A Right delayed is a Right denied and it cost this woman her life.......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This woman waited too long for her 2nd Amendment Rights to be honored....and she was murdered because of it.....it can take as long as a year and a half to get a gun permit in New Jersey....far too long...imagine if the right to vote were delayed that long........and that wouldn't even be a life or death issue....

Video Waiting Times For NJ Gun Permits Range From Six Months To 1.5 Years - Matt Vespa

In fact, the day before she was stabbed by Eitel, she had checked in with the police to check on the status of her permit; a permit that is suppose to be issued 30 days upon filing.

Bowne also filed every incident of harassment and intimidation she endured by Eitel with the police and the local prosecutor’s office. One of her co-workers alleges Eitel came to her work and shot up her car windows with a pellet gun. To make matters worse, Eitel had a warrant out for his arrest for violating the restraining order filed by Bowne. Eitel was found on June 8 in a Berlin Township home’s garage; he had hung himself.

This gets back to the egregiousness of New Jersey’s gun laws. In February, a New Jersey man faced 10 years in prison for possessing … a nearly 300-year old flintlock pistol. In Bowne’s case, it was the Garden State’s abysmal permit law that arguably got her killed.

In Jersey, you need a permit to own a handgun (which is absolutely ridiculous). Fingerprinting is involved, but the whole process should only take 30 days. It's explicitly clear in the NJ law books, but testimonies from other NJ gun owners say the real length of time ranges anywhere from three to six months to a full nine months until they get their firearm ID card. In Newark, some folks have waited for as long as a year-and-a-half. Shari Spivack, a firearm instructor interviewed by
NRA News, waited nine months for her ID card.

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