A Question for the Administration of USMB


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Not a criticism.

Just an idle question.

I understand that (as a rule) the Mod staff here at USMB declines to discuss the basis for any decision to "ban" any guest.

As a result, when we notice a regular has gotten a heave-ho, many of us are left kind of in a limbo -- reduced to guessing and plain old wondering -- 'what the fuck got that poor bastard banned?"

Is there a reason for the silence?

I mean, does it serve any particular purpose?

Not a very important question. I really was just curious having seen (today) that a regular (i.e., a regular troll) ate a ban.
Not a criticism.

Just an idle question.

I understand that (as a rule) the Mod staff here at USMB declines to discuss the basis for any decision to "ban" any guest.

As a result, when we notice a regular has gotten a heave-ho, many of us are left kind of in a limbo -- reduced to guessing and plain old wondering -- 'what the fuck got that poor bastard banned?"

Is there a reason for the silence?

I mean, does it serve any particular purpose?

Not a very important question. I really was just curious having seen (today) that a regular (i.e., a regular troll) ate a ban.

Um, I thought we couldn't question the moderation of USMB in an Open forum.....

.....Run when you hear the black helicopters circling your house.
Not a criticism.

Just an idle question.

I understand that (as a rule) the Mod staff here at USMB declines to discuss the basis for any decision to "ban" any guest.

As a result, when we notice a regular has gotten a heave-ho, many of us are left kind of in a limbo -- reduced to guessing and plain old wondering -- 'what the fuck got that poor bastard banned?"

Is there a reason for the silence?

I mean, does it serve any particular purpose?

Not a very important question. I really was just curious having seen (today) that a regular (i.e., a regular troll) ate a ban.

Um, I thought we couldn't question the moderation of USMB in an Open forum.....

.....Run when you hear the black helicopters circling your house.


I was not questioning any particular action. I was asking for the policy basis for a "rule" that prevents them from telling the world why some offender got sentenced.

I don't think it's very likely that the black helicopters will come gunning for me. The Administrative guys here at USMB are far too mature and sophisticated to cut some person off in mid thought. They would always permit a person to fin
Not a criticism.

Just an idle question.

I understand that (as a rule) the Mod staff here at USMB declines to discuss the basis for any decision to "ban" any guest.

As a result, when we notice a regular has gotten a heave-ho, many of us are left kind of in a limbo -- reduced to guessing and plain old wondering -- 'what the fuck got that poor bastard banned?"

Is there a reason for the silence?

I mean, does it serve any particular purpose?

Not a very important question. I really was just curious having seen (today) that a regular (i.e., a regular troll) ate a ban.

Um, I thought we couldn't question the moderation of USMB in an Open forum.....

.....Run when you hear the black helicopters circling your house.


I was not questioning any particular action. I was asking for the policy basis for a "rule" that prevents them from telling the world why some offender got sentenced.

I don't think it's very likely that the black helicopters will come gunning for me. The Administrative guys here at USMB are far too mature and sophisticated to cut some person off in mid thought. They would always permit a person to fin

I have to admit that I have wondered about that too though. Most especially when it is one of my favorite comembers here who gets a time out and disappears. You wonder what they did, whether it is permanent, and if you'll ever see them again. That has happened to several folks that I am very fond of. Fortunately, most have returned.

(And okay, maybe every now and then there is also wishful thinking that I might be free at last. :))
usually the answer is in the thread where the event happened.

One got it today for spamming the board with the same thread four times.

Since it really is so very hard to get banned here, I just assume that the perp worked hard to get there.
usually the answer is in the thread where the event happened.

One got it today for spamming the board with the same thread four times.

Since it really is so very hard to get banned here, I just assume that the perp worked hard to get there.

I disagree. When I've noticed a person is banned, I will click on "find all posts" by clicking on there name and reading the last few posts before they were banned. On the majority of them, they appeared to be normail posts and I was left scratching my head trying to figure out what their offense was. Now, o nthe other hand there are some folks who are like a squeaky wheel and they just grate on people over the long haul. Instead of getting some greae, I think some mods are just tired of seeing the childishness and get pushed over the edge into banned land. But I could be wrong.
I can't speak for these guys obviously, but speaking as a former mod/admin of a large forum for years...basically...you can't win.
If you publicize what happened to someone in comes a giant flaming contest between the supporters of the person banned and those that agree with it. (usually drawn by political sides) In comes accusations of favortism - "they were banned because the mod was put to shame in this thread (link) - he is just getting him back"
And then that starts a whole new round.

If you want a divided forum...make mod actions public.
Not a criticism.

Just an idle question.

I understand that (as a rule) the Mod staff here at USMB declines to discuss the basis for any decision to "ban" any guest.

As a result, when we notice a regular has gotten a heave-ho, many of us are left kind of in a limbo -- reduced to guessing and plain old wondering -- 'what the fuck got that poor bastard banned?"

Is there a reason for the silence?

I mean, does it serve any particular purpose?

Not a very important question. I really was just curious having seen (today) that a regular (i.e., a regular troll) ate a ban.

Well keep this in mind Liable... I got banned for "chiding" moderation. I didn't question anything... I chided them... and I got banned for two weeks, and it didn't do me any good to plead to the board owner either. So watch your step. You can get banned, well "I" get banned, for LESS than "questioning" mods actions, and if you see "banned" next to my name shortly, it will be because I spoke of it on the board. Is that "questioning?" Nope. Just stating the facts.
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I agree that the mods need not post a rationale for banning somebody. I see no reason to make their jobs any tougher than it already is.

I am sometimes mystified that one person gets banned while others who, in my opinion, committed far more egregious offenses seem to never be touched. But then I am not privy to what goes on in all the threads--I post in and even read relatively few threads--nor am I privy to whatever warnings or discussions have gone on out of sight of the main body here. So I have been on the receiving end of what I considered unjust or unnecessary moderation but accept that the moderator felt justified in the action, and I accept that life isn't always just, fair, and makes sense.

But I would appreciate if at least the penalty was posted - one week time out - two weeks time out etc. - so we wouldn't need to unnecessarily worry about what happened to our friends.
I can't speak for these guys obviously, but speaking as a former mod/admin of a large forum for years...basically...you can't win.
If you publicize what happened to someone in comes a giant flaming contest between the supporters of the person banned and those that agree with it. (usually drawn by political sides) In comes accusations of favortism - "they were banned because the mod was put to shame in this thread (link) - he is just getting him back"
And then that starts a whole new round.

If you want a divided forum...make mod actions public.

Exactly my experience. I have actually seen disputes like that tear apart the staff of a forum, which really got ugly. It once got so bad on one forum that the guy who owned the software took his ball and went home, leaving the site, which was owned by someone else, without a forum. The best thing is to let everyone think whatever they want, and arbitraly ban people just to keep them on their toes. :razz:
I can't speak for these guys obviously, but speaking as a former mod/admin of a large forum for years...basically...you can't win.
If you publicize what happened to someone in comes a giant flaming contest between the supporters of the person banned and those that agree with it. (usually drawn by political sides) In comes accusations of favortism - "they were banned because the mod was put to shame in this thread (link) - he is just getting him back"
And then that starts a whole new round.

If you want a divided forum...make mod actions public.

Exactly my experience. I have actually seen disputes like that tear apart the staff of a forum, which really got ugly. It once got so bad on one forum that the guy who owned the software took his ball and went home, leaving the site, which was owned by someone else, without a forum. The best thing is to let everyone think whatever they want, and arbitraly ban people just to keep them on their toes. :razz:

I list the reason why on my board, and anyone is free to question whatever it is they like. If a majority feel I've made a bad decision, I'll rescind a ban. I don't really understand this absolute, instant ban rule here for questioning moderator actions. I think it's extreme.

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