9/11 co-conspirators referred for military trial: Holder


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Heh. Holder has referred Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals to the military for a trial at Gitmo. And in a new twist, he's blaming Congress instead of BOOOSSSHHHHH for the reversal of the prior decision to hold a civilian trial virtually on top of Ground Zero.

The alleged mastermind of the 9-11 attacks and four co-conspirators have been referred for military trial at Guantanamo Bay, US Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday, blaming Congress for the U-turn.

Holder said he was convinced Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed and the others could have been successfully prosecuted in a US civilian court, but Congress had approved restrictions blocking trials of Guantanamo detainees in the United States.

"So today I am referring the cases of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid (Muhammad) bin Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, and Mustapha Ahmed Al-Hawsawi to the Department of Defense to proceed in military commissions," he said.
"Furthermore, I have directed prosecutors to move to dismiss the indictment that was handed down under seal in the Southern District of New York in December, 2009, and a judge has granted that motion," he said.

9/11 co-conspirators referred for military trial: Holder - Yahoo!Xtra News
Heh. Holder has referred Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals to the military for a trial at Gitmo. And in a new twist, he's blaming Congress instead of BOOOSSSHHHHH for the reversal of the prior decision to hold a civilian trial virtually on top of Ground Zero.

The alleged mastermind of the 9-11 attacks and four co-conspirators have been referred for military trial at Guantanamo Bay, US Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday, blaming Congress for the U-turn.

Holder said he was convinced Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed and the others could have been successfully prosecuted in a US civilian court, but Congress had approved restrictions blocking trials of Guantanamo detainees in the United States.

"So today I am referring the cases of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid (Muhammad) bin Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, and Mustapha Ahmed Al-Hawsawi to the Department of Defense to proceed in military commissions," he said.
"Furthermore, I have directed prosecutors to move to dismiss the indictment that was handed down under seal in the Southern District of New York in December, 2009, and a judge has granted that motion," he said.

9/11 co-conspirators referred for military trial: Holder - Yahoo!Xtra News

Excellent! We sure cannot be bothered by "restrictions" on what the prosecution can and cannot do in those pesky, civilian courts that try to conduct themselves in accordance with that bothersome Constitution. No sir! Let's schlep these guys over into the Twilight Zone, where time has no meaning.

Who is this guy Holder? How did he get where he is? Who put him there? Obama???? You're kidding me? I would expect only a Bush appointee to be doing something like this. I mean, President Obama has closed Gitmo, just as he promised he would, right? How, then, can these guys be sent to Gitmo for trials?

What? Excuse me? You're shitting me! He didn't?

Oh boy . . . . :poop:
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I was listening to him talk and all I could think was this......



Mean ole Congress wouldn't let me have my show-trials!!!
I can understand the argument about security concerns.
There is obviously the concern that Al-Qaeda might seize the opportunity of a trial to stage a retaliatory terror incident in New York City.

But what about the possibility of citizens of the USA committing acts of vengeance.
When Saddam Hussein was put on trial in Iraq, two of his defense attorneys were murdered.
See Abducted Saddam trial lawyer found dead
and also Another Saddam Trial Lawyer Killed

Also, there is precedent for defendants to not be present in a courtroom during their trial, but being given the opportunity to watch their trial via closed circuit television. So the Government perhaps could have kept the defendants sequestered at Gitmo, and still have held their trial in New York City.
See the discussion on: Confrontation of Adverse Witnesses in this article about the Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution.

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