A government in exile? What happened to the rule of law?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The Obama administration has been cited for contempt of court for ignoring the ruling a few months ago that struck down the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf. In a related ruling a federal judge ruled that the Health Care Law is unconstitutional but the Obama administration continues to enforce it. What are we dealing with? Media support for an administration that ignores the rule of law makes it OK? It would be understandable (but not legal) if the Gulf was a pristine wilderness untouched by the evil oil industry but Mexico and Venezuela drill for oil in the Gulf. Why not America? Gas is at a National average of 3.13 per gal. It's clear that Obama means to force Americans to cut down on oil consumption or suffer. Is it a good idea for the government to play these games?
All this after 8 years of war, failed companies with no arrests, a corrupt Justice Dept replacing qualified lawyers with Christian College graduates, a ruined economy, thousands of dead Americans and tens of thousands maimed and possibly hundreds of thousands of foreigners dead. An entire world that hates our guts.

And Republicans want to stop Americans receiving health care? I just don't get it.
The Obama administration has been cited for contempt of court for ignoring the ruling a few months ago that struck down the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf. In a related ruling a federal judge ruled that the Health Care Law is unconstitutional but the Obama administration continues to enforce it. What are we dealing with? Media support for an administration that ignores the rule of law makes it OK? It would be understandable (but not legal) if the Gulf was a pristine wilderness untouched by the evil oil industry but Mexico and Venezuela drill for oil in the Gulf. Why not America? Gas is at a National average of 3.13 per gal. It's clear that Obama means to force Americans to cut down on oil consumption or suffer. Is it a good idea for the government to play these games?

No, it is a bad idea for government to meddle in corporate affairs, who should also be independent of government.
All this after 8 years of war, failed companies with no arrests, a corrupt Justice Dept replacing qualified lawyers with Christian College graduates, a ruined economy, thousands of dead Americans and tens of thousands maimed and possibly hundreds of thousands of foreigners dead. An entire world that hates our guts.

And Republicans want to stop Americans receiving health care? I just don't get it.

First off kumquat, nobody wants to stop people from receiving health care. Secondly, the bill has been ruled, and read this slowly.... U N C O N S T I T U T I O N A L.

There ya go
The Obama administration has been cited for contempt of court for ignoring the ruling a few months ago that struck down the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf. In a related ruling a federal judge ruled that the Health Care Law is unconstitutional but the Obama administration continues to enforce it. What are we dealing with? Media support for an administration that ignores the rule of law makes it OK? It would be understandable (but not legal) if the Gulf was a pristine wilderness untouched by the evil oil industry but Mexico and Venezuela drill for oil in the Gulf. Why not America? Gas is at a National average of 3.13 per gal. It's clear that Obama means to force Americans to cut down on oil consumption or suffer. Is it a good idea for the government to play these games?

No, it is a bad idea for government to meddle in corporate affairs, who should also be independent of government.

YAY!!!!!!!!!! Shintao, ya got one right.
All this after 8 years of war, failed companies with no arrests, a corrupt Justice Dept replacing qualified lawyers with Christian College graduates, a ruined economy, thousands of dead Americans and tens of thousands maimed and possibly hundreds of thousands of foreigners dead. An entire world that hates our guts.

And Republicans want to stop Americans receiving health care? I just don't get it.

First off kumquat, nobody wants to stop people from receiving health care. Secondly, the bill has been ruled, and read this slowly.... U N C O N S T I T U T I O N A L.

There ya go

By some acitvist right wing judge. Get it?
All this after 8 years of war, failed companies with no arrests, a corrupt Justice Dept replacing qualified lawyers with Christian College graduates, a ruined economy, thousands of dead Americans and tens of thousands maimed and possibly hundreds of thousands of foreigners dead. An entire world that hates our guts.

And Republicans want to stop Americans receiving health care? I just don't get it.

First off kumquat, nobody wants to stop people from receiving health care. Secondly, the bill has been ruled, and read this slowly.... U N C O N S T I T U T I O N A L.

There ya go

By some acitvist right wing judge. Get it?

Adhering to the Constitution is the opposite of activism. Get it?

Oh wait, of course you don't.
Ruling than an inactivity is an activity governed by the Commerce Clause would be activism... and downright retarded actually.
First off kumquat, nobody wants to stop people from receiving health care. Secondly, the bill has been ruled, and read this slowly.... U N C O N S T I T U T I O N A L.

There ya go

By some acitvist right wing judge. Get it?

Adhering to the Constitution is the opposite of activism. Get it?

Oh wait, of course you don't.

When people go to the emergency room and use thousands of dollars of taxpayers money, then that is indeed "commerce". Part of the health care plan is designed to allow people access to doctors BEFORE they go to the emergency room and run up huge bills that, by law, have to be covered by taxpayers. But of course, if you would rather pay thousands more then you need to, OK. But it's your loss.

Does everything have to be explained?

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