A real look at ethnic cleansing in the Holy land... decide for yourself

[Another Death Cult festival.


MORE HERE: Photos of Israeli White Phosphorus attacks on UN schools in Gaza

Y'know? A school? With children?

Y'know? A school? A hospital? With children?

No. You don't know.

Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools
You do know. And you should know your linke has been shown for the crap it is before.
[Another Death Cult festival.


MORE HERE: Photos of Israeli White Phosphorus attacks on UN schools in Gaza

Y'know? A school? With children?

Y'know? A school? A hospital? With children?

No. You don't know.

Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools
You do know. And you should know your linke has been shown for the crap it is before.

Oh, my. Your tender sensibilities are offended.

Gee, I don't know. Do you think it could be because NO ONE IS COMMITTING GENOCIDE on the Gazan people? And anti-Israelis (who are really anti-Jew) have co-opted and re-defined the word in order to demonize Israel (really Jews) and justify Islamic and Arab violence perpetrated against innocents.
...Do you think it could be because NO ONE IS COMMITTING GENOCIDE on the Gazan people?
Wrong again... whole thread on it.

The question about genocide– yes, it’s an incremental genocide. And I think that’s a word that gives a lot of people pause and it certainly should. We don’t see the absolutely mass slaughters, although in Gaza I think we’ve seen something very much like it that we usually associate with genocide. But– the attempts to erase a people, to just erase them, to erase their history, I think follow a logic that can only be called genocidal. I mean, every time someone says– and people say it all the time, I get it on twitter all the time– “There’s no such thing as a Palestinian,” or “There was nobody there when the Zionists arrived”– these are genocidal statements, these are attempts to erase a culture, erase a history, decimate a people and I think they should be recognized as that.
Israel’s efforts to erase Palestinian history reflect ‘incremental genocide...

And anti-Israelis (who are really anti-Jew) have co-opted and re-defined the word in order to demonize Israel (really Jews) and justify Islamic and Arab violence perpetrated against innocents.
Wrong again... whole thread on it.

Judaism and zionism are extreme opposites
...Do you think it could be because NO ONE IS COMMITTING GENOCIDE on the Gazan people?
Wrong again... whole thread on it.

The question about genocide– yes, it’s an incremental genocide. And I think that’s a word that gives a lot of people pause and it certainly should. We don’t see the absolutely mass slaughters, although in Gaza I think we’ve seen something very much like it that we usually associate with genocide. But– the attempts to erase a people, to just erase them, to erase their history, I think follow a logic that can only be called genocidal. I mean, every time someone says– and people say it all the time, I get it on twitter all the time– “There’s no such thing as a Palestinian,” or “There was nobody there when the Zionists arrived”– these are genocidal statements, these are attempts to erase a culture, erase a history, decimate a people and I think they should be recognized as that.
Israel’s efforts to erase Palestinian history reflect ‘incremental genocide...

And anti-Israelis (who are really anti-Jew) have co-opted and re-defined the word in order to demonize Israel (really Jews) and justify Islamic and Arab violence perpetrated against innocents.
Wrong again... whole thread on it.

Judaism and zionism are extreme opposites

It's another of your nonsensical, cut and paste, waste of bandwidth threads of pointlessness.

Your silly cutting and pasting of cartoons about genocide™ are a bad joke.
The question about genocide– yes, it’s an incremental genocide. And I think that’s a word that gives a lot of people pause and it certainly should.

See what I mean by re-defining things? Even you can't call it a genocide -- you are forced to qualify it with terms like "slow" or "incremental". That's because you know, as well as I do, that what the Nazis did to the Jewish people, and the Rom, and others was not at all either factually nor morally equivalent. And it is appalling beyond measure for you to compare the systematic, institutionalized, intentional murder of six million innocent people to the "resistance" in Gaza and its consequences.

If you want to compare and contrast the incremental genocide which is actually being perpetrated against the Jewish people and the so-called erasure of the Palestinian people, I'd be happy to go back to that thread and discuss it with you. You don't seem to have the ability to discuss anything, though. All you seem to have the ability to do is copy and paste outrageous memes. And I'm not interested in a meme throwdown. Its boring. I'd rather debate with intelligent people writing intelligent and thoughtful commentary on the problems in Israel, Judea and Samaria, Palestine and Gaza. But that seems to be in short supply for Team Palestine.
Spin however you like. Genocide is genocide, incremental or otherwise.

The question about genocide– yes, it’s an incremental genocide. And I think that’s a word that gives a lot of people pause and it certainly should.

See what I mean by re-defining things? Even you can't call it a genocide -- you are forced to qualify it with terms like "slow" or "incremental". That's because you know, as well as I do, that what the Nazis did to the Jewish people, and the Rom, and others was not at all either factually nor morally equivalent. And it is appalling beyond measure for you to compare the systematic, institutionalized, intentional murder of six million innocent people to the "resistance" in Gaza and its consequences.

If you want to compare and contrast the incremental genocide which is actually being perpetrated against the Jewish people and the so-called erasure of the Palestinian people, I'd be happy to go back to that thread and discuss it with you. You don't seem to have the ability to discuss anything, though. All you seem to have the ability to do is copy and paste outrageous memes. And I'm not interested in a meme throwdown. Its boring. I'd rather debate with intelligent people writing intelligent and thoughtful commentary on the problems in Israel, Judea and Samaria, Palestine and Gaza. But that seems to be in short supply for Team Palestine.

"All you seem to have the ability to do is copy and paste outrageous memes."

Well, your words were prophetic.
Spin however you like. Genocide is genocide, incremental or otherwise.

No, its not.

Losing territory as *cough cough* "demonstrated" in patently false maps is neither factually nor morally equivalent of losing 90% of the your people (in certain countries) to systematic, institutionalized killing. I put the words in bold to assist you in understanding the difference.

Losing territory is NOT equivalent the murder of 90% of your people. To claim that it is is morally repugnant.
Maps don't lie - you do!

Your practice of cutting and pasting from obscure blogs and even from other message boards when you know nothing of the subject matter makes a case for the slogan "I read it on the internet so it must be true".
"All you seem to have the ability to do is copy and paste outrageous memes."

Well, your words were prophetic.

I know, right! Its like someone declared it Meme Sunday around here. Its hard to respect someone who can't type a full sentence on their own.

But, in honor of Meme Sunday:



Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

134 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,149 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

1,211 Israelis
and at least 9,454 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Injured
September 29, 2000 - Present

11,747 Israelis and 92,107 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

Daily U.S. Military Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Fiscal Year 2013

During Fiscal Year 2016, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $10.2 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians
1955 - 1992

Israel has been targeted by at least 77 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by 1. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

0 Israelis
are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 7,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates

The Israeli unemployment rate is 5.6%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 17.7% and 44% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 261 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)


Bottom line:


you should probably use real sources.
Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

134 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,149 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

1,211 Israelis
and at least 9,454 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Injured
September 29, 2000 - Present

11,747 Israelis and 92,107 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

Daily U.S. Military Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Fiscal Year 2013

During Fiscal Year 2016, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $10.2 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians
1955 - 1992

Israel has been targeted by at least 77 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by 1. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

0 Israelis
are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 7,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates

The Israeli unemployment rate is 5.6%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 17.7% and 44% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 261 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)


Bottom line:


you should probably use real sources.

Source: B'Tselem, The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. (Visit their statistics page, last updated November 30, 2016.)
Spin however you like. Genocide is genocide, incremental or otherwise.

No, its not.

Losing territory as *cough cough* "demonstrated" in patently false maps is neither factually nor morally equivalent of losing 90% of the your people (in certain countries) to systematic, institutionalized killing. I put the words in bold to assist you in understanding the difference.

Losing territory is NOT equivalent the murder of 90% of your people. To claim that it is is morally repugnant.
Palestine never "lost" any territory. It is just occupied.

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