A Most Dangerous Theory

How are we to believe anything you say, Jeri, after yesterday's meltdown?

I'm praying for you today, Ravi. If you will remember - it was you who went into a tantrum and had a fit of anger yesterday - not I. I told you Jesus Christ loves you and I will continue to pray for you until you realize the truth and are able to make a right decision without the "interference".. I hold no animosity in my heart for you because I know what your problem is.
It so sad to see you lie.

Yesterday you said Florida would be destroyed within the hour by Russian nukes.

You flipped out, it was a riot.

Florida is still here.
How are we to believe anything you say, Jeri, after yesterday's meltdown?

I'm praying for you today, Ravi. If you will remember - it was you who went into a tantrum and had a fit of anger yesterday - not I. I told you Jesus Christ loves you and I will continue to pray for you until you realize the truth and are able to make a right decision without the "interference".. I hold no animosity in my heart for you because I know what your problem is.
It so sad to see you lie.

Yesterday you said Florida would be destroyed within the hour by Russian nukes.

You flipped out, it was a riot.

Florida is still here.

How do you know? Have you spoken to anyone who lives there today? :badgrin:
How are we to believe anything you say, Jeri, after yesterday's meltdown?

I'm praying for you today, Ravi. If you will remember - it was you who went into a tantrum and had a fit of anger yesterday - not I. I told you Jesus Christ loves you and I will continue to pray for you until you realize the truth and are able to make a right decision without the "interference".. I hold no animosity in my heart for you because I know what your problem is.
It so sad to see you lie.

Yesterday you said Florida would be destroyed within the hour by Russian nukes.

You flipped out, it was a riot.

Florida is still here.

That is precisely what the LORD told Dumitru Duduman and I'll get you the video - you are twisting my words as is the habit of liars. Are you a liar, Ravi? I know Satan is a liar. What about you? Are you going to admit I never said Florida would be nuked in one hour by the Russians yesterday as in it would happen yesterday? I never said that and you know it. I have put up Dumitru Dudumans prophecy on this board many times concerning the prophecy God gave him so you know precisely what I am speaking about. Why play dumb? Or is that just you?
Jesus does not command that any man take vengeance into his own hands and murder adulterers, homosexuals, drug users, anyone - nor does he command anyone to murder Jews, Christians, Hindus, any religion follower or non follower - in other words - no one - no man has the right to execute, harm, force into conversion, amputate, behead, nothing. Jesus does not teach this. This is not the teaching of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is LORD.
And yet, when the Israeli IDF was bombing and killing innocent women and children civilians in Gaza you were a big supporter of the massacre.

Hypocrite much?? ...... :cuckoo:

Here are your murderers concerning Gaza, Sunni Man. Pay attention. It is HAMAS. Not the Israelis. Watch the video -
How are we to believe anything you say, Jeri, after yesterday's meltdown?

I'm praying for you today, Ravi. If you will remember - it was you who went into a tantrum and had a fit of anger yesterday - not I. I told you Jesus Christ loves you and I will continue to pray for you until you realize the truth and are able to make a right decision without the "interference".. I hold no animosity in my heart for you because I know what your problem is.
It so sad to see you lie.

Yesterday you said Florida would be destroyed within the hour by Russian nukes.

You flipped out, it was a riot.

Florida is still here.

That is precisely what the LORD told Dumitru Duduman and I'll get you the video - you are twisting my words as is the habit of liars. Are you a liar, Ravi? I know Satan is a liar. What about you? Are you going to admit I never said Florida would be nuked in one hour by the Russians yesterday as in it would happen yesterday? I never said that and you know it. I have put up Dumitru Dudumans prophecy on this board many times concerning the prophecy God gave him so you know precisely what I am speaking about. Why play dumb? Or is that just you?

It won't be funny when Florida burns up like Sodom and Gomorrah. The prophecy of Dumitru Duduman will come to pass and in one hour, Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas will burn. See the word God gave him from the early 80's. America will burn. It is going to be a nuclear strike by the Russians. They were even this year boasting of a mock demonstration of launching nuclear strike on America in one of their news reports. It was even reported here. Will that be a joke? No. That won't be any joke. That is when you will see the reward of the wicked with your very own eyes. There will never again be any lifting up of Satan in this land - after that? All flesh will fear the LORD.
Your words. None of the other nonsense you spouted came to pass, either.

Jesus must have laughed at you.
The hypocrites in this thread belong to your religion, Sunni man. Read up. The truth is right before your eyes. Give me thread and post where I said I am a big supporter of women and children civilians in Gaza being massacred? I never said that.
Jeremiah, you supported the Israeli bombing of Gaza which killed many civilian women and children.

Then you hypocritically say that vengeance only belongs to G-d and that Jesus said Christian's are not to harm anyone.

Jeremiah speak with forked tongue....... :cool:
Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.
The hypocrites in this thread belong to your religion, Sunni man. Read up. The truth is right before your eyes. Give me thread and post where I said I am a big supporter of women and children civilians in Gaza being massacred? I never said that.
Jeremiah, you supported the Israeli bombing of Gaza which killed many civilian women and children.

Then you hypocritically say that vengeance only belongs to G-d and that Jesus said Christian's are not to harm anyone.

Jeremiah speak with forked tongue....... :cool:

Post the thread or the post, Sunni man.

I already asked you to do that. Why can't you do it? Why can you not provide a single link or post or thread to show where I said that?

I'll tell you why. Because I never said what you claim I said. It isn't true. Now you need to repent and stop trying to accuse me of things I never said.
I already asked you to do that. Why can't you do it? Why can you not provide a single link or post or thread to show where I said that?

I'll tell you why. Because I never said what you claim I said. It isn't true. Now you need to repent and stop trying to accuse me of things I never said.
I'll make it simple for you Jeremiah.

"Did you support the Israeli IDF bombing of Gaza which killed many innocent women and children?

Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Getting back to the topic of this thread now... we can examine this article and see how this is the antithesis of what God teaches us to do.
(article link below)
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I already asked you to do that. Why can't you do it? Why can you not provide a single link or post or thread to show where I said that?

I'll tell you why. Because I never said what you claim I said. It isn't true. Now you need to repent and stop trying to accuse me of things I never said.
I'll make it simple for you Jeremiah.

"Did you support the Israeli IDF bombing of Gaza which killed many innocent women and children?

Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Last chance, Sunni Man. I already told you to post the thread or the link or the post and you could not produce it because you have falsely accused me not to mention you are off topic on my thread. As you have not produced the link or the post or the thread of your original claim - I am putting you on ignore and would appreciate your leaving my thread if you cannot manage to stay on topic here. You have not right to derail my thread with your nonsense. This is not going to happen.
Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.

You said in an hour, and that hour is long past.

And no, I don't need your prayers. I doubt anyone does.
Now we are back on topic - to review this news article and see how it does not align at all with the teachings of God. ISIS Beheadings Crucifixion Stonings Witnessed by 13-Year Old Terror Group Indoctrinating Young Minds
Young boys being taught by ISIS at Syrian children's camps in a video posted in August 2014.

A 13-year-old boy has shared of the beheadings, stonings and crucifixion he witnessed terror group ISIS carry out at children's camps in Syria, where the Islamic militants are indoctrinating young boys into their ideology and training them to use weapons.

"My friends and I were studying at the mosque, and they taught us that we should enrol in jihad with the [Islamic State]," Mohammed told
CNN in a video. "I wanted to go, but my father did not allow me to."

The 13-year-old explains that he was called to attend one of ISIS' children's camps in northern Syria, and that the terror group threatened his father with death if he refused.

Ft. Hood Shooter Writes Letter to Head of ISIS, Wants to Join Group

ISIS Executes 250 Syrian Soldiers in Video

Second American Dies Fighting for ISIS

Muslim Women Joining ISIS to Offer Sexual Jihad to Comfort Fighters; Teenage Girl Describes Her Experience as Brutal Rape

Who Is ISIS? 4 Important Facts About the Ruthless Terror Group in Iraq

"For 30 days we woke up and jogged, had breakfast, then learned the Quran and the hadith of the prophet," Mohammed shared. "Then we took courses on weapons, Kalashnikovs and other light military stuff."

He added that some of the militants joked around with the recruits, but others made the young boys witness murders.

This is very sad. Young boys being recruited to become murderers. How horrific to do this to any child. God's heart is truly grieved over this evil being done in His Name. God has nothing to do with this. This is pure evil.
I already asked you to do that. Why can't you do it? Why can you not provide a single link or post or thread to show where I said that?

I'll tell you why. Because I never said what you claim I said. It isn't true. Now you need to repent and stop trying to accuse me of things I never said.
I'll make it simple for you Jeremiah.

"Did you support the Israeli IDF bombing of Gaza which killed many innocent women and children?

Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Last chance, Sunni Man. I already told you to post the thread or the link or the post and you could not produce it because you have falsely accused me not to mention you are off topic on my thread. As you have not produced the link or the post or the thread of your original claim - I am putting you on ignore and would appreciate your leaving my thread if you cannot manage to stay on topic here. You have not right to derail my thread with your nonsense. This is not going to happen.
This is soo typical of the hypocrite christian Jeremiah.

When confronted with the bare facts.......she runs to the hills and hides. .... :lol: :lol:
Here we have another story of women offering to prostitute themselves to murderers who are infidels - for the sake of their "religion". Do not tell me this is God. Sexual jihad? No. Prostitution was part of Jeze baal's worship in her own day of Baal worship. Baal allah is just another demon god that participates in this filth. They are no different that the early baal worshippers that challenged Elijah.

Muslim Women Joining ISIS to Offer Sexual Jihad to Comfort Fighters Teenage Girl Describes Her Experience as Brutal Rape
Muslim Women Joining ISIS to Offer Sexual Jihad to Comfort Fighters; Teenage Girl Describes Her Experience as Brutal Rape

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August 27, 2014|1:55 pm
A woman holds a placard denouncing ISIS.

Muslim women sympathetic to the cause of the Islamic State, better known as ISIS, are reportedly offering up their bodies for sex to comfort militant members of the group in a practice known as Jihad Al-Nikah, or sexual jihad. According to a 16-year-old girl who was repeatedly subjected to the practice, it is nothing more than rape that made her so sick, she passed out.

Senior intelligence officials in Malaysia, told The Malaysian Insider that at least three Malaysian women had travelled from that country to the Middle East to join ISIS specifically for sexual jihad.

The controversial practice began in 2013 after a Wahhabi edict called for Sunni Muslim women to present themselves for sexual jihad in order to boost the confidence of men fighting Bashar al-Assad's rule in Syria, according to the Insider.

"These women are believed to have offered themselves in sexual comfort roles to ISIS fighters who are attempting to establish Islamic rule in the Middle East. This concept may seem controversial but it has arisen as certain Muslim women here are showing sympathy for the ISIS struggle," an unidentified intelligence official told The Malaysian Insider.

Satanists have sex majick, Islam has Sexual Jihadists, what is the difference? Same god, same fruit, murder,torture, child rape, breeders, child sacrifice, sacrificing even their own children, sexual orgies, filthy language, hatred, venomous towards Israel, Jews and Christians.......what is the difference? Anything? No. God of the bible is not the God of Islam. To suggest such a thing is sheer blasphemy!
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Jesus does not command that any man take vengeance into his own hands and murder adulterers, homosexuals, drug users, anyone - nor does he command anyone to murder Jews, Christians, Hindus, any religion follower or non follower - in other words - no one - no man has the right to execute, harm, force into conversion, amputate, behead, nothing. Jesus does not teach this. This is not the teaching of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is LORD.
And yet, when the Israeli IDF was bombing and killing innocent women and children civilians in Gaza you were a big supporter of the massacre.

Hypocrite much?? ...... :cuckoo:

Here are your murderers concerning Gaza, Sunni Man. Pay attention. It is HAMAS. Not the Israelis. Watch the video -

I support Israel's right to defend herself just as I support America's right to defend herself and if the people in Gaza cared about their own children they would pack up and leave rather than sacrifice them to Hamas in the name of a demon god named baal allah.

It is a despicable thing to hate the Jews so much that they are willing to allow Hamas to murder their own children and then blame it on the Jewish civilians of Israel! Truly despicable.
American Muslims are funding ISIS. Look at this story and once again we see that supporting evil is the same as doing it. We are to speak out against evil. NOT FUND IT!
New York Store Owner Mufid Elfgeeh Allegedly Funded ISIS Plotted to Kill US Troops Expert Says He Was Lone Wolf
New York Store Owner, Mufid Elfgeeh, Allegedly Funded ISIS, Plotted to Kill US Troops; Experts say he was a Lone Wolf

September 17, 2014|7:36 am
Mufid Elfgeeh, 30, of Rochester, is seen in an undated handout picture released by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, in Rochester, New York, June 2, 2014. Elfgeeh, the owner of a western New York food market, faced accusations in court on Monday that he illegally bought guns to shoot and kill members of the U.S. military returning from Iraq, according to official documents.

Mufid A. Elfgeeh, a 30-year-old man who owns a food store in upstate New York, has been arrested and charged with funding Islamic terrorist group ISIS, attempting to send jihadists to fight with them in Syria and even plotted to gun down U.S. troops, according to Federal authorities.

The Democrat & Chronicle reports that Elfgeeh is the nephew of Abad Elfgeeh, an ice-cream shop owner who was arrested in Brooklyn in 2003, after being accused of being deeply involved in a terrorism network.

Authorities alleged that Abad Elfgeeh funneled millions of dollars to his homeland of Yemen and had links to Osama Bin Laden. In the end, however, he was only convicted of illegally funneling more than $22 million overseas. He is now locked up at the federal prison in Loretto, Pennsylvania, where he is serving a 15-year sentence.

A CNN report said Mufid Elfgeeh was arrested on May 31 but the case against him wasn't made clear until Tuesday. Citing an indictment, CNN noted that Elfgeeh is facing three counts of trying "to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization (namely, ISIS)". He is also charged with one count of attempting to kill officers and employees of the United States, two counts of having an unregistered firearm silencer and one count of possessing guns or silencers "in furtherance of a crime of violence."

Mark Hosken, the public defender representing Elfgeeh said his client will plead not guilty when he appears in court on Thursday morning.
So not only did he provide material support for ISIS - a terrorist group - not only was he was plotting to murder officers and employees of the United States - but he is also pleading not guilty which means he is a bold faced liar as well! What does the bible have to say about this kind of person? ( besides the fact that he is a murderer, a liar, and an idolator? ) Hold on! I'll get it for you! Here it is!

It is written:1 Corinthians 6 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God Do not be deceived Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
Settle Lawsuits among Believers
8On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren.9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.…
Notice it doesn't tell us to cut their heads off, their hands off, stone them to death, bury them alive, set them on fire or crucify them to trees! The Word of God tells us to pray for them. Do not kill them! Pray for them! What kind of god tells others to murder people, skin them alive, sacrifice their children, rape, have multiple partners, lie, deceive, use trickery, kidnap their victims, become serial killers! ............. what god does that? Satan is the god of this world system and he has blinded the minds of the unbelievers. That is the problem for these Muslims. They are idolators worshipping a false god - a demon god Baal allah - who is none other than Satan himself. See the Mohammad in hell video and realize that the souls of these people are at stake. It is time to speak up and warn the world - this is taking these people to hell! Who will warn them? Besides this Christian woman prayer intercessor in South Korea? Bo Ra Choi? We need the Christians of the USA and the World to stand up and speak the truth about the Word of God! We need some men with a backbone in the pulpits - to call out these liars who are claiming the god of Islam is the God of the Bible! It is high time the people who know the truth start TELLING IT!

Amen? AMEN!
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Once again Jeremiah,

"Did you support the Israeli IDF bombing of Gaza which killed many innocent women and children?

Please answer with a simple "Yes" or "No". .. :cool:
I do. YES. God is using IDF/Israel as his instrument of punishment. And that is precisely what @Jeremiah is saying.

God will always protect his people. Why do you think there have been so few casualties in Israel vs the mass number of casualties in Gaza?

Because God has no obligation to cover or protect idolators. That is why.
If you choose to serve Baal allah? You shall pay the price for serving Baal allah!

Do not think you can call on God when you are in trouble when you have been serving His enemy - Satan - all along - by murdering His people, his children, nailing them to trees, sending money support to those who do such blasphemous persecutions against Christians and the Jews - do not believe you can do these things and expect God to hear your prayers!

God does not hear the prayers of the wicked! It is written!

What is the answer? Repent! Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved! Stop waging war against a nation ( ISRAEL) who has bent over backwards to be at peace with you! Stop the propaganda and the lies! God does not bless liars! You people must be out of your minds! God does not bless sexual jihadists - what is that? A glorified prostitute - having sex with murderers in the name of God?! You people are meshugenah! You need deliverance! You are full of demons and evil! Repent of your sins and call upon the name of the LORD Jesus Christ to save you! That is my message to the Muslim people! Repent and abandon that evil before it consumes you in the fires of hell even as it has done to your prophet! REPENT!

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