a question for democrats about the way China acted during the early stages of covid .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
it is common knowledge that China restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan during the early stages of covid in an attempt to contain the spread to other parts of the country but at the same time they allowed international travel to and from Wuhan ... anyone with an ounce of common since would conclude that China attempted to limit the spread in their own country but allowed international travel in order to spread covid around the world in its early stages before nations had a handle on what they were dealing with ... in other words China purposely spread covid to other countries .. no matter whether you believe covid came from a lab or from nature or was or wasnt leaked on purpose one thing is for sure they purposefully allowed the virus to spread around the world while they tried to limit spread in their own country . so dems did China purposefully spread covid and are they our compitition and not our enemy like the left claims ?

i put this in the satire section not because it isnt a serious topic but because i expect the dems to get emotional and deflect
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This is undeniable fact, not satire. It is most likely that the virus escaped the sloppy security of the Wuhan Lab. But once "the cat was out of the bag", Xi Jinping decided to share the wealth with the entire world and not just have China take the hit.
This is undeniable fact, not satire. It is most likely that the virus escaped the sloppy security of the Wuhan Lab. But once "the cat was out of the bag", Xi Jinping decided to share the wealth with the entire world and not just have China take the hit.
the reason its in satire is because i'm anticipating insane dem responses ... less chance of the thread being moved to the basement .. but you are right it is very serious ...
if thos is wll true as reportedby some, then my guess is that they sent it around the world to force other nations to also deal with it and work feverishly to create a vaccine. Seems evil and desperate rather than just to swallow their pride and admit they have a problem, ask the world for help, which surely the worlds scientists would have assisted with anyways. Millions needlessly dead.
a country that practices child labor slave labor and genocide [ the Uyghurs ] would never do something so evil eh ?
When we were doing it back in the 1800's, I doubt any of the people running the country wanted to damage world wide demand for the cotton the slave labor was picking . Would we have done something "so evil"?

Evil...what are you...5 years old?
When we were doing it back in the 1800's, I doubt any of the people running the country wanted to damage world wide demand for the cotton the slave labor was picking . Would we have done something "so evil"?

Evil...what are you...5 years old?
and another leftist brings up the what about what the US did 150 yrs ago argument ! you dont believe evil exists ? ask the people in the CHICOM work camps if evil exists !
and another leftist brings up the what about what the US did 150 yrs ago argument !

the party of the confederacy was the democratic party
Anything else?
you dont believe evil exists ?
ask the people in the CHICOM work camps if evil exists !
There are bad folks, terrible folks, unspeakably terrible folks. No adult thinks there is some mysterious force that prevails called "evil".

Anything else?


There are bad folks, terrible folks, unspeakably terrible folks. No adult thinks there is some mysterious force that prevails called "evil".
false ! evil has been recognized as a farce for thousands of yrs .. your arrogance is one of the reasons you believe and vote the way you do .. once again you are deflecting from the premise of the thread ... why is it that you and your dem comrades are so hesitant to criticize China ?
false ! evil has been recognized as a farce for thousands of yrs ..
In comic books and other mythological works.
your arrogance is one of the reasons you believe and vote the way you do ..
You and other blob supporters have given the entire world a superiority complex.
once again you are deflecting from the premise of the thread ... why is it that you and your dem comrades are so hesitant to criticize China ?
The satirical thread you started is suffering from "deflection"? You're dumber than I tell people.


You were saying?
In comic books and other mythological works.

You and other blob supporters have given the entire world a superiority complex.

The satirical thread you started is suffering from "deflection"? You're dumber than I tell people.

View attachment 791623

You were saying?
the info didnt come out immediately after the outbreak idiot ! thats the point ! China lied to the world !and just like a good Chicom communist ally you defend them ...typical leftist ..
the info didnt come out immediately after the outbreak idiot ! thats the point ! China lied to the world !and just like a good Chicom communist ally you defend them ...typical leftist ..
I was defending them? When was that.

I don't think they wanted to take out their #1 customer...that would be stupid and only the most brain dead among us would harbor such an idiotic viewpoint. But there you are...harboring that viewpoint based on some silly moniker you hand out called "evil". Grow the fuck up your lousy piece of shit. .
Covid was not intentionally spread
China is or most powerful competitor. Enemy? That is one school of thought.
if China didnt intentionally spread covid why did the restrict domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international travel to and from Wuhan ?
I was defending them? When was that.

I don't think they wanted to take out their #1 customer...that would be stupid and only the most brain dead among us would harbor such an idiotic viewpoint. But there you are...harboring that viewpoint based on some silly moniker you hand out called "evil". Grow the fuck up your lousy piece of shit. .
lose weight land mammal .
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