82 rural hospitals have closed in the last year


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.
the 82 that closed are because of trumps tax cuts? do I have that right?
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.
/----/ Geee Spanky, in your glee to bash Trump you neglected to post the entire headline: Since 2010, 82 rural hospitals have closed nationally.
So who was president in 2010? Why did Obozo let this start since you seem to think the POTUS controls what hospitals stay open and those that close.
A Hospital Crisis Is Killing Rural Communities. This State Is 'Ground Zero.' | HuffPost
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

CNN just had a story about a little mining town in Nevada population 2500 where people are dying en route to hospitals a 3-4 hour drive away.

Yep, these are little towns in the middle of nowhere .. Orange Twit voters. Just wait until the new Republican tax cuts are passed. The number of closures will triple.
the 82 that closed are because of trumps tax cuts? do I have that right?

No, right now they are closing because Dear Donald is starving the ACA. No advertising and threats of ending subsidies creating uncertainty in the marketplace. This means more & more insurers are pulling out and the ones left (if there are any) are raising rates.
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

CNN just had a story about a little mining town in Nevada population 2500 where people are dying en route to hospitals a 3-4 hour drive away.

Yep, these are little towns in the middle of nowhere .. Orange Twit voters. Just wait until the new Republican tax cuts are passed. The number of closures will triple.
/----/ Why didn't you post a link so we can see when the hospital closed if there was ever one there to begin with. There is no story on CNN about this CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
the 82 that closed are because of trumps tax cuts? do I have that right?

No, right now they are closing because Dear Donald is starving the ACA. No advertising and threats of ending subsidies creating uncertainty in the marketplace. This means more & more insurers are pulling out and the ones left (if there are any) are raising rates.
/----/ Why do you have to advertise something that is as wonderful as Libs claim Obozocare is? After 7 years you think no one has ever heard of Obozocare and have to be told to sign up? Besides non profits are spending their own money to advertise saving the taxpayers $$$$$$
Trump cut ACA television ads. So nonprofits are running their own.
well I guess that explains the tax cuts to his friends

Not really, but it does explain the reality that these folks can't afford their premiums and end up as charity cases. And the vast majority of these rural hospital closures involve folks on Medicaid and in red states choosing not to expand it. Hospitals can only take so many charity cases before they go belly up:

Reform of the ACA needs address the rural hospital closure crisis
well, OK for now, but what is/was all that "tax cuts for his friends" stuff? comes across like a verbal bait and switch
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.
It is a real problem here, and nursing homes also. People have to drive 60 to 90 miles in parts of our county to reach a hospital with an obg dept. or a nursing home where they can put their mom or dad.
It's been going on for several years and we've been hollering, but no one was listening.
well, OK for now, but what is/was all that "tax cuts for his friends" stuff? comes across like a verbal bait and switch

Tax cuts and a billion or so in inheritance tax savings for the Trump kids are just another contributing factor. Have you looked at these R tax plans? The only educated conclusions are that yes - 80% of the cuts go to the top 1% who don't need them. They will not create jobs with that money and absolutely the end result will be further cuts to Medicaid and Medicare.

If Republicans get their way - 500 more rural hospitals will close in the next 1-2 years.
well, OK for now, but what is/was all that "tax cuts for his friends" stuff? comes across like a verbal bait and switch

Tax cuts and a billion or so in inheritance tax savings for the Trump kids are just another contributing factor. Have you looked at these R tax plans? The only educated conclusions are that yes - 80% of the cuts go to the top 1% who don't need them. They will not create jobs with that money and absolutely the end result will be further cuts to Medicaid and Medicare.

If Republicans get their way - 500 more rural hospitals will close in the next 1-2 years.
So what IS the answer? I keep hearing the proposed tax cuts are bad for us, but what is the Dems solution for keeping the budget from sinking under healthcare costs?
This is serious, but the tax bill doesn't cut Medicare/Medicaid. I'm lost in the weeds when it comes to economics, but I know that much.
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.
/----/ Geee Spanky, in your glee to bash Trump you neglected to post the entire headline: Since 2010, 82 rural hospitals have closed nationally.
So who was president in 2010? Why did Obozo let this start since you seem to think the POTUS controls what hospitals stay open and those that close.
A Hospital Crisis Is Killing Rural Communities. This State Is 'Ground Zero.' | HuffPost

Yep, states that did not expand Medicaid and whose populations were dependent on Medicaid, go figure. You have only their governor's to thank.
So what IS the answer? I keep hearing the proposed tax cuts are bad for us, but what is the Dems solution for keeping the budget from sinking under healthcare costs?
This is serious, but the tax bill doesn't cut Medicare/Medicaid. I'm lost in the weeds when it comes to economics, but I know that much.

I'm not an economist either - but most of the real economists who've evaluated the GOP tax plans at present concur that the ultimate result will be cuts to entitlements. I mean, how else are they gonna make up the 1.5 trillion it adds to the deficit?

Here's a pretty good analysis from Brookings:

9 Things to know about the House GOP tax plan

What is the answer? Good question. My tax plan would reduce corporate taxes from 35 to 25% but pay for that by eliminating 100% of corporate welfare and loopholes (Fortune 1000 don't pay 35% anyway .. they average 13%). Then i'd allow repatriation of dollars currently being squirreled overseas without penalty.

So how to cut the deficit? My solution has always been to cut military spending in half. Hell, if we still spend 2-3 times as much as China and Russia combined, we'll be fine.

Though not an economist - THIS I do know: Trickle down economics is a horrid failure and we cannot grow ourselves out of more tax cuts for Paris Hilton. Rich people don't create jobs if you give them more money/ eliminate estate taxes AND business leaders won't increase capital investment.

Need proof?

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Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

False, troll. Rural hospitals have been closing for decades because of assclowns like You who supported the government passing EMTALA.
So what IS the answer? I keep hearing the proposed tax cuts are bad for us, but what is the Dems solution for keeping the budget from sinking under healthcare costs?
This is serious, but the tax bill doesn't cut Medicare/Medicaid. I'm lost in the weeds when it comes to economics, but I know that much.

I'm not an economist either - but most of the real economists who've evaluated the GOP tax plans at present concur that the ultimate result will be cuts to entitlements. I mean, how else are they gonna make up the 1.5 trillion it adds to the deficit?

Here's a pretty good analysis from Brookings:

9 Things to know about the House GOP tax plan

What is the answer? Good question. My tax plan would reduce corporate taxes from 35 to 25% but pay for that by eliminating 100% of corporate welfare and loopholes (Fortune 1000 don't pay 35% anyway .. they average 13%). Then i'd allow repatriation of dollars currently being squirreled overseas without penalty.

So how to cut the deficit? My solution has always been to cut military spending in half. Hell, if we still spend 2-3 times as much as China and Russia combined, we'll be fine.

Though not an economist - THIS I do know: Trickle down economics is a horrid failure and we cannot grow ourselves out of more tax cuts for Paris Hilton. Rich people don't create jobs if you give them more money/ eliminate estate taxes AND business leaders won't increase capital investment.

Need proof?

"Trickle down economics" was Reagan's thing, right? Well, I was there and I gotta say, things got a WHOLE LOT BETTER, whatever happened. Inflation and interest rates were unbearable, employment was down, gas prices were going through the roof. I was living on the margins at the time, and it was rough as hell. Reagan fixed it. Everytime I hear "trickle down economics doesn't work," I wonder what kind of people it didn't work for, because it worked for me. Or something did--if it wasn't tax reform, what was it?
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.
/----/ Geee Spanky, in your glee to bash Trump you neglected to post the entire headline: Since 2010, 82 rural hospitals have closed nationally.
So who was president in 2010? Why did Obozo let this start since you seem to think the POTUS controls what hospitals stay open and those that close.
A Hospital Crisis Is Killing Rural Communities. This State Is 'Ground Zero.' | HuffPost
Oh wow, I'm so glad the Republican congress has helped Obama save rural hospitals.

Look at everything they've done.

Yea, take a good long look.

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