A generation of parasites

Thank you for stating the American right's doctrinaire. But we have heard it before...

In Mein Kampf, Hitler states: "...it [Nazi philosophy] by no means believes in an equality of races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe."

Hitler describes the struggle for world domination as an ongoing racial, cultural, and political battle between Aryans and Jews. He outlines his thoughts in detail, accusing the Jews of conducting an international conspiracy to control world finances, controlling the press, inventing liberal democracy as well as Marxism, promoting prostitution and vice, and using culture to spread disharmony.

Throughout Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to Jews as parasites, liars, dirty, crafty, sly, wily, clever, without any true culture, a sponger, a middleman, a maggot, eternal blood suckers, repulsive, unscrupulous, monsters, foreign, menace, bloodthirsty, avaricious, the destroyer of Aryan humanity, and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity...

Somehow I fail to see the connection between Mein Kampf and the OP. However, I can see what a greasy, sleazy, despicable scumbag you are for suggesting there is a connection.
This election is not about how wealthy and successful Romney is. It is not about Paul Ryan or his positions. This election is about ending 40 years of creating parasites that have been sucking on the government teat, or should I say American tax payers. These parasites refuse to contribute to society on the guise that success should be allocated not earned. It is about the largest increase in food stamp use in American history. It is about a president advertising in foreign countries to increase the use of food stamps by those that enter the country illegally or on visas. It is about a president that wants Americans to be dependant on government to guarantee his socialistic programing will take hold and be impossible to break. It's about a president who is embarrassed to be an American and tells world leaders that he is sorry for our success.

It is about women who feel government is responsible for their birth control needs and run to the abortion clinic when their lack of responsibility has consequences. This election is about the 96% of university professors who day in and day out preach that America is evil and we need to spread the wealth. What we need to spread is the truth. America was built on capitalism, personal responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit, and not the socialism that breeds class envy and hatred. Charity is about individuals and should remain in their hands or organizations, churches, and those those that give honestly. Charity is not the government taking from some of us and giving it to their friends.

It is about students that demand we pay off their college loans because they chose a degree that has no job prospects. We should not have invested in them in the first place. If your not willing to pay your debts because your career is worthless why should we be willing to pay them for you?

This election is about returning to a nation that produces and not a nation of parasites. We need to remove Obama.

Do you hate everyone who has ever collected SS?

How exactly is someone collecting Social Security after paying into it their entire working career considered a parasite?

Be specific.

My sister never paid a dime to Social Security. However, she's been collecting it for about 25 years.
40 years of creating parasites that have been sucking on the government teat, or should I say American tax payers.

which programs do you hate that were created 40 years ago?

I despise all of them.

Why would anyone approve of organized robbery?
The current government of the United States is put in place by the people of the United States.

When congress spends taxpayer money, it is to create programs that the taxpayers ask for.

They ask for these programs with their vote.

YOU voted for the people who spent the money, and YOU enjoyed the fruit of that spending.

Wrong, I never voted for anyone who voted for those programs. Even if I did, it was only because I didn't have a choice of voting for someone who would abolish the programs. The claim that majority rule justifies plunder was exploded long ago.
As a Jew who is a second generation American that lost all of his extended family in concentration camps I am appalled that you would stoop to such emotional nonsense. It does not surprise me that a liberal would have so little faith in the enduring American spirit that built the greatest country on the face of the earth. They did it without welfare, no food stamps, housing assistance, or political elites constantly telling them they are not talented enough, strong enough, or smart enough to succeed without the governments help. I have much greater respect for the citizens of this country. I know that any American regardless of race, creed, or economic status can reach for the American dream, and with the persistence that our founders had, achieve it.

We do not need your condescending elitist help. The financial crisis we are in right now was caused by government insisting that those that have not yet reached a level where they can purchase a house should be allowed to anyway regardless of the consequences. I am not fan of those that took advantage of the governments mandate such as financial institutions, but I am a much bigger enemy of those that poured billions into the coffers of these financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and then turned around and filled their cabinet level positions with former Goldman Sachs employees and now refuse to prosecute even a single person. Democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd had more to do with our financial nightmare than any financial institution. These two and their liberal colleagues forced financial institutions to make these horrible loans to people who would ultimately lose everything because of it. America is it's own best witness when it comes to what works in this very small world of ours. The youngest and yet most successful republic on the planet. We will not let Obama or anyone else convince us that we can not exist without their largest. We have, and will continue to "Build it ourself".

Well Jake, then you should be the FIRST to understand this fact. What happened in NAZI Germany could have never happened without FIRST creating a 'parasite' that needed to be hated, dismissed, loathed, condemned and ultimately eliminated.

You have a lot of nerve calling me out. I am not the one who called fellow Americans 'parasites'. Hitler refers to Jews as parasites. So HOW are you different Jake?

Calling someone a parasite because of his ancestry is racism. Calling someone a parasite because they receive checks for which they have done nothing is 100% accurate. That is how the word "parasite" is defined.
This election is not about how wealthy and successful Romney is. It is not about Paul Ryan or his positions. This election is about ending 40 years of creating parasites that have been sucking on the government teat, or should I say American tax payers.

Unsubstantiated rightist hyperbole and nonsense.

This election is about the continued effort to afford all Americans their civil liberties, and the fight to prevent reactionary conservatives from undermining those civil liberties. We have realized great advancements over the last 58 years, from ending segregation in the 1950s to discrimination against homosexuals today. But the rights to these cherished liberties are clearly in jeopardy should Romney be elected.

These parasites refuse to contribute to society on the guise that success should be allocated not earned. It is about the largest increase in food stamp use in American history.

The increase in those receiving public assistance is a consequence of the December 2007 recession and its aftermath, likely the result of failed conservative economic policies – but clearly not the consequence of the current Administration’s policies. And the majority of citizens receiving Food Stamps are employed, the disabled, the elderly, retired, and children; none of whom are in any way ‘parasites.’

It is about a president advertising in foreign countries to increase the use of food stamps by those that enter the country illegally or on visas. It is about a president that wants Americans to be dependant on government to guarantee his socialistic programing will take hold and be impossible to break. It's about a president who is embarrassed to be an American and tells world leaders that he is sorry for our success.

It’s about irrational conservative paranoia and idiocy.

It is about women who feel government is responsible for their birth control needs and run to the abortion clinic when their lack of responsibility has consequences. This election is about the 96% of university professors who day in and day out preach that America is evil and we need to spread the wealth.

It’s about a conservative agenda designed to destroy our fundamental right to privacy, to expand the size of government into each citizen’s personal life. It’s about the need of authoritarian conservatives to stifle dissent and impose conformity. It’s about conservatives’ fear of the truth and facts which might expose the fraud that is their political dogma.

What we need to spread is the truth. America was built on capitalism, personal responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit, and not the socialism that breeds class envy and hatred. Charity is about individuals and should remain in their hands or organizations, churches, and those those that give honestly. Charity is not the government taking from some of us and giving it to their friends.

What we need is to end the fear and hate exhibited by many conservatives, as they attempt to pointlessly force the Nation back to the fantasy of an American past that never existed in the first place; a past that was a nightmare of discrimination for African Americans and other minorities, and where women were relegated to the status of second-class citizens.

It is about students that demand we pay off their college loans because they chose a degree that has no job prospects. We should not have invested in them in the first place. If your not willing to pay your debts because your career is worthless why should we be willing to pay them for you?

It’s about resisting the ugliness, hate, and fear present in many conservatives, their blind adherence to the failed and immoral doctrine of Social Darwinism, and the utter disregard they manifest toward fundamental human dignity.

This election is about returning to a nation that produces and not a nation of parasites. We need to remove Obama.

This election is about a Nation of laws continuing to move foreword to realize its ultimate greatness, to fulfill the promise of the Constitution made by its Framers; this greatness will only be delayed and endangered with the likes of Romney in the White House, where only the politics of fear, hate, and division will be practiced.
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Hopefully, Obama's policies don't collapse our entire economy like Greece or worse yet the USSR. We will all feel the pain if it does as we all have to live within this economy. We all should take care to make wise choices when we elect our leaders.

I'm scared that I'm going to wake up one day and the entire economy is going to collapse. This is going to make the depression seem like childs play.
Why is it liberals find a way to compare everyone to Hitler? Are you really that devoid of ideas? If all you can do is restate the same dogma over and over please spare us your contribution as it serves no purpose.

I do not think that comparisons to Hitler or other historical figures such as Stalin are confined to liberals. As far as re-stating the same dogma over and over, the left has no monopoly on this either. It seems there is a lot of useless rhetoric coming from both sides of the political spectrum.
talk is cheap OP.

I recently found a awesome charity to give too.

This food goes to these parasite children you speak of. A large portion of these kids are certainly on the Govt dole and still cant eat right. SO this charity provied food for the kids to go home with, as much food as they can fit in a back pack.

While people like you bitch and complain, I will take the high ground and help my fellow Americans who need it.

God Bless America.
This election is not about how wealthy and successful Romney is. It is not about Paul Ryan or his positions. This election is about ending 40 years of creating parasites that have been sucking on the government teat, or should I say American tax payers. These parasites refuse to contribute to society on the guise that success should be allocated not earned.

I think you said it all. Welcome to the board, Jake. Now put you helmet on.

......And, learn the Ayn Randers' team song!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai_bOYJLwYs]Germany national anthem.(1936) - YouTube[/ame]​
This election is not about how wealthy and successful Romney is. It is not about Paul Ryan or his positions. This election is about ending 40 years of creating parasites that have been sucking on the government teat, or should I say American tax payers. These parasites refuse to contribute to society on the guise that success should be allocated not earned. It is about the largest increase in food stamp use in American history. It is about a president advertising in foreign countries to increase the use of food stamps by those that enter the country illegally or on visas. It is about a president that wants Americans to be dependant on government to guarantee his socialistic programing will take hold and be impossible to break. It's about a president who is embarrassed to be an American and tells world leaders that he is sorry for our success.

It is about women who feel government is responsible for their birth control needs and run to the abortion clinic when their lack of responsibility has consequences. This election is about the 96% of university professors who day in and day out preach that America is evil and we need to spread the wealth. What we need to spread is the truth. America was built on capitalism, personal responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit, and not the socialism that breeds class envy and hatred. Charity is about individuals and should remain in their hands or organizations, churches, and those those that give honestly. Charity is not the government taking from some of us and giving it to their friends.

It is about students that demand we pay off their college loans because they chose a degree that has no job prospects. We should not have invested in them in the first place. If your not willing to pay your debts because your career is worthless why should we be willing to pay them for you?

This election is about returning to a nation that produces and not a nation of parasites. We need to remove Obama.

There are a collection of parasites sucking the wealth and vitality out of the nation. They don names such as Exxon, General Dynamics, Raytheon, AIG, Bank Of America, Enron, and myriad of others. These parasites are what Romney has described as "people", that lobby for and generally get a lion's share of what people pay in taxes. Two of the finest examples of this were the Joint Strike Fighter and the Missile defense program. Combined those two programs extracted half a trillion dollars of wealth from America, while returning nothing.

And these parasites have effectively turned the nation into a cow that the defense and oil industry constantly milks. They've used a plethora of smoke screens to dupe the masses and convince them that it's not them that are causing trouble..but it's Americans who don't have money or power..that are. They've done a great job. Armed with an arsenal of media and paid for politicans, they've convinced a good portion of the populace that it is people who look different from them that are clamoring for what they have..and not them. They convinced them by evoking religion and race into the mix..quite effectively I might add.

But the reality is..we go to war not to defend our country, anymore..but to defend regional American Business interests. And that's coupled with the billions that go into funding the militaries of foreign nations and over 700 foreign American bases.

They've convinced a great many people in this country that we should accept their unbridled greed and avarice...because it is "patriotic".

Well sir.

It isn't.

And it's far worse then that.

It's traitorious.
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The central issue in our political life is not being discussed. At stake is the moral basis of American democracy.

The individual issues are all too real: assaults on unions, public employees, women's rights, immigrants, the environment, health care, voting rights, food safety, pensions, prenatal care, science, public broadcasting, and on and on.

Budget deficits are a ruse, as we've seen in Wisconsin, where the governor turned a surplus into a deficit by providing corporate tax breaks, and then used the deficit as a ploy to break the unions, not just in Wisconsin, but seeking to be the first domino in a nationwide conservative movement.

Deficits can be addressed by raising revenue, plugging tax loopholes, putting people to work, and developing the economy long-term in all the ways the president has discussed. But deficits are not what really matters to conservatives.

Conservatives really want to change the basis of American life, to make America run according to the conservative moral worldview in all areas of life.

In the 2008 campaign, candidate Obama accurately described the basis of American democracy: Empathy -- citizens caring for each other, both social and personal responsibility -- acting on that care, and an ethic of excellence. From these, our freedoms and our way of life follow, as does the role of government: to protect and empower everyone equally. Protection includes safety, health, the environment, pensions and empowerment starts with education and infrastructure. No one can be free without these, and without a commitment to care and act on that care by one's fellow citizens.

The conservative worldview rejects all of that.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibility alone, not social responsibility. They don't think government should help its citizens. That is, they don't think citizens should help each other. The part of government they want to cut is not the military (we have 174 bases around the world), not government subsidies to corporations, not the aspect of government that fits their worldview. They want to cut the part that helps people. Why? Because that violates individual responsibility.

But where does that view of individual responsibility alone come from?

The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family. The father is The Decider, the ultimate moral authority in the family. His authority must not be challenged. His job is to protect the family, to support the family (by winning competitions in the marketplace), and to teach his kids right from wrong by disciplining them physically when they do wrong. The use of force is necessary and required. Only then will children develop the internal discipline to become moral beings. And only with such discipline will they be able to prosper. And what of people who are not prosperous? They don't have discipline, and without discipline they cannot be moral, so they deserve their poverty. The good people are hence the prosperous people. Helping others takes away their discipline, and hence makes them both unable to prosper on their own and function morally.

The market itself is seen in this way. The slogan, "Let the market decide" assumes the market itself is The Decider. The market is seen as both natural (since it is assumed that people naturally seek their self-interest) and moral (if everyone seeks their own profit, the profit of all will be maximized by the invisible hand). As the ultimate moral authority, there should be no power higher than the market that might go against market values. Thus the government can spend money to protect the market and promote market values, but should not rule over it either through (1) regulation, (2) taxation, (3) unions and worker rights, (4) environmental protection or food safety laws, and (5) tort cases. Moreover, government should not do public service. The market has service industries for that. Thus, it would be wrong for the government to provide health care, education, public broadcasting, public parks, and so on. The very idea of these things is at odds with the conservative moral system. No one should be paying for anyone else. It is individual responsibility in all arenas. Taxation is thus seen as taking money away from those who have earned it and giving it to people who don't deserve it. Taxation cannot be seen as providing the necessities of life, a civilized society, and as necessary for business to prosper.

In conservative family life, the strict father rules. Fathers and husbands should have control over reproduction; hence, parental and spousal notification laws and opposition to abortion. In conservative religion, God is seen as the strict father, the Lord, who rewards and punishes according to individual responsibility in following his Biblical word.

Above all, the authority of conservatism itself must be maintained. The country should be ruled by conservative values, and progressive values are seen as evil. Science should not have authority over the market, and so the science of global warming and evolution must be denied. Facts that are inconsistent with the authority of conservatism must be ignored or denied or explained away. To protect and extend conservative values themselves, the devil's own means can be used again conservatism's immoral enemies, whether lies, intimidation, torture, or even death, say, for women's doctors.

Freedom is defined as being your own strict father -- with individual not social responsibility, and without any government authority telling you what you can and cannot do. To defend that freedom as an individual, you will of course need a gun.

This is the America that conservatives really want. Budget deficits are convenient ruses for destroying American democracy and replacing it with conservative rule in all areas of life.

Ask yourself why they are hungry. It's because of a government that will not see the logic of growing the economy so that our children have chance at more than just a meal. Liberals play the emotional game all the time but never look at the truth. Taking money from producers and giving it to non producers does not accomplish anything. It's the old adage of trying to fill the shallow end of the pool from the deep end. We have to grow the economy and that means letting the private sector create jobs for those parents that can not feed their children. That entails getting government out of the way. The bottom line is that our economy is being sucked into the debt abyss by well intended spending from all sides with out looking at the outcomes. All the great intentions in the world will not feed these children. No country in the world that has tried to let government create wealth has ever succeeded. We do not want to be Greece or Spain. There is always room for charity and Americans give more charity than anyone in the world. Take the government out of the picture and Americans will step up and help. Neighbors will once again help each other, parents will be more willing to give up a few extra TV sets, mobile phones, cars and other things that many people today consider essentials even for the impoverished. They will use those savings to educate their children and provide a better future. Government today keeps our children impoverished because they make them feel like they can do nothing on their own. If they are minorities they are oppressed, if they are disabled they are incompetent, if they are uneducated they are beyond personal success and must be managed. That is not America. Poverty can and must be resolved by the spirit of our citizens not the elitist attitudes of those who think we can not manage by ourself. It is not by accident that the more someone succeeds the more they tend to vote. They have skin in the game and want to protect it. Others become dependent, have no skin in the game so they let the government control them with emotional and fear tactics. Almost 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax and as such have no skin in the game. It's time to give them jobs not welfare, respect not food stamps, opportunity not minimum existence. It's time to let them be the great Americans that everyone knows they can be. We can and will "build it ourself" but along the way we will be the charitable nation that sets us apart from the rest of the world but charity can not be mandated it must be given freely.

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