A Treatise of Legal Philosophy on Adequate Political Science Terms for Civics Pedagogy


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" A Treatise of Legal Philosophy on Adequate Political Science Terms for Civics Pedagogy "

* Obfuscation Mock Heir Clock Hair *

There is little doubt regarding my disdain for a liberal versus conservative paradigm as it is as near to intellectual buffoonery as one could conceive , as the generic meaning behind the terms are void of consistency with expectations for terms and descriptions adequately applied to represent valid reason within political science .

This thread continues to introduce terms and descriptions consistent and adequate to repersent valid reason within political science .

Monk-Eye said:
* Pushing Envelopes Because They Are There *

When the term libertarianism is associated as an antonym with authoritarianism , a means and extremes paradigm can be constructed .

Let libertarianism be defined by laws crafted with phrases that proscribe actions of government ; such crafted laws are by definition negative wrights , or non actions of government , and they are suggested to cede independence from government to individualism .

Negative wrights may cede to individualism that the negative liberties of self ownership and of self determination are independent of government authority ; however , by definition , negative wrights are actions government will not take , and do not define actions government will take .

Let authoritarianism be defined by laws crafted with phrases that prescribe actions of government ; such crafted laws are by definition positive wrights , or assertive actions of government , and they are suggested to recede independence from government to individualism .

Positive wrights may cede to individualism that the negative liberties of self ownership and of self determination are independent from individual authority ( private sector , between citizens ) .

Positive wrights may recede from individualism that a negative liberty for self determination is independent from individual ( private ) and government authority , when positive liberties for self determination is granted .

Given the extremes of individualism ( I ) , as established by libertarianism , and statism ( S ) / collectivism ( C ) , as established by authoritarianism , then the means *i and *s / *c follow .

*i represents optimal negative liberties of individualism .
*s / *c represents optimal positive liberties of collectivism .

Monk-Eye said:
* Wire Works *

In political science , libertarianism and authoritarianism are terms for logical antonyms .

The term libertarianism is a principle applied as a method for constructing statements phrasing law which issue proscriptions against an authoritative action by government , which establishes negative wrights , as well as negative liberty from government .

An example of negative wrights is any article of law phrased to direct a non action by government , that is for government to not take action , which imply negative action by government and are defined as negative wrights .

On first principles , negative wrights establish negative liberties from government , while negative wrights does not establish negative liberties between other individual citizens .

In political science , libertarianism and authoritarianism are logical antonyms .

The term authoritarianism is a principle applied as a method for constructing statements phrasing law which issues prescriptions for authoritative action by government , which establishes positive wrights , as well as negative liberty from other individual citizens .

At issue is not when positive wrights establish negative liberty from other individuals , rather then positive wrights establish positive liberty for other individual citizens , which occurs after taxation , when assertive actions of government grant individual citizens more than which they were originally endowed .

Taxation may be categorized into two forms as direct taxes and indirect taxes .

The method of taxation termed a direct tax is a per capitation excise based upon a value of ones property and is referred to as a head tax when it is collected for ones presence in a census ; and , in principle , direct taxes are to be applied as near as possible for the direct benefit of the individual taxed .

An example of a positive wright providing a positive liberty through a direct tax on private property is when property tax is collected to fund local schools of which one may not even have children enrolled .

The method of taxation termed an indirect tax is a tax collected indirectly for the management and administration of commerce ; and , in principle , indirect taxes may be applied indirectly for the indirect benefit of the individual taxed .

An example of a positive wright providing a positive liberty through an indirect tax on commerce is when income tax or corporate tax are collected and by authoritative action of government become distributed throughout programs with an intended purpose for managing and facilitating improvements in social infrastructure that would include evolving improvements in individual citizens as well as in commercial individuals .
Last edited:
" A Bit Further Over There "

* Reverting Two Self *

This is included as a reiteration of other work .

Monk-Eye;1896521 said:
"Liberal Versus Conservative Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery"

*Contemporary Liberal Versus Conservative Facility for Communication Bypass*

According to the novel, doublethink is:
"The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.[2]"

*Establishing Consistent Etymology Principle*

As valid political science terms, libertarianism and authoritarianism are antonyms.

Libertarianism implements limitations and prohibitions on government to establish individualism.

Authoritarianism enables government control to establish state management.

Both terms are defined with a common reference of government.

In rejection for the inanity of contemporary vernacular, libertarianism is hereby analogous with liberalism and authoritarianism is hereby analogous with conservatism.

*Examples of Proper Description*

Gun control is implemented through authoritarianism, hence it is a conservative policy.

The second amendment is founded upon negative wrights and libertarianism, hence it is a liberal policy.

Laissez-faire economics is economic libertarianism, hence it is a liberal policy.

Egalitarianism is established through authoritarianism, hence it is a conservative policy.

*Historical Source of Terminology Corruption*

Libertarianism emphasizes negative wrights; its extremes for individualism also facilitates monopoly, which provisions tyranny for private despots.

Authoritarianism emphasizes positive wrights; its extremes for state management also facilitates bureaucratic collectives, which provisions tyranny for government despots.

Rather than maintaining a consistent emphasis on libertarian principle to establish individualism through limited government, at some point the term liberal was introduced to describe optimizations of individual freedom, however that deviation was a coup d'etat leading to intellectual corruption.

The contentious degree of implemented libertarian versus authoritarian policy with an objective to optimize individual freedom in the context of a social system is utilitarianism!

See Ouroboros for commonality of libertarianism and authoritarianism at extremes.

See phi for aesthetic political resolutions; adherence for the mean for individualism.
" A Bit Further Over There "

* Reverting Two Self *

This is included as a reiteration of other work .

Monk-Eye;1896521 said:
"Liberal Versus Conservative Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery"

*Contemporary Liberal Versus Conservative Facility for Communication Bypass*

According to the novel, doublethink is:
"The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.[2]"

*Establishing Consistent Etymology Principle*

As valid political science terms, libertarianism and authoritarianism are antonyms.

Libertarianism implements limitations and prohibitions on government to establish individualism.

Authoritarianism enables government control to establish state management.

Both terms are defined with a common reference of government.

In rejection for the inanity of contemporary vernacular, libertarianism is hereby analogous with liberalism and authoritarianism is hereby analogous with conservatism.

*Examples of Proper Description*

Gun control is implemented through authoritarianism, hence it is a conservative policy.

The second amendment is founded upon negative wrights and libertarianism, hence it is a liberal policy.

Laissez-faire economics is economic libertarianism, hence it is a liberal policy.

Egalitarianism is established through authoritarianism, hence it is a conservative policy.

*Historical Source of Terminology Corruption*

Libertarianism emphasizes negative wrights; its extremes for individualism also facilitates monopoly, which provisions tyranny for private despots.

Authoritarianism emphasizes positive wrights; its extremes for state management also facilitates bureaucratic collectives, which provisions tyranny for government despots.

Rather than maintaining a consistent emphasis on libertarian principle to establish individualism through limited government, at some point the term liberal was introduced to describe optimizations of individual freedom, however that deviation was a coup d'etat leading to intellectual corruption.

The contentious degree of implemented libertarian versus authoritarian policy with an objective to optimize individual freedom in the context of a social system is utilitarianism!

See Ouroboros for commonality of libertarianism and authoritarianism at extremes.

See phi for aesthetic political resolutions; adherence for the mean for individualism.
Sociopathic Selfism

Libertarianism will establish a police state "to protect rugged individualists from mob rule." Ayn Rand is the mirror image of Stalin, reversed from Left to Right but just as ugly.
" Statistism Cautionary Balances A Bout Autocrats Plutocrats Oligarchs "

* Utilities For Devising Natural Means Between Extremes *

Sociopathic Selfism
Libertarianism will establish a police state "to protect rugged individualists from mob rule." Ayn Rand is the mirror image of Stalin, reversed from Left to Right but just as ugly.
When a means and extremes distinction is devised with terms : libertarianism and authoritarianism ; negative wrights and positive wrights ; negative liberties and positive liberties ; individualism and statistism / collectivism ; one is privy to evaluate perspectives from those concepts more clearly .

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