A simple truth: Biden's Job Boom? Thank Republican Governors


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Liberals bragging about the good jobs report these past few days were not so long ago fighting to extend unemployment payments to those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Had they gotten their way, the hundreds of thousands of jobs that were created would have remained unfilled; those newly employed stuck at home drawing unemployment benefits with the economy still stuck in neutral.

Liberals fought Republican governors every step of the way as they opened their state economies, lifted the virus lockdowns, and most importantly of all (also the biggest reason why there are almost a million new jobs), stopped unemployment checks to able-bodied Americans. They also chose not to impose vaccine mandates on businesses within their states, which allowed even more entrepreneurial freedom of movement. Because these governors chose to do so, the resultant explosion of jobs is their doing, not Biden's. Not Democrats. The credit has been misplaced on purpose. Democrats do not deserve any of the credit for this. At all.

Liberals knew that what these governors did helped right the ship and instead want to give credit to the guy swabbing the poop deck.

Newly employed? Re-employed? Thank a Republican governor who chose to move forward and leave the fear behind!
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Hardly, but you can play favorites all you like, the majority of us never stopped working.

Did you ever find a job?

Far right wing Republican Voter ^^^; thus, a hypocrite, liar and far and away a patriot. Liberals are not culpable for the unemployment, fingers need to be pointed to anti vaxxers who are biddable fools predated to the current Pandemic.
Lockdowns ended during Trump and Trump started the whole show by declaring a national health emergencies then federal buildings were shut in which the states followed the same actions as Trump.
The governors don't create jobs nor do they hire for private companies.

Liberal Governors and Mayors destroyed millions of jobs by shutting down their economies during the pandemic. Biden hasn't really done much in the way of allowing businesses to thrive.

Far right wing Republican Voter ^^^; thus, a hypocrite, liar and far and away a patriot. Liberals are not culpable for the unemployment, fingers need to be pointed to anti vaxxers who are biddable fools predated to the current Pandemic.

You are entirely too predictable.

Liberals are entirely culpable for the supply chain crisis, the inflation exceeding income gains, and those reluctant to take the jab.

All on you, parrot.
Liberals bragging about the good jobs report these past few days were not long ago fighting to extend unemployment payments to those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Had they gotten their way, the hundreds of thousands of jobs that were created would have remained unfilled; those newly employed stuck at home drawing unemployment benefits with the economy still stuck in neutral.

Liberals fought Republican governors every step of the way as they opened their state economies lifted the virus lockdowns, and most importantly of all (also the biggest reason why there are almost a million new jobs), stopped unemployment checks to able-bodied Americans. Because these governors chose to do so, the resultant explosion of jobs is their doing, not Biden's. Not Democrats. The credit has been misplaced on purpose. Democrats do not deserve any of the credit for this. At all.

Liberals knew that what these governors did helped right the ship and instead want to give credit to the guy swabbing the poop deck.

Newly employed? Re-employed? Thank a Republican governor who chose to move forward and leave the fear behind!

More credit goes to COVID dying down than anything else.

Governors ignoring COVID just got tens of thousands of people killed.
More credit goes to COVID dying down than anything else.

Governors ignoring COVID just got tens of thousands of people killed.

No. Not really.

The governors paid attention to the actual science, not the fearmongering pundits and politicians in Washington. No mask mandates, no vaccine mandates. Freedom.
Hardly, but you can play favorites all you like, the majority of us never stopped working.

Did you ever find a job?

Did you ever find a better comeback?

I'm paying the mortgage on the house these days, learning to manage my disability payments, taking care of things that need to be taken care of.

But that hasn't disabused me of the idea that jobs are important to other people. An income is an income.

And I will be the first one to say I don't deserve one, because of it coming from the taxpayer.

I will not address any further queries about my personal life in this thread.
Did you ever find a better comeback?

I'm paying the mortgage on the house these days, learning to manage my disability payments, taking care of things that need to be taken care of.

But that hasn't disabused me of the idea that jobs are important to other people. An income is an income.

And I will be the first one to say I don't deserve one, because of it coming from the taxpayer.

I will not address any further queries about my personal life in this thread.
I too am on disability but find it impossible to live on my insurance only, you know insurance I paid for with forty years of taxation to pay on disability insurance from the govt..Your OP is an affront to all people who work, fuck the governors they can't control what I can do to earn money.
Its not really a job boom until we have as many jobs filled as we did in 2019 pre covid...if you ask me....Joe still lags behind Trump in every way except covid infections....
I too am on disability but find it impossible to live on my insurance only, you know insurance I paid for with forty years of taxation to pay on disability insurance from the govt..Your OP is an affront to all people who work, fuck the governors they can't control what I can do to earn money.


I think you totally misjudged the prose of my initial post.

We both should be happy these people are finding work. We both know what it's like to have a job and then find ourselves unable to work one due to our respective disabilities.

But I also am a big fan of "cause and effect," and what these governors did paved the way for this new burst of economic activity.

Nothing in my post is an affront to anyone who works because I know the satisfaction of having a job and contributing to society.

Eat a Snickers, old man.

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