A vacation for Barron Trump?

There used to be a time when a President's family was off limits, especially kids but TDS changed the limits of public discourse.

Yes...we used to be politically correct and concerned with the feelings of others

The election of Trump changed all that

There used to be a time when a President's family was off limits, especially kids but TDS changed the limits of public discourse.
When was that? I seem to remember the country has always been quite delighted to watch the First Children grow, starting with Caroline and John Kennedy.
Little tRump will turn out to be a quite intelligent and certainly extremely educated guy and, I'll guess, he will avoid politics at any way possible(maybe bidding govt contracts)
He and his sisters will be scoured by the paparazzi( pizzareroz scumbags) for his entire life.
Look. Baron wore this, Baron was at a titty bar, Baron was seen fishing, Baron has a Mezkin gurl he's apparently fucking, Baron ate food at &&^%$##.Baron bought a Ferrari
Poor lil bastard.That will go on until he's Dons age..........unless the US get's some 'shroom clouds first ( a distinct possibility)
" Money can't buy you love"
Oh shut the fuck up. You don't give a rat's ass about Barron, you're just looking for another excuse to attack Trump.
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.

I call shenanigans. If you actually cared about Barron, you wouldn't gossip about him on the interwebs. You know very little about his life - and what you do know is largely biased, sensationalized reporting by the Trump-hating media.
What I've read has been just the facts and not at all negative or sensationalized. I did another search this morning and listened to YouTube vids, read articles from several mags. There was NOTHING at all negative about Barron in them. And there is nothing negative in what I said, either, except that his Dad ought to take him on a fun vacation!

You have no idea what Barron's life is like or that it lacks fun, enjoyable times with his family.
Neither do you. I hope he's having fun. It's just hard for me to imagine having to be in his place.

I'm not the one opining about his life, hun.
Oh shut the fuck up. You don't give a rat's ass about Barron, you're just looking for another excuse to attack Trump.
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.

I call shenanigans. If you actually cared about Barron, you wouldn't gossip about him on the interwebs. You know very little about his life - and what you do know is largely biased, sensationalized reporting by the Trump-hating media.
She is concerned with the apparent lack of activities with his father who seems more concerned with himself

That is b'loney. You have no idea what Barron's activities actually are. None of us do.

We do have an idea of what Trumps activities are

They don’t involve Barron or his grandkids

B'loney. You only know what the Prog Media Spins.
Awww the libbies are all worried that they can't shove another decapitated head in Barron's face so they can giggle over his reaction.


Maybe they want more long distance analysis claiming the child is autistic.


Maybe they will just ambush him and threaten his life.

All those things would be horrible, but it still wouldn't be as bad as those kids on the border who were taken from their parents, and may never be reunited with them again. That would be really bad.
Nah....according to CRCs, they've got it good and could leave at any time.
Awww the libbies are all worried that they can't shove another decapitated head in Barron's face so they can giggle over his reaction.


Maybe they want more long distance analysis claiming the child is autistic.


Maybe they will just ambush him and threaten his life.

All those things would be horrible, but it still wouldn't be as bad as those kids on the border who were taken from their parents, and may never be reunited with them again. That would be really bad.
The children at The border should be packed up and returned to their country of origin. Any adult caught with them should be prosecuted for trafficking. If you think that you (fool that you are) could find some sort of sympathy for the invaders and their larva at the border change your mind. Their highest and best purpose would be to feed the animals in zoos around the world. Some of them are starving.
There used to be a time when a President's family was off limits, especially kids but TDS changed the limits of public discourse.

It didn't start with Trump. There's a reason Chelsea Clinton has openly defended Barron.
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.

So ya think he should be smokin weed and twerking?
This is a quiz. What did I SAY I hoped he was doing?

You brought up Sasha and Melia.....the weed smokin twerkers.

Oh the shame

Smoking weed and twerking at their age?
Hell yes for shame.
I guess you'd be okay with your daughters turning tricks.
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.

So ya think he should be smokin weed and twerking?
This is a quiz. What did I SAY I hoped he was doing?

You brought up Sasha and Melia.....the weed smokin twerkers.

Oh the shame

Smoking weed and twerking at their age?
Hell yes for shame.
I guess you'd be okay with your daughters turning tricks.
There used to be a time when a President's family was off limits, especially kids but TDS changed the limits of public discourse.

It didn't start with Trump. There's a reason Chelsea Clinton has openly defended Barron.
I remember that. Some assholes went after her for being so awkward and homely. That ended fast though.
There used to be a time when a President's family was off limits, especially kids but TDS changed the limits of public discourse.

Especially when you people were so nice to the Obamas.
You people? That used to be a racist slogan. Is it coming back in the new democrat party? The left wing memory is notoriously short but nobody ever talked about Obama's kids and legitimate criticism of Michelle was reserved for her political activism.
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.
Oh shut the fuck up. You don't give a rat's ass about Barron, you're just looking for another excuse to attack Trump.
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.
95% of the press were azz kizzing the Obama family during his Presidency. Trump's son was viciously verbally attacked after the election. You care about chitt. You need to be put into a slave labor camp. Then you can teach the children there.
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.

Did you feel this when Chelsea was growing up in the Oval Office?

My point?

Simple, you comment of Special Needs was a low blow swipe and is something I would have never expected from you.

Also remember Donald Trump is old enough to be Baron Grandfather and most likely has more of a connection with his older brothers than his father...
I have special needs students and I don't consider it a low blow to say so if there's a problem. The people who think he's acting autistic aren't saying it because they're being mean and hate his father. That is the behavior they see. I don't know enough about it to say.

I didn't write this thread to start a discussion on that.

1. If you did not want want to discuss the rude comment you made about Baron then you should have never wrote it in the first place.

2. Writers that make those claims are doing so to take a swipe at Donald Trump to get a negative reaction because they know attacking his family will get him to react.

3. In my personal opinion your comment was a low blow and no better than Rush Limbaugh stupid comment on Chelsea Clinton or the individuals on here attacking the Obama Daughters.

4. Baron would have never had a normal life no matter what because he is a Trump, so summer camp was never happening unless it is the rich kid summer camps and who would go to one if those?

5. Donald Trump closet relationship with his children is Ivanka and why?

Who knows but Donald seem less engaged with his sons than his oldest Daughter and Tiffany is just the one no one even remembers anyway.

6. Did you have this concern for Chelsea, the Bush Twins and the Obama Daughters?

My guess would be no but because of your distaste for Trump you felt like hitting at Baron because let admit reality Trump supporters will react harshly when you attack Trump youngest than attack Trump himself...

Final part:

As much as I hate and despise Donald John Trump the fact is I dislike it when partisan hacks use the children of any President to attack that President.

I defended Chelsea, Bush Twins, Obama Daughters and will defend Baron and even Tiffany because they did not ask their parents to toss them into this circus we call politics.

You can pretend you meant nothing Old Lady but in my personal opinion what you wrote in your OP was a low blow and you are a hell of a lot better than that!
I'm not pretending. This thread was taken in the spirit in which it was intended until the partisans showed up and -- to get a lib (me)-- started talking about the rumor. This was about slamming me, not about any outrage about Barron.
--------------------------------------- none of yer business OldLady. 'OUTRAGE ABOUT Barron , -------- None of yer Business OldLady !!
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.

Did you feel this when Chelsea was growing up in the Oval Office?

My point?

Simple, you comment of Special Needs was a low blow swipe and is something I would have never expected from you.

Also remember Donald Trump is old enough to be Baron Grandfather and most likely has more of a connection with his older brothers than his father...
I have special needs students and I don't consider it a low blow to say so if there's a problem. The people who think he's acting autistic aren't saying it because they're being mean and hate his father. That is the behavior they see. I don't know enough about it to say.

I didn't write this thread to start a discussion on that.
You were trolling in a sad way, and that's sad.
So ya think he should be smokin weed and twerking?
This is a quiz. What did I SAY I hoped he was doing?

You brought up Sasha and Melia.....the weed smokin twerkers.

Oh the shame

Smoking weed and twerking at their age?
Hell yes for shame.
I guess you'd be okay with your daughters turning tricks.
------------------------------- yep , the 'bush' girls are also a couple of animals , thanks Bulldog .
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.

Bustle? lol

They should stick to hard hitting journalism like this:

7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Periods

What Anal Sex Feels Like For A Guy

6 Benefits of Anal Sex

OB-GYNs Weigh In On The Best Yeast Infection Treatments

7 Gross Things About Your Poop That Are Normal

Ahh what the hell..they hate Trump...thats good enough.
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