A generation of parasites

Ask yourself why they are hungry. It's because of a government that will not see the logic of growing the economy so that our children have chance at more than just a meal. Liberals play the emotional game all the time but never look at the truth. Taking money from producers and giving it to non producers does not accomplish anything. It's the old adage of trying to fill the shallow end of the pool from the deep end. We have to grow the economy and that means letting the private sector create jobs for those parents that can not feed their children. That entails getting government out of the way. The bottom line is that our economy is being sucked into the debt abyss by well intended spending from all sides with out looking at the outcomes. All the great intentions in the world will not feed these children. No country in the world that has tried to let government create wealth has ever succeeded. We do not want to be Greece or Spain. There is always room for charity and Americans give more charity than anyone in the world. Take the government out of the picture and Americans will step up and help. Neighbors will once again help each other, parents will be more willing to give up a few extra TV sets, mobile phones, cars and other things that many people today consider essentials even for the impoverished. They will use those savings to educate their children and provide a better future. Government today keeps our children impoverished because they make them feel like they can do nothing on their own. If they are minorities they are oppressed, if they are disabled they are incompetent, if they are uneducated they are beyond personal success and must be managed. That is not America. Poverty can and must be resolved by the spirit of our citizens not the elitist attitudes of those who think we can not manage by ourself. It is not by accident that the more someone succeeds the more they tend to vote. They have skin in the game and want to protect it. Others become dependent, have no skin in the game so they let the government control them with emotional and fear tactics. Almost 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax and as such have no skin in the game. It's time to give them jobs not welfare, respect not food stamps, opportunity not minimum existence. It's time to let them be the great Americans that everyone knows they can be. We can and will "build it ourself" but along the way we will be the charitable nation that sets us apart from the rest of the world but charity can not be mandated it must be given freely.

This is dangerous social engineering propaganda. You right wingers are an ignorant bunch of social Darwinists. Your disdain and dismissal of fellow Americans who are working very hard to make ends meet makes me want to vomit.

America has a very minimal social safety net. We tried a charity only society...it FAILED.

The only social program that is facing a funding problem is Medicare, the most essential social program. The people it helps are not 'lazy', they have an affliction that cannot be reversed. Maybe when people retire, instead of living out their remaining years with dignity and independence, we can hand them a fucking CUP, so they can roam the streets begging...
Food stamps feed the poor and guess what? Helps big agriculture also. We actually subsidize big Ag. Do you suppose that maybe food stamp use is on the rise because there are fewer jobs? Food stamps were around before Obama was around. I'd like you to explain how Obama is a socialist. Look at his cabinet. Mostly wall street and other corporate types. Word is that if Obama wins second term, deficit hawk Chester Bowles will be his replacement No Krugmans or Chomskys.

This election is not about how wealthy and successful Romney is. It is not about Paul Ryan or his positions. This election is about ending 40 years of creating parasites that have been sucking on the government teat, or should I say American tax payers. These parasites refuse to contribute to society on the guise that success should be allocated not earned. It is about the largest increase in food stamp use in American history. It is about a president advertising in foreign countries to increase the use of food stamps by those that enter the country illegally or on visas. It is about a president that wants Americans to be dependant on government to guarantee his socialistic programing will take hold and be impossible to break. It's about a president who is embarrassed to be an American and tells world leaders that he is sorry for our success.

It is about women who feel government is responsible for their birth control needs and run to the abortion clinic when their lack of responsibility has consequences. This election is about the 96% of university professors who day in and day out preach that America is evil and we need to spread the wealth. What we need to spread is the truth. America was built on capitalism, personal responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit, and not the socialism that breeds class envy and hatred. Charity is about individuals and should remain in their hands or organizations, churches, and those those that give honestly. Charity is not the government taking from some of us and giving it to their friends.

It is about students that demand we pay off their college loans because they chose a degree that has no job prospects. We should not have invested in them in the first place. If your not willing to pay your debts because your career is worthless why should we be willing to pay them for you?

This election is about returning to a nation that produces and not a nation of parasites. We need to remove Obama.

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