A Message to you Rudy

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
The Brits use a lame musical group to attack the man who earned the title of "America's Mayor" and held NY and the Country together in the dark days after the 9-11 attack. Small minds have small memories.

He was despised as an arrogant shit before 9/11.
The Brits use a lame musical group to attack the man who earned the title of "America's Mayor" and held NY and the Country together in the dark days after the 9-11 attack. Small minds have small memories.
He made it safe to walk the streets in NYC. How about now?

Stop your messing around.

Bad news for the hair dye guy as he crashes in Georgia. it was digraceful the way that maga treated these two ladies and I hope that Gulani is bankrupted by this.

Meanwhile here are The Specials with some advice for him.

Fuck off, Welsh sheepfucker, Giuliani is an American legend and you are a Welsh dumbass.

I know smart Welsh people, and you ain't them. I knew about 20 consonants with no vowels in Welshlandia years before I saw your retarded posts.
Why is a cross-dressing Welsh wanker so concerned about Rudy?
Well, I ain't any of that; however, I would suggest to all that Rudy needs to be held to account for this appalling misuse of campaign money and his law degree. His slander on these women endangered them and their families. And he did it not to become famous --he already was. Not to be rich....already was. He did it to promote the corrosive lie that the election was stolen.

Rudy needs to pay and pay big.
And for me, I don't care if he pays those Georgia poll workers in pounds, euros, or dollars.
But a message needs to be sent to Rudy, his circle, and to any other mendacious individuals who trash poll workers in order to advance their cause.

Ffyc chi, Rudy!!

Fuck off, Welsh sheepfucker,
....for him to stick his filthy British nose

And that is the MAGA-Q-Anon language of the internet. Vulgar and xenophobic.
Making America great one dirty word at a time.
It is what it is.
After all, America is a big tent
Or, like that train Bruce describes in Land of Hopes and Dreams.
The train of whores and gamblers,
And winners and _____________.

I love this bar.
We too, like Bruce, have winners and __________.
Well, I ain't any of that; however, I would suggest to all that Rudy needs to be held to account for this appalling misuse of campaign money and his law degree. His slander on these women endangered them and their families. And he did it not to become famous --he already was. Not to be rich....already was. He did it to promote the corrosive lie that the election was stolen.

Rudy needs to pay and pay big.
And for me, I don't care if he pays those Georgia poll workers in pounds, euros, or dollars.
But a message needs to be sent to Rudy, his circle, and to any other mendacious individuals who trash poll workers in order to advance their cause.

FFyc chi, Rudy!!


And that is the MAGA-Q-Anon language of the internet. Vulgar and xenophobic.
Making America great one dirty word at a time.
It is what it is.
After all, America is a big tent
Or, like that train Bruce describes in Land of Hopes and Dreams.
The train of whores and gamblers,
And winners and _____________.

I love this bar.
We too, like Bruce, have winners and __________.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
…for him to stick his filthy British nose…
And that is the MAGA-Q-Anon language of the internet. Vulgar and xenophobic.
Making America great one dirty word at a time.

Nothing at all uncalled-for about my remark.

We fought and won two wars, to establish once and for all that how we Americans run our country is no damn business of the British. A piece of British shit such as Tainted Tommy has no business telling us Americans anything about how to run our country; and there is nothing at all wrong with me saying so; especially since he and his countrymen cannot even run their own country.
There was this today, also.
From The Hill:

"A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Rudy Giuliani is legally liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who became the subject of conspiracy theories related to the 2020 election that were amplified by Donald Trump in the final weeks of his presidency.

In an unsparing, 57-page ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell said Giuliani had flagrantly violated her orders to preserve and produce relevant evidence to the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, resulting in a “default” judgment against him. She also ordered him to pay Freeman and Moss “punitive” damages for failing to fulfill his obligations.

The ruling means the case will
now proceed to a trial purely to determine the amount of damages Giuliani will have to pay the two election workers."
(the underlining is by me, for emphasis. In case anyone misses it.)

Well, that simplifies things doesn't it? There will be a trial.

But trial only on how much does he owe 'em.

NOT....whether he owes them or not. We now know ---- he owes.

I'm thinkin' about $1,000,000 total. For the two women combined. Although, when the judge throws in "punitive"....well, it could get more spendy for Rudy.

A million may seem like a lot....but in the reality of the tar-baby Rudy struck....and stuck...... well, it could be small change.

I mean by that, informed speculation by talking heads in print....say Rudy didn't present the demanded documents because they would have negated his defense in the bigger enchilada of the Atlanta trial, and the possible trial on J6 (tho an unnamed unindicted co-conspirator now. Nothing says the 'unindicted' part can't be reversed.)

So, Rudy is gonna give the ladies a pound-of-flesh....... in order to save many more pounds of his flesh, and his freedom, in other trials.

Seems plausible to me. And I ain't even a lawyer.
Xenophobia runs deep in the land of the Q-Anon MAGA cult.

Go Fuck yourself, jerkhole.
There was this today, also.
From The Hill:

"A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Rudy Giuliani is legally liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who became the subject of conspiracy theories related to the 2020 election that were amplified by Donald Trump in the final weeks of his presidency.

In an unsparing, 57-page ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell said Giuliani had flagrantly violated her orders to preserve and produce relevant evidence to the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, resulting in a “default” judgment against him. She also ordered him to pay Freeman and Moss “punitive” damages for failing to fulfill his obligations.

The ruling means the case will
now proceed to a trial purely to determine the amount of damages Giuliani will have to pay the two election workers."
(the underlining is by me, for emphasis. In case anyone misses it.)

Well, that simplifies things doesn't it? There will be a trial.

But trial only on how much does he owe 'em.

NOT....whether he owes them or not. We now know ---- he owes.

I'm thinkin' about $1,000,000 total. For the two women combined. Although, when the judge throws in "punitive"....well, it could get more spendy for Rudy.

A million may seem like a lot....but in the reality of the tar-baby Rudy struck....and stuck...... well, it could be small change.

I mean by that, informed speculation by talking heads in print....say Rudy didn't present the demanded documents because they would have negated his defense in the bigger enchilada of the Atlanta trial, and the possible trial on J6 (tho an unnamed unindicted co-conspirator now. Nothing says the 'unindicted' part can't be reversed.)

So, Rudy is gonna give the ladies a pound-of-flesh....... in order to save many more pounds of his flesh, and his freedom, in other trials.

Seems plausible to me. And I ain't even a lawyer.
Nobody seems interested in the actual case. They are more interested in abusing me than criminality by Rudy.

I was involved in a case once where my opponent was claiming one thing in my case and quite another in a related case. I won because it didnt take a genius to work out his game.

Rudy is playing a dangerous game if this is his strategy.
He still has the "big tits" case to come as well as his difficulties in Atlanta.

Rudy needs to stop his messing around" and had "better think of his future"

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