A Hiring Boom "May" be on the way.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
These are just musings..but lately there's been alot of frenzied activity from recruiters. And I just went to the office party of my old job and while talking to some of the guys there, many people who were looking for a year or more are getting snapped up.

What's going on?

Well aside from the economy getting better, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire. And there's not much evidence they did anything to help. Employers are sitting on tons and tons of liquidity and playing "shell games" to keep making money..without adding to the overall economy. Given the present anger in the public at large, I have a feeling that to quell some of this..there will be a hiring boom.

Who knows...:D
The economy has only produced 625,000 jobs in 5 months. That is a deficit of 125,000 when considering new people entering the market.
I see no indication whatsoever to indicate anything other than a painfully slooooooow, slugish market.
Anything else is wishful thinking.
Having said that - I also believe this administration will do anything to make 2012 look better, we will see another bail-out. And just as in 2009 - it will have a positive/temporary effect. Just enough that the sheep will say "Obama has saved us".
I hope you are right as my daughter hates her job and I would like to see her find another.

Companies have been holding cash for a while now and without demand, there is no need to hire. They are making a profit without new employees. Other bad signs for the economy are:

-the downward adjusted housing numbers
-paltry GDP numbers
-real unemployment rate

Good news though include:

-consumer confidence is up
-durable goods numbers up

What this great country needs now is the two sides to stop pushing agenda items and start making decisions that make economical sense.
they have in place in most companies cutters and slashers.

This only works for a few years.

They cut and slash their way in a bloated system to profits.

At some point there is no more fat to cut.

The corps will settle for profit any way its made.

When slash and burn is done you have to make profits some way.

At the point that they need to hire to make more profits they will hire.

No republican tricks like trashing the debt ceiling or refusing tax cuts to the middle (EVEN while they claim they are all about tax cuts ) will stop the corps from finding profits.

Unfortunately for the right we have about hit the point where to make more profits the corps are going to have to hire.

While the republicans will do ANYTHING for corporations you see the corporations are not as devoted to the republicans.

They will not hold back jsut to help you get elected if there are profits to be made.

You serve a disloyal mistress cons.
These are just musings..but lately there's been alot of frenzied activity from recruiters. And I just went to the office party of my old job and while talking to some of the guys there, many people who were looking for a year or more are getting snapped up.

What's going on?

Well aside from the economy getting better, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire. And there's not much evidence they did anything to help. Employers are sitting on tons and tons of liquidity and playing "shell games" to keep making money..without adding to the overall economy. Given the present anger in the public at large, I have a feeling that to quell some of this..there will be a hiring boom.

Who knows...:D

I consider much of your comment just partisan hackery, However there has been an uptick. I still call complete BS on your vast conspiracy to not add to the economy.
These are just musings..but lately there's been alot of frenzied activity from recruiters. And I just went to the office party of my old job and while talking to some of the guys there, many people who were looking for a year or more are getting snapped up.

What's going on?

Well aside from the economy getting better, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire. And there's not much evidence they did anything to help. Employers are sitting on tons and tons of liquidity and playing "shell games" to keep making money..without adding to the overall economy. Given the present anger in the public at large, I have a feeling that to quell some of this..there will be a hiring boom.

Who knows...:D

We've been hearing that bullshit for three years now from "Dear Leader" Obama.
I hope you are right as my daughter hates her job and I would like to see her find another.

Companies have been holding cash for a while now and without demand, there is no need to hire. They are making a profit without new employees. Other bad signs for the economy are:

-the downward adjusted housing numbers
-paltry GDP numbers
-real unemployment rate

Good news though include:

-consumer confidence is up
-durable goods numbers up

What this great country needs now is the two sides to stop pushing agenda items and start making decisions that make economical sense.

And personal spending is down and home prices are still falling.

You can go back and forth all day about this little bump and this little slide. For every tidbit of good - there is a tidbit that is bad.
Bottom line - unemployment is still devastating and has not improved, it has only got "less worse".
Underemployment is a bigger problem than unemployment. For those who are finding work - are finding jobs that pay dismal wages and criminal benefits.
I hope you are right as my daughter hates her job and I would like to see her find another.

Companies have been holding cash for a while now and without demand, there is no need to hire. They are making a profit without new employees. Other bad signs for the economy are:

-the downward adjusted housing numbers
-paltry GDP numbers
-real unemployment rate

Good news though include:

-consumer confidence is up
-durable goods numbers up

What this great country needs now is the two sides to stop pushing agenda items and start making decisions that make economical sense.

Your daughter should start looking now. Tell her to get a good resume together and start submitting them online. Having a job is easier then not having one when looking. Employers like hiring people away from other firms. First..it's almost a seamless transition and second, if it's a rival then all the better.

And the "profits" they are making are accounting tricks. It doesn't last forever. And really, it's them that started the loss of demand. For two reasons. They wanted to cut high labor costs by hiring overseas and creating a glut of people looking for work. Initially layoffs had nothing to do with loss of demand. It was "synergy". Eventually..that's what started to happen, because UE got so high. But now..even the Chinese factories are in trouble because people are not buying their cheap crap.

Thus, people are starting to look for government solutions to the problem. And quite frankly, alot of things need to be done. Infrastructure, implementing new tech like cloud and IPv6, and high speed rail. However..that could tighten the high tech/engineer market again. Which would be bad for alot of these companies. Which is one reason I think a hiring boom will happen. What better time to snap up well trained peeps who've been out of work for awhile. And they get them on the cheap, while looking like "heroes".
The economy has only produced 625,000 jobs in 5 months. That is a deficit of 125,000 when considering new people entering the market.
I see no indication whatsoever to indicate anything other than a painfully slooooooow, slugish market.
Anything else is wishful thinking.
Having said that - I also believe this administration will do anything to make 2012 look better, we will see another bail-out. And just as in 2009 - it will have a positive/temporary effect. Just enough that the sheep will say "Obama has saved us".

I think we are looking at a repeat of what was going on before the self inflicted budget crisis. Wall Street is going to be marking gains but unemployment will stay stagnate. Nothing has been done to aid the purchasing power of the masses, so there is no increase for demand of goods and services, no increase in demand for labor (which is kept cheap with an open border policy). Money leaves government/federal reserve, goes to large corporations where profits rule and the common people are left out of the mix.

We are all just a commodity.
I hope you are right as my daughter hates her job and I would like to see her find another.

Companies have been holding cash for a while now and without demand, there is no need to hire. They are making a profit without new employees. Other bad signs for the economy are:

-the downward adjusted housing numbers
-paltry GDP numbers
-real unemployment rate

Good news though include:

-consumer confidence is up
-durable goods numbers up

What this great country needs now is the two sides to stop pushing agenda items and start making decisions that make economical sense.

And personal spending is down and home prices are still falling.

You can go back and forth all day about this little bump and this little slide. For every tidbit of good - there is a tidbit that is bad.
Bottom line - unemployment is still devastating and has not improved, it has only got "less worse".
Underemployment is a bigger problem than unemployment. For those who are finding work - are finding jobs that pay dismal wages and criminal benefits.

Good points. With the decrease in personal spending, people paid off a lot of debt which does not add to the economy. Underemployment is included in my "real unemployment" bullet. I sit in my house every day and can almost see the value flying out the window.
I hope you are right as my daughter hates her job and I would like to see her find another.

Companies have been holding cash for a while now and without demand, there is no need to hire. They are making a profit without new employees. Other bad signs for the economy are:

-the downward adjusted housing numbers
-paltry GDP numbers
-real unemployment rate

Good news though include:

-consumer confidence is up
-durable goods numbers up

What this great country needs now is the two sides to stop pushing agenda items and start making decisions that make economical sense.

Your daughter should start looking now. Tell her to get a good resume together and start submitting them online. Having a job is easier then not having one when looking. Employers like hiring people away from other firms. First..it's almost a seamless transition and second, if it's a rival then all the better.

And the "profits" they are making are accounting tricks. It doesn't last forever. And really, it's them that started the loss of demand. For two reasons. They wanted to cut high labor costs by hiring overseas and creating a glut of people looking for work. Initially layoffs had nothing to do with loss of demand. It was "synergy". Eventually..that's what started to happen, because UE got so high. But now..even the Chinese factories are in trouble because people are not buying their cheap crap.

Thus, people are starting to look for government solutions to the problem. And quite frankly, alot of things need to be done. Infrastructure, implementing new tech like cloud and IPv6, and high speed rail. However..that could tighten the high tech/engineer market again. Which would be bad for alot of these companies. Which is one reason I think a hiring boom will happen. What better time to snap up well trained peeps who've been out of work for awhile. And they get them on the cheap, while looking like "heroes".

In other words - Sallow is hoping for another mass bailout and enormous government spending. But no worries...Obama wants to cut 3 $trillion out of the deficit in 10 years (which will of course increase the deficit not decrease it)
I hope you are right as my daughter hates her job and I would like to see her find another.

Companies have been holding cash for a while now and without demand, there is no need to hire. They are making a profit without new employees. Other bad signs for the economy are:

-the downward adjusted housing numbers
-paltry GDP numbers
-real unemployment rate

Good news though include:

-consumer confidence is up
-durable goods numbers up

What this great country needs now is the two sides to stop pushing agenda items and start making decisions that make economical sense.

Your daughter should start looking now. Tell her to get a good resume together and start submitting them online. Having a job is easier then not having one when looking. Employers like hiring people away from other firms. First..it's almost a seamless transition and second, if it's a rival then all the better.

And the "profits" they are making are accounting tricks. It doesn't last forever. And really, it's them that started the loss of demand. For two reasons. They wanted to cut high labor costs by hiring overseas and creating a glut of people looking for work. Initially layoffs had nothing to do with loss of demand. It was "synergy". Eventually..that's what started to happen, because UE got so high. But now..even the Chinese factories are in trouble because people are not buying their cheap crap.

Thus, people are starting to look for government solutions to the problem. And quite frankly, alot of things need to be done. Infrastructure, implementing new tech like cloud and IPv6, and high speed rail. However..that could tighten the high tech/engineer market again. Which would be bad for alot of these companies. Which is one reason I think a hiring boom will happen. What better time to snap up well trained peeps who've been out of work for awhile. And they get them on the cheap, while looking like "heroes".

Will do, thanks for the advice.
These are just musings..but lately there's been alot of frenzied activity from recruiters. And I just went to the office party of my old job and while talking to some of the guys there, many people who were looking for a year or more are getting snapped up.

What's going on?

Well aside from the economy getting better, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire. And there's not much evidence they did anything to help. Employers are sitting on tons and tons of liquidity and playing "shell games" to keep making money..without adding to the overall economy. Given the present anger in the public at large, I have a feeling that to quell some of this..there will be a hiring boom.

Who knows...:D

I don't think you'll see a "Hiring boom" till after the 2012 elections and that would depend greatly on the outcome.
of course you think that willow.
Tell us when the last time you were right in a prediction?

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