A great example of the problem


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
When Andrew Breitbart was alive and running all of his sites ("Big Government", "Big Journalism", etc.), it was one of the most reliable, respected news sources in the world by the informed and the educated. Right up there with The Blaze and The Drudge Report. None of them worried about competing at a certain time slot with CNN or Fox News and none of them answered to advertisers - therefore they were free to follow a story wherever it went and report the facts exactly as they occurred.

And then here comes Steve Bannon - running his mouth like an idiot proclaiming he will wield Breitbart.com as a weapon. Now, to be clear, this could just be hot air from an arrogant idiot. I'm willing to give Breitbart the benefit of the doubt (considering their impeccable history) and wait for them to prove they are irresponsible journalists. But his words right here are pure progressive/Nazi/fascist propaganda plans:
“I built a f***ing machine at Breitbart. And now I’m about to go back, knowing what I know, and we’re about to rev that machine up. And rev it up we will do.”
Hey dill hole....Breitbart is not a "machine". Andrew intended it to be true journalism. Something that is sorely lacking in the world today. The fact that Steve Bannon views it (or at least professes to view it) as a vehicle for his personal agenda is an outrage. And it's a warning to everyone that they should fact check Breitbart upon Bannon's return until they prove that he was just talking out of his ass and they are still committed to accurate journalism.

In jarring interview, Bannon declares Trump presidency over, readies for war
Don't take Brannon's comments so literally. Remember that the DNC media has attacked Trump ruthlessly, constantly, and often unjustifiably. My guess is Bannon wants to level the playing field.
Don't take Brannon's comments so literally. Remember that the DNC media has attacked Trump ruthlessly, constantly, and often unjustifiably. My guess is Bannon wants to level the playing field.
That's even worse! His entire "agenda" should be "how do I report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". He should never worry about "leveling the playing field".

All of those idiotic outlets that have gone after Trump have completely discredited themselves. Many - if not most - will be out of business in the not too distant future (especially when Trump leaves office and they have nothing to entertain their rabid viewers with).

The only outlets that are going to have long-term success are going to be the one's with an impeccable reputation. That's why Breitbart was able to become so big so fast. It was all about the truth and nothing else. People are craving that in today's world.
Don't take Brannon's comments so literally. Remember that the DNC media has attacked Trump ruthlessly, constantly, and often unjustifiably. My guess is Bannon wants to level the playing field.
That's even worse! His entire "agenda" should be "how do I report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". He should never worry about "leveling the playing field".

All of those idiotic outlets that have gone after Trump have completely discredited themselves. Many - if not most - will be out of business in the not too distant future (especially when Trump leaves office and they have nothing to entertain their rabid viewers with).

The only outlets that are going to have long-term success are going to be the one's with an impeccable reputation. That's why Breitbart was able to become so big so fast. It was all about the truth and nothing else. People are craving that in today's world.
And yet the DNC media seldom tells the truth. Maybe you should go after them.
Not what you want to hear but boots on the ground news is expensive and with the internet records tend to be fleeting.
And yet the DNC media seldom tells the truth. Maybe you should go after them.
What is there to go after? They are a bunch of pathological liar pushing an agenda by leveraging propaganda. The American people overwhelmingly know that they are liars.

You should be more concerned about the masses viewing Breitbart in that same light and less concerned with guarding/protecting your side for doing the same thing you hate the other side for doing.
And yet the DNC media seldom tells the truth. Maybe you should go after them.
What is there to go after? They are a bunch of pathological liar pushing an agenda by leveraging propaganda. The American people overwhelmingly know that they are liars.

You should be more concerned about the masses viewing Breitbart in that same light and less concerned with guarding/protecting your side for doing the same thing you hate the other side for doing.
Agreed. Though I seldom go to brietbart.

Maybe Bannon will do a good job.
And yet the DNC media seldom tells the truth. Maybe you should go after them.
What is there to go after? They are a bunch of pathological liar pushing an agenda by leveraging propaganda. The American people overwhelmingly know that they are liars.

You should be more concerned about the masses viewing Breitbart in that same light and less concerned with guarding/protecting your side for doing the same thing you hate the other side for doing.
Agreed. Though I seldom go to brietbart.

Maybe Bannon will do a good job.
I hope so! Like I said, based on their history, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that Bannon was just spouting off. But I will be doing some fact-checking early on just to be on the safe side.

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