A modest suggestion -- race forum

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Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2014
Or uh gun
Have you ever considered allowing free speech in the race forum?

Allowing the worst black racists to have complete control over what people are allowed to say is inimical to the notion.
No reason for posts to be removed if they are on topic.
No reason for posts to be removed if they are on topic.
I get booted from threads even though my posts all have topical content.

Those who post over and over again that they are reporting a poster -- which is a clear violation regarding the no content rules -- -- are not only allowed to stay, but you do their bidding for them, thus transferring to THEM the power to control dialogue.

It should not be against the rules to oppose radical black racists, nor should it be against the rules to offer arguments that counter the racist black narrative by pointing out the myriad ways in which blacks receive preferential treatment, but here it IS because all the black racists have to do is report the people who are countering their bull shit and that person is removed from the conversation
No reason for posts to be removed if they are on topic.
I get booted from threads even though my posts all have topical content.

Those who post over and over again that they are reporting a poster -- which is a clear violation regarding the no content rules -- -- are not only allowed to stay, but you do their bidding for them, thus transferring to THEM the power to control dialogue.

It should not be against the rules to oppose radical black racists, nor should it be against the rules to offer arguments that counter the racist black narrative by pointing out the myriad ways in which blacks receive preferential treatment, but here it IS because all the black racists have to do is report the people who are countering their bull shit and that person is removed from the conversation
Sure you will, they are race cowards. They remove my posts often and leave others up that are basically just like what they deleted mine for.
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I have a question about the "no content" rule

What about the many, many posts, where all the poster does is cry "racism"? or "racist"?

Is that really considered content? Even thought it might be completely off topic and/or not addressing the topic, or not answering the previous post at all, ect ect ect.

Cause lots of thread, bog down into just name calling, but are those who's name calling is "racist" ever called on that?
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No reason for posts to be removed if they are on topic.
I get booted from threads even though my posts all have topical content.

Those who post over and over again that they are reporting a poster -- which is a clear violation regarding the no content rules -- -- are not only allowed to stay, but you do their bidding for them, thus transferring to THEM the power to control dialogue.

It should not be against the rules to oppose radical black racists, nor should it be against the rules to offer arguments that counter the racist black narrative by pointing out the myriad ways in which blacks receive preferential treatment, but here it IS because all the black racists have to do is report the people who are countering their bull shit and that person is removed from the conversation
Sure you will, they are race cowards. They remove my posts often and leave others up that are basically just like what the deleted mine for.


Blacks are catered to because of cowardice. It works here just as surely as it does in greater society. The fear of being considered a racist is so overwhelming that people create ENORMOUS double standards.

Take this thread, for instance: Affirmative Action-for whites

two posters work together while indulging in MANY non content posts and making it clear that arguments that undermined their claims would not be tolerated.

Can you guess who got booted from the thread with nary so much as a notification as to who did it?
I have a question about the "no content" rule

What about the many, many posts, where all the poster does is cry "racism"? or "racist"?

Is that really considered content? Even thought it might be completely off topic and/or not addressing the topic, or not answering the previous post at all, ect ect ect.

Cause lots of thread, bog down into just name calling, but are those who's name calling is "racist" ever called on that?

The double standards here are absolutely BLATANT
No reason for posts to be removed if they are on topic.
I get booted from threads even though my posts all have topical content.

Those who post over and over again that they are reporting a poster -- which is a clear violation regarding the no content rules -- -- are not only allowed to stay, but you do their bidding for them, thus transferring to THEM the power to control dialogue.

It should not be against the rules to oppose radical black racists, nor should it be against the rules to offer arguments that counter the racist black narrative by pointing out the myriad ways in which blacks receive preferential treatment, but here it IS because all the black racists have to do is report the people who are countering their bull shit and that person is removed from the conversation
Sure you will, they are race cowards. They remove my posts often and leave others up that are basically just like what the deleted mine for.


Blacks are catered to because of cowardice. It works here just as surely as it does in greater society. The fear of being considered a racist is so overwhelming that people create ENORMOUS double standards.

Take this thread, for instance: Affirmative Action-for whites

two posters work together while indulging in MANY non content posts and making it clear that arguments that undermined their claims would not be tolerated.

Can you guess who got booted from the thread with nary so much as a notification as to who did it?
Post a thread asking a straight forward, honest question; that if answered honestly undermines positions many of the “victims” that frequent the race forum have; and watch it get vaporized for “baiting”. If your white, or worse still; vocally pro white. You’re just going to have to get used to being moderated differently than the victim class.
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No reason for posts to be removed if they are on topic.
I get booted from threads even though my posts all have topical content.

Those who post over and over again that they are reporting a poster -- which is a clear violation regarding the no content rules -- -- are not only allowed to stay, but you do their bidding for them, thus transferring to THEM the power to control dialogue.

It should not be against the rules to oppose radical black racists, nor should it be against the rules to offer arguments that counter the racist black narrative by pointing out the myriad ways in which blacks receive preferential treatment, but here it IS because all the black racists have to do is report the people who are countering their bull shit and that person is removed from the conversation
Sure you will, they are race cowards. They remove my posts often and leave others up that are basically just like what the deleted mine for.


Blacks are catered to because of cowardice. It works here just as surely as it does in greater society. The fear of being considered a racist is so overwhelming that people create ENORMOUS double standards.

Take this thread, for instance: Affirmative Action-for whites

two posters work together while indulging in MANY non content posts and making it clear that arguments that undermined their claims would not be tolerated.

Can you guess who got booted from the thread with nary so much as a notification as to who did it?
Post a thread asking a straight forward, honest question; that if answered honestly undermines positions many of the “victims” that frequent the race forum have; and watch it get vaporized for “baiting”. If your white, or worse still; vocally pro white. You’re just going to have to get used to moderated differently than the victim class.
Reported - telling the truth. ;)
I have a question about the "no content" rule

What about the many, many posts, where all the poster does is cry "racism"? or "racist"?

Is that really considered content? Even thought it might be completely off topic and/or not addressing the topic, or not answering the previous post at all, ect ect ect.

Cause lots of thread, bog down into just name calling, but are those who's name calling is "racist" ever called on that?

The double standards here are absolutely BLATANT

You’re at liberty to propagate the racist lie that blacks are catered to, the lie that blacks receive preferential treatment, and the lie of a racist black narrative.

Moreover, the doctrine of free speech doesn’t apply to private message boards; free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and organizations.

How the content of your posts is edited by USMB mods doesn’t ‘violate’ free speech.
No reason for posts to be removed if they are on topic.
I get booted from threads even though my posts all have topical content.

Those who post over and over again that they are reporting a poster -- which is a clear violation regarding the no content rules -- -- are not only allowed to stay, but you do their bidding for them, thus transferring to THEM the power to control dialogue.

It should not be against the rules to oppose radical black racists, nor should it be against the rules to offer arguments that counter the racist black narrative by pointing out the myriad ways in which blacks receive preferential treatment, but here it IS because all the black racists have to do is report the people who are countering their bull shit and that person is removed from the conversation
Sure you will, they are race cowards. They remove my posts often and leave others up that are basically just like what the deleted mine for.


Blacks are catered to because of cowardice. It works here just as surely as it does in greater society. The fear of being considered a racist is so overwhelming that people create ENORMOUS double standards.

Take this thread, for instance: Affirmative Action-for whites

two posters work together while indulging in MANY non content posts and making it clear that arguments that undermined their claims would not be tolerated.

Can you guess who got booted from the thread with nary so much as a notification as to who did it?
Post a thread asking a straight forward, honest question; that if answered honestly undermines positions many of the “victims” that frequent the race forum have; and watch it get vaporized for “baiting”. If your white, or worse still; vocally pro white. You’re just going to have to get used to being moderated differently than the victim class.
I'm not pro white .I just don't want my skin color to make me a target for racist blacks.

Black racism is the elephant in the room that NOBODY is allowed to talk about these days.

As this forum shows, a person cannot even oppose black racism without being called a racist and a person confronts a black racist at their own peril.

I the thread I referenced, no person who is even remotely honest would say I was the most guilty of non content posts as compared to the two who work as a team and who are still posting while I cannot .

I'm sure there are those who will continue to mock me because they cannot counter what I have to say, but I just figure that is the cost of speaking truth to power.
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Why is this all funny to you, Will?
I'll tell you why I think it is funny.

I had the exact same problem at a previous forum.

I don't think you understand how these places work. They are businesses. The threads and conversations that are encouraged and spurred and moderated are regulated to promote and encorage conversation, and thus, page views. NOT Stifle and limit them.

I get so tired of everyone chasing away the diversity of thought here.

If folks that have one POV and post an OP that are outnumbered 10 to one, and are not having their POV adequately understood or heard, it is the administration and moderation's prerogative to control the direction of that thread in anyway they see fit. IT IS A BUSINESS.

A forum is like a sandbox. If you don't like the way someone runs it, go find a different one. No one forces you to build your castle here.

Why is this all funny to you, Will?
I'll tell you why I think it is funny.

I had the exact same problem at a previous forum.

I don't think you understand how these places work. They are businesses. The threads and conversations that are encouraged and spurred and moderated are regulated to promote and encorage conversation, and thus, page views. NOT Stifle and limit them.

I get so tired of everyone chasing away the diversity of thought here.

If folks that have one POV and post an OP that are outnumbered 10 to one, and are not having their POV adequately understood or heard, it is the administration and moderation's prerogative to control the direction of that thread in anyway they see fit. IT IS A BUSINESS.

A forum is like a sandbox. If you don't like the way someone runs it, go find a different one. No one forces you to build your castle here.

Yes, their making sure that the most outrageous and hateful trolls dominate a forum because that is good for business.

It may go completely against their posted mission statemenr, but it is sure to maintain a high level of activity.
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I have a question about the "no content" rule

What about the many, many posts, where all the poster does is cry "racism"? or "racist"?

Is that really considered content? Even thought it might be completely off topic and/or not addressing the topic, or not answering the previous post at all, ect ect ect.

Cause lots of thread, bog down into just name calling, but are those who's name calling is "racist" ever called on that?

The double standards here are absolutely BLATANT

You’re at liberty to propagate the racist lie that blacks are catered to, the lie that blacks receive preferential treatment, and the lie of a racist black narrative.

Moreover, the doctrine of free speech doesn’t apply to private message boards; free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and organizations.

How the content of your posts is edited by USMB mods doesn’t ‘violate’ free speech.

My point was that libs just crying "racism" or "racist" seems like they should be in violation of the no content rule.

Since, they really have no content.

Your post did not address that point at all.

Do you have anything to say, regarding the point of the post you hit the "reply" button to?
Why is this all funny to you, Will?
I'll tell you why I think it is funny.

I had the exact same problem at a previous forum.

I don't think you understand how these places work. They are businesses. The threads and conversations that are encouraged and spurred and moderated are regulated to promote and encorage conversation, and thus, page views. NOT Stifle and limit them.

I get so tired of everyone chasing away the diversity of thought here.

If folks that have one POV and post an OP that are outnumbered 10 to one, and are not having their POV adequately understood or heard, it is the administration and moderation's prerogative to control the direction of that thread in anyway they see fit. IT IS A BUSINESS.

A forum is like a sandbox. If you don't like the way someone runs it, go find a different one. No one forces you to build your castle here.

Yes, their making sure that the most outrageous and hateful trolls dominate a forum is good for business.

It may go completely against their posted mission statemenr, but it is sure to maintain a high level of activity.

I suppose that is one way to look at making sure all voices are adequately represented. . . . . :71:
Why is this all funny to you, Will?
I'll tell you why I think it is funny.

I had the exact same problem at a previous forum.

I don't think you understand how these places work. They are businesses. The threads and conversations that are encouraged and spurred and moderated are regulated to promote and encorage conversation, and thus, page views. NOT Stifle and limit them.

I get so tired of everyone chasing away the diversity of thought here.

If folks that have one POV and post an OP that are outnumbered 10 to one, and are not having their POV adequately understood or heard, it is the administration and moderation's prerogative to control the direction of that thread in anyway they see fit. IT IS A BUSINESS.

A forum is like a sandbox. If you don't like the way someone runs it, go find a different one. No one forces you to build your castle here.

Yes, their making sure that the most outrageous and hateful trolls dominate a forum is good for business.

It may go completely against their posted mission statemenr, but it is sure to maintain a high level of activity.

I suppose that is one way to look at making sure all voices are adequately represented. . . . . :71:
Eliminating the opposition to black racism certainly does guarantee that black racism is represented, I will give you that. The adverb I would use is closer to exclusively than adequately, but why quibble, eh.

The intent is to foster expressions of black hatred towards whites and suppress response from the targets of the hated, and that is what really counts.
Have you ever considered allowing free speech in the race forum?

Allowing the worst black racists to have complete control over what people are allowed to say is inimical to the notion.

You have captured one of the major reasons why racism will continue to be a problem. When the terms of the discussion have been determined by one side and there is no safe space to discuss racism people will not engage in being truthful. If there is no truth then there can be no solutions.

In summary, white people are not permitted to discuss race.
Have you ever considered allowing free speech in the race forum?

Allowing the worst black racists to have complete control over what people are allowed to say is inimical to the notion.

You have captured one of the major reasons why racism will continue to be a problem. When the terms of the discussion have been determined by one side and there is no safe space to discuss racism people will not engage in being truthful. If there is no truth then there can be no solutions.

In summary, white people are not permitted to discuss race.
Not only are whites not allowed to discuss race, we aren't even allowed to defend ourselves against black racism .

My first experience with black privilege came back in the eighties. My wife and I were living in Oakland and our child was in the Oakland school district. He has a disability called ankylosing spondylitus which limits his mobility and athleticism

.He was one of only 5 white kids in a black schoolroom, and was picked on constantly by black kids who were taught to hate whites by those similar to some of those here. One time aafter a particularly brutal beat down when 5 black kids attacked him and called him a white faggot and whatnot, we went to the head of the Oakland school district only to be told that WE must be the racists.

This forum works on the same principle. In fact, I mentioned my son getting hurt earlier only to have a black poster taunt me by saying it made him happy my kid was hurt. Not ONE moderator here had the human decency to come to bat for me by at least applying the no family attack rule, and two even mocked me.

Being black gives people immunity. It is as simple as that .
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