9 Yr Old Killed While Doing Homework

No more or less than any life when someone is shot. Just as much as the lives of those elementary school children in Connecticut, just as much as the lives as those movie goers in Colorado......in other words, not much except for those near and dear.

Come on bodecea, surely you want to jump in and help defend your black ally, Asclepias.

He thinks the shooter was a White Oath Keeper.

And he is not kidding.
My "black ally".....fascinating. Tell me more about what I think and who my "allies" are. You're a frickin' genius, knowing all that stuff.

You're a fairly standard lib, and you cannot get any of your agenda without the support of black votes.

YOu agree with Ascleieas that white racism is this huge problem that causes of lot of the negative outcomes for blacks.

You support the anti-white discrimination of Affirmative Action.

You blame George Zimmerman for killing Treyvon Martin.

For starters off the top of my head.

SO, you want to address the blatant racism that your allies have been spouting?

"A fairly standard lib".......ok. That certainly tells us something about you....that you are too lazy or too stupid to take people one at a time.

But for fun....tell me TEN things (I'll keep it simple for you...you can count on your fingers) a fairly standard lib believes or does.


Ready? Go.

I already gave you a short list in the post you responded to.

We can start there if you want.

And BTW, you have demonstrated a common lib misconception.

The fact that I can generalize does not mean that I am lazy or stupid.

Generalization is part of normal though processes.

You do it too, you just tell yourself that you are above that, but you are not.

If you wanted to be perceived as an independently thinking individual, you shouldn't have a clown avatar.

And I note that you still have not addressed the blatant and overt racism coming from your side of the political divide, not that I expected you to.
Where is your list? Surely you are capable of producing one? All I am asking is for 10 things.
her homework who was killed into the national spotlight? People can say it's the media's fault for not giving these stories the proper attention. And that's fine, I do think to some extent the media is culpable, but I'm not letting blacks off the hook that easily. Black activisim has been a pretty powerful force in terms of getting media attention. Its self evident that when there's no perceived racial victimhood by blacks that blacks don't care about grabbing headlines. The same applies to white liberals like ClosedCaption and Asslips.
her homework who was killed into the national spotlight? People can say it's the media's fault for not giving these stories the proper attention. And that's fine, I do think to some extent the media is culpable, but I'm not letting blacks off the hook that easily. Black activisim has been a pretty powerful force in terms of getting media attention. Its self evident that when there's no perceived racial victimhood by blacks that blacks don't care about grabbing headlines. The same applies to white liberals like ClosedCaption and Asslips.
It was pushed. However you just dont know about it and for the same reason the white boy killed by the cops was not pushed in the media. It doesnt sell. Matter of fact #Blacklivesmatter was responsible for pushing knowledge of that incident into the Black community. Its not Black peoples fault you dont know about it. Stop being lazy and ask.

A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing

"Many people in the Black Lives Matter movement have been saying this since the beginning, which is why, in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard."
her homework who was killed into the national spotlight? People can say it's the media's fault for not giving these stories the proper attention. And that's fine, I do think to some extent the media is culpable, but I'm not letting blacks off the hook that easily. Black activisim has been a pretty powerful force in terms of getting media attention. Its self evident that when there's no perceived racial victimhood by blacks that blacks don't care about grabbing headlines. The same applies to white liberals like ClosedCaption and Asslips.
It was pushed. However you just dont know about it and for the same reason the white boy killed by the cops was not pushed in the media. It doesnt sell. Matter of fact #Blacklivesmatter was responsible for pushing knowledge of that incident into the Black community. Its not Black peoples fault you dont know about it. Stop being lazy and ask.

A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing

"Many people in the Black Lives Matter movement have been saying this since the beginning, which is why, in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard."

Black activists don't do enough to get these stories covered. If they concentrated on making this story front and center in the news it would be front and center. (Here's where you deny the truth and start arguing about something stupid)
her homework who was killed into the national spotlight? People can say it's the media's fault for not giving these stories the proper attention. And that's fine, I do think to some extent the media is culpable, but I'm not letting blacks off the hook that easily. Black activisim has been a pretty powerful force in terms of getting media attention. Its self evident that when there's no perceived racial victimhood by blacks that blacks don't care about grabbing headlines. The same applies to white liberals like ClosedCaption and Asslips.
It was pushed. However you just dont know about it and for the same reason the white boy killed by the cops was not pushed in the media. It doesnt sell. Matter of fact #Blacklivesmatter was responsible for pushing knowledge of that incident into the Black community. Its not Black peoples fault you dont know about it. Stop being lazy and ask.

A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing

"Many people in the Black Lives Matter movement have been saying this since the beginning, which is why, in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard."

Black activists don't do enough to get these stories covered. If they concentrated on making this story front and center in the news it would be front and center. (Here's where you deny the truth and start arguing about something stupid)

Bullshit. Since Blacks dont own any major news media you are obviously talking about something you lack awareness of. You cant force someone to put something on the news. Its weird how I know all about different deaths regarding Black people but white people cant find out the exact same information. I guess not watching Black outlets and websites comes with a cost. You become ignorant of whats going on in the Black community. The news media failure to cover stories of import to the Black community has long been noted by the Black community. Thats why we have our own news sources. I get emails every morning regarding news of the Black community with links to news stories. For example....

Ferguson Girl Shot And Killed While Doing Homework
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her homework who was killed into the national spotlight? People can say it's the media's fault for not giving these stories the proper attention. And that's fine, I do think to some extent the media is culpable, but I'm not letting blacks off the hook that easily. Black activisim has been a pretty powerful force in terms of getting media attention. Its self evident that when there's no perceived racial victimhood by blacks that blacks don't care about grabbing headlines. The same applies to white liberals like ClosedCaption and Asslips.
It was pushed. However you just dont know about it and for the same reason the white boy killed by the cops was not pushed in the media. It doesnt sell. Matter of fact #Blacklivesmatter was responsible for pushing knowledge of that incident into the Black community. Its not Black peoples fault you dont know about it. Stop being lazy and ask.

A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing

"Many people in the Black Lives Matter movement have been saying this since the beginning, which is why, in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard."

Black activists don't do enough to get these stories covered. If they concentrated on making this story front and center in the news it would be front and center. (Here's where you deny the truth and start arguing about something stupid)

Bullshit. Since Blacks dont own any major news media you are obviously talking about something you lack awareness of. You cant force someone to put something on the news. Its weird how I know all about different deaths regarding Black people but white people cant find out the exact same information. I guess not watching Black outlets and websites comes with a cost. You become ignorant of whats going on in the Black community.

Ferguson Girl Shot And Killed While Doing Homework

So now the problem is blacks don't own any major news outlets?? The oppression by the man runs deap lol. The problem is blacks don't do enough to raise awareness when a black is murdered by a black. Why don't you just admit that?
her homework who was killed into the national spotlight? People can say it's the media's fault for not giving these stories the proper attention. And that's fine, I do think to some extent the media is culpable, but I'm not letting blacks off the hook that easily. Black activisim has been a pretty powerful force in terms of getting media attention. Its self evident that when there's no perceived racial victimhood by blacks that blacks don't care about grabbing headlines. The same applies to white liberals like ClosedCaption and Asslips.
It was pushed. However you just dont know about it and for the same reason the white boy killed by the cops was not pushed in the media. It doesnt sell. Matter of fact #Blacklivesmatter was responsible for pushing knowledge of that incident into the Black community. Its not Black peoples fault you dont know about it. Stop being lazy and ask.

A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing

"Many people in the Black Lives Matter movement have been saying this since the beginning, which is why, in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard."

Black activists don't do enough to get these stories covered. If they concentrated on making this story front and center in the news it would be front and center. (Here's where you deny the truth and start arguing about something stupid)

Bullshit. Since Blacks dont own any major news media you are obviously talking about something you lack awareness of. You cant force someone to put something on the news. Its weird how I know all about different deaths regarding Black people but white people cant find out the exact same information. I guess not watching Black outlets and websites comes with a cost. You become ignorant of whats going on in the Black community.

Ferguson Girl Shot And Killed While Doing Homework

So now the problem is blacks don't own any major news outlets?? The oppression by the man runs deap lol. The problem is blacks don't do enough to raise awareness when a black is murdered by a black. Why don't you just admit that?
Thats always been the problem. That is if everyone wants to see it. If you know of a major news media outlet owned by Black people you are free to post it. While you are at it please post how many other races watch or subscribe to it. Again just because you dont know doesnt = Blacks dont raise awareness. Youre white so what would your awareness do anyway?
her homework who was killed into the national spotlight? People can say it's the media's fault for not giving these stories the proper attention. And that's fine, I do think to some extent the media is culpable, but I'm not letting blacks off the hook that easily. Black activisim has been a pretty powerful force in terms of getting media attention. Its self evident that when there's no perceived racial victimhood by blacks that blacks don't care about grabbing headlines. The same applies to white liberals like ClosedCaption and Asslips.
It was pushed. However you just dont know about it and for the same reason the white boy killed by the cops was not pushed in the media. It doesnt sell. Matter of fact #Blacklivesmatter was responsible for pushing knowledge of that incident into the Black community. Its not Black peoples fault you dont know about it. Stop being lazy and ask.

A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing

"Many people in the Black Lives Matter movement have been saying this since the beginning, which is why, in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard."

Black activists don't do enough to get these stories covered. If they concentrated on making this story front and center in the news it would be front and center. (Here's where you deny the truth and start arguing about something stupid)

Bullshit. Since Blacks dont own any major news media you are obviously talking about something you lack awareness of. You cant force someone to put something on the news. Its weird how I know all about different deaths regarding Black people but white people cant find out the exact same information. I guess not watching Black outlets and websites comes with a cost. You become ignorant of whats going on in the Black community.

Ferguson Girl Shot And Killed While Doing Homework

So now the problem is blacks don't own any major news outlets?? The oppression by the man runs deap lol. The problem is blacks don't do enough to raise awareness when a black is murdered by a black. Why don't you just admit that?
Thats always been the problem. That is if everyone wants to see it. If you know of a major news media outlet owned by Black people you are free to post it. While you are at it please post how many other races watch or subscribe to it. Again just because you dont know doesnt = Blacks dont raise awareness. Youre white so what would your awareness do anyway?

So then why are blacks always trying to raise white people's awareness when a white kills a black, huh?
It was pushed. However you just dont know about it and for the same reason the white boy killed by the cops was not pushed in the media. It doesnt sell. Matter of fact #Blacklivesmatter was responsible for pushing knowledge of that incident into the Black community. Its not Black peoples fault you dont know about it. Stop being lazy and ask.

A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing

"Many people in the Black Lives Matter movement have been saying this since the beginning, which is why, in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard."

Black activists don't do enough to get these stories covered. If they concentrated on making this story front and center in the news it would be front and center. (Here's where you deny the truth and start arguing about something stupid)

Bullshit. Since Blacks dont own any major news media you are obviously talking about something you lack awareness of. You cant force someone to put something on the news. Its weird how I know all about different deaths regarding Black people but white people cant find out the exact same information. I guess not watching Black outlets and websites comes with a cost. You become ignorant of whats going on in the Black community.

Ferguson Girl Shot And Killed While Doing Homework

So now the problem is blacks don't own any major news outlets?? The oppression by the man runs deap lol. The problem is blacks don't do enough to raise awareness when a black is murdered by a black. Why don't you just admit that?
Thats always been the problem. That is if everyone wants to see it. If you know of a major news media outlet owned by Black people you are free to post it. While you are at it please post how many other races watch or subscribe to it. Again just because you dont know doesnt = Blacks dont raise awareness. Youre white so what would your awareness do anyway?

So than why are blacks always trying to raise white people's awareness when a white kills a black, huh?
Thats a dumb ass question. Because a white cop is doing it stupid. We already know about it.
Blame the media.

Like I said in the OP the media is to blame to an extent, but black people are also to blame for not pushing these stories front and center, which they have the power to do.
Good example of the media not carrying stories about minorities. White girl goes missing and there are all kinds of alerts and shit. 24 hour news coverage. Its called white girl missing syndrome. Let a Black girl go missing and you wont hear a peep.

Why do we seldom hear about missing black children?

"According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations, minority children make up 65 percent of all non-family abductions. African-American children make up 42 percent. However, a search for children missing in Colorado on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's website showed no black children reported as missing. Does this mean no African-American children have been abducted in Colorado? A search for black children missing in Colorado on the website of the Black and Missing Foundation, Inc., also yielded no results."

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