"A Real Leader Speaks Truth About The Socialist Democrats"


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, when this man says the Red Line? He means it, not like the Weenie in the W.H.!!!

Putin: Obama administration trying to undermine Trump


Jan. 17, 2017 2:21 PM EST

MOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin took a parting shot at the Obama administration Tuesday, accusing it of trying to undermine Donald Trump's legitimacy with fake allegations and "binding the president-elect hand and foot to prevent him from fulfilling his election promises."

In his first public remarks about an unsubstantiated dossier outlining unverified claims that Trump engaged in sexual activities with prostitutes at a Moscow hotel, Putin dismissed the material as "nonsense."

"People who order such fakes against the U.S. president-elect, fabricate them and use them in political struggle are worse than prostitutes," Putin said. "They have no moral restrictions whatsoever, and it highlights a significant degree of degradation of political elites in the West, including in the United States."

Separately, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the dossier, compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, was a "rude provocation." The diplomat contemptuously called its author a "runaway swindler from MI6," Britain's foreign intelligence agency. Trump has rejected the sexual allegations as "fake news" and "phony stuff."

Putin: Obama administration trying to undermine Trump

The problem with americans is they keep waiting for a "real leader" to come down from on high and save them.

Nevah gonna happen. It's on you, it's on us.
The problem with americans is they keep waiting for a "real leader" to come down from on high and save them.

Nevah gonna happen. It's on you, it's on us.

Yo, maybe do away with the "Socialist Democrat Party," and America will be Great Again!!!


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