A way to improve our country starting November 4th

The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.
This is one of the most dangerous attitudes on the planet today.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

That's not my point. I'm not opposed to you having more. What I am saying is that "more" is not necessary for happiness.
No, you quite plainly said that Biden would take more money from everyone, and thus more possessions, and that they don't need it.

You are okay with government deciding what you need and taking what they decide you don't.

I'm sorry but no, i'm not saying that government should decide what you need. I am saying that despite less take home income due to increased taxes you can still find happiness in your lives that has more meaning than a material possession or bigger bank account.
You're absolutely correct. Happiness comes from seeking those things that fulfill you. Not money.

But the problem with your ideology is that you fail to take into account human nature. Humans are inherently lazy. They don't do anything unless it helps themselves.

So people that go out and bust their ass and make a good living have more and more taken from them, while liberal policies that take from them give things freely to people sitting on their ass. They are sitting on their ass for many reasons. The root is laziness. Why work when they give me enough to live. This creates a rift. A divide. So when you take enough from those that are busting their ass and now they only have the same level of comfort as someone who is sitting on their ass, those productive people will throw in the towel. This cycle is what causes socialism and communism to fail.

Humans need to have a system that inherently motivates them to do ANYTHING. That is capitalism. It is the ultimate reward system. It has many, many flaws that would fill an encyclopedia. But it's the only system that has lifted others out of poverty in such great numbers that it has been proven to work better than all the other flawed systems.

You're an ideologue. There are no unicorns. You need to start reading up on human nature and the history of failed socialist policies.
The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.
This is one of the most dangerous attitudes on the planet today.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

That's not my point. I'm not opposed to you having more. What I am saying is that "more" is not necessary for happiness.

Do you think a person is happier earning their own living or being dependent on the gov't? If the gov't is going to redistribute wealth, where is my incentive to bust ass? Innovate something? Be more productive in some way? No worries, I can sit on the back porch with the dog, smoking weed and watching the world go by confident that my gov't check will come on the 1st of the month. Be different if I was disabled, but I ain't; I could do stuff but why should I? Cuz if I do then my gov't check gets reduced and I'm no better off.

What do you think the rich guys and big corps will do in your scenario? I'm guessing they'll haul ass to somewhere else, taking jobs, business expansions, and new start-ups with them. You should read-up on the advantages of capitalism, no other economic model comes close to creating wealth and higher standards of living yet you want to dismantle it. And the foundation for that model is people wanting more than they currently have, and that's a good thing cuz it motivates them to achieve, produce, invent, improve, pionerr,a nd try new things. Big mistake to get away rom that.
The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.
This is one of the most dangerous attitudes on the planet today.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

That's not my point. I'm not opposed to you having more. What I am saying is that "more" is not necessary for happiness.
No, you quite plainly said that Biden would take more money from everyone, and thus more possessions, and that they don't need it.

You are okay with government deciding what you need and taking what they decide you don't.

I'm sorry but no, i'm not saying that government should decide what you need. I am saying that despite less take home income due to increased taxes you can still find happiness in your lives that has more meaning than a material possession or bigger bank account.

How much taxes?

A flat tax rate on income of at least 25% of your income would be a start for me and then an additional percentage based on your income bracket. Plus an increased sales tax. Businesses would also be taxed at a higher rate as well but all this money would go towards systems that all citizens would ultimately be investing in such as healthcare. Although if we were to go into more detail about healthcare it wouldn't be "free" like Democrats push for.
You do realize that a tax on business is paid by those that work, right? All of those costs will be passed on to the consumer. Thinking otherwise is nonsense.

So you are for taxing everyone at about a 65% tax rate. huh. Wow.
The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.
This is one of the most dangerous attitudes on the planet today.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

That's not my point. I'm not opposed to you having more. What I am saying is that "more" is not necessary for happiness.
No, you quite plainly said that Biden would take more money from everyone, and thus more possessions, and that they don't need it.

You are okay with government deciding what you need and taking what they decide you don't.

I'm sorry but no, i'm not saying that government should decide what you need. I am saying that despite less take home income due to increased taxes you can still find happiness in your lives that has more meaning than a material possession or bigger bank account.

How much taxes?

A flat tax rate on income of at least 25% of your income would be a start for me and then an additional percentage based on your income bracket. Plus an increased sales tax. Businesses would also be taxed at a higher rate as well but all this money would go towards systems that all citizens would ultimately be investing in such as healthcare. Although if we were to go into more detail about healthcare it wouldn't be "free" like Democrats push for.

How about this?

There is a lesson about taxation that comes from a book written three millennia ago.

Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).

That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33
" And before it's said this is not a call for communism. "

Yes it is, although you don't seem to realize it. You're talking about raising taxes on everybody and redistributing it according to the gov'ts determination of needs. That is de facto communism, perhaps not your intended result but it is the final outcome once the gov't gets control of who gets what. Should someone with more talent, ambition, perseverance, and hard work benefit from that? You say no, that person has to pay more in taxes to pay for improving the lifestyle of someone who doesn't even make the effort. Merit gets you nothing or next to nothing extra, but I'd bet your connections would in your world. That's how reality works, if you're Hunter Biden then you're all for it; but if you're nobody then you're fucked.

Not quite what I am saying. If I were to go into more detail about a redistribution then I would not go along with what many in the Democratic Party are advocating for which is increased taxes on the wealthiest to help supplement the income or lives of the poorest people or even people that basically mooch off of the system. The redistribution of wealth and the dismantling of capitalism is not a belief that I have. My belief is in using capitalism to create systems that benefit all that pay in. So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed. This a lengthier topic though.

"So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed."

Yeah, but that's not what Biden and the democrats want, or at least what they're saying. Biden wants to raise taxes on only the wealthy that make $400,000 or more, and that just ain't close to being enough. Estimates I've seen for single payer or Medicare for All put the cost at something like $30 trillion over 10 years, which means everybody has to pay in and a lot of money too. But Biden and the democrats are not being honest about the cost, they don't tell us that part cuz they know the raising taxes to cover the real cost of healthcare for everybody is quite staggering and people won't vote for that.

My opinion, if it's free then people will abuse it. And BTW we don't have enough providers and facilities to handle the increase in demand. There's gotta be some skin in th game, over and above your taxes; if you've smoked and drinked, and done drugs, and got grossly overweight and now you've got health problems, am I supposed to help pay for your excesses? If we as a society do that, are we dis-incentivizing people to live a healthy lifestyle cuz we'll still take care of you if you don't?
" And before it's said this is not a call for communism. "

Yes it is, although you don't seem to realize it. You're talking about raising taxes on everybody and redistributing it according to the gov'ts determination of needs. That is de facto communism, perhaps not your intended result but it is the final outcome once the gov't gets control of who gets what. Should someone with more talent, ambition, perseverance, and hard work benefit from that? You say no, that person has to pay more in taxes to pay for improving the lifestyle of someone who doesn't even make the effort. Merit gets you nothing or next to nothing extra, but I'd bet your connections would in your world. That's how reality works, if you're Hunter Biden then you're all for it; but if you're nobody then you're fucked.

Not quite what I am saying. If I were to go into more detail about a redistribution then I would not go along with what many in the Democratic Party are advocating for which is increased taxes on the wealthiest to help supplement the income or lives of the poorest people or even people that basically mooch off of the system. The redistribution of wealth and the dismantling of capitalism is not a belief that I have. My belief is in using capitalism to create systems that benefit all that pay in. So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed. This a lengthier topic though.

"So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed."

Yeah, but that's not what Biden and the democrats want, or at least what they're saying. Biden wants to raise taxes on only the wealthy that make $400,000 or more, and that just ain't close to being enough. Estimates I've seen for single payer or Medicare for All put the cost at something like $30 trillion over 10 years, which means everybody has to pay in and a lot of money too. But Biden and the democrats are not being honest about the cost, they don't tell us that part cuz they know the raising taxes to cover the real cost of healthcare for everybody is quite staggering and people won't vote for that.

My opinion, if it's free then people will abuse it. And BTW we don't have enough providers and facilities to handle the increase in demand. There's gotta be some skin in th game, over and above your taxes; if you've smoked and drinked, and done drugs, and got grossly overweight and now you've got health problems, am I supposed to help pay for your excesses? If we as a society do that, are we dis-incentivizing people to live a healthy lifestyle cuz we'll still take care of you if you don't?
Grace explicitly advocated capitalism. Trump advocated increasing prices of goods so American workers could earn more. Are the Trump voters now abandoning his trade policy?
The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.
This is one of the most dangerous attitudes on the planet today.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

That's not my point. I'm not opposed to you having more. What I am saying is that "more" is not necessary for happiness.
No, you quite plainly said that Biden would take more money from everyone, and thus more possessions, and that they don't need it.

You are okay with government deciding what you need and taking what they decide you don't.

I'm sorry but no, i'm not saying that government should decide what you need. I am saying that despite less take home income due to increased taxes you can still find happiness in your lives that has more meaning than a material possession or bigger bank account.
Sieg heil.
The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.
This is one of the most dangerous attitudes on the planet today.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

That's not my point. I'm not opposed to you having more. What I am saying is that "more" is not necessary for happiness.

Do you think a person is happier earning their own living or being dependent on the gov't? If the gov't is going to redistribute wealth, where is my incentive to bust ass? Innovate something? Be more productive in some way? No worries, I can sit on the back porch with the dog, smoking weed and watching the world go by confident that my gov't check will come on the 1st of the month. Be different if I was disabled, but I ain't; I could do stuff but why should I? Cuz if I do then my gov't check gets reduced and I'm no better off.

What do you think the rich guys and big corps will do in your scenario? I'm guessing they'll haul ass to somewhere else, taking jobs, business expansions, and new start-ups with them. You should read-up on the advantages of capitalism, no other economic model comes close to creating wealth and higher standards of living yet you want to dismantle it. And the foundation for that model is people wanting more than they currently have, and that's a good thing cuz it motivates them to achieve, produce, invent, improve, pionerr,a nd try new things. Big mistake to get away rom that.

I'm not personally calling for the redistribution of wealth or calling for people to not have to work and rely on "free" money from the government. I haven't gone into that much detail on the topic. I'm also not calling for the end of capitalism since I agree that capitalism is the best system for what I am also advocating for. What I would call for is a different approach to utilizing the wealth generated by capitalism.
" And before it's said this is not a call for communism. "

Yes it is, although you don't seem to realize it. You're talking about raising taxes on everybody and redistributing it according to the gov'ts determination of needs. That is de facto communism, perhaps not your intended result but it is the final outcome once the gov't gets control of who gets what. Should someone with more talent, ambition, perseverance, and hard work benefit from that? You say no, that person has to pay more in taxes to pay for improving the lifestyle of someone who doesn't even make the effort. Merit gets you nothing or next to nothing extra, but I'd bet your connections would in your world. That's how reality works, if you're Hunter Biden then you're all for it; but if you're nobody then you're fucked.

Not quite what I am saying. If I were to go into more detail about a redistribution then I would not go along with what many in the Democratic Party are advocating for which is increased taxes on the wealthiest to help supplement the income or lives of the poorest people or even people that basically mooch off of the system. The redistribution of wealth and the dismantling of capitalism is not a belief that I have. My belief is in using capitalism to create systems that benefit all that pay in. So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed. This a lengthier topic though.

"So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed."

Yeah, but that's not what Biden and the democrats want, or at least what they're saying. Biden wants to raise taxes on only the wealthy that make $400,000 or more, and that just ain't close to being enough. Estimates I've seen for single payer or Medicare for All put the cost at something like $30 trillion over 10 years, which means everybody has to pay in and a lot of money too. But Biden and the democrats are not being honest about the cost, they don't tell us that part cuz they know the raising taxes to cover the real cost of healthcare for everybody is quite staggering and people won't vote for that.

My opinion, if it's free then people will abuse it. And BTW we don't have enough providers and facilities to handle the increase in demand. There's gotta be some skin in th game, over and above your taxes; if you've smoked and drinked, and done drugs, and got grossly overweight and now you've got health problems, am I supposed to help pay for your excesses? If we as a society do that, are we dis-incentivizing people to live a healthy lifestyle cuz we'll still take care of you if you don't?

I agree that the healthcare system that Biden and the Democrats want is not realistic and it's also not the system that I would advocate for. The standard Democratic system is to tax the rich so that we all have free healthcare, that's obviously unrealistic. What I would call for is increased taxes for all citizens, both flat tax and a tax based on income bracket, along with increased sales tax, business taxes and so on, which would all go towards investing in a system for all citizens that we all pay into and all have the incentive to want to have it succeed. It wouldn't be "free" either unless you are a child or a senior citizen. Everybody would have to pay a deductible every year out of pocket and then once that deductible is reached and then a future service would be "free" for the remainder of that calendar year with exceptions. It would still bring money into the system through the services provided along side the increased funding through taxes. There's more detail that will come from it but the point is that i'm not calling for what Biden wants.
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I've typed this out maybe like four times now and i'll probably never be abel to get these thoughts out properly. In my opinion, and this is just as I see it, in all likelihood Joe Biden will be our next president and there will be economic and social tilts back towards the left side of politics over the next four years which will make millions of people happy and millions of people mad. We've seen what hyper partisanship gets us in this country from both sides and it's pretty unappealing to me. The pendulum focus of every four years giving the other side relative pain for your four years of political happiness just doesn't work and it isn't a long term system that will bring us together or make our country better in my opinion. We have to change our focus.

I thought about this last night and then again early this morning. A good way of helping to increase happiness in this country is a focus on the simpler things in life that add mental comfort to our life. Starting November 4th there will be millions of people who are angry about the outcome of the election. They will assume the worst and will look around at all of their material possessions, their finances, their social beliefs, their preferences, and will be certain that it will all come crashing down around them resulting in pain and years of miserableness. Most of that, in my opinion, is based on months or years of manufactured fear and usually doesn't translate to reality. All the while they will be surrounded by people they love and mental comforts that no politician can really take from them.

Let's say if Biden wins and you are mad. There is a probability that your taxes will go up in order to help all Americans regardless of their position or status have quality healthcare. You may lose some physical money to those taxes upfront or have some anger or resentment that your lifestyle isn't going to be as materially acceptable as you hoped because your take home isn't as much anymore, but you haven't lost your ability to find peace in nature and with those you love. You really haven't lost your ability to sit outside on a cold night and get together with close friends, light some candles, cover with blankets and have drinks together around a fire nearly for free which is one of our favorite things to do personally. You really haven't lost your ability to spend time with your spouse, your dog, your kids if you have kids, your parents or grandparents doing activities that cost very little money but are fulfilling in your mind and your heart. You really haven't lost your ability to determine what truly matters most in your life all because a politician or political party that you don't like is now in power and affected your temporary wants or desires.

Our country needs a mentality switch, a different focus, in my opinion. There are greater things in our lives already than winning and political triumph. Would you be willing to live a slightly more minimalist lifestyle if it meant more quality time with family and friends and less time focusing on upgrading, buying, and having? Would you be willing to live a little more simply if it means others that have had more struggles than you in their lives can feel some relief and live similarly to you because they are able to take care of their health and start living? Would you be willing to be ok with a loss politically if it means people can be their full self without the fear of bigotry or judgment? Would you be willing to sacrifice at the pump or in other ways to help the health of our planet which in turn will mean long term health and happiness for you and your family? I know I would and I already try to. My basic point is that more money, more material possessions, more profit, more political winning, more guns, more anger, more division, more selfishness, more pollution, more looking to the past will not help our collective well-being or our country in the future.

And before it's said this is not a call for communism. I've had a thread before on here that talked about how I am for adopting a more ethical and functional form of capitalism which is I advocate for. This is mainly just to highlight that right now regardless of politics there are things in our lives that can bring joy and happiness that cost very little money and that exist regardless of who is president, but it seems like millions of people seem to value the material wants and the political wins more, and that's where I think we should work the a change in our country post-election.
When Trump wins ship all the America haters off to Gitmo for some waterboarding
The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.
This is one of the most dangerous attitudes on the planet today.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

That's not my point. I'm not opposed to you having more. What I am saying is that "more" is not necessary for happiness.

Do you think a person is happier earning their own living or being dependent on the gov't? If the gov't is going to redistribute wealth, where is my incentive to bust ass? Innovate something? Be more productive in some way? No worries, I can sit on the back porch with the dog, smoking weed and watching the world go by confident that my gov't check will come on the 1st of the month. Be different if I was disabled, but I ain't; I could do stuff but why should I? Cuz if I do then my gov't check gets reduced and I'm no better off.

What do you think the rich guys and big corps will do in your scenario? I'm guessing they'll haul ass to somewhere else, taking jobs, business expansions, and new start-ups with them. You should read-up on the advantages of capitalism, no other economic model comes close to creating wealth and higher standards of living yet you want to dismantle it. And the foundation for that model is people wanting more than they currently have, and that's a good thing cuz it motivates them to achieve, produce, invent, improve, pionerr,a nd try new things. Big mistake to get away rom that.

I'm not personally calling for the redistribution of wealth or calling for people to not have to work and rely on "free" money from the government. I haven't gone into that much detail on the topic. I'm also not calling for the end of capitalism since I agree that capitalism is the best system for what I am also advocating for. What I would call for is a different approach to utilizing the wealth generated by capitalism.
You have to do the math. There isn't enough money to do all of the things that the lefties want to do. Again - when you tax people to the level you are suggesting, productivity will fall. The economy will fail. We "Americans" don't have that kind of money and no other countries do excepting a few.
" And before it's said this is not a call for communism. "

Yes it is, although you don't seem to realize it. You're talking about raising taxes on everybody and redistributing it according to the gov'ts determination of needs. That is de facto communism, perhaps not your intended result but it is the final outcome once the gov't gets control of who gets what. Should someone with more talent, ambition, perseverance, and hard work benefit from that? You say no, that person has to pay more in taxes to pay for improving the lifestyle of someone who doesn't even make the effort. Merit gets you nothing or next to nothing extra, but I'd bet your connections would in your world. That's how reality works, if you're Hunter Biden then you're all for it; but if you're nobody then you're fucked.

Not quite what I am saying. If I were to go into more detail about a redistribution then I would not go along with what many in the Democratic Party are advocating for which is increased taxes on the wealthiest to help supplement the income or lives of the poorest people or even people that basically mooch off of the system. The redistribution of wealth and the dismantling of capitalism is not a belief that I have. My belief is in using capitalism to create systems that benefit all that pay in. So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed. This a lengthier topic though.

"So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed."

Yeah, but that's not what Biden and the democrats want, or at least what they're saying. Biden wants to raise taxes on only the wealthy that make $400,000 or more, and that just ain't close to being enough. Estimates I've seen for single payer or Medicare for All put the cost at something like $30 trillion over 10 years, which means everybody has to pay in and a lot of money too. But Biden and the democrats are not being honest about the cost, they don't tell us that part cuz they know the raising taxes to cover the real cost of healthcare for everybody is quite staggering and people won't vote for that.

My opinion, if it's free then people will abuse it. And BTW we don't have enough providers and facilities to handle the increase in demand. There's gotta be some skin in th game, over and above your taxes; if you've smoked and drinked, and done drugs, and got grossly overweight and now you've got health problems, am I supposed to help pay for your excesses? If we as a society do that, are we dis-incentivizing people to live a healthy lifestyle cuz we'll still take care of you if you don't?

I agree that the healthcare system that Biden and the Democrats want is not realistic and it's also not the system that I would advocate for. The standard Democratic system is to tax the rich so that we all have free healthcare, that's obviously unrealistic. What I would call for is increased taxes for all citizens, both flat tax and a tax based on income bracket, along with increased sales tax, business taxes and so on, which would all go towards investing in a system for all citizens that we all pay into and all have the incentive to want to have it succeed. It wouldn't be "free" either unless you are a child or a senior citizen. Everybody would have to pay a deductible every year out of pocket and then once that deductible is reached and then a future service would be "free" for the remainder of that calendar year with exceptions. It would still bring money into the system through the services provided along side the increased funding through taxes. There's more detail that will come from it but the point is that i'm not calling for what Biden wants.
You're calling for socialism. A "system" that is controlled by the government is socialism. The government is not efficient at ANYTHING and produces NOTHING except infrastructure. Our government is a tax on the products we produce. The government is blood sucking overhead.
Equal sharing of misery right PROGS? I wonder why national healthcare systems are experiencing among the highest COVID mortality rates, while the US isn't?

Youth desire "free" healthcare. I wonder if that's because they're wise or they have better things to spend their money on, such as beer, drugs, travel & gadgets? Someone convince me why I should buy them the healthcare they won't buy themselves?

Someone explain why I should pay the healthcare for someone who is unemployed, and will remain so because they burned their own neighborhoods to the ground and/or have no intention of working or taking care of themselves?

Explain why I should pay for the healthcare for mothers using welfare to excuse the eight children she's too lazy and stoned for to raise?

Explain why I should pay the healthcare for illegals who rob our country of identity and resources, only so they can support Demoinicrats who want everyone dumb, lazy, poor and easily manipulated?
I've typed this out maybe like four times now and i'll probably never be abel to get these thoughts out properly. In my opinion, and this is just as I see it, in all likelihood Joe Biden will be our next president and there will be economic and social tilts back towards the left side of politics over the next four years which will make millions of people happy and millions of people mad. We've seen what hyper partisanship gets us in this country from both sides and it's pretty unappealing to me. The pendulum focus of every four years giving the other side relative pain for your four years of political happiness just doesn't work and it isn't a long term system that will bring us together or make our country better in my opinion. We have to change our focus.

I thought about this last night and then again early this morning. A good way of helping to increase happiness in this country is a focus on the simpler things in life that add mental comfort to our life. Starting November 4th there will be millions of people who are angry about the outcome of the election. They will assume the worst and will look around at all of their material possessions, their finances, their social beliefs, their preferences, and will be certain that it will all come crashing down around them resulting in pain and years of miserableness. Most of that, in my opinion, is based on months or years of manufactured fear and usually doesn't translate to reality. All the while they will be surrounded by people they love and mental comforts that no politician can really take from them.

Let's say if Biden wins and you are mad. There is a probability that your taxes will go up in order to help all Americans regardless of their position or status have quality healthcare. You may lose some physical money to those taxes upfront or have some anger or resentment that your lifestyle isn't going to be as materially acceptable as you hoped because your take home isn't as much anymore, but you haven't lost your ability to find peace in nature and with those you love. You really haven't lost your ability to sit outside on a cold night and get together with close friends, light some candles, cover with blankets and have drinks together around a fire nearly for free which is one of our favorite things to do personally. You really haven't lost your ability to spend time with your spouse, your dog, your kids if you have kids, your parents or grandparents doing activities that cost very little money but are fulfilling in your mind and your heart. You really haven't lost your ability to determine what truly matters most in your life all because a politician or political party that you don't like is now in power and affected your temporary wants or desires.

Our country needs a mentality switch, a different focus, in my opinion. There are greater things in our lives already than winning and political triumph. Would you be willing to live a slightly more minimalist lifestyle if it meant more quality time with family and friends and less time focusing on upgrading, buying, and having? Would you be willing to live a little more simply if it means others that have had more struggles than you in their lives can feel some relief and live similarly to you because they are able to take care of their health and start living? Would you be willing to be ok with a loss politically if it means people can be their full self without the fear of bigotry or judgment? Would you be willing to sacrifice at the pump or in other ways to help the health of our planet which in turn will mean long term health and happiness for you and your family? I know I would and I already try to. My basic point is that more money, more material possessions, more profit, more political winning, more guns, more anger, more division, more selfishness, more pollution, more looking to the past will not help our collective well-being or our country in the future.

And before it's said this is not a call for communism. I've had a thread before on here that talked about how I am for adopting a more ethical and functional form of capitalism which is I advocate for. This is mainly just to highlight that right now regardless of politics there are things in our lives that can bring joy and happiness that cost very little money and that exist regardless of who is president, but it seems like millions of people seem to value the material wants and the political wins more, and that's where I think we should work the a change in our country post-election.
I stopped reading after "...in all likelihood Joe Biden will be our next president...."

You can't say that with straight face. At best, it's still up for grabs.
Being from Oregon the OP and Grace appear to be products of the liberal education system, probably including "Critical Race Theory" and other nonsense. If Biden wins we will see stupid "never right" Joe drive the bus for a few days until Nancy can yank him out of the WH using the new simplified 25th Amendment the dems want.
Then all hell will break loose as the real leftists try to drive the bus. Should be interesting. Let's just hope Trump wins.

Such fantasy bullshit.
I've typed this out maybe like four times now and i'll probably never be abel to get these thoughts out properly. In my opinion, and this is just as I see it, in all likelihood Joe Biden will be our next president and there will be economic and social tilts back towards the left side of politics over the next four years which will make millions of people happy and millions of people mad. We've seen what hyper partisanship gets us in this country from both sides and it's pretty unappealing to me. The pendulum focus of every four years giving the other side relative pain for your four years of political happiness just doesn't work and it isn't a long term system that will bring us together or make our country better in my opinion. We have to change our focus.

I thought about this last night and then again early this morning. A good way of helping to increase happiness in this country is a focus on the simpler things in life that add mental comfort to our life. Starting November 4th there will be millions of people who are angry about the outcome of the election. They will assume the worst and will look around at all of their material possessions, their finances, their social beliefs, their preferences, and will be certain that it will all come crashing down around them resulting in pain and years of miserableness. Most of that, in my opinion, is based on months or years of manufactured fear and usually doesn't translate to reality. All the while they will be surrounded by people they love and mental comforts that no politician can really take from them.

Let's say if Biden wins and you are mad. There is a probability that your taxes will go up in order to help all Americans regardless of their position or status have quality healthcare. You may lose some physical money to those taxes upfront or have some anger or resentment that your lifestyle isn't going to be as materially acceptable as you hoped because your take home isn't as much anymore, but you haven't lost your ability to find peace in nature and with those you love. You really haven't lost your ability to sit outside on a cold night and get together with close friends, light some candles, cover with blankets and have drinks together around a fire nearly for free which is one of our favorite things to do personally. You really haven't lost your ability to spend time with your spouse, your dog, your kids if you have kids, your parents or grandparents doing activities that cost very little money but are fulfilling in your mind and your heart. You really haven't lost your ability to determine what truly matters most in your life all because a politician or political party that you don't like is now in power and affected your temporary wants or desires.

Our country needs a mentality switch, a different focus, in my opinion. There are greater things in our lives already than winning and political triumph. Would you be willing to live a slightly more minimalist lifestyle if it meant more quality time with family and friends and less time focusing on upgrading, buying, and having? Would you be willing to live a little more simply if it means others that have had more struggles than you in their lives can feel some relief and live similarly to you because they are able to take care of their health and start living? Would you be willing to be ok with a loss politically if it means people can be their full self without the fear of bigotry or judgment? Would you be willing to sacrifice at the pump or in other ways to help the health of our planet which in turn will mean long term health and happiness for you and your family? I know I would and I already try to. My basic point is that more money, more material possessions, more profit, more political winning, more guns, more anger, more division, more selfishness, more pollution, more looking to the past will not help our collective well-being or our country in the future.

And before it's said this is not a call for communism. I've had a thread before on here that talked about how I am for adopting a more ethical and functional form of capitalism which is I advocate for. This is mainly just to highlight that right now regardless of politics there are things in our lives that can bring joy and happiness that cost very little money and that exist regardless of who is president, but it seems like millions of people seem to value the material wants and the political wins more, and that's where I think we should work the a change in our country post-election.
Both left-leaning and right-leaning analysts say Biden's plans will not increase taxes on the middle class. Just the rich.

What I think will happen if the Democrats win the House, the Senate, and the Executive is that the Right will challenge every piece of legislation in court, and demand the Supremes be activist judges.

They have shown themselves to be profound hypocrites on everything else, so why not.

Watch and see.

Did you hear Biden will see that Americans receive an average increase of 15K annually on their pay checks, and the beauty doesn't stop there, because he promises an average of 9K annual savings in healthcare too.

Your source is trash. All things PROG are trash, not a word to their messages are valuable, just blah blah blah.
What you fail to understand is we live in a Constitutional Republic with laws to protect us from govt tyranny. We have inherent basic human rights that exceed any legitimate ability for a govt to take from us. Once we see our rights being violated by a govt, it's our duty to put a stop to it. Who are you to tell us how much money we should be allowed to keep? Are we no longer allowed to enjoy the fruits of our own labor or is that not a right, just a privilege?
You think we should stand down to get along, even if it means compromising our own beliefs & moral code because 51% of voters have gone batsh!t crazy? That is not freedom, that is tyranny by mob rule.
BTW, your assumption that Creepy Joe is going to win is wishful thinking, probably based on false polling purposely misleading sheople to influence this election for a desired outcome.
This debate tonight is going to be interesting. How long till Trump starts with the Obiden family corruption that MSM ignores or lies about?

I probably didn't do a great job in my OP of explain this better but i'm not asking you to no longer enjoy the fruits of your labor or to compromise your beliefs or moral code. I'm just saying that in many ways you already have so much more around you that is basically free and just as rewarding. The fear that you might take home less in a paycheck because of increased taxes would have less of a mental impact on people if people just realized that you can still fully enjoy life without many unnecessary material possessions and wants that end up being the main driver of the need of personal wealth.

It's like if you have ever lost power in your home and so you light some candles and read a book or play a board game. You recognize the simplicity in that and its great for mental health. Or if your phone is off and you end up paying more attention to whats around you that makes you happier. I'm not saying Biden will do that for you, he won't, he can't, but my main point was that we as Americans often focus on things that ultimately don't help our mental health or our collective well-being as a society. Success in the US is generally centered around individual wealth and power (even in our personal lives). What I am saying is that the real wealth is much simpler, and the real power is having everybody's well-being in mind.
sorry but the leftists and there childish action will not be forgotten they will be dealt with
Equal sharing of misery right PROGS? I wonder why national healthcare systems are experiencing among the highest COVID mortality rates, while the US isn't?

Youth desire "free" healthcare. I wonder if that's because they're wise or they have better things to spend their money on, such as beer, drugs, travel & gadgets? Someone convince me why I should buy them the healthcare they won't buy themselves?

Someone explain why I should pay the healthcare for someone who is unemployed, and will remain so because they burned their own neighborhoods to the ground and/or have no intention of working or taking care of themselves?

Explain why I should pay for the healthcare for mothers using welfare to excuse the eight children she's too lazy and stoned for to raise?

Explain why I should pay the healthcare for illegals who rob our country of identity and resources, only so they can support Demoinicrats who want everyone dumb, lazy, poor and easily manipulated?

I'm frankly not asking you to do any of that in this thread topic.
" And before it's said this is not a call for communism. "

Yes it is, although you don't seem to realize it. You're talking about raising taxes on everybody and redistributing it according to the gov'ts determination of needs. That is de facto communism, perhaps not your intended result but it is the final outcome once the gov't gets control of who gets what. Should someone with more talent, ambition, perseverance, and hard work benefit from that? You say no, that person has to pay more in taxes to pay for improving the lifestyle of someone who doesn't even make the effort. Merit gets you nothing or next to nothing extra, but I'd bet your connections would in your world. That's how reality works, if you're Hunter Biden then you're all for it; but if you're nobody then you're fucked.

Not quite what I am saying. If I were to go into more detail about a redistribution then I would not go along with what many in the Democratic Party are advocating for which is increased taxes on the wealthiest to help supplement the income or lives of the poorest people or even people that basically mooch off of the system. The redistribution of wealth and the dismantling of capitalism is not a belief that I have. My belief is in using capitalism to create systems that benefit all that pay in. So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed. This a lengthier topic though.

"So for example with healthcare for me everybody would pay in to that system, janitor to CEO to doctor to fisherman, and so on, and create that system to where it gives everybody equal interest and equal ownership in seeing it succeed."

Yeah, but that's not what Biden and the democrats want, or at least what they're saying. Biden wants to raise taxes on only the wealthy that make $400,000 or more, and that just ain't close to being enough. Estimates I've seen for single payer or Medicare for All put the cost at something like $30 trillion over 10 years, which means everybody has to pay in and a lot of money too. But Biden and the democrats are not being honest about the cost, they don't tell us that part cuz they know the raising taxes to cover the real cost of healthcare for everybody is quite staggering and people won't vote for that.

My opinion, if it's free then people will abuse it. And BTW we don't have enough providers and facilities to handle the increase in demand. There's gotta be some skin in th game, over and above your taxes; if you've smoked and drinked, and done drugs, and got grossly overweight and now you've got health problems, am I supposed to help pay for your excesses? If we as a society do that, are we dis-incentivizing people to live a healthy lifestyle cuz we'll still take care of you if you don't?

I agree that the healthcare system that Biden and the Democrats want is not realistic and it's also not the system that I would advocate for. The standard Democratic system is to tax the rich so that we all have free healthcare, that's obviously unrealistic. What I would call for is increased taxes for all citizens, both flat tax and a tax based on income bracket, along with increased sales tax, business taxes and so on, which would all go towards investing in a system for all citizens that we all pay into and all have the incentive to want to have it succeed. It wouldn't be "free" either unless you are a child or a senior citizen. Everybody would have to pay a deductible every year out of pocket and then once that deductible is reached and then a future service would be "free" for the remainder of that calendar year with exceptions. It would still bring money into the system through the services provided along side the increased funding through taxes. There's more detail that will come from it but the point is that i'm not calling for what Biden wants.
You're calling for socialism. A "system" that is controlled by the government is socialism. The government is not efficient at ANYTHING and produces NOTHING except infrastructure. Our government is a tax on the products we produce. The government is blood sucking overhead.

It's not really a matter of one system or the other in my opinion. It's not really an either/or. We can utilize capitalism for the betterment of the many and not just the individual. A nationalized universal healthcare system that is primarily funded by basic taxes and payroll contributions generated by the capitalist would not make the US a "socialist" country but just blending certain economic systems for certain social systems. I'm not saying that private health insurance would be banned or anything like that, but if we made a universal system good enough and fair enough then the vast majority of the country would probably opt in.
I've typed this out maybe like four times now and i'll probably never be abel to get these thoughts out properly. In my opinion, and this is just as I see it, in all likelihood Joe Biden will be our next president and there will be economic and social tilts back towards the left side of politics over the next four years which will make millions of people happy and millions of people mad. We've seen what hyper partisanship gets us in this country from both sides and it's pretty unappealing to me. The pendulum focus of every four years giving the other side relative pain for your four years of political happiness just doesn't work and it isn't a long term system that will bring us together or make our country better in my opinion. We have to change our focus.

I thought about this last night and then again early this morning. A good way of helping to increase happiness in this country is a focus on the simpler things in life that add mental comfort to our life. Starting November 4th there will be millions of people who are angry about the outcome of the election. They will assume the worst and will look around at all of their material possessions, their finances, their social beliefs, their preferences, and will be certain that it will all come crashing down around them resulting in pain and years of miserableness. Most of that, in my opinion, is based on months or years of manufactured fear and usually doesn't translate to reality. All the while they will be surrounded by people they love and mental comforts that no politician can really take from them.

Let's say if Biden wins and you are mad. There is a probability that your taxes will go up in order to help all Americans regardless of their position or status have quality healthcare. You may lose some physical money to those taxes upfront or have some anger or resentment that your lifestyle isn't going to be as materially acceptable as you hoped because your take home isn't as much anymore, but you haven't lost your ability to find peace in nature and with those you love. You really haven't lost your ability to sit outside on a cold night and get together with close friends, light some candles, cover with blankets and have drinks together around a fire nearly for free which is one of our favorite things to do personally. You really haven't lost your ability to spend time with your spouse, your dog, your kids if you have kids, your parents or grandparents doing activities that cost very little money but are fulfilling in your mind and your heart. You really haven't lost your ability to determine what truly matters most in your life all because a politician or political party that you don't like is now in power and affected your temporary wants or desires.

Our country needs a mentality switch, a different focus, in my opinion. There are greater things in our lives already than winning and political triumph. Would you be willing to live a slightly more minimalist lifestyle if it meant more quality time with family and friends and less time focusing on upgrading, buying, and having? Would you be willing to live a little more simply if it means others that have had more struggles than you in their lives can feel some relief and live similarly to you because they are able to take care of their health and start living? Would you be willing to be ok with a loss politically if it means people can be their full self without the fear of bigotry or judgment? Would you be willing to sacrifice at the pump or in other ways to help the health of our planet which in turn will mean long term health and happiness for you and your family? I know I would and I already try to. My basic point is that more money, more material possessions, more profit, more political winning, more guns, more anger, more division, more selfishness, more pollution, more looking to the past will not help our collective well-being or our country in the future.

And before it's said this is not a call for communism. I've had a thread before on here that talked about how I am for adopting a more ethical and functional form of capitalism which is I advocate for. This is mainly just to highlight that right now regardless of politics there are things in our lives that can bring joy and happiness that cost very little money and that exist regardless of who is president, but it seems like millions of people seem to value the material wants and the political wins more, and that's where I think we should work the a change in our country post-election.
I stopped reading after "...in all likelihood Joe Biden will be our next president...."

You can't say that with straight face. At best, it's still up for grabs.

Even if Trump wins the main points in my OP still remain.

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