A mean trick?


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
I have no daughters of My own, but I do have two step-daughters.

I say this because I never thought that I'd ever have to face the "question". LOL

A little background. I married My current wife when her kids were still pretty young. The oldest was eight and the middle child was six, with the youngest (the only boy) just turned five. So while I am not their biological father ( I have never kept them from having a relationship with their father and in fact encouraged all of them to keep him active in their lives) I have pretty much raised them as My own. I have to say, they have turned out to be upstanding and fine adults. I am very proud of them.

Anyway, the oldest is married and has two children ( boy with devil eyebrows that make him look like Lucifer, and a girl who is the delight of everyone who sees her) but he went to her real father (wise of him) for permission to marry her. (yeah, we still do that stuff).

Anyway, the boy has no love interest at the moment (23) and is focused on getting a big enough bankroll to finance the rest of his education and the middle daughter is our "hippy" or flower-girl. She is strange in the way that beatniks are strange and is just a wonderful personality. She recently lost 150 pounds and I cannot describe how proud and relieved I am.

However, this post is about her love interest. A likable, if a somewhat unaspiring fellow who is more into comic books and her than he is into ambitious agendas. Anyway, he called Me today to ask for her hand in marriage.

I, of course, was thrilled that I was even considered, and no doubt felt the need to milk it out as much as possible.

He sounded so nervous......*Howling in laughter*

I, of course, gave My consent. He really is a good guy and perfect for her...

Anyway.....any of you "dads" have this experience? Did you make the guy sweat it out...even a little bit?
I was invited to dinner by my future son in law.
He promised he would be married forever.
I said good putting my gun on the table. Now we can go kill the last son of a bitch.

That was 19 years ago!

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