A world with no religion, how different woud the world be?

Say religion never came about, and there was no such thing of religion. How different would the world be as of today?

This would still be there.
It's a fact...Liberals deal with emotion, not fact.
Quite the generalization. Do you have any factual evidence to support it or is it just you emotions talking?
I presume you don't watch TV, converse on message boards or have "conversations" with Liberals.
I also go out if my way to avoid them.
So liberals are more emotional than others? I don't avoid them so I think that makes me better qualified to say: BS
It's a fact...Liberals deal with emotion, not fact.
Quite the generalization. Do you have any factual evidence to support it or is it just you emotions talking?
I presume you don't watch TV, converse on message boards or have "conversations" with Liberals.
I also go out if my way to avoid them.
So liberals are more emotional than others? I don't avoid them so I think that makes me better qualified to say: BS
That was a rather emotional response.
That was a rather emotional response.
And that was a fact-free response. Does that disprove your point?
So you're expecting me to video every exchange I have with anyone?
You're more intelligent than that.
What is your threshold for "fact"?
For example, calling my response 'emotional' was your opinion, it was subjective and not quantifiable. Hence, it was not a fact since there can be no verification.
That was a rather emotional response.
And that was a fact-free response. Does that disprove your point?
So you're expecting me to video every exchange I have with anyone?
You're more intelligent than that.
What is your threshold for "fact"?
For example, calling my response 'emotional' was your opinion, it was subjective and not quantifiable. Hence, it was not a fact since there can be no verification.
Your response was emotional.
We can discuss Liberal Educational Policies.
Police non-enforcement.
Everybody wins the World Series; even Basketball teams win the World Series!
You really want to take anyone on regarding the emotional and mental disturbance of Liberalism?
Here's why religion seems to better humans.....humans need to have defined limits.....humans need lines (not the kind Obama drew, I mean, REAL lines.....behavior limits and expectations)
Without them, you get savages. As the nations loses it's religious depth, have the number of savages decreased or increased?
How many savages are there that had no father in the home to teach them their "lines".

And humans need something to believe in greater than dust to dust.

That's what religion provides. Unfortunately, some, like radical Islamists, the Salem witch burners and the Alt-Left get carried away and can get stupid fanatical.

It's like asking what the world would be like without Sports. We could live without sports too.....but there are benefits.
Say religion never came about, and there was no such thing of religion. How different would the world be as of today?


Imagine there was no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Just dirt to fall into when we die

Imagine all the people
with no Sabbath or weekend to enjoy a day

Imagine there are no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
No borders, just me and you and you

Nothing to kill or die for,
As well as nothing much to live for.
And no religion to,

Imagine all the people forced to live in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
Those in government are with me,
And they will see to it that we all will live as one
Say religion never came about, and there was no such thing of religion. How different would the world be as of today?
This question cannot be answered. There are too many variables, and can we even identify and establish a constant? Perhaps we might get a better sense if the question had an individual focus. Consider: What role has religion played in your life? How different would your life be today with/without the part religion played in it?

Extremely difficult to assess and answer, don't you think? Shouldn't we keep this in mind when trying to answer the question on a much larger scale?

I disagree. The development of sophisticated theologies was far preferable to the pagan superstitions and cults, for a number of reasons, and within the main theologies Judaism and Christianity evolved much further than the other main theologies; both have very strong dynamics that make them 'self-correcting' against domination by extremist views and moderate the worst in human nature. They are far less violent than paganism, and it is no accident that with the decline of Christianity we get such constructionist 'rationalisms' as Marxism and Nazism and state worship as substitutes, and of course with those we get neo-pagan revivalism, in the form of massive human sacrifices so wildly popular with ancient pagans; they merely dress them up with 'rational' rhetoric and fake science..
It would mostly be like life under Islam, dominated by violent, murderous political cults not any different from paganism except for the rhetoric; slavery would still be the norm and science would be dead, no need for advancements when human life is dirt cheap and plentiful.
What the fuck are you talking about!!?? Islam and Paganism ARE RELIGIONS :asshole:

Rubbish. We fully understand why they're popular with pedophiles, though.
Here's why religion seems to better humans.....humans need to have defined limits.....humans need lines (not the kind Obama drew, I mean, REAL lines.....behavior limits and expectations)
Without them, you get savages. As the nations loses it's religious depth, have the number of savages decreased or increased?
How many savages are there that had no father in the home to teach them their "lines".

And humans need something to believe in greater than dust to dust.

That's what religion provides. Unfortunately, some, like radical Islamists, the Salem witch burners and the Alt-Left get carried away and can get stupid fanatical.

It's like asking what the world would be like without Sports. We could live without sports too.....but there are benefits.
Religion betters humans except when it doesn't, which is much of the time. I am an Atheist AND I am NOT a savage!! I am a sentient being who feels a connectedness through a life force with my fellow human beings. That connectedness, the fact that I am part of human society is what sets my boundaries. If you feel that the only thing between you and savagery is the belief in a sky fairy, that's your problem. Do not try to speak for the entire human species.

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