A serious question for the Tea Party members here.

the answer is that it needs to be more than a two party system. two party system will always just be a pendulum of failure.
Voters don't really want financial responsibility. That's why they elect and re-elect repeatedly folks that bring home the pork. Because it ain't pork when its being built in your home town.


Voters like myself, who pay through the ass in taxes, on a median income, do want financial responsibility. We are footing the bills, and we can't afford the irresponsiblity of the government and the millions of people sucking off the system anymore.

But lizzie, nobody wants that. It's important to identify why things are the way they are, and not just to shout that you want it fixed. When your car breaks down and you can't get to work, you have to foot the repair bill so you can get back to sustainability. The conservatives just want to sell the car for scrap to pay a few bills for a short time.
When the enemy gives you strategy tips, it's a good bet they're bad.

You say the moderates are leaving the GOP. You are right. Why they just don't go with their kith and kin in the DNC, I've no idea. They were indistinguishable from the 'moderate' democrats the radical P-BO, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid set have driven out of THEIR party.
tea party is the party of hypocrisy. yes the stimulus was flawed. but there will never be a decrease in deficit until defense spending, such as the war that they were mysteriously absent in protesting, is drastically decreased. they dont solve the root reasons for the deficit, just bitch and moan about spending.

when it comes down to it, they themselves arent willing to cut spending!

give up your social security! give up medicare! cut back the military! stop supporting tax cuts that increase the deficit dramatically! be a TRUE conservative. tea party=biggest crowd of dumb jerkoffs ever gathered. theylll disappear eventually

Hey, at least the libs kept up the protests....well, not so much after Obama was elected. No hypocrisy there.:eusa_whistle:
Do you not see the long term ramifications of what is happening here? The Tea party, or one of its affiliates, are slowly removing moderates from the GOP ranks. I assume the goal is to return the GOP to a far right party, and yet I wonder if the GOP was ever that far to the right.

Can't you see that eventually, you will be pushing the indepdendent voters out from the GOP tent, so to speak. Your effort will lead to less people being "accepted" by the ultra-conservatives that will soon be calling the shots in the GOP.

Of course, there is the possibility that the Tea Party is aspiring to be a seperate power, leading to three major parties. You still lose.

Either option is not good for the Tea Party, nor is it good for the GOP. Short term the GOP will make gains, some due to Tea party efforts, but not as many as they could have gotten.
In 6 years, the GOP could be extent and the Tea Party will emerge with a small tent of ultr-right voters.



:cuckoo: Possibly it's you that doesn't get it" Right now the Tea Party consists of 40% independents and democrats. It's REALLY no SECRET that the Tea Party stands for conservatism and a smaller government which equates to more freedom for the American population.

Nope--its independents and democrats and republicans that have been "running" to the Tea Party movement in this country--knowing exactly what they represent. I don't think they'll be running back to moderates or liberals.

PROVING ONCE again that this nation is center-right.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box


And this is definitely what this nation didn't WANT.
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Do you not see the long term ramifications of what is happening here? The Tea party, or one of its affiliates, are slowly removing moderates from the GOP ranks. I assume the goal is to return the GOP to a far right party, and yet I wonder if the GOP was ever that far to the right.

Can't you see that eventually, you will be pushing the indepdendent voters out from the GOP tent, so to speak. Your effort will lead to less people being "accepted" by the ultra-conservatives that will soon be calling the shots in the GOP.

Of course, there is the possibility that the Tea Party is aspiring to be a seperate power, leading to three major parties. You still lose.

Either option is not good for the Tea Party, nor is it good for the GOP. Short term the GOP will make gains, some due to Tea party efforts, but not as many as they could have gotten.
In 6 years, the GOP could be extent and the Tea Party will emerge with a small tent of ultr-right voters.


So Mr.Liberal,You should be happy,Or are you just whisling by the graveyard in near panic
just before you get your liberal asses kicked bigtime in November?
Long Term, the Tea Party will be the Bane of the GOP. Stay tuned! The GOP had a great chance of controlling the Senate until the Baggers came along.

You are so politically inferior that it makes me look forward to the Dems getting curbstomped in November.

Bush was not Conservative... You think he is, and hate him...

Bush and Obama are almost the same fuckin person only Obama is actually more of what you hated about Bush than Bush was, yet you love Obama... Oh and you think Obama is a liberal, but think Bush was a conservative...

Why would anyone listen to someone as out of touch with reality as yourself? The Dems are the Racist Gay hating War party, if you don't believe me feel free to show me where they are any different that Bush. Maybe you figure if you tell us all again what YOU think of the TPM all of a sudden people will go from knowing you are dumbshit crazy wrong to "omg, he was right all along."

Wait wait... Do you think Obama is "center?" And if Obama is "center," what is he center too? Fuckin FDR is about as big Government right as the US has ever seen and wtf Obama might pass that dude up...
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Voters don't really want financial responsibility. That's why they elect and re-elect repeatedly folks that bring home the pork. Because it ain't pork when its being built in your home town.


Voters like myself, who pay through the ass in taxes, on a median income, do want financial responsibility. We are footing the bills, and we can't afford the irresponsiblity of the government and the millions of people sucking off the system anymore.

But lizzie, nobody wants that. It's important to identify why things are the way they are, and not just to shout that you want it fixed. When your car breaks down and you can't get to work, you have to foot the repair bill so you can get back to sustainability. The conservatives just want to sell the car for scrap to pay a few bills for a short time.

You just made it clear you have no idea wtf you're talking about.
Voters don't really want financial responsibility. That's why they elect and re-elect repeatedly folks that bring home the pork. Because it ain't pork when its being built in your home town.


Voters like myself, who pay through the ass in taxes, on a median income, do want financial responsibility. We are footing the bills, and we can't afford the irresponsiblity of the government and the millions of people sucking off the system anymore.

But lizzie, nobody wants that. It's important to identify why things are the way they are, and not just to shout that you want it fixed. When your car breaks down and you can't get to work, you have to foot the repair bill so you can get back to sustainability. The conservatives just want to sell the car for scrap to pay a few bills for a short time.
And liberals want somebody else to pay to fix their car. And buy them a new one, too.

Nothing about the liberal economic agenda is sustainable. Look at Europe.
Voters don't really want financial responsibility. That's why they elect and re-elect repeatedly folks that bring home the pork. Because it ain't pork when its being built in your home town.


Voters like myself, who pay through the ass in taxes, on a median income, do want financial responsibility. We are footing the bills, and we can't afford the irresponsiblity of the government and the millions of people sucking off the system anymore.

But lizzie, nobody wants that. It's important to identify why things are the way they are, and not just to shout that you want it fixed. When your car breaks down and you can't get to work, you have to foot the repair bill so you can get back to sustainability. The conservatives just want to sell the car for scrap to pay a few bills for a short time.

Case in Point. The GOP Governor in Virginia wants to privitize ABC stores. It will be an instant bump in revenue but a loss in the long term. You know, sort of what the Tea Baggers are doing to the GOP, as we speak.
Do you not see the long term ramifications of what is happening here? The Tea party, or one of its affiliates, are slowly removing moderates from the GOP ranks. I assume the goal is to return the GOP to a far right party, and yet I wonder if the GOP was ever that far to the right.

Can't you see that eventually, you will be pushing the indepdendent voters out from the GOP tent, so to speak. Your effort will lead to less people being "accepted" by the ultra-conservatives that will soon be calling the shots in the GOP.

Of course, there is the possibility that the Tea Party is aspiring to be a seperate power, leading to three major parties. You still lose.

Either option is not good for the Tea Party, nor is it good for the GOP. Short term the GOP will make gains, some due to Tea party efforts, but not as many as they could have gotten.
In 6 years, the GOP could be extent and the Tea Party will emerge with a small tent of ultr-right voters.



:cuckoo: Possibly it's you that doesn't get it" Right now the Tea Party consists of 40% independents and democrats. It's REALLY no SECRET that the Tea Party stands for conservatism and a smaller government which equates to more freedom for the American population.

Nope--its independents and democrats and republicans that have been "running" to the Tea Party movement in this country--knowing exactly what they represent. I don't think they'll be running back to moderates or liberals.

PROVING ONCE again that this nation is center-right.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

View attachment 11659

And this is definitely what this nation didn't WANT.

From your link:

The national breakdown of the Tea Party composition is 57 percent Republican, 28 percent Independent and 13 percent Democratic.


Of those polled, 17 percent – more than 500 people -- said they were “part of the Tea Party movement.”​

So what's 13% of 17%? About the number of those who still identify themselves as Reagan Democrats? But 57% Republicans is something that indicates an all out fissure in on the right. A regular Cultural Revolution, so to speak.
The current GOP is just a herd of RINO's moving around with no direction, goals, or leadership. :evil:

Very true! And Democrats love their long term direction. I hope they keep it up. We are looking forward to Palin vs. Romney vs. Obama in 2012.
Far right? What is that anyways? Can someone define that for me? It's the mythical monster the nuclear conservative left uses quite frequently, and we are smothered in Democrat inspired laws and taxation.

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