A socialist hell on earth

Where in the world has free market capitalism ever ended poverty? Ever?

Here, in the United States.

You hate our Country so much, you can't see it.

Plus, you're really stupid.

Our economy, our lifestyle, our standard of living is the envy of the World.

Where in the world has free market capitalism ever ended poverty? Ever?

Here, in the United States.

You hate our Country so much, you can't see it.

Plus, you're really stupid.

Our economy, our lifestyle, our standard of living is the envy of the World.


So the social programs of the so-called war on poverty don't exist? We don't give billions in aid to the poor for food, housing, energy, education, healthcare?

When did all that end? When did food stamps and public education and Medicaid end?
Socialist parties have been doing well in the developed world across wester and central Europe for the last couple of generations without entire countries falling to bits. And third world countries like Venezuela fall apart all the time socialism or not.
There are plenty of sticks to beat Sanders with, so why come up with a comparison that doesnt stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny?

Socialism has a way of turning countries into third world counteries

I disagree. Have you got any examples?

A better reply would be socialism has a way of holding countries back and keeping them 3rd world countries, you can point to a handful of countries that leftist governments have stimed their progress. I can't think of one that has regressed because of it

Cuba, Greece, Venezuela

Cuba and Venezuela were third world shit holes before socialism went anywhere near them and Greece?

Greece was screwed by their cooking the books to get in to the Euro. With the assistance of capitalist Wall Street stalwarts Golman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and when the Centre/Conservative ND were in power. To point to the current leftist mob in charge for the fallout of the Maastrict treaty is like blaming Barrack Obama for Reganomics.

So thats still not one example.
So the social programs of the so-called war on poverty don't exist? We don't give billions in aid to the poor for food, housing, energy, education, healthcare?

When did all that end? When did food stamps and public education and Medicaid end?

Those programs don't make us socialist, you simpering fool. They make us Republican.

Conservatives have ALWAYS been more generous with trying to help others than have scum of the earth dimocraps.

In fact, most of those programs you mention were initiated by Conservative Presidents.

You're just stupid and dishonest.

If this is such a shithole, how come we need to build a wall to keep MILLIONS of illegal immigrants from failed socialist States out?

And yes, MORON..... Mexico is just another failed socialist State. So are the unfortunate people from most of the rest of those shithole failed socialist economies.

Look into it. You didn't even know that, did you?


Now go ahead and argue with me. Just to PROVE your stupidity. Go for it.
Where in the world has free market capitalism ever ended poverty? Ever?

Here, in the United States.

You hate our Country so much, you can't see it.

Plus, you're really stupid.

Our economy, our lifestyle, our standard of living is the envy of the World.


So the social programs of the so-called war on poverty don't exist? We don't give billions in aid to the poor for food, housing, energy, education, healthcare?

When did all that end? When did food stamps and public education and Medicaid end?

Gimme, gimme, gimme.

Where in the world has free market capitalism ever ended poverty? Ever?

Here, in the United States.

You hate our Country so much, you can't see it.

Plus, you're really stupid.

Our economy, our lifestyle, our standard of living is the envy of the World.


MOST of the world.

Hey, if that is the way to go, then explain why we kick all their asses economically! And if the economy is the measure of a country's wealth, (aka all world economists) divided by the amount of citizens it has, then tell everyone why this is such a great idea!
It all exists on a continuum.

Pure socialism is clearly to the left of democratic socialism.
What is pure socialism and what is democratic about socialism?
For the sake of this discussion, I'd say Cuba is pure socialism. Central ownership of production and distribution.

"Democratic" means, essentially, that people vote for their leaders in free and fair elections. Like, maybe, Germany.

Did I really have to say this?
Socialist parties have been doing well in the developed world across wester and central Europe for the last couple of generations without entire countries falling to bits. And third world countries like Venezuela fall apart all the time socialism or not.
There are plenty of sticks to beat Sanders with, so why come up with a comparison that doesnt stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny?

Socialism has a way of turning countries into third world counteries

I disagree. Have you got any examples?

A better reply would be socialism has a way of holding countries back and keeping them 3rd world countries, you can point to a handful of countries that leftist governments have stimed their progress. I can't think of one that has regressed because of it

Cuba, Greece, Venezuela

Cuba and Venezuela were third world shit holes before socialism went anywhere near them and Greece?

Greece was screwed by their cooking the books to get in to the Euro. With the assistance of capitalist Wall Street stalwarts Golman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and when the Centre/Conservative ND were in power. To point to the current leftist mob in charge for the fallout of the Maastrict treaty is like blaming Barrack Obama for Reganomics.

So thats still not one example.
Wrong. Cuba BEFORE Castro had one of the best economies in the world. It had a higher per capita GDP than the USA and immigrants around the world considered it the top nation to go to.
It all exists on a continuum.

Pure socialism is clearly to the left of democratic socialism.

I don't see the difference how many people are removing the rights of others. Why is mob rule better than a dictatorship? In many ways, i'ss worse
A German corporation is owned by its stockholders.

A "business" in Cuba is owned by Cuba.

That's the difference.

Everything else exists on a continuum.
Germany isn't socialist, it's capitalist. It is a capitalist democracy, not a socialist democracy. Liberals have fooled you into the soft sell. Greece is what happens when people believe too much.
Germany is to the left of us on the continuum.

Greece is to the left of Germany on the continuum.
Where in the world has free market capitalism ever ended poverty? Ever?

Here, in the United States.

You hate our Country so much, you can't see it.

Plus, you're really stupid.

Our economy, our lifestyle, our standard of living is the envy of the World.


MOST of the world.

True. The Vietnamese think they're the happiest people in the world.

So do the North Koreans. Every week when they get fed

And a few Tribes in New Guinea.

And Cuba? How could you NOT be thrilled to live in Cuba with its $20 per Month average income?

But I get your point. There are a few, a very few, people in a very few Countries that have it better.

But not many. And not for long.

We've been doing it for 230 years
Socialism = Slavery to the state.

Yep and Capitalism = Slavery to money.

No more than breathing is "slavery" to oxygen. Capitalism is economic freedom. Money is just the denomination you work in. Customers, businesses, employers, employees, all make their own best decision. As shitty a decision people often make for themselves, empowering people to make decisions for others is inevitably worse

Hey, don't let these people redefine SOCIALISM to make it more palatable by putting DEMOCRATIC in front of it.

If they want to define a country as DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST, then,

1. Show us where the government says that is what they are.

2. After they prove that they are, then lets start comparing what they live in, what they drive, and the price of their goods with the United States.

3. Then lets see what their tax rates are.

These people insisting it is peaches and cream are either naive, or know better and are trying to deceive. Who wants their family living in 800sq feet? Anyone?
That's fine, but here's what actually happening: While conservatives are screaming "SOCIALISM! SOCIALISM! AAAAUUGGHHH!", liberals are making the case for it. And where are we now?

We've now reached a point where people are looking at government programs many conservatives would call "socialism" - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and many others - and saying "oh, well, if that's socialism, then I must be for socialism". In other words, the Right has made it easier for the Left to make its case.

If the Right wants to win this argument, it should stop just screaming "SOCIALISM!" -- which is clearly no longer scaring people as it used to -- and make its case for an alternative, for a change. It may be too late for that, anyway.

Sorry Mac, gotta disagree with you on this one. The SOCIALIST model, DEMOCRATIC in front of it or not, will be put on trial to the American public if the nominee is Bernie. The Socialists on here can play patty-cake all they want now, but as soon as the commercials come out if Bernie is the victor on the Democratic side about what things cost over there, how much of their money they are left with after they are taxed to pay for the "free" stuff will bury him.

At this moment, nobody on the GOP side is attacking Sanders to much, because they like the idea he is making life miserable for Hillary. It is akin to the left talking nicely about Rubio and Kasich, as they claim they want Trump, but actually want him to go away because he has the "enthusiasm" thing going for him.

Let me put it this way--------------> I don't think Bernie has a chance against ANY of the GOP candidates once their sights are set on him. But....................if the GOP would actually lose to Bernie, then they can't beat any of the Democratic nominees, thus making it the Democrats or DNCs job to stop him in the primaries. Know what? That is not the GOPs job if SOCIALISM is a bad thing in both party's eyes. That means if it is the DNCs job cause the GOP can't win, I am off the hook because this election, I have little to do with the DNC, and so are you of the hook I think! What would you have me(most of us) do? Start supporting Hillary to stop Bernie, lol!
I don't for a moment think that Bernie wants to turn us into Cuba.

I do think, however, that he'd like to see us look like Germany or Norway.

Two different things.
Wrong. Cuba BEFORE Castro had one of the best economies in the world. It had a higher per capita GDP than the USA and immigrants around the world considered it the top nation to go to.

Part of the dumbing down of America. They teach MLK but nobody is reading Hemingway.

dimocrap scum are going, 'Huh?'

as usual
It all exists on a continuum.

Pure socialism is clearly to the left of democratic socialism.
What is pure socialism and what is democratic about socialism?
For the sake of this discussion, I'd say Cuba is pure socialism. Central ownership of production and distribution.

"Democratic" means, essentially, that people vote for their leaders in free and fair elections. Like, maybe, Germany.

Did I really have to say this?
Yes, it demonstrates why you think like you do. You're wrong. Germany is a Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany. Like us people vote in representatives. They do not vote for the programs they want by way of consensus. If they did then you might make the case that they are a socialist democracy. But they don't because the terms are mutually exclusive. In a socialist democracy people could vote for free gasoline.
It all exists on a continuum.

Pure socialism is clearly to the left of democratic socialism.
What is pure socialism and what is democratic about socialism?
For the sake of this discussion, I'd say Cuba is pure socialism. Central ownership of production and distribution.

"Democratic" means, essentially, that people vote for their leaders in free and fair elections. Like, maybe, Germany.

Did I really have to say this?
Yes, it demonstrates why you think like you do. You're wrong. Germany is a Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany. Like us people vote in representatives. They do not vote for the programs they want by way of consensus. If they did then you might make the case that they are a socialist democracy. But they don't because the terms are mutually exclusive. In a socialist democracy people could vote for free gasoline.
Great. I get bored by semantics pretty quickly.

Back to my original point: If you think that just screaming "SOCIALIST!" is working for you, as opposed to clearly articulating an attractive alternative, keep going.
I don't for a moment think that Bernie wants to turn us into Cuba.

I do think, however, that he'd like to see us look like Germany or Norway.

Two different things.
So he should move there. I don't want to live in Germany or Norway. If a liberal likes something they want it to be the law of the land for everybody. Fuck Bernie and his anti-American followers.
I don't for a moment think that Bernie wants to turn us into Cuba.

I do think, however, that he'd like to see us look like Germany or Norway.

Two different things.

socialists are scum

The ONLY reason Western Europe hasn't turned into another socialist Gulag is the United States.

We'd kick their asses if they tried.

socialists are scum. Totalitarian scum. Period.

They MUST use force to make their plans work. It's the only way they know of.

Whether they use 'soft' power or hard power is contingent on what forces they have at their disposal.

You give socialist SCUM complete power over the Military and the Police and they WILL use it.

Every time.

Every place.

Without fail
It all exists on a continuum.

Pure socialism is clearly to the left of democratic socialism.
What is pure socialism and what is democratic about socialism?
For the sake of this discussion, I'd say Cuba is pure socialism. Central ownership of production and distribution.

"Democratic" means, essentially, that people vote for their leaders in free and fair elections. Like, maybe, Germany.

Did I really have to say this?
Yes, it demonstrates why you think like you do. You're wrong. Germany is a Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany. Like us people vote in representatives. They do not vote for the programs they want by way of consensus. If they did then you might make the case that they are a socialist democracy. But they don't because the terms are mutually exclusive. In a socialist democracy people could vote for free gasoline.
Great. I get bored by semantics pretty quickly.

Back to my original point: If you think that just screaming "SOCIALIST!" is working for you, as opposed to clearly articulating an attractive alternative, keep going.
I pointed out how stupid you are. You don't understand words so when people discuss things you get lost and try to dismiss it as semantics.
Socialist parties have been doing well in the developed world across wester and central Europe for the last couple of generations without entire countries falling to bits. And third world countries like Venezuela fall apart all the time socialism or not.
There are plenty of sticks to beat Sanders with, so why come up with a comparison that doesnt stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny?

Socialism has a way of turning countries into third world counteries

I disagree. Have you got any examples?

A better reply would be socialism has a way of holding countries back and keeping them 3rd world countries, you can point to a handful of countries that leftist governments have stimed their progress. I can't think of one that has regressed because of it

Cuba, Greece, Venezuela

Cuba and Venezuela were third world shit holes before socialism went anywhere near them and Greece?

Greece was screwed by their cooking the books to get in to the Euro. With the assistance of capitalist Wall Street stalwarts Golman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and when the Centre/Conservative ND were in power. To point to the current leftist mob in charge for the fallout of the Maastrict treaty is like blaming Barrack Obama for Reganomics.

So thats still not one example.
Wrong. Cuba BEFORE Castro had one of the best economies in the world. It had a higher per capita GDP than the USA and immigrants around the world considered it the top nation to go to.

No, It had a a corrupt ruling elite who were so vastly wealthier than it's people that the numbers for everyone were driven up hugely. Add to that the American mafia using it as a safe haven and its very little wonder that the people rose up and overthrew those in charge. It's a shame that those in charge curtail their peoples freedoms now, although having been there myself and seen first hand how things are Cuba isn't that bad a place to be. The people may complain at the lack of freedoms from time to time but they are all well educated and if they get sick they get a doctor. They're more free than the dirt poor in the US.

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