A basic question.

And why should I vote for any individuals who agree with their party's idea to make it even more difficult for companies to provide work in this nation through overtaxation and overregulation?

If you want jobs to stay in America. stop punishing businesses that are successful. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that making it more difficult for companies to do business isn't the best way to invite them to create jobs in your area.

Quit blowing smoke, Avatar..... I asked WHY should I vote for a party that wants ME to pay for a tax break for a business that outsources jobs and then turns around and sells me the product? How is asking for AMERICAN business to provide jobs for AMERICANS "punishing" them? What is so god damned difficult about that?


You squawk "over regulation"..... but the GOP wants to protect a company that exploits the lax standards other countries have for their workers in order to sell the product of that labor at American 'rate of inflation' prices.

So why should I vote to continue this? ANSWER THE QUESTION!
And why should I vote for any individuals who agree with their party's idea to make it even more difficult for companies to provide work in this nation through overtaxation and overregulation?

If you want jobs to stay in America. stop punishing businesses that are successful. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that making it more difficult for companies to do business isn't the best way to invite them to create jobs in your area.

Quit blowing smoke, Avatar..... I asked WHY should I vote for a party that wants ME to pay for a tax break for a business that outsources jobs and then turns around and sells me the product? How is asking for AMERICAN business to provide jobs for AMERICANS "punishing" them? What is so god damned difficult about that?


You squawk "over regulation"..... but the GOP wants to protect a company that exploits the lax standards other countries have for their workers in order to sell the product of that labor at American 'rate of inflation' prices.

So why should I vote to continue this? ANSWER THE QUESTION!

GE got $12M in stimulus and laid people off.
I didnt realize the mentally defective could vote.

Don't worry, I hear they're doing wonders with therapy and drugs...you might be ready for 2012.

Now, quit your stalling and answer the question....if you have the guts to do so.

I think you've already had your lunch eaten, much less the question answered.

But YOU don't have an answer, do ya bunky? You don't have the guts to deal with FACTS that blows a hole your little belief system....you just don't have the guts to deal with the FACTS that the very people you support ARE SCREWING YOU OVER.

You can have the last word, because we both know it'll just be more bluff and bluster.

Say goodnight gracie...shows over for you.
Why are you voting for any political party, foo?

Why are you dodging the question, bunky?
I'm dodging nothing...I'm questioning your glaringly flawed strawman premise, Scooter.

I love it when you neocon buffoons misuse a term.

Follow the thread, genius....the Senate vote CONFIRMS what the GOP voted for and why. My question stands....if YOU don't have the brains or the guts to answer honestly, then go blow smoke up some of your like minded compadres ass on this thread. Now, say something stupid or repeat your bluff and bluster, because we both know you don't have the guts to honestly answer the question.
The EPA has driven most of the manufacturing base out of this country.

And they're just getting started.

You're NOT answering the question...all you're doing is making a accusations and allegations that you don't supply any proof of....and as you've done in the past, you WON'T supply any proof...just keep piling on more of your supposition and conjecture.

And why should I vote for any individuals who agree with their party's idea to make it even more difficult for companies to provide work in this nation through overtaxation and overregulation?

If you want jobs to stay in America. stop punishing businesses that are successful. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that making it more difficult for companies to do business isn't the best way to invite them to create jobs in your area.

Why do you vote for individuals that drive up corporate taxation with their wars, and want deregulation to kill off you family without government supervision? You seem to be your families worst enemy.:lol:
Why are you dodging the question, bunky?
I'm dodging nothing...I'm questioning your glaringly flawed strawman premise, Scooter.

I love it when you neocon buffoons misuse a term.

Follow the thread, genius....the Senate vote CONFIRMS what the GOP voted for and why. My question stands....if YOU don't have the brains or the guts to answer honestly, then go blow smoke up some of your like minded compadres ass on this thread. Now, say something stupid or repeat your bluff and bluster, because we both know you don't have the guts to honestly answer the question.
It only confirms the vote...Your hallucination as to the mindsets of people you don't know, and subsequent paranoid speculation as to their motivations as to why they voted as they did, is your problem.

Have you consulted a professional about your paranoia and persecution complex?

P.S...I'm not a neocon, asshelmet.
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so? :confused:

You ought to be voting for the candidate, not the party.

The candidates support the party line.

Answer the question, please.
And why should I vote for any individuals who agree with their party's idea to make it even more difficult for companies to provide work in this nation through overtaxation and overregulation?

If you want jobs to stay in America. stop punishing businesses that are successful. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that making it more difficult for companies to do business isn't the best way to invite them to create jobs in your area.

Why do you vote for individuals that drive up corporate taxation with their wars, and want deregulation to kill off you family without government supervision? You seem to be your families worst enemy.:lol:

You want government supervision when your family is killed?
I love it when you neocon buffoons misuse a term.

Follow the thread, genius....the Senate vote CONFIRMS what the GOP voted for and why. My question stands....if YOU don't have the brains or the guts to answer honestly, then go blow smoke up some of your like minded compadres ass on this thread. Now, say something stupid or repeat your bluff and bluster, because we both know you don't have the guts to honestly answer the question.

Government policies here are discouraging companies from creating more jobs here. The solution is not to make them employ people. The solution is to lower taxes and make our country more appealing from a competitive standpoint.

I already explained that if you make companies keep their employees here then the prices of virtually everything are going to skyrocket or companies are going to go out of business. That's why it's a bad idea because in the end it won't really save the jobs anyway.
Does any corporation force you to do anything, the way government does?

You live in America, bunky? You eat? You drive a car? you wear clothes? you use tools? Either some business or corporation is responsible for supplying that for you, unless you live in the woods and make everything yourself.

Will you EVER have the guts and honesty to answer the question? Quit your stalling, cut the bullshit and ANSWER the Question!
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so? :confused:

Why do you buy products from companies whose business practices bother you?

Why do you eat food that's regulated by a federal gov't that you can't stand? Why do you drive a car on roads maintained by taxes that you don't like paying?

We LIVE here, you asshole.....and life eventually leads us to using services and products that make that life possible.


Are you trying to say that you have no choice but to patronize businesses that you don't like? What bullshit. You're just too damned lazy to go out of your way to look for products and services from companies that you agree with. If lazy assholes like you would patronize those firms and products that utilize U.S. labor, then you'd see far less outsourcing. Instead you'd rather have Mama Nancy make everyone play by your rules. Grow up and take responsibility for the choices you make.
Does any corporation force you to do anything, the way government does?

You live in America, bunky? You eat? You drive a car? you wear clothes? you use tools? Either some business or corporation is responsible for supplying that for you, unless you live in the woods and make everything yourself.

Will you EVER have the guts and honesty to answer the question? Quit your stalling, cut the bullshit and ANSWER the Question!
Why do you eat food that's regulated by a federal gov't that you can't stand? Why do you drive a car on roads maintained by taxes that you don't like paying?

We LIVE here, you asshole.....and life eventually leads us to using services and products that make that life possible.


Your comparisons aren't even remotely similar. Unless you intend to import all of the food you eat from a foreign nation, which is next to impossible, you have no choice in the matter of who regulates the food you buy.

No shit, sherlock! That was MY point to the idiot I was responding to. Being that about less than 1/10 of 1% of roads are private, you have no choice but to travel on government maintained roads unless you have discovered the formula for teleportation. No shit, sherlock! That was MY point to the idiot I was responding to. You can, however, easily choose not to buy products from companies that outsource jobs overseas. Really? Because unless the Department store in your area carries mostly "Made in America" products, you're going to have to do a LOT of searching around and hope that what you need is within accessible distance.
You make numerous attempts to pass yourself off as an intellectual, but it's really not working. I'm smarter than you. :tongue:

If you're going to pick up the gauntlet for others, be honest and post what I was responding to...that way the sheer stupidity of your statement here will be apparent to all.


I won't taz you bro, I'll just make a fool of you. Now, quit wasting time and space and ANSWER THE QUESTION!
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