A musing from the dead.....The American Dream


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

What he was talking about....

.Half the county is so brainwashed they will vote for this sock puppet again. The fucker is vacant. Gone. Absent. AWOL.

This is why they will run him again. It's perfect. A hollow conduit for Ivy Leauge leftists to shove their "communist light" dream right up our asses......And get rich doing it.
Judging from many of the ideologically rigid posters on this site, I'd say the intellectual decline and ulterior motives of some Americans has done more damage than any government ever could. Read some of the posts and ask yourself if it rises to even the quality of expression one might expect even from a high school graduate.

The decline of the West is assured, all self induced. You followed the tactics of other dying nations...
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What he was talking about....

.Half the county is so brainwashed they will vote for this sock puppet again. The fucker is vacant. Gone. Absent. AWOL.

This is why they will run him again. It's perfect. A hollow conduit for Ivy Leauge leftists to shove their "communist light" dream right up our asses......And get rich doing it.

The other half thinks they want Trump yet another degenerate like Biden.
Judging from many of the ideologically rigid posters on this site, I'd say the intellectual decline and ulterior motives of some Americans has done more damage than any government ever could. Read some of the posts and ask yourself if it rises to even the quality of expression one might expect from s high school graduate. The decline of the West is assured, all self induced. You followed the tactics of other dying nations...
Your post shows a distinct inability to deal with existence in its current state.
I can't help but think that drugs (legal and illegal) play a huge role in the decline of America's collective intellect. Distractions of all kinds keep Americans from critical thought. Sports, booze, Tik Tok, fake news, video games, the Teachers' Union, and brainwashing in general have Americans focused on anything BUT the truth.
Judging from many of the ideologically rigid posters on this site, I'd say the intellectual decline and ulterior motives of some Americans has done more damage than any government ever could. Read some of the posts and ask yourself if it rises to even the quality of expression one might expect even from a high school graduate.

The decline of the West is assured, all self induced. You followed the tactics of other dying nations...
Am I wrong?
“The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.” — Thomas Jefferson.
Judging from many of the ideologically rigid posters on this site, I'd say the intellectual decline and ulterior motives of some Americans has done more damage than any government ever could. Read some of the posts and ask yourself if it rises to even the quality of expression one might expect even from a high school graduate.

The decline of the West is assured, all self induced. You followed the tactics of other dying nations...
It was the government that propagated intellectual decline.

Carlin was right.
It was created to increase profit margins by splitting the family nucleus that had existed for millennia. Congrats on yer preprogramming for the profit margins of the capitalist.
You are aware that fathers, mothers, and children make up a “nuclear family” and have existed since the beginning of man's existence. Right? I doubt very much that Mobil-Exxon existed 7000 years ago.
“The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.” — Thomas Jefferson.
At the time he was absolutely correct.
A fair, well ran society cannot exist without a free press.
And today is a perfect example of that as America's greatness is collapsing before our eyes.
At the time he was absolutely correct.
A fair, well ran society cannot exist without a free press.
And today is a perfect example of that as America's greatness is collapsing before our eyes.
The press was hated in Jefferson's time just as much as it is today.

“… the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Memoirs, Correspondence And Private Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Ed. By T.J. Randolph

Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose “ – the more things change, the more they stay the same…
The press was hated in Jefferson's time just as much as it is today.

“… the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Memoirs, Correspondence And Private Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Ed. By T.J. Randolph
The press has always been hated.
But that doesn't change the fact that a free society can't exist without it. (A free press)
We don't have a free press in America any longer. Haven't for over 20 years.
Generally, a free press is far more beneficial than harmful. Not even close. But only when the press's main goal is to inform, not misinform.
Right now the American corporate news exist only to keep Americans divided and in the dark.

“The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.” — Thomas Jefferson.
Except TJ had no concept of the multinational conglomerates that now own the media and could never imagine that just a handful of these companies could control 90% of all media.
The press has always been hated.
But that doesn't change the fact that a free society can't exist without it. (A free press)
We don't have a free press in America any longer. Haven't for over 20 years.
Generally, a free press is far more beneficial than harmful. Not even close. But only when the press's main goal is to inform, not misinform.
Right now the American corporate news exist only to keep Americans divided and in the dark.

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Which is why I got rid of them in 1990

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