A new Gallup poll suggests Obama's class warfare is becoming a big loser for the left

It's always about the Class Warfare with the Left. They're all very loyal Saul Alinsky disciples. He wrote the book on Marxist 'Community Organizing.' His 'Rules for Radicals' is required reading. They have to stir up the hate & envy. It's the Golden Rule for the Left/Democrats.

LOL one of these days I'll have to get around to reading Alinsky's book. It comes with such wonderful mouth-foaming advertising from the right that it HAS to be good. :D

You really should. It fully explains why the class warfare is necessary to push for socialism. The divide and conquer comments coming from the right are not false accusations, but rather observations that the left is actually adhering to the rules for radicals. It's all part of the plan. You'll find the book enlightening and gain a better understanding of what Obama is doing. It's all in there, from the campaign theme of hope and change that is peppered throughout the book to the policies he has supported.

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