A Harbinger Of Things To Come?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I think so. I don't 'hope' so, I honestly think this latest world flirtation with socialism has run its course.

It took Russia 70 years to figure out that socialism doesn't work. That, and MILLIONS of dead.

But Russians aren't exceptionally bright people, politically speaking. Look who they've got now?

Even the UK went socialist after WWII, unceremoniously throwing one of the greatest figures of the 20th Century (Winston Churchill) on the trash heap.

It cost them. Badly. I was there for a short visit before Maggie righted the ship and let me tell you something..... Britain was on the verge of becoming a third world Country. That's just a fact.

Spain and Greece went through their foolish love affair with socialism and look at what it cost them.

We're going through it... A little later than most Countries but the truth is... We really do lag behind the rest of the world when it comes to political experimentation.

Which is the way our government is set up... We're slow to change but the forces of evil... socialism never rest. Never. And they finally got to us in the form of hussein obama.

To my story..... Yes, this is what is going to happen here in November... Count on it

"Cauchemaresque," "Sans Precedent:" The French Left Loses Huge in France's Municipal Elections

"Nightmarish," says LeMonde.

"Without precedent," says Le Figaro.

France just held its municipal elections -- held every two years to vote in mayors, town councilors, etc. -- and the Socialists (PS, Parti Socialist) lost badly.

BBC News - France local elections: Socialists lose heavily

At least 155 towns with 9,000 inhabitants or more switched from leftist rule (PS or associated leftist parties) to rightist (usually Sarkozy's party, l'UMP). Some towns, which have had socialist rule for 37 or 43 years, have now dumped the socialist party in favor of the UMP.

Limoges has been ruled by socialists since 1912 -- except during the Vichy years (when the Nazis ruled it) and except for 1946-47, when it was ruled by... Communists. That town has now flipped to a UMP mayor.

The "far right" party, the Front National (FN), picked up something like 15 mayorships as well.

The Prime Minister (himself PS) confessed the defeat.

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault acknowledged the vote was "a defeat for the government and the [Socialist] majority".

"This message is clear... The president will draw conclusions, and he will do so in the interest of France,'' he added, in an apparent reference to a likely cabinet reshuffle.

These elections don't directly affect the national government. The elections for the French Senate will be held this September (I believe this is exactly the midway point in a President's five-year term). But this is the public's first chance to weigh in on Hollande's socialist rule, and they're not happy about it.

I doubt this has much to do with American politics, except in this minor way. When Democrats are in trouble, the media frequently portrays the public as "in an anti-incumbent" mood, as if they're just against incumbents, period, without parsing out between which incumbents they're most displeased by.

Similar crap was/is going on in France, with much made of the very poor turnout rate -- the elections featured an all-time high of people choosing not to vote in a municipal election.

Thus the public was in an "anti-incumbent" mood.

But they didn't vote out all incumbents. Only three towns moved from having a rightist (UMP) mayor to having a leftwing one. Meanwhile, at least 155 moved the other way, in what is being called the droitisation (rightward movement) of the electorate.

Hollande is not directly affected by this. Even if he looses the September elections, he still won't be booted out of power, because the Prime Minister is selected by the Senate, but the President (like the President in America) serves his full term no matter who holds the Senate.

But this is obviously a major blow to the left. So much so that Hollande will address the nation at 8 PM (their local time) to say something or other about what is variously being called a "rout," "debacle," and "penalty" for the left.

Interestingly, it's also frequently said that a "vague bleu" swept France -- a Blue Wave. The French have retained the historical use of red for the left, so the right is blue.

Oh it's also being called the left's Berezina. The French don't speak of "meeting one's Waterloo," for some reason. Usually they refer to another of Napoleon's major setbacks, that at the Battle of Berezina (a river in Russia in 1812). Like our own Waterloo expression, it means "disaster" or "catastrophe).

Just in this minute.... The socialist government of France is resigning.
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Edgetho has no idea of the real definition of socialism.

He is merely a paid board hack.
95% of financial gains to the richest 1% of the population since 2009.

Eh i dont usually look to France as a harbinger.

But i expected the result to be similiar before. problem is the left has the propaganda machine.
95% of financial gains to the richest 1% of the population since 2009.


Every time you post that shit, you just advertise to the whole community that you're a dumb fuck.

Like we need reminding. Loser.

http://a57.foxnews.com/global.fncst...mg/660/371/France Politics_Leff.jpg?ve=1&tl=1


France's government has resigned ahead of a reshuffle that comes 24 hours after President Francois Hollande's Socialists suffered losses in nationwide municipal elections seen as a referendum on his leadership.

They didn't 'suffer losses'

They got CRUSHED.

As France goes, so goes Europe. And Europe is the most powerful economy on Earth.

Bar none.

socialism is for morons. No wonder dimocrap scum base their political policies on it
Eh i dont usually look to France as a harbinger.

But i expected the result to be similiar before. problem is the left has the propaganda machine.

They have the machine in France as well.

liberal scum are the same the world over. Elitist, over-educated products of nepotism that invariably find their way into 'Journalism', politics, academe, the performing 'arts' or some other useless form or parasitism.

French libturds, French Journalism is precisely the same as ours. Not a bit of difference.

With one MAJOR exception.... Many European 'liberals' can be quite Patriotic.

Ours are uniformly traitorous.
What's the matter, libturds?

You worried?

After only two years, the socialists in France suffered THE biggest political defeat in French history.

The Socialist losses were devastating. Although, as expected, the party hung on to Paris, where Anne Hidalgo becomes the capital’s first female mayor, the rest of the country snubbed the ruling party. Among the more dramatic losses were Toulouse, a city in the south-west that it had thought was safe, Roubaix and Tourcoing, two industrial cities in the north with a deep left-wing heritage, and a string of other cities, including Amiens, Caen, Tours, Reims and Limoges, held by the left since 1912. Even some towns in the Paris region, which had been governed by Communist Party since the second world war, such as Villejuif, swung to the right.

Not just losing, but getting HAMMERED. I mean CRUSHED.

It's gonna happen here in November. I'm thinking we take 15 Senate Seats away from dimocraps and gain 30 Congressional Seats.

Be afraid, dimocraps. Be very afraid.

France is the biggest Country in Europe. Europe is the most powerful economy in the world.

As France goes, so goes Europe. As Europe goes, so goes the USA.

Just a fact of life
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95% of financial gains to the richest 1% of the population since 2009.


Don't believe your statistics.
Please show your source so I can verify because I just don't like dealing with hyperbole!
95% of financial gains to the richest 1% of the population since 2009.


Every time you post that shit, you just advertise to the whole community that you're a dumb fuck.

Like we need reminding. Loser.

http://a57.foxnews.com/global.fncst...mg/660/371/France Politics_Leff.jpg?ve=1&tl=1


France's government has resigned ahead of a reshuffle that comes 24 hours after President Francois Hollande's Socialists suffered losses in nationwide municipal elections seen as a referendum on his leadership.

They didn't 'suffer losses'

They got CRUSHED.

As France goes, so goes Europe. And Europe is the most powerful economy on Earth.

Bar none.

socialism is for morons. No wonder dimocrap scum base their political policies on it

Just would like to know where the attached graph fits your comment..

"Europe is the most powerful economy on Earth."

US GDP $16.2 trillion
China $9.0 trillion
Japan $5.1

Europe.. $10.8 trillion total of below countries..
Germany $3.6 trillion
France $2.7 trillion
UK $2.4 trillion
Italy $2.1 trillion

$Screen Shot 2014-03-31 at 2.19.56 PM.png

The new global economy - CNNMoney

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