A new movement every can agree on!

Marion Morrison

Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2017
Ladies and gentlemen, I propose a radical new movement for the betterment of America!

Now, as most people have observed, not much has gotten done in Congress over the past 20 years at least. There's a reason for that, but for now, I give you:

Occupy the Senate!

The Senate is where most bills die, it's supposed to be that way to an extent, but starting with Carter's administration, they started voting themselves the keys to the country. Nowadays, they aren't getting a damn thing done if it doesn't have pork and personal kickbacks. Furthermore, they're making it a career and sucking the wealth out of the country while doing corporation's biddings and not their constituents'.

It's time for it to stop!

Occupy the Senate goals:

2 term limits

No bribery, no graft

No pork!

Option for impeachment for dereliction of duty.

You make the law, you live by it!

No matter what your political leanings, if "All men are created equal", The Senate is no better than we are!

This is a movement that makes America better for everyone!
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I would be in favor of eliminating a 60 vote majority to get most bills passed. That was not in our Constitution. The reason little gets done is because of that 60 vote stupidity.

If people want a Democrat or Republican leadership Senate, they deserve to get one. Whether it's a 51 vote Democrat leadership or a 51 vote Republican leadership, that should be the law of the land. And if people don't like what the leadership in Senate does, change the majority.

Too many times a President takes the fall for not getting anything done when it's actually the Senate's fault. We are a Republic guided by Democracy. Everything in the Senate should pass with a simple majority hands down.
Ladies and gentlemen, I propose a radical new movement for the betterment of America!

Now, as most people have observed, not much has gotten done in Congress over the past 20 years at least. There's a reason for that, but for now, I give you:

Occupy the Senate!

The Senate is where most bills die, it's supposed to be that way to an extent, but starting with Carter's administration, they started voting themselves the keys to the country. Nowadays, they aren't getting a damn thing done if it doesn't have pork and personal kickbacks. Furthermore, they're making it a career and sucking the wealth out of the country while doing corporation's biddings and not their constituents'.

It's time for it to stop!

Occupy the Senate goals:

2 term limits

No bribery, no graft

No pork!

Option for impeachment for dereliction of duty.

You make the law, you live by it!

No matter what your political leanings, if "All men are created equal", The Senate is no better than we are!

This is a movement that makes America better for everyone!

They will still serve the donor class and not the people.
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  • #6
Ladies and gentlemen, I propose a radical new movement for the betterment of America!

Now, as most people have observed, not much has gotten done in Congress over the past 20 years at least. There's a reason for that, but for now, I give you:

Occupy the Senate!

The Senate is where most bills die, it's supposed to be that way to an extent, but starting with Carter's administration, they started voting themselves the keys to the country. Nowadays, they aren't getting a damn thing done if it doesn't have pork and personal kickbacks. Furthermore, they're making it a career and sucking the wealth out of the country while doing corporation's biddings and not their constituents'.

It's time for it to stop!

Occupy the Senate goals:

2 term limits

No bribery, no graft

No pork!

Option for impeachment for dereliction of duty.

You make the law, you live by it!

No matter what your political leanings, if "All men are created equal", The Senate is no better than we are!

This is a movement that makes America better for everyone!

They will still serve the donor class and not the people.

Not if everybody's had enough of their crap!

Who said "join the Tea Party"? Pfft. This is a job for all parties!
Ladies and gentlemen, I propose a radical new movement for the betterment of America!

Now, as most people have observed, not much has gotten done in Congress over the past 20 years at least. There's a reason for that, but for now, I give you:

Occupy the Senate!

The Senate is where most bills die, it's supposed to be that way to an extent, but starting with Carter's administration, they started voting themselves the keys to the country. Nowadays, they aren't getting a damn thing done if it doesn't have pork and personal kickbacks. Furthermore, they're making it a career and sucking the wealth out of the country while doing corporation's biddings and not their constituents'.

It's time for it to stop!

Occupy the Senate goals:

2 term limits

No bribery, no graft

No pork!

Option for impeachment for dereliction of duty.

You make the law, you live by it!

No matter what your political leanings, if "All men are created equal", The Senate is no better than we are!

This is a movement that makes America better for everyone!
Your massive enlarged font are great... but...

  • Thread starter
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  • #9
Ladies and gentlemen, I propose a radical new movement for the betterment of America!

Now, as most people have observed, not much has gotten done in Congress over the past 20 years at least. There's a reason for that, but for now, I give you:

Occupy the Senate!

The Senate is where most bills die, it's supposed to be that way to an extent, but starting with Carter's administration, they started voting themselves the keys to the country. Nowadays, they aren't getting a damn thing done if it doesn't have pork and personal kickbacks. Furthermore, they're making it a career and sucking the wealth out of the country while doing corporation's biddings and not their constituents'.

It's time for it to stop!

Occupy the Senate goals:

2 term limits

No bribery, no graft

No pork!

Option for impeachment for dereliction of duty.

You make the law, you live by it!

No matter what your political leanings, if "All men are created equal", The Senate is no better than we are!

This is a movement that makes America better for everyone!
Your massive enlarged font are great... but...

I would be in favor of eliminating a 60 vote majority to get most bills passed. That was not in our Constitution. The reason little gets done is because of that 60 vote stupidity.

If people want a Democrat or Republican leadership Senate, they deserve to get one. Whether it's a 51 vote Democrat leadership or a 51 vote Republican leadership, that should be the law of the land. And if people don't like what the leadership in Senate does, change the majority.

Too many times a President takes the fall for not getting anything done when it's actually the Senate's fault. We are a Republic guided by Democracy. Everything in the Senate should pass with a simple majority hands down.
Like elections..
I would be in favor of eliminating a 60 vote majority to get most bills passed. That was not in our Constitution. The reason little gets done is because of that 60 vote stupidity.

If people want a Democrat or Republican leadership Senate, they deserve to get one. Whether it's a 51 vote Democrat leadership or a 51 vote Republican leadership, that should be the law of the land. And if people don't like what the leadership in Senate does, change the majority.

Too many times a President takes the fall for not getting anything done when it's actually the Senate's fault. We are a Republic guided by Democracy. Everything in the Senate should pass with a simple majority hands down.
Like elections..

Another one that doesn't even know what the Constitution says. Geez.
I would be in favor of eliminating a 60 vote majority to get most bills passed. That was not in our Constitution. The reason little gets done is because of that 60 vote stupidity.

If people want a Democrat or Republican leadership Senate, they deserve to get one. Whether it's a 51 vote Democrat leadership or a 51 vote Republican leadership, that should be the law of the land. And if people don't like what the leadership in Senate does, change the majority.

Too many times a President takes the fall for not getting anything done when it's actually the Senate's fault. We are a Republic guided by Democracy. Everything in the Senate should pass with a simple majority hands down.
Like elections..

Another one that doesn't even know what the Constitution says. Geez.
The Constitution does have stuff about elections. Do you know what it says about Congress and the rules they make about procedure?
I would be in favor of eliminating a 60 vote majority to get most bills passed. That was not in our Constitution. The reason little gets done is because of that 60 vote stupidity.

If people want a Democrat or Republican leadership Senate, they deserve to get one. Whether it's a 51 vote Democrat leadership or a 51 vote Republican leadership, that should be the law of the land. And if people don't like what the leadership in Senate does, change the majority.

Too many times a President takes the fall for not getting anything done when it's actually the Senate's fault. We are a Republic guided by Democracy. Everything in the Senate should pass with a simple majority hands down.
Like elections..

Another one that doesn't even know what the Constitution says. Geez.
The Constitution does have stuff about elections. Do you know what it says about Congress and the rules they make about procedure?

What does that have to do with the price of rice in China? We've been using the same method of elections since our founding. The only reason you leftists don't like the system any longer is because you lost. But instead of blaming yourselves, you blame the system and think that should be changed.

Well.....then go right ahead. Change it. Get enough representatives to initiate a constitutional amendment and you're all set.
Ladies and gentlemen, I propose a radical new movement for the betterment of America!

Now, as most people have observed, not much has gotten done in Congress over the past 20 years at least. There's a reason for that, but for now, I give you:

Occupy the Senate!

The Senate is where most bills die, it's supposed to be that way to an extent, but starting with Carter's administration, they started voting themselves the keys to the country. Nowadays, they aren't getting a damn thing done if it doesn't have pork and personal kickbacks. Furthermore, they're making it a career and sucking the wealth out of the country while doing corporation's biddings and not their constituents'.

It's time for it to stop!

Occupy the Senate goals:

2 term limits

No bribery, no graft

No pork!

Option for impeachment for dereliction of duty.

You make the law, you live by it!

No matter what your political leanings, if "All men are created equal", The Senate is no better than we are!

This is a movement that makes America better for everyone!
Repeal the 17th Amendment. That will achieve the same effect, but it also has other benefits.
What was the original intent of the Senate? We have to answer that question before we can consider your suggestions for improvement. The original intent of the Government is fairly obvious, if you think about it for a bit. Instead of three branches, imagine that it was four legs to a table.

The House of Representatives was intended to be the voice of the people. This was the part that was supposed to be populist. They would rush about and try and emphasize how much the people wanted this, or that. Things would move fast there, because fads, and passions change sometimes rather quickly.

The Senate was originally appointed by the states. They were supposed to be the voice of the State. Sort of like an Ambassador to the United States, for the State of New York. This house was intended to be slower paced, more deliberate. It was always intended to be the brakes on populism, to see if the populism continued, and if it lasted.

I know, populism as we understand it did not exist them, I'm trying to summarize some stuff here. Just take the limits of language and deal for a minute.

Finally, we have the President. He represented the United States. It's why the Senate had to advise and consent, but not the House for appointments. The States wanted some say in who would be representing the United States as Ambassadors, and Judges, and all that sort of thing. It's why the House does not have confirmation hearings, but the Senate does. The House can investigate stuff, and pass a lot of bills, but the Senate was never intended to be a funnel, taking all those bills and passing them on.

The President was responsible for National Issues, or issues that affected everyone. The legislation, the questions of the day was supposed to be viewed in that way. How do the people feel about it? How do the States feel about it? How does the nation feel about it?

How does this legislation affect the people, the states, the country? These three questions had to be answered before it could become a law. The Senators were unwieldy, and when there was a change of party at the states, they wanted to have new Senators to represent them. Everyone wanted their minion to represent the state, and would not agree to send the other guys minion to the Senate.

It was changed to show the Senator was elected by a majority of voters in the State. So the voters of a State had picked them, and thus the intent was sort of maintained. The Senator still wielded the authority of the State before the United States, but a part of the filter was gone. Now, the Senate was influenced by populism far more than they had been.

Your suggestions are that the Senate be rabidly populist. Whichever way the wind blows, they better be flapping wildly in the wind.

Term Limits are the technique that folks from Georgia hope to wield over the people in California. This is one of the things I had been trying to explain for a while. Let's say I have a negative view of Congress. Then why do I and my fellow citizens keep sending up the same idiot to represent us in the House? Why do we send the same idiot every six years to represent us in the Senate? The answer is what I don't like about Congress is that you are stopping my Congress critter from doing what I think should be done in the Nation.

Look at it seriously for a minute. Half of the races in the nation mention Nancy Pelosi. She is the Representative, only one, from a small district in California. When we talk about how unfavorably Congress is viewed, it's that the rest of the nation does not agree with us. Democrats from Califorinia are pissed at Georgia, South Carolina, and the list goes on, for being all redneck and conservative, and they hate Congress for standing in the way of the progressive changes that are needed.

Folks in Alabama are pissed at California for always sending Nancy up to represent them. People in swing districts, purple districts are swamped with vote for us or they'll win messages. Vote Repubican unless you want Nancy Pelosi to be the next Speaker of the House. Vote for us and we can get rid of those fascist Republicans, and make Nancy the Speaker again.

Term limits exist. Every state has the chance to pick a new representative every election. Every state has a chance to vote for a different candidate for the Senate Seat every six years. New York sends their choice, and Georgia sends their choice. We don't have to agree but we have to admit that the choice from New York has just as much validity as the choice from Wyoming. If New York doesn't like the Senator they voted for, they can always vote them out.
What was the original intent of the Senate? We have to answer that question before we can consider your suggestions for improvement. The original intent of the Government is fairly obvious, if you think about it for a bit. Instead of three branches, imagine that it was four legs to a table.

The House of Representatives was intended to be the voice of the people. This was the part that was supposed to be populist. They would rush about and try and emphasize how much the people wanted this, or that. Things would move fast there, because fads, and passions change sometimes rather quickly.

The Senate was originally appointed by the states. They were supposed to be the voice of the State. Sort of like an Ambassador to the United States, for the State of New York. This house was intended to be slower paced, more deliberate. It was always intended to be the brakes on populism, to see if the populism continued, and if it lasted.

I know, populism as we understand it did not exist them, I'm trying to summarize some stuff here. Just take the limits of language and deal for a minute.

Finally, we have the President. He represented the United States. It's why the Senate had to advise and consent, but not the House for appointments. The States wanted some say in who would be representing the United States as Ambassadors, and Judges, and all that sort of thing. It's why the House does not have confirmation hearings, but the Senate does. The House can investigate stuff, and pass a lot of bills, but the Senate was never intended to be a funnel, taking all those bills and passing them on.

The President was responsible for National Issues, or issues that affected everyone. The legislation, the questions of the day was supposed to be viewed in that way. How do the people feel about it? How do the States feel about it? How does the nation feel about it?

How does this legislation affect the people, the states, the country? These three questions had to be answered before it could become a law. The Senators were unwieldy, and when there was a change of party at the states, they wanted to have new Senators to represent them. Everyone wanted their minion to represent the state, and would not agree to send the other guys minion to the Senate.

It was changed to show the Senator was elected by a majority of voters in the State. So the voters of a State had picked them, and thus the intent was sort of maintained. The Senator still wielded the authority of the State before the United States, but a part of the filter was gone. Now, the Senate was influenced by populism far more than they had been.

Your suggestions are that the Senate be rabidly populist. Whichever way the wind blows, they better be flapping wildly in the wind.

Term Limits are the technique that folks from Georgia hope to wield over the people in California. This is one of the things I had been trying to explain for a while. Let's say I have a negative view of Congress. Then why do I and my fellow citizens keep sending up the same idiot to represent us in the House? Why do we send the same idiot every six years to represent us in the Senate? The answer is what I don't like about Congress is that you are stopping my Congress critter from doing what I think should be done in the Nation.

Look at it seriously for a minute. Half of the races in the nation mention Nancy Pelosi. She is the Representative, only one, from a small district in California. When we talk about how unfavorably Congress is viewed, it's that the rest of the nation does not agree with us. Democrats from Califorinia are pissed at Georgia, South Carolina, and the list goes on, for being all redneck and conservative, and they hate Congress for standing in the way of the progressive changes that are needed.

Folks in Alabama are pissed at California for always sending Nancy up to represent them. People in swing districts, purple districts are swamped with vote for us or they'll win messages. Vote Repubican unless you want Nancy Pelosi to be the next Speaker of the House. Vote for us and we can get rid of those fascist Republicans, and make Nancy the Speaker again.

Term limits exist. Every state has the chance to pick a new representative every election. Every state has a chance to vote for a different candidate for the Senate Seat every six years. New York sends their choice, and Georgia sends their choice. We don't have to agree but we have to admit that the choice from New York has just as much validity as the choice from Wyoming. If New York doesn't like the Senator they voted for, they can always vote them out.


"Career Politicians Of The Congress

Richard Shelby Alabama 23 years in the Senate
John McCain Arizona 23 years in the Senate
Christopher Dodd Connecticut 29 years
Joe Lieberman Connecticut 21 years
Daniel Inouye Hawaii 47 years
Richard Lugar Indiana 33 years
Tom Harkin Iowa 25 years
Chuck Grassley Iowa 29 years
Mitch McConnell Kentucky 25 years
Barbara Mikulski Maryland 23 years
John Kerry Massachusetts 25 years
Carl Levin Michigan 31 years
Thad Cochran Mississippi 32 years
Kit Bond Missouri 23 years
Max Baucus Montana 32 years
Harry Reid Nevada 23 years
Jeff Bingaman New Mexico 27 years
Kent Conrad North Dakota 23 years
Robert Byrd West Virginia 51 years
Jay Rockefeller West Virginia 25 years"

We need term limits!
How long has each senator been in office
What was the original intent of the Senate? We have to answer that question before we can consider your suggestions for improvement. The original intent of the Government is fairly obvious, if you think about it for a bit. Instead of three branches, imagine that it was four legs to a table.

The House of Representatives was intended to be the voice of the people. This was the part that was supposed to be populist. They would rush about and try and emphasize how much the people wanted this, or that. Things would move fast there, because fads, and passions change sometimes rather quickly.

The Senate was originally appointed by the states. They were supposed to be the voice of the State. Sort of like an Ambassador to the United States, for the State of New York. This house was intended to be slower paced, more deliberate. It was always intended to be the brakes on populism, to see if the populism continued, and if it lasted.

I know, populism as we understand it did not exist them, I'm trying to summarize some stuff here. Just take the limits of language and deal for a minute.

Finally, we have the President. He represented the United States. It's why the Senate had to advise and consent, but not the House for appointments. The States wanted some say in who would be representing the United States as Ambassadors, and Judges, and all that sort of thing. It's why the House does not have confirmation hearings, but the Senate does. The House can investigate stuff, and pass a lot of bills, but the Senate was never intended to be a funnel, taking all those bills and passing them on.

The President was responsible for National Issues, or issues that affected everyone. The legislation, the questions of the day was supposed to be viewed in that way. How do the people feel about it? How do the States feel about it? How does the nation feel about it?

How does this legislation affect the people, the states, the country? These three questions had to be answered before it could become a law. The Senators were unwieldy, and when there was a change of party at the states, they wanted to have new Senators to represent them. Everyone wanted their minion to represent the state, and would not agree to send the other guys minion to the Senate.

It was changed to show the Senator was elected by a majority of voters in the State. So the voters of a State had picked them, and thus the intent was sort of maintained. The Senator still wielded the authority of the State before the United States, but a part of the filter was gone. Now, the Senate was influenced by populism far more than they had been.

Your suggestions are that the Senate be rabidly populist. Whichever way the wind blows, they better be flapping wildly in the wind.

Term Limits are the technique that folks from Georgia hope to wield over the people in California. This is one of the things I had been trying to explain for a while. Let's say I have a negative view of Congress. Then why do I and my fellow citizens keep sending up the same idiot to represent us in the House? Why do we send the same idiot every six years to represent us in the Senate? The answer is what I don't like about Congress is that you are stopping my Congress critter from doing what I think should be done in the Nation.

Look at it seriously for a minute. Half of the races in the nation mention Nancy Pelosi. She is the Representative, only one, from a small district in California. When we talk about how unfavorably Congress is viewed, it's that the rest of the nation does not agree with us. Democrats from Califorinia are pissed at Georgia, South Carolina, and the list goes on, for being all redneck and conservative, and they hate Congress for standing in the way of the progressive changes that are needed.

Folks in Alabama are pissed at California for always sending Nancy up to represent them. People in swing districts, purple districts are swamped with vote for us or they'll win messages. Vote Repubican unless you want Nancy Pelosi to be the next Speaker of the House. Vote for us and we can get rid of those fascist Republicans, and make Nancy the Speaker again.

Term limits exist. Every state has the chance to pick a new representative every election. Every state has a chance to vote for a different candidate for the Senate Seat every six years. New York sends their choice, and Georgia sends their choice. We don't have to agree but we have to admit that the choice from New York has just as much validity as the choice from Wyoming. If New York doesn't like the Senator they voted for, they can always vote them out.


"Career Politicians Of The Congress

Richard Shelby Alabama 23 years in the Senate
John McCain Arizona 23 years in the Senate
Christopher Dodd Connecticut 29 years
Joe Lieberman Connecticut 21 years
Daniel Inouye Hawaii 47 years
Richard Lugar Indiana 33 years
Tom Harkin Iowa 25 years
Chuck Grassley Iowa 29 years
Mitch McConnell Kentucky 25 years
Barbara Mikulski Maryland 23 years
John Kerry Massachusetts 25 years
Carl Levin Michigan 31 years
Thad Cochran Mississippi 32 years
Kit Bond Missouri 23 years
Max Baucus Montana 32 years
Harry Reid Nevada 23 years
Jeff Bingaman New Mexico 27 years
Kent Conrad North Dakota 23 years
Robert Byrd West Virginia 51 years
Jay Rockefeller West Virginia 25 years"

We need term limits!
How long has each senator been in office

We have them. It is called elections. If Michigan did not approve of Carl Levin, they would not elect him.

Georgia had a Senator, Max Cleland. He was voted out of office. He was term limited by the voters. When he was in, both Senators from Georgia were Democrats. Republicans have held both seats since.

That is one example, of course. Scott Brown is another. The voters preferred him to the Democrat from the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

You may not like those Senators, and if you are in a state that elects them, you can vote against them, campaign against them. Whatever. You can write letters, walk around and talk to neighbors. In the end, the people from those states decide. Most people have a serious problem. They don't like YOUR representative, but they like their own just fine. That's why Mitch McConnell gets sent back election after election. Kentucky may think that Chris Dodd is an ass who should be voted out, but Mitch is all right. In Connecticut they can't figure out why Kentucky keeps sending Mitch back to Washington.

Freedom to the people is my thing. You're free to vote for anyone you want, and if you want to send Mitch be my guest. I'll vote for who I think should represent ME, and leave you to pick your own.
What was the original intent of the Senate? We have to answer that question before we can consider your suggestions for improvement. The original intent of the Government is fairly obvious, if you think about it for a bit. Instead of three branches, imagine that it was four legs to a table.

The House of Representatives was intended to be the voice of the people. This was the part that was supposed to be populist. They would rush about and try and emphasize how much the people wanted this, or that. Things would move fast there, because fads, and passions change sometimes rather quickly.

The Senate was originally appointed by the states. They were supposed to be the voice of the State. Sort of like an Ambassador to the United States, for the State of New York. This house was intended to be slower paced, more deliberate. It was always intended to be the brakes on populism, to see if the populism continued, and if it lasted.

I know, populism as we understand it did not exist them, I'm trying to summarize some stuff here. Just take the limits of language and deal for a minute.

Finally, we have the President. He represented the United States. It's why the Senate had to advise and consent, but not the House for appointments. The States wanted some say in who would be representing the United States as Ambassadors, and Judges, and all that sort of thing. It's why the House does not have confirmation hearings, but the Senate does. The House can investigate stuff, and pass a lot of bills, but the Senate was never intended to be a funnel, taking all those bills and passing them on.

The President was responsible for National Issues, or issues that affected everyone. The legislation, the questions of the day was supposed to be viewed in that way. How do the people feel about it? How do the States feel about it? How does the nation feel about it?

How does this legislation affect the people, the states, the country? These three questions had to be answered before it could become a law. The Senators were unwieldy, and when there was a change of party at the states, they wanted to have new Senators to represent them. Everyone wanted their minion to represent the state, and would not agree to send the other guys minion to the Senate.

It was changed to show the Senator was elected by a majority of voters in the State. So the voters of a State had picked them, and thus the intent was sort of maintained. The Senator still wielded the authority of the State before the United States, but a part of the filter was gone. Now, the Senate was influenced by populism far more than they had been.

Your suggestions are that the Senate be rabidly populist. Whichever way the wind blows, they better be flapping wildly in the wind.

Term Limits are the technique that folks from Georgia hope to wield over the people in California. This is one of the things I had been trying to explain for a while. Let's say I have a negative view of Congress. Then why do I and my fellow citizens keep sending up the same idiot to represent us in the House? Why do we send the same idiot every six years to represent us in the Senate? The answer is what I don't like about Congress is that you are stopping my Congress critter from doing what I think should be done in the Nation.

Look at it seriously for a minute. Half of the races in the nation mention Nancy Pelosi. She is the Representative, only one, from a small district in California. When we talk about how unfavorably Congress is viewed, it's that the rest of the nation does not agree with us. Democrats from Califorinia are pissed at Georgia, South Carolina, and the list goes on, for being all redneck and conservative, and they hate Congress for standing in the way of the progressive changes that are needed.

Folks in Alabama are pissed at California for always sending Nancy up to represent them. People in swing districts, purple districts are swamped with vote for us or they'll win messages. Vote Repubican unless you want Nancy Pelosi to be the next Speaker of the House. Vote for us and we can get rid of those fascist Republicans, and make Nancy the Speaker again.

Term limits exist. Every state has the chance to pick a new representative every election. Every state has a chance to vote for a different candidate for the Senate Seat every six years. New York sends their choice, and Georgia sends their choice. We don't have to agree but we have to admit that the choice from New York has just as much validity as the choice from Wyoming. If New York doesn't like the Senator they voted for, they can always vote them out.


"Career Politicians Of The Congress

Richard Shelby Alabama 23 years in the Senate
John McCain Arizona 23 years in the Senate
Christopher Dodd Connecticut 29 years
Joe Lieberman Connecticut 21 years
Daniel Inouye Hawaii 47 years
Richard Lugar Indiana 33 years
Tom Harkin Iowa 25 years
Chuck Grassley Iowa 29 years
Mitch McConnell Kentucky 25 years
Barbara Mikulski Maryland 23 years
John Kerry Massachusetts 25 years
Carl Levin Michigan 31 years
Thad Cochran Mississippi 32 years
Kit Bond Missouri 23 years
Max Baucus Montana 32 years
Harry Reid Nevada 23 years
Jeff Bingaman New Mexico 27 years
Kent Conrad North Dakota 23 years
Robert Byrd West Virginia 51 years
Jay Rockefeller West Virginia 25 years"

We need term limits!
How long has each senator been in office

We have them. It is called elections. If Michigan did not approve of Carl Levin, they would not elect him.

Georgia had a Senator, Max Cleland. He was voted out of office. He was term limited by the voters. When he was in, both Senators from Georgia were Democrats. Republicans have held both seats since.

That is one example, of course. Scott Brown is another. The voters preferred him to the Democrat from the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

You may not like those Senators, and if you are in a state that elects them, you can vote against them, campaign against them. Whatever. You can write letters, walk around and talk to neighbors. In the end, the people from those states decide. Most people have a serious problem. They don't like YOUR representative, but they like their own just fine. That's why Mitch McConnell gets sent back election after election. Kentucky may think that Chris Dodd is an ass who should be voted out, but Mitch is all right. In Connecticut they can't figure out why Kentucky keeps sending Mitch back to Washington.

Freedom to the people is my thing. You're free to vote for anyone you want, and if you want to send Mitch be my guest. I'll vote for who I think should represent ME, and leave you to pick your own.

That's total bullshit. We don't have any kind of effective term limits because of the power of incumbency. It's almost impossible to win an election against a sitting member of Congress. Anyone who opposes terms limits is a douche bag who defends entrenched power. It's as simple as that.
What was the original intent of the Senate? We have to answer that question before we can consider your suggestions for improvement. The original intent of the Government is fairly obvious, if you think about it for a bit. Instead of three branches, imagine that it was four legs to a table.

The House of Representatives was intended to be the voice of the people. This was the part that was supposed to be populist. They would rush about and try and emphasize how much the people wanted this, or that. Things would move fast there, because fads, and passions change sometimes rather quickly.

The Senate was originally appointed by the states. They were supposed to be the voice of the State. Sort of like an Ambassador to the United States, for the State of New York. This house was intended to be slower paced, more deliberate. It was always intended to be the brakes on populism, to see if the populism continued, and if it lasted.

I know, populism as we understand it did not exist them, I'm trying to summarize some stuff here. Just take the limits of language and deal for a minute.

Finally, we have the President. He represented the United States. It's why the Senate had to advise and consent, but not the House for appointments. The States wanted some say in who would be representing the United States as Ambassadors, and Judges, and all that sort of thing. It's why the House does not have confirmation hearings, but the Senate does. The House can investigate stuff, and pass a lot of bills, but the Senate was never intended to be a funnel, taking all those bills and passing them on.

The President was responsible for National Issues, or issues that affected everyone. The legislation, the questions of the day was supposed to be viewed in that way. How do the people feel about it? How do the States feel about it? How does the nation feel about it?

How does this legislation affect the people, the states, the country? These three questions had to be answered before it could become a law. The Senators were unwieldy, and when there was a change of party at the states, they wanted to have new Senators to represent them. Everyone wanted their minion to represent the state, and would not agree to send the other guys minion to the Senate.

It was changed to show the Senator was elected by a majority of voters in the State. So the voters of a State had picked them, and thus the intent was sort of maintained. The Senator still wielded the authority of the State before the United States, but a part of the filter was gone. Now, the Senate was influenced by populism far more than they had been.

Your suggestions are that the Senate be rabidly populist. Whichever way the wind blows, they better be flapping wildly in the wind.

Term Limits are the technique that folks from Georgia hope to wield over the people in California. This is one of the things I had been trying to explain for a while. Let's say I have a negative view of Congress. Then why do I and my fellow citizens keep sending up the same idiot to represent us in the House? Why do we send the same idiot every six years to represent us in the Senate? The answer is what I don't like about Congress is that you are stopping my Congress critter from doing what I think should be done in the Nation.

Look at it seriously for a minute. Half of the races in the nation mention Nancy Pelosi. She is the Representative, only one, from a small district in California. When we talk about how unfavorably Congress is viewed, it's that the rest of the nation does not agree with us. Democrats from Califorinia are pissed at Georgia, South Carolina, and the list goes on, for being all redneck and conservative, and they hate Congress for standing in the way of the progressive changes that are needed.

Folks in Alabama are pissed at California for always sending Nancy up to represent them. People in swing districts, purple districts are swamped with vote for us or they'll win messages. Vote Repubican unless you want Nancy Pelosi to be the next Speaker of the House. Vote for us and we can get rid of those fascist Republicans, and make Nancy the Speaker again.

Term limits exist. Every state has the chance to pick a new representative every election. Every state has a chance to vote for a different candidate for the Senate Seat every six years. New York sends their choice, and Georgia sends their choice. We don't have to agree but we have to admit that the choice from New York has just as much validity as the choice from Wyoming. If New York doesn't like the Senator they voted for, they can always vote them out.


"Career Politicians Of The Congress

Richard Shelby Alabama 23 years in the Senate
John McCain Arizona 23 years in the Senate
Christopher Dodd Connecticut 29 years
Joe Lieberman Connecticut 21 years
Daniel Inouye Hawaii 47 years
Richard Lugar Indiana 33 years
Tom Harkin Iowa 25 years
Chuck Grassley Iowa 29 years
Mitch McConnell Kentucky 25 years
Barbara Mikulski Maryland 23 years
John Kerry Massachusetts 25 years
Carl Levin Michigan 31 years
Thad Cochran Mississippi 32 years
Kit Bond Missouri 23 years
Max Baucus Montana 32 years
Harry Reid Nevada 23 years
Jeff Bingaman New Mexico 27 years
Kent Conrad North Dakota 23 years
Robert Byrd West Virginia 51 years
Jay Rockefeller West Virginia 25 years"

We need term limits!
How long has each senator been in office

We have them. It is called elections. If Michigan did not approve of Carl Levin, they would not elect him.

Georgia had a Senator, Max Cleland. He was voted out of office. He was term limited by the voters. When he was in, both Senators from Georgia were Democrats. Republicans have held both seats since.

That is one example, of course. Scott Brown is another. The voters preferred him to the Democrat from the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

You may not like those Senators, and if you are in a state that elects them, you can vote against them, campaign against them. Whatever. You can write letters, walk around and talk to neighbors. In the end, the people from those states decide. Most people have a serious problem. They don't like YOUR representative, but they like their own just fine. That's why Mitch McConnell gets sent back election after election. Kentucky may think that Chris Dodd is an ass who should be voted out, but Mitch is all right. In Connecticut they can't figure out why Kentucky keeps sending Mitch back to Washington.

Freedom to the people is my thing. You're free to vote for anyone you want, and if you want to send Mitch be my guest. I'll vote for who I think should represent ME, and leave you to pick your own.

You can't just have the same people, supposed to be representing your state, but they've been living up in Washington for 20+ years. That would tend to put them out of touch with the state and the people, and it does. It also allows them to forge alliances with corporations and then vote for the corporation's betterment to the detriment of their state and citizens while getting stock options and huge kickbacks. The corporation fills their campaign coffers and the cycle continues, for decades! Absolutely there needs to be a 2-term limit for Senators.

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