Democrats, Their Blood Is On YOUR Hands....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A Dallas man previously arrested in the death of an 81-year-old woman has been charged with killing at least 11 more elderly women whose jewelry and other valuables he stole.

Chemirmir, a Kenyan citizen who was living in the U.S. illegally, also is charged in nearby Collin County with two counts of attempted capital murder for similar attacks there."

Democrats still refuse to acknowledge the problem, still refuse to take the problem seriously, refuse to act to protect our national sovereignty, refuse to secure our border, refuse to protect US citizens, forcing the govt to continue to ship illegals all over the country to drop off in communities who do not have resources / housing / funding for them, and continue to facilitate and encourage illegal immigration by operating federal law-violating Sanctuary cities...

...and when violent, criminal illegals like Chemirmir finally are caught preying on US citizens the Democrats ignore that, too, refusing to take credit for continuing to be the driving force behind facilitating and encouraging continued illegal immigration.

The blood of a dozen defenseless elderly women, who should have never had to fear being murdered in their own country by invading foreign scum, is on the Democrats' hands.

How many more have to die/ Although I am not calling for this to happen, but, perhaps if one of the family members of a Democratic Party member is brutally murdered by an illegal. THEN they could tell the rest of us that they 'feel our pain', that they finally 'get it', and maybe at that point they would act to protect this country and its citizens.

Man in country illegally charged with 11 murders in Texas
If his mother had been allowed to abort him, this never would have happened.

And if his MOTHER would have been killed by coyotes / human traffickers or hit by a bus this would never have happened, either....

If his mother had been allowed to abort him, this never would have happened.

Damn, now that's some profound shit right there. And you clowns want those convicted of murder to be able to vote while in prison.

And now that you've made an idiot of yourself would you like to opine on why you want more illegal aliens to come here and kill people? Maybe you like the drugs coming in. Maybe you like them sucking up resources instead of going towards our poor.

Or maybe you like shit filled streets and homeless dopeheads living on the streets.
If his mother had been allowed to abort him, this never would have happened.

Damn, now that's some profound shit right there. And you clowns want those convicted of murder to be able to vote while in prison.

And now that you've made an idiot of yourself would you like to opine on why you want more illegal aliens to come here and kill people? Maybe you like the drugs coming in. Maybe you like them sucking up resources instead of going towards our poor.

Or maybe you like shit filled streets and homeless dopeheads living on the streets.

They apparently do. Gives them a sense of forwarding equality.
"A Dallas man previously arrested in the death of an 81-year-old woman has been charged with killing at least 11 more elderly women whose jewelry and other valuables he stole.

Chemirmir, a Kenyan citizen who was living in the U.S. illegally, also is charged in nearby Collin County with two counts of attempted capital murder for similar attacks there."

Democrats still refuse to acknowledge the problem, still refuse to take the problem seriously, refuse to act to protect our national sovereignty, refuse to secure our border, refuse to protect US citizens, forcing the govt to continue to ship illegals all over the country to drop off in communities who do not have resources / housing / funding for them, and continue to facilitate and encourage illegal immigration by operating federal law-violating Sanctuary cities...

...and when violent, criminal illegals like Chemirmir finally are caught preying on US citizens the Democrats ignore that, too, refusing to take credit for continuing to be the driving force behind facilitating and encouraging continued illegal immigration.

The blood of a dozen defenseless elderly women, who should have never had to fear being murdered in their own country by invading foreign scum, is on the Democrats' hands.

How many more have to die/ Although I am not calling for this to happen, but, perhaps if one of the family members of a Democratic Party member is brutally murdered by an illegal. THEN they could tell the rest of us that they 'feel our pain', that they finally 'get it', and maybe at that point they would act to protect this country and its citizens.

Man in country illegally charged with 11 murders in Texas

You haven’t heard?
“Americans kill our people, therefore we owe illegals the opportunity to kill our people as well.”
I’m not making this up.
What does this have to do with immigration status? What does this have anything to do with politics? I was in the time frame, and fit in the description of whom that nice young white man from Washington, Ted Bundy, wanted to kill. He never met me and my long brown hair, so I am still alive to type this.
What does this have to do with immigration status? What does this have anything to do with politics? I was in the time frame, and fit in the description of whom that nice young white man from Washington, Ted Bundy, wanted to kill. He never met me and my long brown hair, so I am still alive to type this.

Too bad. You might have annoyed him into an early suicide.
If his mother had been allowed to abort him, this never would have happened.

Damn, now that's some profound shit right there. And you clowns want those convicted of murder to be able to vote while in prison.

And now that you've made an idiot of yourself would you like to opine on why you want more illegal aliens to come here and kill people? Maybe you like the drugs coming in. Maybe you like them sucking up resources instead of going towards our poor.

Or maybe you like shit filled streets and homeless dopeheads living on the streets.
They do want them here, so long as they illegally vote democrat, they couldn't care less what they do.


"A Dallas man previously arrested in the death of an 81-year-old woman has been charged with killing at least 11 more elderly women whose jewelry and other valuables he stole.

Chemirmir, a Kenyan citizen who was living in the U.S. illegally, also is charged in nearby Collin County with two counts of attempted capital murder for similar attacks there."

Democrats still refuse to acknowledge the problem, still refuse to take the problem seriously, refuse to act to protect our national sovereignty, refuse to secure our border, refuse to protect US citizens, forcing the govt to continue to ship illegals all over the country to drop off in communities who do not have resources / housing / funding for them, and continue to facilitate and encourage illegal immigration by operating federal law-violating Sanctuary cities...

...and when violent, criminal illegals like Chemirmir finally are caught preying on US citizens the Democrats ignore that, too, refusing to take credit for continuing to be the driving force behind facilitating and encouraging continued illegal immigration.

The blood of a dozen defenseless elderly women, who should have never had to fear being murdered in their own country by invading foreign scum, is on the Democrats' hands.

How many more have to die/ Although I am not calling for this to happen, but, perhaps if one of the family members of a Democratic Party member is brutally murdered by an illegal. THEN they could tell the rest of us that they 'feel our pain', that they finally 'get it', and maybe at that point they would act to protect this country and its citizens.

Man in country illegally charged with 11 murders in Texas
You’ve controlled the government for most of this century. The blood is on your hands.
A US citizen kills another US Citizen. An illegal kills a US Citizen. People on the Left question why the illegal killing a US Citizen is worse than a US Citizen committing murder against another US Citizen when senseless murder is senseless murder.

Senseless murder is made more senseless when the perpetrator was not supposed to be here in the US having already committed a crime.
You’ve controlled the government for most of this century. The blood is on your hands.
Sorry, you FAIL.

'Control the Govt'?! What a F*ing Joike!

Despite existing US Immigration Laws, despite Federal Laws existing to prevent much of what is going on, Democrats have stood up alongside Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS13, and violent illegals - to include rapists, murderers, serial killers, cop killers.. - to ensure the borders stay open, to ensure the flow of illegals into the country continues, and to ensure their FEDERAL-LAW-VIOLATING Sanctuary Cities, that encourage and facilitate illegal immigration continue. They stood with these foreign criminals to shut down the US government to make sure nothing changed.

They and their 'surrogate' propaganda faux news continued to OPENLY LIE TO AMEERICANS, intentionally falsely declaring and reporting there was / is no crisis as 100,000 illegals crossed into the US each MONTH, on pace to have over 1 MILLION illegals enter the US this year.

And when they are pressed on what they have done they spew some of the most polished BS out of their pretty lying f*ing lips, just as you just did...
What does this have to do with immigration status? What does this have anything to do with politics? I was in the time frame, and fit in the description of whom that nice young white man from Washington, Ted Bundy, wanted to kill. He never met me and my long brown hair, so I am still alive to type this.

He was here illegally you dumbass. If he hadn't been here all of those women would be alive.

Immigration is a big part of politics.

You sure are stupid.
You’ve controlled the government for most of this century. The blood is on your hands.
Sorry, you FAIL.

'Control the Govt'?! What a F*ing Joike!

Despite existing US Immigration Laws, despite Federal Laws existing to prevent much of what is going on, Democrats have stood up alongside Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS13, and violent illegals - to include rapists, murderers, serial killers, cop killers.. - to ensure the borders stay open, to ensure the flow of illegals into the country continues, and to ensure their FEDERAL-LAW-VIOLATING Sanctuary Cities, that encourage and facilitate illegal immigration continue. They stood with these foreign criminals to shut down the US government to make sure nothing changed.

They and their 'surrogate' propaganda faux news continued to OPENLY LIE TO AMEERICANS, intentionally falsely declaring and reporting there was / is no crisis as 100,000 illegals crossed into the US each MONTH, on pace to have over 1 MILLION illegals enter the US this year.

And when they are pressed on what they have done they spew some of the most polished BS out of their pretty lying f*ing lips, just as you just did...
Yeah you’ve had overwhelming control of the House and Senate this century as well as 2 Presidents. And now you pass the buck on your failures. So much blood on your hands. You might as well go back to celebrating it like you did under Dubya.
Senseless murder is made more senseless when the perpetrator was not supposed to be here in the US having already committed a crime.


In the name of 'votes' and acquiring power at any cost, Democrats don't seem to mind importing criminals / murderers or sacrificing a few Americans for THEIR /greater good'.

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