A smoke screen of self-delusion


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Of course, racism has been bought up again. Actually, the left never quit playing the race card. Now, it seems to be getting played against Democrats, specifically the ones who didn't support Obama in the primaries.

Like a Seurat painting or a pixilated photograph coming into focus, there are now enough tiny dots of independent data to begin to form a preliminary picture of Barack Obama’s re-election effort — and the emerging image is bleak.

The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza said the results “have drawn a collective eyeroll from Democrats — and many others who closely follow national politics — who ascribe the underperformance by the incumbent to a very simple thing: racism. No, none of these Democrats are willing to put their name to that allegation . . . But it is without question the prevalent viewpoint they hold privately.”

A smoke screen of self-delusion
Barack Obaama weak in polls—John Podhoretz - NYPOST.com
This serves as a reminder- Democrats are Americans too.

True, but the left will still look for any reason other than Obama's failed policies even if it means turning on people in their own party.

I would be interested in statistics showing how many people who supported Obama last time will not vote for him again.
This is a situation that was called back in 2008, should Obama win the Presidency there will be no way to critise him as you will immidiately be considered a racist, no matter how intellectually lazy and glaringly rediculas it is easier for the leftist minions to believe that then to ever concede that their man is just completely incompitent. I know one group that will probably not vote for Obama this time around, the college students of 2008, it is they who are now the unemployed or underemployed, and now that the bloom is off the rose I am sure the Magic they thought they experienced back then has soured completely.
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This serves as a reminder- Democrats are Americans too.

True, but the left will still look for any reason other than Obama's failed policies even if it means turning on people in their own party.

I would be interested in statistics showing how many people who supported Obama last time will not vote for him again.

How about statistics for those who did not vote for Obama last time but will vote for him this time. You can put me in that category. I supported Romney in 2008, then settled voting for McCain. Romney will not get my support, because he has proven he has no backbone. He will say anything to anyone if he thinks it will get him a vote.
This is a situation that was called back in 2008, should Obama win the Presidency there will be no way to critise him as you will immidiately considered a racist, no matter how intellectually lazy and glaringly rediculas it is easier for the leftist minions to believe that then to ever concede that there man is just completely incompitant. I know one group that will probably not vote for Obama this time around, the college students of 2008, it is they who are now the unemployed or underemployed, and now that the bloom is off the rose I am sure the Magic they thought they experienced back then has soured completely.

Spell check must be turned off. Go back to school. Honestly, when you want people to take you seriously, it helps if your spelling and grammar are correct or at least close. It's one thing to have a typo, but misspelling every other word is pretty bad.
This is a situation that was called back in 2008, should Obama win the Presidency there will be no way to critise him as you will immidiately considered a racist, no matter how intellectually lazy and glaringly rediculas it is easier for the leftist minions to believe that then to ever concede that there man is just completely incompitant. I know one group that will probably not vote for Obama this time around, the college students of 2008, it is they who are now the unemployed or underemployed, and now that the bloom is off the rose I am sure the Magic they thought they experienced back then has soured completely.

Spell check must be turned off. Go back to school. Honestly, when you want people to take you seriously, it helps if your spelling and grammar are correct or at least close. It's one thing to have a typo, but misspelling every other word is pretty bad.

---------Spelling Police, how special! I guess if you can't argue with the points I presented then go after the spelling! I guess you must feel very clever now, please grow-up and respond to the point, if you can't figure it out ask an adult to read it to you!
Mr. How about statistics for those who did not vote for Obama last time but will vote for him this time. You can put me in that category. I supported Romney in 2008 said:
----------I would be very interested in finding out more about this as well. I have yet to find anyone who even admits to voting for Obama the first time, much less wants to vote for him now after all the damage he's done.

You say Romney will say anything if it gets him a vote, but Obama would never do that! :eek::lol::lol::lol:....AMAZING!
----------I would be very interested in finding out more about this as well. I have yet to find anyone who even admits to voting for Obama the first time, much less wants to vote for him now after all the damage he's done.

You say Romney will say anything if it gets him a vote, but Obama would never do that! :eek::lol::lol::lol:....AMAZING!

The thing with any sitting president is that we have their record to compare with their rhethoric. With most candidates, we assume they will make false promises. With Obama, it's fact. Obama fails because his actions were often the exact opposite of what he promised. No transparency, no reduction in the deficit, health care shoved at us against our will, wars not only continue, but he got involved in more and he is the most divisive president ever.

I saw a lot of Obama/Biden yard signs around here last election. I am betting I won't this time around.

The recent primary polls show that many Democrats aren't on his side now. Of course, they were called racists. The left will never understand that it's their policies that turn people off.

Romney needs to keep talking about the economy because all of us are affected by that. The left will keep trying to make it about social issues, like gay marriage, that the president can't do anything about anyway.
This serves as a reminder- Democrats are Americans too.

True, but the left will still look for any reason other than Obama's failed policies even if it means turning on people in their own party.

I would be interested in statistics showing how many people who supported Obama last time will not vote for him again.

How about statistics for those who did not vote for Obama last time but will vote for him this time. You can put me in that category. I supported Romney in 2008, then settled voting for McCain. Romney will not get my support, because he has proven he has no backbone. He will say anything to anyone if he thinks it will get him a vote.

Statistics show that all (100%) of those that did not vote for Obama in 2008 but plan to vote for him in 2012 are brain dead, fuckin' idiots!
True, but the left will still look for any reason other than Obama's failed policies even if it means turning on people in their own party.

I would be interested in statistics showing how many people who supported Obama last time will not vote for him again.

How about statistics for those who did not vote for Obama last time but will vote for him this time. You can put me in that category. I supported Romney in 2008, then settled voting for McCain. Romney will not get my support, because he has proven he has no backbone. He will say anything to anyone if he thinks it will get him a vote.

Statistics show that all (100%) of those that did not vote for Obama in 2008 but plan to vote for him in 2012 are brain dead, fuckin' idiots!

We have our share of communists/socialists/marxists people in this country and they like what they've seen so far. Am I insinuating that communists/socialists/marxists are brain dead- you betcha!!!

Actually, Obama's race probably is a factor.

Remember, this opinion piece written by Podhoretz that you quoted is about the Kentucky and Arkansas primaries.

Here is what Podhoretz sarcastically said in your link:

But despite the theory that the GOP had sucked in all the available racists in a 12-state area over the past 30 years, apparently there are still melanin-hating meshugenahs in the Democratic camp. It took having a black president to smoke them out at last. They were so clever at hiding their tracks that they probably even voted for the black candidate in 2008.

Here is where he is wrong. They actually did not vote for the black candidate in 2008:

During the 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign, Obama lost Kentucky by 35 points and West Virginia by 41(!) points to then Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton even though both states voted late enough in the process that it was already clear Obama would be the nominee.

That's the part he left out when he was quoting Cillizza's opinion piece.

So Podhoretz's was WAY off. He assumed the numbers changed between then and now. But they didn't. Obama got smoked by 35 points and 41 points, respectively, in the 2008 primaries in the same states. They voted for the white woman by a huge, huge margin in 2008.

Therefore, it is not far off base to posit that racism was a factor then and now.
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Another factor that is going to hurt Obama, and not just in Kentucky and Arkansas, is the feeling of disappointment the progressives feel toward him. He didn't turn out to be the great negro socialist Rush Limbaugh promised us he would be.

That's a real bummer for a lot of Democrats. Obama is almost like a black version of George Bush from where they are sitting.

The converse is true for Romney. He's such an awkward fair weather conservative without a sincere bone in his body. To many on the right, Romney is a huge disappointment compared to...well, anybody.

Therefore, this race is not going to be determined by how many votes a candidate gets.

This race is going to be determined by how many voters the other candidate caused to stay home.

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