CDZ A Word About "Mods".


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Seldom are they written about because MOST if not all threads are hate threads. Few people understand that in order to be a mod you will be wrong ALL of the time no matter how you rule somebody will be pissed off.

The second drawback to being a mod is interaction. They get little to NO play on their threads. So in many cases becoming a mod means giving up posting content.

Being a mod is no easy task you sometimes see them come in at first like this.

But after a week of being yelled at and in many cases outright LIED about your typical mod is reduced to this.

The point being that many times they have given up or are even punished for the very thing they love and that IS the boards the blogs the forums. A good start to re-vitalizing their thoughts and opines is just to start rating their posts.

Think about it anyway.

Suppose they get tired and worn down like parents do with an unruly child that keeps repeating the same offense over and over again. How many times do I have to tell him the very same thing...
They are gluttons for punishment. ;@

Thanks for keeping this place running like a tight ship!
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Suppose they get tired and worn down like parents do with an unruly child that keeps repeating the same offense over and over again. How many times do I have to tell him the very same thing...
I just notice the interaction and it tends to be really poor. And a lot of it is based on fear. If you develop a habit of say hitting the "agree" symbol then they can at least come back with a @insert name and ask what part you agree with.

If you start with the agree part then you can build a positive for when you disagree. And they are every bit as reflective of the board on opines and thoughts as members.

I dunno.....I think I go just as hard at them as I do anybody else.

Taz has mellowed.
Doc, most the time, should have an I instead of an O in his name.
Joe's the same dude.
Coyote is still a coyote.
A&D makes it all better, tho :D

But, yea, it's a tough job. I've been a mod and supermod.
It's sorta like being an hourly supervisor....ya gotta keep order while balancing whatever dysfunctional relationships there might be on the boards.

I've seen this site have real Nazi-ish staff.
I think this bunch is the most "even keel" group we've had

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I dunno.....I think I go just as hard at them as I do anybody else.

Taz has mellowed.
Doc, most the time, should have an I instead of an O in his name.
Joe's the same dude.
Coyote is still a coyote.
A&D makes it all better, tho :D

But, yea, it's a tough job. I've been a mod and supermod.
It's sorta like being an hourly supervisor....ya gotta keep order while balancing whatever dysfunctional relationships there might be on the boards.

I've seen this site have real Nazi-ish staff.
I think this bunch is the most "even keel" group we've had

I was not talking about this board directly but an issue I had to deal with at my place{un-named} Anyway a member complained that "mods" should NEVER post a comment that disagrees with a member BECAUSE they are a mod.

I kind of like free speech myself so that did not fly. But you tend to see it everywhere to some extent and many don't realize and some just flat don't care. So anyway I wrote about there and thought the general idea would be good here.
Mods should not be allowed to interact. It's a conflict of interest. If they want to engage in debates they should resign as a mod.
I had a board as well. Two, in fact. Long ago. My admins and mods were to conduct themselves AS admins and mods, but they also were encouraged to be themselves. They knew when to put their mod hat on...and when to take it off. One, I caught doing something at another board affiliated with mine and it was not a good thing, what she was doing. So I fired her. And, I paid my staff. Not a lot, but still...they put in the time, they got paid for it.
Mods should not be allowed to interact. It's a conflict of interest. If they want to engage in debates they should resign as a mod.
Personally, I sorta agree with that because knowing they are staff, it's kinda hard to not want to tippytoe when "debating" an opinion. On the other hand, they should have the same perks we do...a place to post freely.
I knew of a board where staff used a different user name when not on duty. They had their staff user name underneath it, but when they "wore" their "regular poster" nic, it wasn't so..well..intimidating.

It's a fine line of mod'ing a board and being a regular poster at the same time and not crossing that line. And..they should be paid. USMB gets enough revenue with the ads they have...some of that should go to staff. ain't my board. I never want to own another one, that's for sure. Its a pain in the ass. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
USMB is easily one of the better boards out there. If I have one criticism it is that it isn't patrolled tight enough. We have had posters that readily admit they post everything in Politics so it gets the most eyeballs.
They need a staff member that is a night owl that can be here when assholes know nobody is around with spam and dick sucking animated gifs (yes, I saw that posted one time in the wee hours).
Mods should not be allowed to interact. It's a conflict of interest. If they want to engage in debates they should resign as a mod.

What would be the point of being a moderator here if we couldn't "interact"? Who would do that?

You know we're not paid, right?
You know what I'm talking about. Interacting as in engaging in debates. Obviously you have to interact from time to time relating to the board.
The other day a mod moved a perfectly political thread to another Forum because he said it didn't belong in Politics. It was obvious he did it because it was anti his ideology and because he could. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to piss-off a mod - a rather cowardly act on my part. I have vowed to myself not to be that cowardly in the future.

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