A few implications of VA's election results

Haha...little sissy thinks awfully highly of myself. Hey dummy...after you kill me, are you going to hang out in my living room and drink my beer?

Just kidding. You just stay right where you are and continue to spray spit on your monitor during your little inernet hissies. You know, for your own safety.
I don’t drink, just like I don’t do drugs.

That alone makes me better than just about 90% of the population who were too weak to resist peer pressure.

Oh, I am sure you have a loooooong list of the things that make you better than other people. And all those people around you everyday, who think you are a ridiculous, ignorant, impotent, ineffectual little person to be ignored? They just don't understand.
For starters, they don’t think I am a “little” person at all, so.....

Of course they all think you are awesome, just ask you.
They actually do think I am “awesome” quite literally, but that is mostly due to superficial reasons involving my job and such.

Great! Somehow I figured you were, like, a body-building jet-setter. We never see those on the internet.
Nice meeting you.
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.
This off-year election was probably shades of what is to come in 2018.

Nancy Pelosi can get her gavel ready.
This off-year election was probably shades of what is to come in 2018.

If the Dems don't shoot themselves in their political foot, yes, it likely is. I think it reasonable to say that "very red" places are likely to stay red, even if not "very red."

What's really going to matter most in the long term is who gets to control the upcoming round of state gerrymandering opportunities. Whoever controls that process overall will, by and large control the House for the decade following 2020. Accordingly, it's less critical that Democrats make huge explicit gains in House seats in 2018 and 2020, but rather that they make material gains at the state level in those years.

At the end of any political day is the reality that at it's heart, all politics is local. Nothing could be more true when the impact of redistricting is well understood and not overlooked. If there be one single move that injects into the political process massive sums of equitability, it'd be that of simply laying a grid over each state and assigning federal representation in the House in accordance with the population figures applicable to one, or as needed, more grid sections. Is there any chance such an indifferent-to-any-party model such as that likely to be applied? Alas, only the very slimmest of them.
I don’t drink, just like I don’t do drugs.

That alone makes me better than just about 90% of the population who were too weak to resist peer pressure.

Oh, I am sure you have a loooooong list of the things that make you better than other people. And all those people around you everyday, who think you are a ridiculous, ignorant, impotent, ineffectual little person to be ignored? They just don't understand.
For starters, they don’t think I am a “little” person at all, so.....

Of course they all think you are awesome, just ask you.
They actually do think I am “awesome” quite literally, but that is mostly due to superficial reasons involving my job and such.

Great! Somehow I figured you were, like, a body-building jet-setter. We never see those on the internet.
Nice meeting you.
Well, I am building my body up quite a bit.

I went from being “stickly” in 6th grade to “big guy” for the past few years before I really started to put on the muscle.
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.

Another far left race that was supposed to be a landslide that never happened!

Let us see VA was (D) before the election is (D) after the election.

Not much to be proud of there!

Democrats won the Governorship by 9 points which is virtually a landslide in the state. Much worse than Trump's 5 point loss. Also the Democrats picked 15 seats in the House of Delegates, cutting the super majority Republicans had from 66-34 to at worse 51-49 with 5 Republican seats still too close to call.

Yes, it looks like they'll have to do a recount on those 5 seats, and it would be absolutely astounding if Democrats won the majority of those 5 seats left.

"Why women won big in Va. House of Delegate races
WASHINGTON — The blue wave on Election Day in Virginia was fueled by a crop of female Democratic candidates who triumphed over their Republican, male competitors.

Elections officials were still double-checking vote tallies in some of the closest races Wednesday. But of the 14 seats that Democrats picked up in races that have been called by The Associated Press, Democratic women were the standard-bearers in 11 of them.

In Northern Virginia, Democratic women ousted Republicans in seven races, including in the 13th District where local journalist Danica Roem made history as the first transgender person to be elected to a state legislature.

In addition to Roem, other female winners Tuesday night will also make House history. Next year’s House of Delegates will include the first Asian-American women and the first Latinas. And the overall number of women serving in the 100-member body will jump from 17 to 27 including four Republicans.

Toni-Michelle Travis, a professor of political science at George Mason University who studies race and gender in politics, attributed the surge of women winners in large part to the national political climate and Democratic opposition to President Donald Trump."
Why women won big in Va. House of Delegate races

This is really what makes it double astounding. Democrat women are coming out to run in state house races in number's we've never seen before. We'll see them everywhere in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

The wins in Virginia mean nothing. Hillary won that state, this isn't a change from the lest election no matter how badly the left wants it to be.

There is a huge change. Republicans held the House of Delegates with a supermajority of 66-34. Worse case scenario for Democrats is they wind up with 49 seats. That is a huge change. If Democrats stick together and can pry 1 Republican away, they could pass things they have never been able to pass.

I meant that it isn’t anything big outside of Virginia.
If it weren't for the government tit sucking bureaucrats trying to protect their jobs, VA would be solidly red.
There are 136,377 federal workers in a state with 5,529,742 registered voters. That's 2.5% so I'm thinking you're a bit out of touch with reality.
You can multiply that by a factor of 5 when you look at the people that are dependent on those government tit sucking bureaucrats for their jobs. Retailers, restaurants and the like.
You could multiply it by 20 and it still wouldn't turn VA red. Face it, most people just don't share your values. Plain and simple.

:confused-84: A factor of 2 would have flipped the vote, the difference was only 232,631.


"A factor of 2 would have flipped the vote, the difference was only 232,631."

Fascinating! Well, that kind of leads to another question:

Could Russian propaganda seen by 140 million people produce 70,000 Trump votes in 3 States?

Yes or no?

I didn't know those three States had 140 million people, from what I understand the Russian ads were very targeted, included both sides of an issue and half were published after the election. So I'd say not likely, the rust belt just liked Trumps economic nationalist message more. Face it, your side ran a candidate with a lack luster message and a very disagreeable personality. Oh did I fail to mention that most people saw her as very dishonest as well?

During the Presidential election. Hillary won that state. Virginia is more likely a blue state. I do not know why the Dems are making such a big deal of the election. I guessed they want to feel good that they actually had won something, instead of pretending that they had won.. Well, maybe it is good therapy for them to let them feel important.

Virginia Election Results 2016

'Hillary Beat Trump' website lets people pretend Clinton won the presidential election 'Hillary Beat Trump' website lets people pretend Clinton won the presidential election

In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.
Vaginia is a blue state, had voted in Terry McAweful and for Obama and Hitlery. So when Ed lost to Ralphie boy, the left goes bat crazy that the Republican took a beating. No big deal, for the past elections since 2010, the Dems have been bleeding seats that states that were once heavy Dems have turned to the Repubs in record numbers.. Liberals are just too stupid to realize how duped they have been..
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.
Vaginia is a blue state, had voted in Terry McAweful and for Obama and Hitlery. So when Ed lost to Ralphie boy, the left goes bat crazy that the Republican took a beating. No big deal, for the past elections since 2010, the Dems have been bleeding seats that states that were once heavy Dems have turned to the Repubs in record numbers.. Liberals are just too stupid to realize how duped they have been..
Vaginia is a blue state, had voted in Terry McAweful and for Obama and Hitlery.

You should check VA's political history. When last did VA have a Democratically controlled legislature?
However from what little I read, Northam did run a "boring" issues campaign that seemed a little left of center but mainly about good governance.
Governors only get a single term in VA so Northam is already a lame duck. It's no surprise the most VA voters don't follow state elections too closely. It was Trump that energized my family to vote, even my daughter who was not very political in past years.

What you forget is that Trump won because of moderates who put their reservations aside because they hated Clinton more. If these moderates abandon Trump and the Republicans, it will be all over.

The Comrade won cause Russian Bot farms flooded social media with damaging fake news about Hillary.

Hmmm...and what was some of that fake news?

It turns out Jerad coordinated the whole ugly, treasonous, scam. Mueller knows now how it all came down. Papadopoulos spilled his guts.

Mueller will go up the line, all the way to the Orange Clown. There will be charges of purgery, money laundering, and finally treason against the United States.

Even Bannon knows that, Just a matter of time.
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.
Vaginia is a blue state, had voted in Terry McAweful and for Obama and Hitlery. So when Ed lost to Ralphie boy, the left goes bat crazy that the Republican took a beating. No big deal, for the past elections since 2010, the Dems have been bleeding seats that states that were once heavy Dems have turned to the Repubs in record numbers.. Liberals are just too stupid to realize how duped they have been..
Vaginia is a blue state, had voted in Terry McAweful and for Obama and Hitlery.

You should check VA's political history. When last did VA have a Democratically controlled legislature?
The 3 points of Democrat strongholds where the most people live is Newport News, Richmond and the area around Washington DC. That is why Hitlery, Obama, McAweful and now Ralphie won. The rural areas which are more intelligent and up with a Republican Rep for the VA legislature. Yep, sure am glad I am moving out of this HELL HOLE in the next 6 months....
However from what little I read, Northam did run a "boring" issues campaign that seemed a little left of center but mainly about good governance.
Governors only get a single term in VA so Northam is already a lame duck. It's no surprise the most VA voters don't follow state elections too closely. It was Trump that energized my family to vote, even my daughter who was not very political in past years.

What you forget is that Trump won because of moderates who put their reservations aside because they hated Clinton more. If these moderates abandon Trump and the Republicans, it will be all over.

The Comrade won cause Russian Bot farms flooded social media with damaging fake news about Hillary.

Hmmm...and what was some of that fake news?

It turns out Jerad coordinated the whole ugly, treasonous, scam. Mueller knows now how it all came down. Papadopoulos spilled his guts.

Mueller will go up the line, all the way to the Orange Clown. There will be charges of purgery, money laundering, and finally treason against the United States.

Even Bannon knows that, Just a matter of time.
Yeah, sure it will.... You do know that Obama isn't in office anymore and cant strong arm those to do his will.
However from what little I read, Northam did run a "boring" issues campaign that seemed a little left of center but mainly about good governance.
Governors only get a single term in VA so Northam is already a lame duck. It's no surprise the most VA voters don't follow state elections too closely. It was Trump that energized my family to vote, even my daughter who was not very political in past years.

What you forget is that Trump won because of moderates who put their reservations aside because they hated Clinton more. If these moderates abandon Trump and the Republicans, it will be all over.

The Comrade won cause Russian Bot farms flooded social media with damaging fake news about Hillary.

Hmmm...and what was some of that fake news?

It turns out Jerad coordinated the whole ugly, treasonous, scam. Mueller knows now how it all came down. Papadopoulos spilled his guts.

Mueller will go up the line, all the way to the Orange Clown. There will be charges of purgery, money laundering, and finally treason against the United States.

Even Bannon knows that, Just a matter of time.
I suspect Jr and Jerred (-: will be named, but Mueller may just let it hang there. Let Trump run in 20 while his eldest and husband of his favorite dangle on indictements.
Governors only get a single term in VA so Northam is already a lame duck. It's no surprise the most VA voters don't follow state elections too closely. It was Trump that energized my family to vote, even my daughter who was not very political in past years.

What you forget is that Trump won because of moderates who put their reservations aside because they hated Clinton more. If these moderates abandon Trump and the Republicans, it will be all over.

The Comrade won cause Russian Bot farms flooded social media with damaging fake news about Hillary.

Hmmm...and what was some of that fake news?

It turns out Jerad coordinated the whole ugly, treasonous, scam. Mueller knows now how it all came down. Papadopoulos spilled his guts.

Mueller will go up the line, all the way to the Orange Clown. There will be charges of purgery, money laundering, and finally treason against the United States.

Even Bannon knows that, Just a matter of time.
I suspect Jr and Jerred (-: will be named, but Mueller may just let it hang there. Let Trump run in 20 while his eldest and husband of his favorite dangle on indictements.

The Comrade won't make 20. He will be on an orange jump suit by then, Since he is orange, he might disappear!...,:badgrin:

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