A Million Aliens Are Coming Here For About 50,000 Jobs?Only So Many Dish Washer Jobs Out There.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Lets just use a million as a ball park figure. They are all coming here to work, right? But there are only a few restaurants out there that would take a chance of hiring illegals to work in the kitchen. Latinos generally work in kitchen prepping/cleaning/dishes. But for most restaurants, they have to keep it legal. Odds are that only restaurants in LA/NY {at least} can get away with letting illegals wash dishes/prep food.
Then you also have landscaping/construction. Even with those employers, there are only so many positions that dont require any ID, right?
:offtopic: :right:
So.... save your energy explaining things.... .....and vote for TRUMP 2020! :2up:
So.... save your energy explaining things.... .....and vote for TRUMP 2020! :2up:
well at least 42 million americans wont have to worry about who will clean their toilets and do their lawns for $10.00
Lets just use a million as a ball park figure. They are all coming here to work, right? But there are only a few restaurants out there that would take a chance of hiring illegals to work in the kitchen. Latinos generally work in kitchen prepping/cleaning/dishes. But for most restaurants, they have to keep it legal. Odds are that only restaurants in LA/NY {at least} can get away with letting illegals wash dishes/prep food.
Then you also have landscaping/construction. Even with those employers, there are only so many positions that dont require any ID, right?
:offtopic: :right:
Don't worry, I have it on good authority, the establishment has a few tricks up it's sleeve to get a Democrat into office and pass sweeping societal overhauls to guarantee everyone that wants to work, a place at the government trough.

Hell, they will even pay you not to work.

Don't worry about what they have in store. . . .


well the more desperate ones will stoop to the low of selling their bodies in vegas/LA
Good thing it's funny to so many people.

Let's check back with you in a few years when your pensions are bankrupt and you can't get basic necessities.

Oh wait, the problem doesn't exist say Democrats.

Meanwhile, Broward and Palm Beach counties began receiving busloads of illegals today.
It's been all over the news. Google immigrants arrive in South Florida for several hundred reports from news outlets across the country.

Looks like the globalists are getting their way regardless. They'll be clamping down on gun ownership BIG time soon. My guess is right after the 2020 elections.

Buckle up folks, The ride is about to get seriously rough.
All these nasty kids will be in black schools destroying education
Lets just use a million as a ball park figure. They are all coming here to work, right? But there are only a few restaurants out there that would take a chance of hiring illegals to work in the kitchen. Latinos generally work in kitchen prepping/cleaning/dishes. But for most restaurants, they have to keep it legal. Odds are that only restaurants in LA/NY {at least} can get away with letting illegals wash dishes/prep food.
Then you also have landscaping/construction. Even with those employers, there are only so many positions that dont require any ID, right?
:offtopic: :right:

Many aren't looking for jobs. Many qualify for government subsidies to the tune of 1.2 billion per years as of 2017.
That figure will double every two years at the current rate of border crossings.

Mark my word, pensions are about to start failing nationwide VERY soon. Someone's got to pay for all these illegals and pension pools are an easy target (especially since in most Democrat areas, they are unfunded to begin with). Detroit will go first. Then NewYork.
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Good thing it's funny to so many people.

Let's check back with you in a few years when your pensions are bankrupt and you can't get basic necessities.

Oh wait, the problem doesn't exist say Democrats.

Meanwhile, Broward and Palm Beach counties began receiving busloads of illegals today.
It's been all over the news. Google immigrants arrive in South Florida for several hundred reports from news outlets across the country.

Looks like the globalists are getting their way regardless. They'll be clamping down on gun ownership BIG time soon. My guess is right after the 2020 elections.

Buckle up folks, The ride is about to get seriously rough.
Good thing it's funny to so many people.

Let's check back with you in a few years when your pensions are bankrupt and you can't get basic necessities.

Oh wait, the problem doesn't exist say Democrats.

Meanwhile, Broward and Palm Beach counties began receiving busloads of illegals today.
It's been all over the news. Google immigrants arrive in South Florida for several hundred reports from news outlets across the country.

Looks like the globalists are getting their way regardless. They'll be clamping down on gun ownership BIG time soon. My guess is right after the 2020 elections.

Buckle up folks, The ride is about to get seriously rough.

Bacon? Meh... Haven't eaten it in 30 years. ;)
Lets just use a million as a ball park figure. They are all coming here to work, right? But there are only a few restaurants out there that would take a chance of hiring illegals to work in the kitchen. Latinos generally work in kitchen prepping/cleaning/dishes. But for most restaurants, they have to keep it legal. Odds are that only restaurants in LA/NY {at least} can get away with letting illegals wash dishes/prep food.
Then you also have landscaping/construction. Even with those employers, there are only so many positions that dont require any ID, right?
:offtopic: :right:

Many aren't looking for jobs. Many qualify for government subsidies to the tune of 1.2 billion per years as of 2017.
That figure will double every two years at the current rate of border crossings.

Mark my word, pensions are about to start failing nationwide VERY soon. Someone's got to pay for all these illegals and pension pools are an easy target (especially since in most Democrat areas, they are unfunded to begin with). Detroit will go first. Then NewYork.
Let's say, hypothetically, Trump gets re-elected, and builds his wall.

What is to stop the Democrats from electing a socialist/communist after Trump? :71:

The gangs will hire most of them. There is always a need for enforcers, drug pushers, smugglers, sex traffickers, extortionists. And street fighters.
i wonder how many of them will wind up in those tent neighborhoods off the highways

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