A Father Cuts His Children’s Throats.

"Civilized" Americans kill their children also. To make a deranged man's actions representative of a culture is a deranged piece of analysis itself.
Denial never changes FACT. Typical of you leftist to try to mainstream your abhorrent behavior
I am not more a leftist than you are a sensible American. The man was deranged. To ascribe his actions to his religion is abhorrent thinking.
All classes of humans "do some pretty horrid things at times."

But some much more than others.
Yes, we Americans slaughter each other in far great numbers and rapidly than other western countries. It must be our Christian background.

Closer to reality & what you meant............
"Yes, we LEFTIST Americans slaughter each other in far great numbers and rapidly than other western countries. It must be our Godless background"
An eight year old and a one year old died at the hands of their father. The eight year old pleading and saying he was sorry. My god, I cannot imagine doing this to another human being much less my children,

Texas dad slit children's throats as son pleaded 'daddy, I'm sorry,' records show

An 8-year-old cried “daddy, I’m sorry” as a Texas father slit his children’s throat on Saturday, then called his estranged wife to tell her he left her a “present,” court documents show.

Jean Pierre Ndossoka, 62, was charged Tuesday with two counts of capital murder in the deaths of his two children, 8-year-old Marcel Ndossoka and 1-year-old Anna-Belle Faith Ndossoka, in his Houston apartment. The children’s mother, Sabine Ntongo, discovered their bodies after receiving a disturbing call from her estranged husband.
I've gotten some heat on other posts for my assertion that we should amend Article VI clause 3 of the Constitution allowing for a 'religious test' of those seeking political office. This deplorable example is somewhat commensurate with the rigid orthodoxy of Islamic ideology... I don't want to let barbaric throwbacks position themselves, (with help from a duplicitous MSM) to have a duped constituency elect them to dog catcher, the school board - - let alone mayor, governor, representative ... ... president.

If one's professed ideology calls for meting out death by one's own hands... sorry, you may abide in our Country (I suppose) but you SHOULD NOT have the opportunity to run for office!!!

Which religion would count as trustworthy??
That's a silly question! A moot point! The question to ask is whether the one's professed ideology commands the death of the unbeliever as a cornerstone of that particular ideological 'faith'.

I see you didn't answer the question. Also this man was not a congressman, and Trump is a whore, so guess what politicians lie.
We need more African immigrants.

Hey white women kill their kids as well and white men, can you not put race in to this, also we didn't have enough blacks for the slave trade did we.
Not enough whites are killing their children. We are importing a nice ethnic mix of child killers.

You are crazy nuts, how about mass shootings in schools. How about these women:
Killer Moms: Susan Smith, Diane Downs and Others
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That man didn't kill his children because he was Muslim, you moron. He killed his children because he was no longer able to control them 100% 24/7. That is why he also tried to kill himself. It was inconceivable to him how to cope with not having total control of his wife and children. This has nothing to do with religion.

Religion? what are you talking about?
Show me where I mentioned religion.

Babbling incoherent dolt....quoting me on what others say
You were responding to a post from Jake which was objecting to this being blamed on Islam, so I thought you were also blaming it on Islam.
My apologies. You are one of the morons saying it is because he was a LIBERAL, I guess, which makes no sense whatsoever, but go for it.
Why doesn't S.C have a safe haven law. The Carolina's are backwards and GOP run, that's why.


And it IS NOT why. TONS of leftists in the Carolinas. TOO many in fact.

Out of the other side of your mouth you cry that the NATION is GOP run, yet look at all the chos you deranged leftists cause

I speak the truth , the Carolinas are GOP run, while you make assumptions.

You quoted the article that clearly states SC DOES have safe haven laws. Then you claim the Carolinas do not have safe haven laws because the GOP sucks. Please see the bolded below, that you quoted then lied about.

"South Carolina does have a “safe haven” law in place for mothers to safely give up their baby at designated areas without prosecution. This law is applicable for infants up to 60 days old, according to South Carolina’s Department of Social Services."

Thank you I checked and I read it wrong. I stand by Carolina as having a backward GOP philosophy.
All classes of humans "do some pretty horrid things at times."

But some much more than others.
Yes, we Americans slaughter each other in far great numbers and rapidly than other western countries. It must be our Christian background.

Closer to reality & what you meant............
"Yes, we LEFTIST Americans slaughter each other in far great numbers and rapidly than other western countries. It must be our Godless background"
Comrade BasicHumanity displays his silliness in logic. If it is a problem of godlessness, then the fascist Trump Alt Right, of which he is bornandbred member, is as godless a group in this country.

Our American Christian background is full of bloodshed and defense of slaughter.

Comrade BH clearly implies that Islam is the reason for the killings though he tries (fails) to hide it behind the guise of 'liberalism', yet would defend Sandy Yeates do the death for doing in her own children in the name of religion.
Either that or a fundamental Christian, the kind that want their kids to go to heaven so they don't become evil in this evil world of ours.
"Civilized" Americans kill their children also. To make a deranged man's actions representative of a culture is a deranged piece of analysis itself.
Denial never changes FACT. Typical of you leftist to try to mainstream your abhorrent behavior
I am not more a leftist than you are a sensible American. The man was deranged. To ascribe his actions to his religion is abhorrent thinking.
Nope, the killer is a conservative Muslim.
An eight year old and a one year old died at the hands of their father. The eight year old pleading and saying he was sorry. My god, I cannot imagine doing this to another human being much less my children,

Texas dad slit children's throats as son pleaded 'daddy, I'm sorry,' records show

An 8-year-old cried “daddy, I’m sorry” as a Texas father slit his children’s throat on Saturday, then called his estranged wife to tell her he left her a “present,” court documents show.

Jean Pierre Ndossoka, 62, was charged Tuesday with two counts of capital murder in the deaths of his two children, 8-year-old Marcel Ndossoka and 1-year-old Anna-Belle Faith Ndossoka, in his Houston apartment. The children’s mother, Sabine Ntongo, discovered their bodies after receiving a disturbing call from her estranged husband.

They are African their culture is savage, so what do you expect.

Their culture allows them to slaughter their children? How horrific!

Well just look at how they operate in Africa itself, it cannot exactly be called being civilised. They bring their own ways into Western nations, no different than the Islamists do.

Oh, you really crossed the line, you said something true about Islamists!

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