A qestion was brought up by a liberal, would like to debate that question.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

you honestly expect people to believe you made yourself rich?
The dumb people on the internet are always rich :/
When I left for Saudi Arabia as a contractor , I was making plenty of money all tax free. Instead of spending the money like a liberal politician, I heavily invested that money into Home Depot Stock and McDonnell Douglas. When I left Saudi Arabia, in 1996 I invested that money into Yahoo, and increased my fortune 40%. Took that money invested it in a stock that promoted a Flu Patch, which increased my holding 6 times. Took that money and invested it in Chipotle after the 2007 crash(thanks to Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd) and increased it 8 times. There are those that are victims and those than get enlightened. Which are you?
Wow! This forum has more 1%ers than a Bilderberg conference.
getting rich by the standards of most people is simple: get out of debt and stay out of debt.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

All that gives you is money. Also can't help noticing that of the occupations you mention there's nothing really creative; the end result is still more, or less, money. That just isn't the point of life.

If you need that explained --- you're not ready.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

I believe every word you say. I just didn't know you and Dark Fury were brothers.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

All that gives you is money. Also can't help noticing that of the occupations you mention there's nothing really creative; the end result is still more, or less, money. That just isn't the point of life.

If you need that explained --- you're not ready.

/----/ The boring stuff leads to success. Now he has the resources to do as he wishes.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

You liberals didn't disappoint, you are and always will be a 99%er because you cant think like a winner, just think like a whiner.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

I believe every word you say. I just didn't know you and Dark Fury were brothers.

I could care less what you think of me, I am trying to enlighten some here, so they can no longer be a 99%er like you, for then you will be working for people like me, sooner or later.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

You liberals didn't disappoint, you are and always will be a 99%er because you cant think like a winner, just think like a whiner.

/----/ I missed on most of the big winners in the market. I invested in fortune 50 companies that paid dividends then had them reinvested into the stock. After 40 years I had a nice portfolio but nothing to retire on. Then I learned how to trade options, covered calls and cash secured puts mostly, now I make more money in one year of trading than any two years working. My wife and I can now enjoy a great retirement. So there is more than one way to succeed in the market. (BTW I had the foresight to buy Apple at the IPO and was gleeful when it doubled. I sold instead of holding for the long run. The options allows me to get free shares of Apple by selling PUTS and using that money to buy some shares, usually 20 at a time every two months. Although andaronjim did better than me, I found another route.
Where most of the country lives paying off the mortgage, as my wife and I did in 1992, puts you into well into 6 figures and frees up money for other investments.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

You liberals didn't disappoint, you are and always will be a 99%er because you cant think like a winner, just think like a whiner.

/----/ I missed on most of the big winners in the market. I invested in fortune 50 companies that paid dividends then had them reinvested into the stock. After 40 years I had a nice portfolio but nothing to retire on. Then I learned how to trade options, covered calls and cash secured puts mostly, now I make more money in one year of trading than any two years working. My wife and I can now enjoy a great retirement. So there is more than one way to succeed in the market. (BTW I had the foresight to buy Apple at the IPO and was gleeful when it doubled. I sold instead of holding for the long run. The options allows me to get free shares of Apple by selling PUTS and using that money to buy some shares, usually 20 at a time every two months. Although andaronjim did better than me, I found another route.
It all comes down to learning the winning way. I have had a few of my close associates start their own businesses because before they met me, they were content to just be a "worker". When I showed them that they could use their skills and knowledge to be their own bosses, they rose up to the challenge and are now their own 1%ers. The more I help others, the more they don't rely on some government to take care of them. I just asked each one of my friends now, to share the knowledge so others can profit also. I congratulate any who have gotten out of the 99%er rut, and rose up to be a winner.
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

I never really cared to be a rich old asshole...Everyone I have ever met or had as a relative or friend were assholes because of their ego and their money.. They thought it made them better than others....Yeah, so much better...You are a perfect example, instead of being happy, you act like an asshole that is better than most folks..And if you be rich, it wasn't through your ability to write and think in terms of someone scholarly..
The question was "Why don't you think like a 99%er". My question is "Why don't you think like a 1%er". Ever since I was young, I would dream of being a Lawyer, Doctor, or other successful person. I never dreamed of being a burger flipper, or used car salesman, as I didn't have low expectations for my success. I am a winner, someone who has with hard work, life lessons and the stock market amassed a fortune that by 99%ers put me into the 1% range.

Why do you want to be a 99%er, are you a whiney liberal, who through your own fault, bought into the victimhood, so you cant get a fair shake, because someone took what was rightfully yours?

I never really cared to be a rich old asshole...Everyone I have ever met or had as a relative or friend were assholes because of their ego and their money.. They thought it made them better than others....Yeah, so much better...You are a perfect example, instead of being happy, you act like an asshole that is better than most folks..And if you be rich, it wasn't through your ability to write and think in terms of someone scholarly..

So you are a 99%er, whiner, which is why you are a liberal, who must be a miserable wretch, because people who have wealth, stole all of it from you? No shit Sherlock, I never said I went to some indoctrination camp(college) but instead used my skills and knowledge to fix F-15s overseas, then through my knowledge of stock trading, did much better than a college puke working at Starbucks. Yeah, maybe I am better than a lot of folks(especially a whiney ass liberal) because I didn't see myself as a victim of liberalism, but used my God given skills to the best of my ability, and now enlighten others to do the same. Stay the victim you are, for your attitude will always be mediocre and 99%(OWS).
When I left for Saudi Arabia as a contractor , I was making plenty of money all tax free. Instead of spending the money like a liberal politician, I heavily invested that money into Home Depot Stock and McDonnell Douglas. When I left Saudi Arabia, in 1996 I invested that money into Yahoo, and increased my fortune 40%. Took that money invested it in a stock that promoted a Flu Patch, which increased my holding 6 times. Took that money and invested it in Chipotle after the 2007 crash(thanks to Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd) and increased it 8 times. There are those that are victims and those than get enlightened. Which are you?

So you didn't pay taxes, do you now? Sounds like most of the elites, hate taxes. I call you a loser.

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