A former Trump supporter describes her escape

What do you think, believe or hope for?

i dont think it, I know it all. Common sense pro-America policy is good for the entire planet. You antiAmerican scum are like a turkey outside drowning in the rain. Like a spoiled rich kid 12 year old in your room rebelling against the parents who care for you (well).
You're losing your plantation slaves stop being so bitter. They are becoming more reliant on their own self worth and not what you fascist democrats want to hand out.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

Trump supporters continue to defend an enemy of democracy, the Constitution, and the American people.
You're losing your plantation slaves stop being so bitter. They are becoming more reliant on their own self worth and not what you fascist democrats want to hand out.
You have nothing but ignorant arguments. What Black Americans are waking up to is the fact that the wealth gap that exists between white and black families isn't going to be overcome by hard work because the wealth gap wasn't created from a lack of hard work. It was created through socio-economic injustice. That's part of what it meant to be woke before white people started adopting it.
Call it what it is, a fishing expedition.

I understand your tender sensibilities are offended that anyone would question the actions of your inveterate liar God. The House has already compiled a bookful of evidence linking Sloppy Joe to influence-peddling and pay-to-play schemes involving Ukraine, China and Russia. Biden’s coked-out kid was merely the bagman.
We win conspiracy theories for the next decade on this alone:

"You won't get Covid if you get these vaccinations"
who said that? the effectiveness numbers that i heard from jon bel edwards were 85%-95% , if trump said "100%," even trump's most loyal adherents know that he sometimes tends to exaggerate, and really lays on the "puffery" if he is selling a line of his brand name premium baloney.
i dont think it, I know it all.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Here comes YOUR next President - of-course you already know that

USA nP.png
I said what happens is you guys go off on a rant about how awful the Democrats are. You denounce it. And then go off on a rant about how awful Democrats are.

Fine. Want examples? Let’s get to it shall we? I’ll expect cogent replies.

1) Crossfire Hurricane. We all know the FISA court improperly ordered surveillance on Trump during the campaign. We know the file was fake. We know that the research was begun by Republicans and the Democrats picked up the ball and ran with it. We also know that the Inspector General found serious problems with every single one of the FISA files he reviewed.

Over the next year he continued reviewing FISA applications and found problems with every single one.

Now. A first term city councilman in Peoria would know the system is deeply flawed and demand reform.

Trump who was there to “drain the swamp” did not. Instead he tried to continue abusing the system to his own goals.

It was wrong for the DOJ to lie to get authority to surveil Trump. It was just as wrong for Trump to demand similar abuses on someone else. That isn’t draining the swamp. That is taking charge of the corruption.

Shall I continue? Demanding and then ordering the removal of a full third of the troops in NATO. This was while Russian backed forces and Russian troops in civilian clothing were fighting in Ukraine. Essentially paving the road for further hostilities by Putin.

Shall I continue? Withdrawal from NATO?

I voted for Trump in 2016. For a year or so I kept waiting for him to learn the job of President. I defended him. When it became obvious he had no intention of learning I gave up.

OK. Good one. FISA Russian BS started in 2015 by Deep State. They never let up on Trump 24-7. 535 of them using GOVT to harrass and kill Pro-America policy. Yet you say “Trump cant govern“. Huh? How can you work with the enemy in your ranks and you cant remove them? Amazingly I still never had more than $25 fillups. Now? 3 yrs of $65 fillups under the fraudulent Obiden 2.0
Right and voting for the potato again is what ?

These people say--WITH NO SHAME--that we who resisted the greatest psychological warfare in modern history (the pandemic and shots) are in a CULT.

Sure, sure we are. How many boosters did you all get again?
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

Trump supporters continue to defend an enemy of democracy, the Constitution, and the American people.
All the usual cut and paste slogans.
who said that? the effectiveness numbers that i heard from jon bel edwards were 85%-95% , if trump said "100%," even trump's most loyal adherents know that he sometimes tends to exaggerate, and really lays on the "puffery" if he is selling a line of his brand name premium baloney.

Look up IgG4 class switch.

Seriously. Look it up. That's what the vaccines and boosters did to you.
Let me put it this way - there are only two parties in the USA, that essentially promote the same general policy. "screw the small wallets", whilst we "the politicians" and our "elites" enjoy our lives.
In order to distinguish themselves and thus appeal to their respective hardcore supporters as supposedly having a different policy - one went for "social" topics and promises, and the other for nationalism and promises - 45 years of "die Commie die" - nothing else.

The Republicans lost their general support after Communism wasn't around anymore, and the Bush's did their best to dismantle the remaining integrity of the Republicans.

The Democrats (due to 45 years of lefty Liberal manipulation) took their policy to extremes - that a "normal", average American simply doesn't agree to, and the Republicans void of any "inspiring" alternative policy, simply took to nationalism without changing any of these prevailing "extreme" issues.

Then the demagogue Trump came up - (IMO he is far to simplistic and naive to come up on his own) there are clearly people behind him - making use of him addressing the discontent Americans in this typical lowlife Trump manner. Due to the discontent amongst the American population, "they" created this cult themselves - thus enabling the human scumbag to literally shake of his initial masters/masterminds.

He is now running around free and uncontrolled (has no idea as to what governing actually means) and simply bathes every day in the naivety of his cult.

If the Republicans would kick him out (too late IMO) - he will get around 20% in an election with an own party, and the Republicans another 20%, thus ridding themselves out of lucrative jobs and bye, bye Presidency. As such they presently simply put up with him. Since he might indeed give them a chance to participate in the big $ government business ahh... governing via a Republican presidency.

What is simply missing is a US party that factually would represent "the small wallets" and the normal-conservative American mindset, via a "halfway" honest and feasible policy. It might really come into existence after especially Trump or the Democrats messed up the USA for another 4 years.

What do you think, believe or hope for?
Holy shit, a lotta good stuff there to unpack.

First, this cult didn't just spring up out of nowhere. This has been building for decades, coinciding with the Left's absolutely ridiculous and destructive adherence to, and later enforcement of, Political Correctness and Identity Politics. The Right, in my view, has had plenty of material to work with in that area. But because of their media, which has infused all arguments with heaping measures of over-the-top hyperbole and paranoia, these people have spectacularly overcompensated to the point where they are simply no longer connected to reality. Then the ultimate, shameless, needy, mentally ill orange genie comes along to open the box and out it all came.

The Left denies their participation in this disaster, and summarily rejects any part in it whatsoever. Yet their actions were and are specifically what has animated this orange group. Just ASK those who were and are so turned on by Trump. Talk Radio and MAGA media just has to point at a lot of it. The Left provided all the ammo that talk radio needed, and more. They still do. And they still deny it.

What do I believe? Well, I believe that the two parties still have it in them to return to communication, collaboration, innovation, decency, honesty and intelligence. But yeah, my hope that this happens is beginning to dwindle, and I think that if we don't change and fix a political/electoral system that enables and rewards the very worst behaviors of its participants, we may never get there.
BIllions for a useless wall is a bad policy
Stpid Black tounged OX willing to grant $1T to Ukraine but not $5B for a Wall to slow the flow? Not worthy of discussion.
Tax cuts for the already wealthy is a bad policy

Coastal Dem (piglousy & upchuck) snuck-rammed 2% cut in for top bracket last two weeks as they were getting bombarded by coastal elite over SALT cap. You keep spewing CNN showing your lowIQ level. Inability to admit the truths. No one believes you. You ignorant pathetic POS.
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

You do realize that every single bullet point you make - the left do it even more?
That is not a deflection, or an excuse... but a massive hole in all of your daily TRUMP!! threads.
You call yourself in the middle, yet, the number of threads you make about Biden is how many?
None? One here or there?
You are white noise because of it.
You have nothing but ignorant arguments. What Black Americans are waking up to is the fact that the wealth gap that exists between white and black families isn't going to be overcome by hard work because the wealth gap wasn't created from a lack of hard work. It was created through socio-economic injustice. That's part of what it meant to be woke before white people started adopting it.

Vietnamese overcame it. You’ve had 200 years. SHUP, clean up, show up and go to work.
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You do realize that every single bullet point you make - the left do it even more?
That is not a deflection, or an excuse... but a massive hole in all of your daily TRUMP!! threads.
You call yourself in the middle, yet, the number of threads you make about Biden is how many?
None? One here or there?
You are white noise because of it.

Look up his name. Do a search on Mac threads and laugh and laugh while he tells us WE are in a cult

The dude is OBSESSED with Trump

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