A review of TV shows reveal that whites are still the dominant race in Hollywood...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Young Sheldon has an all-white cast, though there is a minor role for a Vietnamese boy who makes jokes about being Vietnamese.

I've been watching an older show called Dawson's Creek, which has a token homosexual and even a mentally ill girl, but the cast is all white, except for a minor role for a black principal.

I'm not sure what the point I'm trying to make is, oh wait, here's the point. Hollywood, which is constantly preaching to the rest of us, is as racist in its casting choices as the Ku Klux Klan.
...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Um, the Android girl in that show looked Asian or at least bi-racial. When she called her mom, her mom was clearly Asian. Michelle Hurd, who is black, will be introduced as a major character in later episodes.

And, oh, yeah. It's only the first episode.

So given Star Trek's record.
TOS- A black and Asian cast member
TNG- Two black cast members.
DS9 - A black lead, a black supporting character and a middle eastern character.
TNG- A black cast member, an Asian cast member and a Hispanic cast member
ENT - A black and Asian cast member
Discovery - A black lead character, and Asian major character.
Picard - Let's see where they go with it.
...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Um, the Android girl in that show looked Asian or at least bi-racial. When she called her mom, her mom was clearly Asian. Michelle Hurd, who is black, will be introduced as a major character in later episodes.

And, oh, yeah. It's only the first episode.

So given Star Trek's record.
TOS- A black and Asian cast member
TNG- Two black cast members.
DS9 - A black lead, a black supporting character and a middle eastern character.
TNG- A black cast member, an Asian cast member and a Hispanic cast member
ENT - A black and Asian cast member
Discovery - A black lead character, and Asian major character.
Picard - Let's see where they go with it.
Its the PC that is revolting in modern day TV. It is an insult to real heroes who never get a word. If you knew some of them that have died or died from long term affects of something you might see the realities. The drive for social justice seems to have a lot of made up stuff in it.
"Hollywood" is interested in one thing: Making money!

For a little while longer, the majority of people in this country will be Caucasians.

It is only natural that they prefer to see people with a similar cultural background.

When this country becomes a country of mostly people of color, then the movies and TV shows will follow suit.

Quite simple actually.
...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Young Sheldon has an all-white cast, though there is a minor role for a Vietnamese boy who makes jokes about being Vietnamese.

I've been watching an older show called Dawson's Creek, which has a token homosexual and even a mentally ill girl, but the cast is all white, except for a minor role for a black principal.

I'm not sure what the point I'm trying to make is, oh wait, here's the point. Hollywood, which is constantly preaching to the rest of us, is as racist in its casting choices as the Ku Klux Klan.
Who runs the Hollywood studios? White pedophiles!
I just watched 9-1-1: Lone Star talk about a diverse cast
you have a muslim female firefighter, a trans male firefighter
a redneck Texan married to a black social worker and throw in a few gays for fun. It is like they were trying to see how diverse they could make it and still be believable. They failed
...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Young Sheldon has an all-white cast, though there is a minor role for a Vietnamese boy who makes jokes about being Vietnamese.

I've been watching an older show called Dawson's Creek, which has a token homosexual and even a mentally ill girl, but the cast is all white, except for a minor role for a black principal.

I'm not sure what the point I'm trying to make is, oh wait, here's the point. Hollywood, which is constantly preaching to the rest of us, is as racist in its casting choices as the Ku Klux Klan.
the last time TV had a Black show with ratings
Been a while

...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Young Sheldon has an all-white cast, though there is a minor role for a Vietnamese boy who makes jokes about being Vietnamese.

I've been watching an older show called Dawson's Creek, which has a token homosexual and even a mentally ill girl, but the cast is all white, except for a minor role for a black principal.

I'm not sure what the point I'm trying to make is, oh wait, here's the point. Hollywood, which is constantly preaching to the rest of us, is as racist in its casting choices as the Ku Klux Klan.
the last time TV had a Black show with ratings
Been a while

I grew up in the Bronx 2 blocks from public housing. I knew the Little Rascals was just comedy
"Hollywood" is interested in one thing: Making money!

For a little while longer, the majority of people in this country will be Caucasians.

It is only natural that they prefer to see people with a similar cultural background.

When this country becomes a country of mostly people of color, then the movies and TV shows will follow suit.

Quite simple actually.
I don't care about that. I care about the real movers and shakers. They can follow suit when the real wealth is cut in half and then show reality. If it is all cultures in a wealthy nation, the more the merrier. In everything I have experienced in life. I know who those who help make life easier are. I know who does it because I see it. And the key is for a fair price. We have artificially raised the price of many things for the social justice agendas. And the movers and shakers have taken a hit due to it. Thank gaia for the Far East and their modern technical practices.
...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Young Sheldon has an all-white cast, though there is a minor role for a Vietnamese boy who makes jokes about being Vietnamese.

I've been watching an older show called Dawson's Creek, which has a token homosexual and even a mentally ill girl, but the cast is all white, except for a minor role for a black principal.

I'm not sure what the point I'm trying to make is, oh wait, here's the point. Hollywood, which is constantly preaching to the rest of us, is as racist in its casting choices as the Ku Klux Klan.
the last time TV had a Black show with ratings
Been a while

I grew up in the Bronx 2 blocks from public housing. I knew the Little Rascals was just comedy

The Bronx.
Man there's a quarter of a mile to my closest neighbor and a half mile to the next and a mile and a half to the next.
Hollywood has only two modes:

White as a sheet at a KKK rally; or

Overboard inclusion.

Also, minorities are now used as platforms for social justice lecturing. For example, a Mexican-American woman bitching about the Alamo.
Young Sheldon has an all-white cast, though there is a minor role for a Vietnamese boy who makes jokes about being Vietnamese.
One of Sheldon's teachers is a black woman and his father's coach co-worker is a black man as well. He has done 16 episodes so far and Sheldon's teacher has been in 13.

God bless you and the whole cast always!!!

Its the PC that is revolting in modern day TV. It is an insult to real heroes who never get a word. If you knew some of them that have died or died from long term affects of something you might see the realities. The drive for social justice seems to have a lot of made up stuff in it.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?
Hollywood has only two modes:

White as a sheet at a KKK rally; or

Overboard inclusion.

Also, minorities are now used as platforms for social justice lecturing. For example, a Mexican-American woman bitching about the Alamo.

Why not?

Um, we weren't the good guys at the Alamo. A bunch of slave owners tried to steal Mexico's land. Mexico had the exact same response the US would have if a bunch of Cubans in Florida decided to start their own country.
...even today.

I was watching Picard today and there was a nice bi-racial couple, white woman, black man. I had barely made a note of it when intruders teleported in, threw a dagger and killed the black man. I think he got maybe two or three lines in before he died. All surviving characters of this show are white.

Um, the Android girl in that show looked Asian or at least bi-racial. When she called her mom, her mom was clearly Asian. Michelle Hurd, who is black, will be introduced as a major character in later episodes.

And, oh, yeah. It's only the first episode.

So given Star Trek's record.
TOS- A black and Asian cast member
TNG- Two black cast members.
DS9 - A black lead, a black supporting character and a middle eastern character.
TNG- A black cast member, an Asian cast member and a Hispanic cast member
ENT - A black and Asian cast member
Discovery - A black lead character, and Asian major character.
Picard - Let's see where they go with it.

You are obsessed with Star Trek, aren't you Moon Bat?

How about Star Wars where "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away" there are Neggras, 'Spics and Asians, in addition to Whites? Seems like our theory racial evolution on earth is pretty much bunk.
Let's face it, Hollywood has a long way to go to catch up with real life America.
You are obsessed with Star Trek, aren't you Moon Bat?

Actually, Doctor Who is more my Geekdom of Choice these days.

How about Star Wars where "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away" there are Neggras, 'Spics and Asians, in addition to Whites? Seems like our theory racial evolution on earth is pretty much bunk.

Um, that's just... weird. No one thinks Star Wars is actually real, right?

Now, funny thing, when the first Star Wars came out, someone asked why everyone in the movie was white. (Or at least all the humans.) So in the later movies, they included more people of color, including this cool guy.

Hollywood has only two modes:

White as a sheet at a KKK rally; or

Overboard inclusion.

Also, minorities are now used as platforms for social justice lecturing. For example, a Mexican-American woman bitching about the Alamo.

Why not?

Um, we weren't the good guys at the Alamo. A bunch of slave owners tried to steal Mexico's land. Mexico had the exact same response the US would have if a bunch of Cubans in Florida decided to start their own country.
Go to Mexico and live.
The scripted shows that I watch (mainly cop and med) seem to be appropriately populated, except that Homosexuals & Lesbians are over-represented.

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