A Rational View of Forced Immigration Upon a Sovereign Nation

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Any kind of terrorist attack is a bad thing.. Without affixing blame, we can look at the stresses forced immigration causes upon a society and for The Immigrants-Refugees themselves.

Death and Terrorism is a symptom of Societal Stresses. Pressures are created which build and have no place to be released. These are artificial & manufactured stresses that are unnecessary brought on by poorly implemented public policy.

But like The Mayor of London has stated, people are just going to have to get used to it. If things continue, and we continue to implement outdated policies and laws, this will be our new reality.

Mass Migration, Forced Migration creates stresses on The Host Population.
It also creates stresses on those Migrating to a Host Country. And if those immigrating to a Host Country are not assimilating in to the culture of their Host Nation, it exacerbates the situation even more.

You cannot create a harmony if the notes you are playing are discordant. Compatible notes not only sound more pleasing to the ear, but they can be formed together to make a far better melody.

This is why a country needs to be selective about immigration, and ensure that their immigration policy matches the current geopolitical climate and that immigrants are suitable and compatible for their Host Nations.

In that context, Immigration should expand and contract according to the threat matrix the world and a nation faces and according to Domestic needs, and conditions in the “now” not the “then”.

Immigration is not a “feel good game”. It is a tool we use to take advantage of the good things immigration can bring and is a defense mechanism utilized to limit the negative impact poorly managed immigration can bring. If done wrong, with the wrong people, immigration can create massive social upheaval and societal stresses that can be unmanageable.

Failure to properly administer a nation’s immigration policies guarantee that some people will just snap under those stresses, and spread their stress to those around them, inflicting damage to themselves, their communities and neighbors that can be horrific and irreversible.

We should therefore be responsible with our immigration policy and not reckless, for what we sow, we shall reap.
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This is why a country needs to be selective about immigration, and ensure that their immigration policy matches the current geopolitical climate. Immigration should expand and contract according to the threat matrix the world and a nation faces.

You're right. Australians are responsible for every terror attack in NZ in the last 10 years. NZ should place a travel ban on Australia, and eye every Western nation that tolerates the hateful right-wing ideology that inspired those attacks.
We get the society we deserve.

If you employ reckless policies that do not encourage a cohesive society that society will be increasingly divided.

This is why multiculturalism is subversive and destructive to any nation that embraces it.

This is not to say we cannot have differences, but rather it is to say that we need things to unify us. Things like common culture, common language, and equality under the law.

Common sense policies encourage common sense in a people, and reckless policies create the same, recklessness.

This is why a country needs to be selective about immigration, and ensure that their immigration policy matches the current geopolitical climate. Immigration should expand and contract according to the threat matrix the world and a nation faces.

You're right. Australians are responsible for every terror attack in NZ in the last 10 years. NZ should place a travel ban on Australia, and eye every Western nation that tolerates the hateful right-wing ideology that inspired those attacks.
Try telling that to the leftists. According to them, when the foreign population reaches critical level and the whites get upset about their replacements, the stress is a bug, not a feature. Those idiot patriarch whites should just let themselves and their values be replaced without any fuzz.

Yes, this is what they actually believe.
I am not talking so much about race as I am about common culture and values.

But I agree. The Left has went all in on Population and Culture Replacement, right down to replacing our Republic with a Socialist State.

Try telling that to the leftists. According to them, when the foreign population reaches critical level and the whites get upset about their replacements, the stress is a bug, not a feature. Those idiot patriarch whites should just let themselves and their values be replaced without any fuzz.

Yes, this is what they actually believe.
I am not talking so much about race as I am about common culture and values.

But I agree. The Left has went all in on Population and Culture Replacement, right down to replacing our Republic with a Socialist State.

Try telling that to the leftists. According to them, when the foreign population reaches critical level and the whites get upset about their replacements, the stress is a bug, not a feature. Those idiot patriarch whites should just let themselves and their values be replaced without any fuzz.

Yes, this is what they actually believe.

Sure thing tin foil . You sound a lot like the NZ shooter .
The white people in Australia are the invaders .
No offense, but since the left claims man evolved from primates somewhere in Africa then all men are migrants and invaders.

Or do you want to talk about all the indigenous animal species mankind committed Genocide against?

The worst was in the Americas.
So why did you come in hear to flame bait and try to derail this thread with race baiting?

If you aren’t full of fear, why?

If you are not a hate monger yourself, then why?

I never mentioned Race even once in my original post.

You come in here and start accusing and labeling everyone you disagree with, why?

The white people in Australia are the invaders .

Oh look, a self hating leftist!

Never seen that one before.

I’m not self hating . You righty kooks are the hate mongers . Most of the Gop talking points or based on hate and fear .
You certainly aren’t talking sense or about the topic even, so why?

The white people in Australia are the invaders .
No offense, but since the left claims man evolved from primates somewhere in Africa then all men are migrants and invaders.

Or do you want to talk about all the indigenous animal species mankind committed Genocide against?

The worst was in the Americas.

I’m not talking acient man .
So why did you come in hear to flame bait and try to derail this thread with race baiting?

If you aren’t full of fear, why?

If you are not a hate monger yourself, then why?

I never mentioned Race even once in my original post.

You come in here and start accusing and labeling everyone you disagree with, why?

The white people in Australia are the invaders .

Oh look, a self hating leftist!

Never seen that one before.

I’m not self hating . You righty kooks are the hate mongers . Most of the Gop talking points or based on hate and fear .

Your op is race baiting BS . You neo Nazis act like you are so clever when you cowardly try to hide your true intentions . Everyone can see through you .
I think it’s you that is full of hate.

You don’t even know what common culture means.

You don’t even want to discuss immigration policy.

You came in here to just spew your venom instead of contemplate and debate the topic.

But if you are such a mind reader, you knew I was going to say all that, right?

So why did you come in hear to flame bait and try to derail this thread with race baiting?

If you aren’t full of fear, why?

If you are not a hate monger yourself, then why?

I never mentioned Race even once in my original post.

You come in here and start accusing and labeling everyone you disagree with, why?

The white people in Australia are the invaders .

Oh look, a self hating leftist!

Never seen that one before.

I’m not self hating . You righty kooks are the hate mongers . Most of the Gop talking points or based on hate and fear .

Your op is race baiting BS . You neo Nazis act like you are so clever when you cowardly try to hide your true intentions . Everyone can see through you .
I think it’s you that is full of hate.

You don’t even know what common culture means.

You don’t even want to discuss immigration policy.

You came in here to just spew your venom instead of contemplate and debate the topic.

But if you are such a mind reader, you knew I was going to say all that, right?

So why did you come in hear to flame bait and try to derail this thread with race baiting?

If you aren’t full of fear, why?

If you are not a hate monger yourself, then why?

I never mentioned Race even once in my original post.

You come in here and start accusing and labeling everyone you disagree with, why?

The white people in Australia are the invaders .

Oh look, a self hating leftist!

Never seen that one before.

I’m not self hating . You righty kooks are the hate mongers . Most of the Gop talking points or based on hate and fear .

Your op is race baiting BS . You neo Nazis act like you are so clever when you cowardly try to hide your true intentions . Everyone can see through you .

Ok let’s talk. What “stressors”? If people are so superficially hate filled , why is that immigrants fault ?
Look at how you attacked me and called me a Nazi just because I am different than you.

Imagine entire groups of people dropped in to a previously peaceful community just like you daily insulting and assaulting people in the very community that is hosting them? Culture shock is a reality.

Imagine the stress on the accusing immigrants when the local population does not agree with them, and yet refuses to moderate their tone.
That’s a recipe for conflict and division if the visiting migrants don’t assimilate in to the host culture.

I think it’s you that is full of hate.

You don’t even know what common culture means.

You don’t even want to discuss immigration policy.

You came in here to just spew your venom instead of contemplate and debate the topic.

But if you are such a mind reader, you knew I was going to say all that, right?

So why did you come in hear to flame bait and try to derail this thread with race baiting?

If you aren’t full of fear, why?

If you are not a hate monger yourself, then why?

I never mentioned Race even once in my original post.

You come in here and start accusing and labeling everyone you disagree with, why?

Oh look, a self hating leftist!

Never seen that one before.

I’m not self hating . You righty kooks are the hate mongers . Most of the Gop talking points or based on hate and fear .

Your op is race baiting BS . You neo Nazis act like you are so clever when you cowardly try to hide your true intentions . Everyone can see through you .

Ok let’s talk. What “stressors”? If people are so superficially hate filled , why is that immigrants fault ?
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Look at how you attacked me and called me a Nazi just because I am different than you.

Imagine entire groups of people dropped in to a community just like you daily insulting and assaulting people in the community that is hosting them?

Imagine the stress on the accusing immigrants when the local population does not agree with them, and yet refuses to moderate their tone.
I think it’s you that is full of hate.

You don’t even know what common culture means.

You don’t even want to discuss immigration policy.

You came in here to just spew your venom instead of contemplate and debate the topic.

But if you are such a mind reader, you knew I was going to say all that, right?

So why did you come in hear to flame bait and try to derail this thread with race baiting?

If you aren’t full of fear, why?

If you are not a hate monger yourself, then why?

I never mentioned Race even once in my original post.

You come in here and start accusing and labeling everyone you disagree with, why?

I’m not self hating . You righty kooks are the hate mongers . Most of the Gop talking points or based on hate and fear .

Your op is race baiting BS . You neo Nazis act like you are so clever when you cowardly try to hide your true intentions . Everyone can see through you .

Ok let’s talk. What “stressors”? If people are so superficially hate filled , why is that immigrants fault ?

I called you a Nazi cause I am familiar with your posts .
So I am guessing the Left has ZERO Logical Arguments to counter my flawless

That’s so Illogical

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