A Disturbing Trend In Our Elections


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I'm sorry, I don't have a link for this, I am taking this all from memory from a report I just watched on TV before I forget too much of it, but I was so compelled by the data presented that I took pictures of some of the more interesting graphs. Again, I apologize for the poor quality, but all of these pictures are handheld snapshots I took off my TV screen of freeze-framed stills on a channel with very poor video quality as the station broadcasts low quality streaming video taken from a podcast. I've processed the images for the best quality that could be taken from them as these charts were being shown on a wall in the background in a big room to a large crowd behind the person giving the presentation.

These charts were presented by an election expert who has spent years crunching election data numbers.


What the guy noticed here is that starting about 20 years ago around the time computers started being used to tabulate votes, that despite the trend in population growth, the number of actual votes being recorded nationwide started outpacing the population increase by about 10%! OK, so one can probably rationalize these discrepancies and dismiss them as other things than fraud, right?


Taking the state of Wisconsin as an example and tabulating voter registrations for the three biggest counties, he found that there were huge swings in voter registration that coincided with elections, by as much as 25%! Voter registrations would zoom UP right before the election was to happen, then after it was over, they would fall precipitously again! By 25%! Then they would get added right back for the next election! Even more statistically bizarre, despite each county being separate, with differing populations and demographics, THE SAME TRENDS TRACKED EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE STATE; another statistically unresolvable anomaly.

Worth mentioning here is the fact that it used to be that each country's polling stations used to be handed individually, with each country being responsible for their own election handling, then around the same time as these anomalies began to appear, states all began to CENTRALIZE their elections so that one central place in each state handled and managed the election administration STATE WIDE.


So, the expert tabulated the registration trends for ALL of the counties in Wisconsin and found that they ALL followed the same trends! A statistical IMPOSSIBILITY. Even if there was some sort of mass exodus of old voters and new voters coming in in one place, it would be impossible to explain how the same trends and timing was happening in every county!


Mind you, data going back before computerization and internet access did NOT reflect these patterns! It is almost as if phantom voters are being added and removed from the roles each election as needed to pad the outcome as needed.


What was most strange about all of this is that this guy has now crunched the data for all of this across 46 of the 50 states and founds the patterns consistent across EVERY STATE. To anyone used to working with statistics, it is impossible to explain these patterns and fluctuations occurring naturally, leaving the only conscionable explanation that our voter rolls are being manipulated by electronic means.

I'll leave it to others now to tell me how none of this is highly abnormal and suspect, and to give me a simple explanation for how all of these counties and states could all be correlated with such massive swings in registration following similar timelines despite huge differences in location, population, circumstances and demographics.
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Trends in the last 20 years

Early voting
More mail in voting
Impact of the internet on getting out the vote

Net result…….Voting is easier and more people are voting

Democracy at work
I'm sorry, I don't have a link for this, I am taking this all from memory from a report I just watched on TV before I forget too much of it, but I was so compelled by the data presented that I took pictures of some of the more interesting graphs. Again, I apologize for the poor quality, but all of these pictures are handheld snapshots I took off my TV screen of freeze-framed stills on a channel with very poor video quality as the station broadcasts low quality streaming video taken from a podcast. I've processed the images for the best quality that could be taken from them as these charts were being shown on a wall in the background in a big room to a large crowd behind the person giving the presentation.

These charts were presented by an election expert who has spent years crunching election data numbers.

View attachment 815881

What the guy noticed here is that starting about 20 years ago around the time computers started being used to tabulate votes, that despite the trend in population growth, the number of actual votes being recorded nationwide started outpacing the population increase by about 10%! OK, so one can probably rationalize these discrepancies and dismiss them as other things than fraud, right?

View attachment 815884

Taking the state of Wisconsin as an example and tabulating voter registrations for the three biggest counties, he found that there were huge swings in voter registration that coincided with elections, by as much as 25%! Voter registrations would zoom UP right before the election was to happen, then after it was over, they would fall precipitously again! By 25%! Then they would get added right back for the next election! Even more statistically bizarre, despite each county being separate, with differing populations and demographics, THE SAME TRENDS TRACKED EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE STATE; another statistically unresolvable anomaly.

Worth mentioning here is the fact that it used to be that each country's polling stations used to be handed individually, with each country being responsible for their own election handling, then around the same time as these anomalies began to appear, states all began to CENTRALIZE their elections so that one central place in each state handled and managed the election administration STATE WIDE.

View attachment 815886

So, the expert tabulated the registration trends for ALL of the counties in Wisconsin and found that they ALL followed the same trends! A statistical IMPOSSIBILITY. Even if there was some sort of mass exodus of old voters and new voters coming in in one place, it would be impossible to explain how the same trends and timing was happening in every county!

View attachment 815887

Mind you, data going back before computerization and internet access did NOT reflect these patterns! It is almost as if phantom voters are being added and removed from the roles each election as needed to pad the outcome as needed.

View attachment 815888

What was most strange about all of this is that this guy has now crunched the data for all of this across 46 of the 50 states and founds the patterns consistent across EVERY STATE. To anyone used to working with statistics, it is impossible to explain these patterns and fluctuations occurring naturally, leaving the only conscionable explanation that our voter rolls are being manipulated by electronic means.

I'll leave it to others now to tell me how none of this is highly abnormal and suspect, and to give me a simple explanation for how all of these counties and states could all be correlated with such massive swings in registration following similar timelines despite huge differences in location, population, circumstances and demographics.
This bag of shit again, Freaky? It's gettin kinda old.
And it's been explained to you over and over.

There was no fraud. He lost. Just deal with it and move on. :)
Trends in the last 20 years

Early voting
More mail in voting
Impact of the internet on getting out the vote

Net result…….Voting is easier and more people are voting

Democracy at work

IRRELEVANT. None of that anything to do with the actual voter REGISTRATION rising and falling by 25% everytime there is an election.
Yes, I contribute something worthwhile and related to every thread I post to, even if not in every single post. You, never. Put up or shut up.

Besides, how could you know the above unless you were constantly stalking and trolling me? :th_waiting:
No you don't. You just recycle the same conspiracy theory crap time and time again. And you've NEVER put up...well, something that can be backed up with fact.

Good to see there are other people calling you out on your tripe. :)
IRRELEVANT. None of that anything to do with the actual voter REGISTRATION rising and falling by 25% everytime there is an election.
Extremely relevant. An increase in voter turnout in both young people and people who normally don't vote.

Again, this has been explained to you..over and over...adnauseum.
This bag of shit again, Freaky? It's gettin kinda old.
Jack, keep your own personal problems to yourself.

And it's been explained to you over and over.
Sure. If so, then you'll have no problem linking me to the last time it was "explained" to me. How do you "explain" statistically impossible variations and timings across wide areas unless our unconnected voting machines are indeed connected and being centrally manipulated?

There was no fraud.
Jack, everyone admits that fraud has ALWAYS been present in elections and a potential problem. To even claim there was NO FRAUD in 2020 is to court being a total jackass. Once again, you say nothing, prove nothing, other than your empty, hollow, baseless DISMISSAL of everything which simply doesn't comport with your bullshit.
No you don't. You just recycle the same conspiracy theory crap time and time again.
Really? Give me two examples where I recycled the same "crap" in two threads then!

And you've NEVER put up...
Jack you imbecile. I just PUT UP a whole thread full of charts and data above from a credible election expert who has given testimony as an expert witness before many people.
You? Nadda.

well, something that can be backed up with fact.
Problem with idiots like you Jack is that:
  1. You NEVER back up anything period.
  2. No matter what facts are presented to you, you just dismiss them as not factual without anything supporting that claim.

Good to see there are other people calling you out on your tripe.
One other person, Jack, an ex-Ford mechanic retired early for putting engines in backwards. You two must have a lot in common. But I love how TRIGGERED you are to jump in here jack, thus showing this guy's data valid and having a real point about the fraud and corruption in our elections!
The 2020 election will always be known as the stolen election by near half the country. That's just the way it is. Neither "side" will make any headway convincing the other side any different.

Oh it will fade with time as all things do but that will be a spell.

If you were of voting age in 2020 you have a lot more POTUS election cycles left to remember the 2020 election.
Extremely relevant. An increase in voter turnout in both young people and people who normally don't vote.
We are talking about REGISTRATIONS here Jack. People don't just register and un-register, and people don't just dies off and re-register in MASSIVE numbers always just coinciding with every election in every county in every state UNLESS THERE IS SOME SORT OF DEVIOUS CENTRALIZED MANIPULATION of voter and election data going on! Just prove me wrong, Jack!

Again, this has been explained to you..over and over...adnauseum.
Really? When? By who? Where? Got a link?
Jack, keep your own personal problems to yourself.

Sure. If so, then you'll have no problem linking me to the last time it was "explained" to me. How do you "explain" statistically impossible variations and timings across wide areas unless our unconnected voting machines are indeed connected and being centrally manipulated?

Jack, everyone admits that fraud has ALWAYS been present in elections and a potential problem. To even claim there was NO FRAUD in 2020 is to court being a total jackass. Once again, you say nothing, prove nothing, other than your empty, hollow, baseless DISMISSAL of everything which simply doesn't comport with your bullshit.
Dude, screen shots off your TV? :auiqs.jpg:What the hell?
Yes, fraud is always present in elections, but not nearly enough to swing results. Something you have been shouting up and down on these boards since 2020.

And you've still provided NOTHING in the way of concrete proof. So, now you're moving the goal posts. :)
We are talking about REGISTRATIONS here Jack. People don't just register and un-register, and people don't just dies off and re-register in MASSIVE numbers always just coinciding with every election in every county in every state UNLESS THERE IS SOME SORT OF DEVIOUS CENTRALIZED MANIPULATION of voter and election data going on! Just prove me wrong, Jack!

Really? When? By who? Where? Got a link?
Yes registrations. Not actual votes. If you can prove these registrations turned into votes (in Michigan, they were caught)..THEN you might have something.
But nope, all ya got is conspiracy theory.

Not up to me to prove anything wrong. As I have told you for three years now, it's up to YOU to provide the proof. YOU are making the allegations.

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