A Terrible Week For Rodents


Sep 23, 2010

A wag might say that the rats are deserting a sinking ship. First this one bailed out:

WASHINGTON – Is the West winning the war against ISIS or not? It’s hard to tell, judging by remarks from both the president and the CIA chief.

After meeting with his National Security Council on Tuesday, President Obama summed up the war against the Islamic State by implying the U.S.-led coalition was winning, declaring, “In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense.”

But, testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday morning, CIA Director John Brennan did not portray the coalition as winning, at all. In fact, he described no progress in blunting the Islamic State’s power.

CIA chief: ISIS terror reach, capability 'not reduced'
Posted By Garth Kant On 06/16/2016 @ 12:41 pm

CIA chief: ISIS terror reach, capability ‘not reduced’

Then the rat fourth in the presidential line of succession contradicts the Chicago sewer rat:

Secretary of State John Kerry this week acknowledged twice that the Islamic State and the threat of terrorism around the world is bigger threat than climate change, even though he has insisted in past years that climate is the bigger threat.​

Kerry concedes: Terrorism is a bigger threat than climate change
By Pete Kasperowicz
6/17/16 12:01 AM

Kerry concedes: Terrorism is a bigger threat than climate change


Below are 23 times Obama or his administration officials claimed climate change a greater threat than radical Islamic terrorism.


On January 23, 2013, in an address before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State John Kerry declared climate change among the top threats facing the United States.

February 16, 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry addressed students in Indonesia and said that global warming is now “perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.”


During a September 2014 meeting with foreign ministers, Secretary of State John Kerry called Climate change a threat as urgent as ISIS.

22 Times Obama Admin Declared Climate Change a Greater Threat than Terrorism
by Jerome Hudson
14 Nov 2015

22 Times: Climate Change a Greater Threat than Terrorism
why would obama say less American traitors leaving to go fight muzzie causes be a good thing.
I say let them go and refuse them reentry back into the country.

Agreed. Let them all gather in one area where we can bomb them over there. Also makes for one less domestic terrorist.
In fairness both Obama and Brennan's words are being twisted to fit the narrative that we are making no progress. Of course we are. Obama said ISIL was on the defense. Just this morning it was announced that the Iraqi army has entered the center of Fallujah, and liberated key neighborhoods. I'd call that being on the defense. What Brennan was speaking of was their global influence.
I will rise to the defense of John Kerry. The reason he would say a few years ago that GW is a bigger threat than Islamic terrorism is that a few years ago he wasn't SOS. Of course the then SOS wasn't much better at all but Kerry didn't know the level that she and he could screw up the fight against Islamic Terrorism.
ISIS is losing, you can tell when you look at the area of occupation maps..

Call the CIA and let them know their director seems to be confused. And these are the people telling Obama who to kill.
In fairness both Obama and Brennan's words are being twisted to fit the narrative that we are making no progress.
To aaronleland: Trying to put a happy face on it does not change the obvious:

This doesn’t happen very often: the head of the CIA making a fool of his president. But that is what happened yesterday as CIA Director John Brennan testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee.​

June 17, 2016
CIA Director Brennan contradicts Obama on ISIS threat
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: CIA Director Brennan contradicts Obama on ISIS threat
Below are 23 times Obama or his administration officials claimed climate change a greater threat than radical Islamic terrorism.
Our commander in chief must be fighting the environment, because the military is not allowed to fight an enemy that shoots back:

How many have long thought that the perfect prison for President Barack Obama would include 24-7 patriotic military music piped in, a fitting reminder for someone who hates America even more than ISIS does?​

Brexiting Obama
By Judi McLeod
June 26, 2016

Brexiting Obama

Below are 23 times Obama or his administration officials claimed climate change a greater threat than radical Islamic terrorism.
Our commander in chief must be fighting the environment, because the military is not allowed to fight an enemy that shoots back:

How many have long thought that the perfect prison for President Barack Obama would include 24-7 patriotic military music piped in, a fitting reminder for someone who hates America even more than ISIS does?​

Brexiting Obama
By Judi McLeod
June 26, 2016

Brexiting Obama

What does marching tunes have to do with hating the military, you do know they were not all composed so you could keep cadence...??

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