8 Disturbing Similarities between the Democrat and Nazi Party

Damn, you must read Conservative Treehouse. That's where I saw the link to the same article.
You just remember to scream for gun confiscation NAZI Marxist.

1. Democrats and the Nazis were/are obsessed with gun confiscation.
2. Democrats and Nazis are collectivists.
3. The overarching philosophy of both Democrats and Nazis is centralized control.
The individualists on the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum favor liberty and limited government. The collectivists of the anti-liberty side of the political spectrum favor control and unlimited government. This can easily be seen in the Democrat's obsession with controlling not only basic liberties, but also gas stoves, dishwashers, and air-conditioners.
4. The centralized collectivist control philosophy of the Democrat and Nazi parties is epitomized in the phrase "the Common Good" (Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz in the
original German).
5. Far-left fascists of the Democrat and Nazi parties see force as means to their political power.
6. Democrats and Nazis are proponents of single-party systems.
7. Democrats and Nazis are fascistic. The fact is that fascism is based on several references. When it's primarily defined as an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.
8. Democrats are striving for a totalitarian state structure and a single party like the Nazis.
You know that when the NAZIs took over in Germany, they loosened gun regulations except for Jews.
Ratting your neighbors out due to political ideology is a leftie trait. The DNC was promoting it.

And a ot of righties will participate. We saw this in the people they prosecuted in Trump's administation; a lot of them rolled over and perjured themselves.
Nobody on the right is doing any of that, despite the frantic, pearl clutching, hyperbolic squealing coming from you emotionally incontinent moonbats.

AT is borderline libertarian, numbnutz.

You wouldn't know alt-right if one of them beat you over the head.
Of course they are, Derp. Florida, Texas, and a number of other states. Pay attention.

American Thinker is an ALT-RIGHT website.
Of course they are, Derp. Florida, Texas, and a number of other states. Pay attention.

American Thinker is an ALT-RIGHT website.
View attachment 787392
Nowhere in that fake "fact check" is the term "Alt-right", DERP.

Moreover, that "fact checker" has already admitted that they use absolutely no objective criteria to make their proclamations, making them 100% worthless.

Nowhere in that fake "fact check" is the term "Alt-right", DERP.

Moreover, that "fact checker" has already admitted that they use absolutely no objective criteria to make their proclamations, making them 100% worthless.

They are Alt-Right. Accept it. Own it. Embrace it.

Derp! :)

Blathering? obviously you haven't kept up with the news in 8 years or so. Here are some Republicans sniveling and pandering, just on Jan. 6 and the stolen election alone. Roll Over Rover, and fetch the DNC a bone.

And this is nothing compared to many others. They continue to railroad white cops into prison with no interference from the House GOP or at the state levels as well. They're eunuchs, all noise and nothing to fear. No loyalty among Republican gangsters either.
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