A New Migrant Caravan of 15,000!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

But it’s not headed to the USA!

The new president of Mexico, along with President Trump, is seeking ways to ease the terrible conditions faced by the peoples of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

The group is headed to Chiapas to seek work. The two projects are:

The Maya Train Project


A new caravan of 15,000 people has already left Honduras for Chiapas,” said Irma Garrido, a member of the migrant advocacy group Reactiva Tijuana Foundation.

We assume that this caravan . . . will pick up more people in El Salvador and Guatemala. But their aim is to arrive in Chiapas and request work there” on the Maya Train project and the reforestation announced by President López Obrador.

The new president has pledged that Central Americans who want to work in Mexico will be given a work visa, while the governments of Mexico and the United States last week agreed to work together on a development plan in southern Mexico and Central America to curb migration.

More @ Another caravan on the way: 15,000 heading north, destination is Chiapas
Next Caravan Rising


15,000 organized Hondurans coming north for jobs.


Got that?

Not just a group of poor downtrodden peons seeking a better life but a bunch of puppets willing to travel 2,000 miles at the hands of people with an agenda to create chaos at America’s southern border.

The sames ones who have now abandoned the thousands they previously conned into coming north.

And the House [aka Queen Nancy] refuses to allocate money to strengthen the barriers designed to stop this invasion.

They did, however, come up with billions in “aid” to the very country these people are fleeing from.

The usual tripe with no answers is @ NEXT CARAVAN RISING

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Crisis on the Border w/Chuckie

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