who are under 55.

HC insurance vouchers will be issued that will NOT cover ther cost of decent insurance, count on THAT.

Meanwhile the very people who they are planning on screwing will continue to pay into the SSI plan.

THAT is the GOP's brilliant plan, folks.

Obama's plan: Do nothing and let it go bankrupt and everyone, young and old loses.

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