....A new poll, reported in The Hill re: DTrump....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
From this morning's The Hill:

"Former President Trump’s favorability rating has dropped to a new low after slowly trickling down over the past few months.

A new NBC News poll released Sunday found that 34 percent of registered voters said they have a positive view of Trump, while 54 percent say they have a negative view of him. Trump’s favorability rating was at its lowest in April 2021, when his rating fell to 32 percent in the same NBC poll."


I can only speculate so no poster here need bet their mortgage on my following opinion. OK?

It could be argued that DTrump's grievance filled rallies and 'Truth' Social messaging has grown shrill and boring. Same old same old. And thus more and more Americans are turning away from his style of, ummm, 'guidance'.
I mean, how often one must listen to the same tired whining and complaining?

And too, the J6 Hearings and the Mar-A-Lago document theft cannot be shining his apple, whatsoever.

"Former President Trump’s favorability rating has dropped to a new low after slowly trickling down over the past few months.

A new NBC News poll released Sunday found that 34 percent of registered voters said they have a positive view of Trump, while 54 percent say they have a negative view of him. Trump’s favorability rating was at its lowest in April 2021, when his rating fell to 32 percent in the same NBC poll."
So according to that quote, since April 2021 Trumps popularity has jumped 2 points in the same poll... is that the point you are making? or the one you are attempting to hide?

I can only speculate so no poster here need bet their mortgage on my following opinion. OK?
"Speculate"? that would be far too generous a term chi-co, here is a list of words that thanks to your post are now synonymous with "speculate"

It could be argued that DTrump's grievance filled rallies and 'Truth' Social messaging has grown shrill and boring.
Yes that could be argued, unfortunately for those who would argue it your quoted NBC poll puts the lie to it.
Same old same old. And thus more and more Americans are turning away from his style of, ummm, 'guidance'
not according to the poll you posted, it shows his popularity has grown since 2021
I mean, how often one must listen to the same tired whining and complaining?
get a new flower then
And too, the J6 Hearings and the Mar-A-Lago document theft cannot be shining his apple, whatsoever.
see how easy it is to fool those with a social education, a poll shows one thing while the media can get you to see just the opposite....take a look:
"Trump’s favorability rating was at its lowest in April 2021, when his rating fell to 32 percent in the same NBC poll."...
..."A new NBC News poll released Sunday found that 34 percent of registered voters said they have a positive view of Trump,"

All the media did to fool those with a social education was change the chronological order/occurrence of the polling in the post and VOILA! the liberal curriculum served its purpose.

Anyway, how's things chills? flour get that condition looked at?
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Meh, I don't know why the leftists think Trump is a slam dunk with the right-leaning. I'd not vote for him in a primary if there was another viable (non-RINO) choice.

I'd much prefer DeSantis as does everyone in my deep red AO that I talk to....He will do the same job without the constant self-inflicted wounds. There's your slam dunk.

Trump's bombast made my ass tired some time ago....As far as I am concerned he's just a aside to get the dems to show how retarded they are.
Oh yeah. We could tell..simply by the number of people he STILL DRAWS to his Rallies. LOLOL

dropped. sherrrr he has.
From this morning's The Hill:

"Former President Trump’s favorability rating has dropped to a new low after slowly trickling down over the past few months.

A new NBC News poll released Sunday found that 34 percent of registered voters said they have a positive view of Trump, while 54 percent say they have a negative view of him. Trump’s favorability rating was at its lowest in April 2021, when his rating fell to 32 percent in the same NBC poll."


I can only speculate so no poster here need bet their mortgage on my following opinion. OK?

It could be argued that DTrump's grievance filled rallies and 'Truth' Social messaging has grown shrill and boring. Same old same old. And thus more and more Americans are turning away from his style of, ummm, 'guidance'.
I mean, how often one must listen to the same tired whining and complaining?

And too, the J6 Hearings and the Mar-A-Lago document theft cannot be shining his apple, whatsoever.

Here’s how TheHill works…
Blast Trump and lose Clicks.
Next Day…
Love Trump and gain Clicks.

They never learn.
not the same. Did you see the crowd in Youngstown? And Joe can't even fill a high school gym. that has to burn.

Actually, it IS kinda the same. It's a rally held by a con man who whips the crowd into a frenzy by using a lot of hyperbolic, emotional speech without saying anything real. Professional wrestling does pretty much the same.
He isn't a conman. That's your imagination. You're told to hate him and that's what you do...although i don't see why. Why would you believe the media at this point? They're liars. and then there's this. Doing the very thing you accuse President Trump and his supporters of doing WHEN WE ARE NOT.

From this morning's The Hill:

"Former President Trump’s favorability rating has dropped to a new low after slowly trickling down over the past few months.

A new NBC News poll released Sunday found that 34 percent of registered voters said they have a positive view of Trump, while 54 percent say they have a negative view of him. Trump’s favorability rating was at its lowest in April 2021, when his rating fell to 32 percent in the same NBC poll."


I can only speculate so no poster here need bet their mortgage on my following opinion. OK?

It could be argued that DTrump's grievance filled rallies and 'Truth' Social messaging has grown shrill and boring. Same old same old. And thus more and more Americans are turning away from his style of, ummm, 'guidance'.
I mean, how often one must listen to the same tired whining and complaining?

And too, the J6 Hearings and the Mar-A-Lago document theft cannot be shining his apple, whatsoever.


NBC poll from The Hill? Yawn
"Another fake poll done by liberals."
Well, I dunno much about 'fake polls', or 'liberals'.

But I did check with Right-leaning Real Clear Politics, the aggregator of polling results, and this morning they list this:

More Latest Polls
Favorability Ratings: U.S. Political Leaders

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