A-Hole Rubio will not run for re-election to Senate.

Yeah, what kind of asshole says he's running for President then doesn't bother to show up in the Senate to do the business of the nation?

Oh, that's right ...


But God forbid if we apply the same standard to Obama and Hillary as we do to Republicans!

This is what I mean when I say I don't mind the partisanship; I do mind the dishonesty.

Of course you ignore that Rubio has announced he is quitting and thusly has shown he has no interest in finishing the job. He should let the governor replace him now so the GOP can keep the seat, and the presumptive nominee will have some votes under her/his belt.

Was that the case with Obama and Hillary? No.

A clear difference.

Obama and Clinton weren't interested in finishing the job. They were interested in running for President. If they were interested in "finishing the job," they would be interested in "doing" the job, and not missing 80%+ of the votes during a time.

It's more self-serving and dishonest to remain in your position and run for President than to resign and run for President. That's what's clear. Most politicians do that. I admire Rubio for not doing that. If he fails, he doesn't have the safety net of the career politicians living off the taxpayer.

Gee and here I thought politicians should put constituent representation ahead of their career ambitions. Silly me. The bottom line is that the voters deserve someone who wants to do the job. Marco, by his own admissions does not.
Yeah, what kind of asshole says he's running for President then doesn't bother to show up in the Senate to do the business of the nation?

Oh, that's right ...


But God forbid if we apply the same standard to Obama and Hillary as we do to Republicans!

This is what I mean when I say I don't mind the partisanship; I do mind the dishonesty.

Of course you ignore that Rubio has announced he is quitting and thusly has shown he has no interest in finishing the job. He should let the governor replace him now so the GOP can keep the seat, and the presumptive nominee will have some votes under her/his belt.

Was that the case with Obama and Hillary? No.

A clear difference.

Obama and Clinton weren't interested in finishing the job. They were interested in running for President. If they were interested in "finishing the job," they would be interested in "doing" the job, and not missing 80%+ of the votes during a time.

It's more self-serving and dishonest to remain in your position and run for President than to resign and run for President. That's what's clear. Most politicians do that. I admire Rubio for not doing that. If he fails, he doesn't have the safety net of the career politicians living off the taxpayer.

Gee and here I thought politicians should put constituent representation ahead of their career ambitions. Silly me. The bottom line is that the voters deserve someone who wants to do the job. Marco, by his own admissions does not.
Nor did Clinton or Obama while they were running for President. Who cares that they were saving "clout" by not announcing that they were quitting? They weren't there to use the clout nor were they planning to be there in the future. You are using a very contorted argument that is incapable of hiding the fact that the real difference in your mind is the D or the R.
Gee and here I thought politicians should put constituent representation ahead of their career ambitions. Silly me.

Which is, of course, why you are being logically consistent by criticizing Obama and Hillary on this board for missing about as many votes as Rubio in their pursuit of the Presidency.


Because if they really were interested in representing their constituents rather than advancing their own self-interest, they wouldn't have missed 30%-40% of the votes while they were campaigning.
Today, Marco Rubio said that he will not run for re-election to the US Senate:

"Marco Rubio is a U.S. senator. And he just can’t stand it anymore.

“I don’t know that ‘hate’ is the right word,” Rubio said in an interview. “I’m frustrated.”

This year, as Rubio runs for president, he has cast the Senate — the very place that cemented him as a national politician — as a place he’s given up on, after less than one term. It’s too slow. Too rule-bound. So Rubio, 44, has decided not to run for his seat again. It’s the White House or bust."

Rubio gives up on Senate: ‘He hates it’

This makes the 3rd Republican (prominent Republican--Rick Perry doesn't qualify) to quit an election.


The unspoken other shoe to drop is this: Do the people of Florida deserve to have a Senator who will be present in the Senate while Rubio campaigns for President? Obviously, he's not attending to the State's business in the Senate at the same time; has said he isn't coming back, and will no longer be a factor in business going forward when his term expires next year.

Basically, Mr. Rubio embodies all that is wrong with Washington. The ego on this man must be galactic to think that he can state that he isn't interested in being their Senator, will not give up the seat he no longer wants, and, at the same time, feels that he is adequate enough to lead the nation. I never had much strong emotions about Mr. Rubio outside of his sophomoric actions such as quoting Jay-Z on the Senate Floor during one of the grandstanding filibusters. The rebuttle drink heard 'round the world was unfortunate. But this is beyond the pale of twisted logic and is borderline narcissist.

And yes, we have had similar situations in the past where candidates have announced their resignation well before their term expired. But they still did the business of the nation during that time. We've also had persons who campaigned while being absent from Senate duties. However, part of a Senator's clout is that they have lengthy terms and are likely to be around either as a friend or foe to others in the chamber for a length of time. Rubio is giving Florida the worst of all worlds; an absentee Senator who has given up any leverage he may have had.
He has not right to be there anyway, the silly progressive he is.
Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket

Rubio is jeopardizing his future relevance unless he wants to be one of those clowns who run for President every four years
He's just another Rino soon to be poached
Plus he drinks so much water I think he's diabetic...
Marco quit to run for POTUS, after Jeb drops out, he'll most likely get the nomination
I almost wish Jeb would hang around and unleash the fury of Rove on Trump's hair piece ..

Today, Marco Rubio said that he will not run for re-election to the US Senate:

"Marco Rubio is a U.S. senator. And he just can’t stand it anymore.

“I don’t know that ‘hate’ is the right word,” Rubio said in an interview. “I’m frustrated.”

This year, as Rubio runs for president, he has cast the Senate — the very place that cemented him as a national politician — as a place he’s given up on, after less than one term. It’s too slow. Too rule-bound. So Rubio, 44, has decided not to run for his seat again. It’s the White House or bust."

Rubio gives up on Senate: ‘He hates it’

This makes the 3rd Republican (prominent Republican--Rick Perry doesn't qualify) to quit an election.


The unspoken other shoe to drop is this: Do the people of Florida deserve to have a Senator who will be present in the Senate while Rubio campaigns for President? Obviously, he's not attending to the State's business in the Senate at the same time; has said he isn't coming back, and will no longer be a factor in business going forward when his term expires next year.

Basically, Mr. Rubio embodies all that is wrong with Washington. The ego on this man must be galactic to think that he can state that he isn't interested in being their Senator, will not give up the seat he no longer wants, and, at the same time, feels that he is adequate enough to lead the nation. I never had much strong emotions about Mr. Rubio outside of his sophomoric actions such as quoting Jay-Z on the Senate Floor during one of the grandstanding filibusters. The rebuttle drink heard 'round the world was unfortunate. But this is beyond the pale of twisted logic and is borderline narcissist.

And yes, we have had similar situations in the past where candidates have announced their resignation well before their term expired. But they still did the business of the nation during that time. We've also had persons who campaigned while being absent from Senate duties. However, part of a Senator's clout is that they have lengthy terms and are likely to be around either as a friend or foe to others in the chamber for a length of time. Rubio is giving Florida the worst of all worlds; an absentee Senator who has given up any leverage he may have had.

I usually admire public servants. Those of you who put yourself through the painful task of reading my posts know this. I’ve called VP Cheney a “remarkable” public servant—thought I hate his brand of politics—because he is. A guy with multiple heart attacks putting himself through the gauntlet of public service when he could sit around and count his money for the rest of his life (and from some accounts, he would probably not have enough time left to count it all).

Rubio is different. He is and was the turd you step on running for the bus. I’m glad he is gone and hopefully we’ll never hear from him again.
Today, Marco Rubio said that he will not run for re-election to the US Senate:

"Marco Rubio is a U.S. senator. And he just can’t stand it anymore.

“I don’t know that ‘hate’ is the right word,” Rubio said in an interview. “I’m frustrated.”

This year, as Rubio runs for president, he has cast the Senate — the very place that cemented him as a national politician — as a place he’s given up on, after less than one term. It’s too slow. Too rule-bound. So Rubio, 44, has decided not to run for his seat again. It’s the White House or bust."

Rubio gives up on Senate: ‘He hates it’

This makes the 3rd Republican (prominent Republican--Rick Perry doesn't qualify) to quit an election.


The unspoken other shoe to drop is this: Do the people of Florida deserve to have a Senator who will be present in the Senate while Rubio campaigns for President? Obviously, he's not attending to the State's business in the Senate at the same time; has said he isn't coming back, and will no longer be a factor in business going forward when his term expires next year.

Basically, Mr. Rubio embodies all that is wrong with Washington. The ego on this man must be galactic to think that he can state that he isn't interested in being their Senator, will not give up the seat he no longer wants, and, at the same time, feels that he is adequate enough to lead the nation. I never had much strong emotions about Mr. Rubio outside of his sophomoric actions such as quoting Jay-Z on the Senate Floor during one of the grandstanding filibusters. The rebuttle drink heard 'round the world was unfortunate. But this is beyond the pale of twisted logic and is borderline narcissist.

And yes, we have had similar situations in the past where candidates have announced their resignation well before their term expired. But they still did the business of the nation during that time. We've also had persons who campaigned while being absent from Senate duties. However, part of a Senator's clout is that they have lengthy terms and are likely to be around either as a friend or foe to others in the chamber for a length of time. Rubio is giving Florida the worst of all worlds; an absentee Senator who has given up any leverage he may have had.

I usually admire public servants. Those of you who put yourself through the painful task of reading my posts know this. I’ve called VP Cheney a “remarkable” public servant—thought I hate his brand of politics—because he is. A guy with multiple heart attacks putting himself through the gauntlet of public service when he could sit around and count his money for the rest of his life (and from some accounts, he would probably not have enough time left to count it all).

Rubio is different. He is and was the turd you step on running for the bus. I’m glad he is gone and hopefully we’ll never hear from him again.

You probably won't hear from Rubio again unless you live in Florida. I suspect that he will be running for Governor one day and will probably be elected.

If Rubio was a Democrat and a Republican posted what you posted about him they would be labeled a racist. Since I am sick of those that play the race card, I won't play it either.
Today, Marco Rubio said that he will not run for re-election to the US Senate:

"Marco Rubio is a U.S. senator. And he just can’t stand it anymore.

“I don’t know that ‘hate’ is the right word,” Rubio said in an interview. “I’m frustrated.”

This year, as Rubio runs for president, he has cast the Senate — the very place that cemented him as a national politician — as a place he’s given up on, after less than one term. It’s too slow. Too rule-bound. So Rubio, 44, has decided not to run for his seat again. It’s the White House or bust."

Rubio gives up on Senate: ‘He hates it’

This makes the 3rd Republican (prominent Republican--Rick Perry doesn't qualify) to quit an election.


The unspoken other shoe to drop is this: Do the people of Florida deserve to have a Senator who will be present in the Senate while Rubio campaigns for President? Obviously, he's not attending to the State's business in the Senate at the same time; has said he isn't coming back, and will no longer be a factor in business going forward when his term expires next year.

Basically, Mr. Rubio embodies all that is wrong with Washington. The ego on this man must be galactic to think that he can state that he isn't interested in being their Senator, will not give up the seat he no longer wants, and, at the same time, feels that he is adequate enough to lead the nation. I never had much strong emotions about Mr. Rubio outside of his sophomoric actions such as quoting Jay-Z on the Senate Floor during one of the grandstanding filibusters. The rebuttle drink heard 'round the world was unfortunate. But this is beyond the pale of twisted logic and is borderline narcissist.

And yes, we have had similar situations in the past where candidates have announced their resignation well before their term expired. But they still did the business of the nation during that time. We've also had persons who campaigned while being absent from Senate duties. However, part of a Senator's clout is that they have lengthy terms and are likely to be around either as a friend or foe to others in the chamber for a length of time. Rubio is giving Florida the worst of all worlds; an absentee Senator who has given up any leverage he may have had.

I usually admire public servants. Those of you who put yourself through the painful task of reading my posts know this. I’ve called VP Cheney a “remarkable” public servant—thought I hate his brand of politics—because he is. A guy with multiple heart attacks putting himself through the gauntlet of public service when he could sit around and count his money for the rest of his life (and from some accounts, he would probably not have enough time left to count it all).

Rubio is different. He is and was the turd you step on running for the bus. I’m glad he is gone and hopefully we’ll never hear from him again.

You probably won't hear from Rubio again unless you live in Florida. I suspect that he will be running for Governor one day and will probably be elected.

If Rubio was a Democrat and a Republican posted what you posted about him they would be labeled a racist. Since I am sick of those that play the race card, I won't play it either.


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