A repub congressman speaks

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Oh, here we go with the faux outrage about how terrible the repubs are because they didn't vote on hurricane relief. Well.............then I guess the dems should NOT have stuffed the bill with so much pork! If the dems had ANY ethics at all and were serious about getting a vote on the bill, they would have made the bill ONLY about hurricane relief....instead they tried to cram all kinds of shit into a bill that didn't belong there in the first place. The dems should have put the bill out there asking ONLY for funding for hurricane Sanday......everyone would have voted and passed the bill without question. Nice try, asshole.
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.

The difference is timing, i.e. emergency authorization vs. longer-term funding. You're mixing apples and oranges. The rap against Bush was on the first point. Now we're talking about the second.

Oh, here we go with the faux outrage about how terrible the repubs are because they didn't vote on hurricane relief. Well.............then I guess the dems should NOT have stuffed the bill with so much pork! If the dems had ANY ethics at all and were serious about getting a vote on the bill, they would have made the bill ONLY about hurricane relief....instead they tried to cram all kinds of shit into a bill that didn't belong there in the first place. The dems should have put the bill out there asking ONLY for funding for hurricane Sanday......everyone would have voted and passed the bill without question. Nice try, asshole.

The House said it will vote on 9B today and the other 51B on the 15th. You still advocating voting against the bill. Cantor wanted the bill passed if that is good enough for you.

Oh, here we go with the faux outrage about how terrible the repubs are because they didn't vote on hurricane relief. Well.............then I guess the dems should NOT have stuffed the bill with so much pork! If the dems had ANY ethics at all and were serious about getting a vote on the bill, they would have made the bill ONLY about hurricane relief....instead they tried to cram all kinds of shit into a bill that didn't belong there in the first place. The dems should have put the bill out there asking ONLY for funding for hurricane Sanday......everyone would have voted and passed the bill without question. Nice try, asshole.

The House said it will vote on 9B today and the other 51B on the 15th. You still advocating voting against the bill. Cantor wanted the bill passed if that is good enough for you.

Um....NO....I'm advocating against blindly fulfilling the liberals agenda and just forking over a huge amount of money for a bill that's stuffed with pork. If the dems want to be taken seriously, then they should have put forth a bill without all the bullshit.....it would have been voted on and passed without question. Go spew your rhetoric somewhere else..
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.

The difference is timing, i.e. emergency authorization vs. longer-term funding. You're mixing apples and oranges. The rap against Bush was on the first point. Now we're talking about the second.

This is apples to apples......obama "promised" quick action, no red tape, nothing was going to get in the way of people getting what they immediately need, the feds were going to provide all necessary support, etc...and people are STILL going without and it's been months. This IS obama's Katrina....and the fucking idiot liberals are STILL supporting obama's response (or total lack thereof) to the hurricane. Quit making so many stupid excuses for the incompetent fuck we have as a president. How about this.....pretend his name is George W. Bush, and then let's see how much credit you give him about Hurricane Sandy.
gwennie, the dems won the presidency and increased their majority in the Senate and their minority in the house. You better understand the American people are listening and choosing. We GOP have to do better on these issues.
Oh, here we go with the faux outrage about how terrible the repubs are because they didn't vote on hurricane relief. Well.............then I guess the dems should NOT have stuffed the bill with so much pork! If the dems had ANY ethics at all and were serious about getting a vote on the bill, they would have made the bill ONLY about hurricane relief....instead they tried to cram all kinds of shit into a bill that didn't belong there in the first place. The dems should have put the bill out there asking ONLY for funding for hurricane Sanday......everyone would have voted and passed the bill without question. Nice try, asshole.

The House said it will vote on 9B today and the other 51B on the 15th. You still advocating voting against the bill. Cantor wanted the bill passed if that is good enough for you.

Um....NO....I'm advocating against blindly fulfilling the liberals agenda and just forking over a huge amount of money for a bill that's stuffed with pork. If the dems want to be taken seriously, then they should have put forth a bill without all the bullshit.....it would have been voted on and passed without question. Go spew your rhetoric somewhere else..

Are you more familiar with the bill than Eric Cantor? Why would a Tea Party member support a bill full of pork? Have you read the bill? If not on what information are you basing your opinion?
gwennie, the dems won the presidency and increased their majority in the Senate and their minority in the house. You better understand the American people are listening and choosing. We GOP have to do better on these issues.

From what I heard on the floor of the House these last two days the far right are digging in their heals. If you have optimism for a more moderate republican House your hopes are about to be dashed. Or should I say run over by a truck, and then backed over.

Sorry man, just the way I see it. First they are going to sink the rest of the Sandy funding and then flat refuse to given an inch or the rest of the fiscal cliff negotiations. I actually very, very much hope I am wrong but just calling them as I see them as it stands right now. Someone had better get in there and show some leadership which means a steel spine.
gwennie, the dems won the presidency and increased their majority in the Senate and their minority in the house. You better understand the American people are listening and choosing. We GOP have to do better on these issues.

From what I heard on the floor of the House these last two days the far right are digging in their heals. If you have optimism for a more moderate republican House your hopes are about to be dashed. Or should I say run over by a truck, and then backed over.

Sorry man, just the way I see it. First they are going to sink the rest of the Sandy funding and then flat refuse to given an inch or the rest of the fiscal cliff negotiations. I actually very, very much hope I am wrong but just calling them as I see them as it stands right now. Someone had better get in there and show some leadership which means a steel spine.

You have every right to believe what you want but that belief is not based, I believe, on what is happening. I do believe Boehner, with a reduced TPM presence, can meet the challenge of joint governance. If he and the GOP can't do this, the Dems are going to crucify the Pubs in Nov 2014.

The American people will not allow this gridlock to continue.
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Seems the sheeple are going to find a way to save obama's ass yet once again by finding a way to blame Republicans.

Damn democrats are you still bitter at the GOP for taking your slaves away?
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Seems the sheeple are going to find a way to save obama's ass yet once again by finding a way to blame Republicans.

Damn democrats are you still bitter at the GOP for taking your slaves away?

You + Thinking = Oxymoron.

Ya dunce.
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Seems the sheeple are going to find a way to save obama's ass yet once again by finding a way to blame Republicans.

Damn democrats are you still bitter at the GOP for taking your slaves away?

You + Thinking = Oxymoron.

Ya dunce.

obama defenders
blamed bush for FEMA'S failure
they blame republicans controlled house for FEMA failure
Somehow they just can't blame obama and this idiot thinks I am incapable of thinking.
SHEEISH go get some help you really need it.
gwennie, the dems won the presidency and increased their majority in the Senate and their minority in the house. You better understand the American people are listening and choosing. We GOP have to do better on these issues.

What does this have to do with hurricane relief??? Seems to me you are taking this opportunity to show us that you're a RINO, but trying to masquerade as a repub. Makes no difference to me whicih side of the isle you fall on, but it was pretty clear this thread was about hurricane relief and what's getting in the way of it.....not who won the election or who made advances in congress or the ever-present liberal back-handed comment of "the people are listening and choosing" argument. obama "won" by a very slim percentage.....it wasn't this huge landslide that libs are trying to make it out to be. Had he won by 10%+, then it would have been a landslide.....the guy won by approx 3.5%, hardly something to wear proudly on a sleeve. As for advances in the senate......anyone who voted in that crazy whack job Elizabeth Warren or people like her pretty much tells anyone who bothers to pay attention that the far left nutty part of the liberals are making attempts to grab power....and obama has concerns about that as well.
The House said it will vote on 9B today and the other 51B on the 15th. You still advocating voting against the bill. Cantor wanted the bill passed if that is good enough for you.

Um....NO....I'm advocating against blindly fulfilling the liberals agenda and just forking over a huge amount of money for a bill that's stuffed with pork. If the dems want to be taken seriously, then they should have put forth a bill without all the bullshit.....it would have been voted on and passed without question. Go spew your rhetoric somewhere else..

Are you more familiar with the bill than Eric Cantor? Why would a Tea Party member support a bill full of pork? Have you read the bill? If not on what information are you basing your opinion?

Well, apparently, I am more familiar with it than you are. Establishment repubs are just as bad as establishment dems......they will feed their campaign donors in order to ensure they are re-elected....this is no surprise. I still stand by what I said earlier......
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Seems the sheeple are going to find a way to save obama's ass yet once again by finding a way to blame Republicans.

Damn democrats are you still bitter at the GOP for taking your slaves away?

As pointed out, you guys are wrong as usual. Dems controlled House and Senate in 2005. Another example of your willful and knowing lies.

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