79% Feel Terrorist Attack Likely


Of course it's a story of the bravery of common people and in no way has the story been used to drive fear into the American populace to forward an agenda.

I agree with you 100%
Many on the right are using this as a fear tactic.
Sort of similar to Obama saying that pediatricians, with our current healthcare system, place children in danger by perfoming unecessary surgery on their tonsils.
Of course, any sensible American is aware that a pediatrician will make MUCH LESS money if he suggests a tonsilectomy.......but that fact does not generate fear.

So yes, I agree....but by no means do I fault a blog wrtiter for fear mongering as much as I fault the president.

If in fact Obama did say that (and I don't have a fucking clue what this has to do with the subject at hand) isn't there always some percentage of danger with unecessary surgery? :confused:

He said it and it was fear mongering....THAT IS WHY I MENTIONED IT.

And you see....Pediatyricians do NOT perform surgery. They recommend surgery...and then surgeons perform it.
Surgeons do not diagnose...pediatricians do.

So when he siad that the current system is allwing pediatricians to take out tonsils as they get more cash for it than they do by giving the patient a losenge, it was fear mongering.

Truth is, if a pediatrician advises suregery, the surgeon makes the money, and the pediatirican does not get the revenue from repeeated visits by the kid for his chronic sore throat.

ANd a surgeon can not diagnose the need for surgery....so all in all, that type of scenario does NOT hapopen with our current system....so to imply that it does is nothing less than fear mongering.

Newt, Trying to Be Relevant

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday night that Americans are less “safe” than they were a year ago.

“We are not safe. We are in much greater danger than we were a year ago,” Gingrich said, though adding that “it’s not just Bush versus Obama.”

this would be an example of a story that is relevant to this thread old timer.
very interesting and useless point. thanks?

So I show you how both sides of the aisle fear monger...agree with your point and openly admit the right does...but also show how the left does...and that is a USELESS POINT to you.

Speaks volumes about you.

I don't exactly see people running and screaming when someone says tonsillitis at an airport but who knows what kind of a pussy you are.

Newt, Trying to Be Relevant

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday night that Americans are less “safe” than they were a year ago.

“We are not safe. We are in much greater danger than we were a year ago,” Gingrich said, though adding that “it’s not just Bush versus Obama.”

this would be an example of a story that is relevant to this thread old timer.

I was referring to YOUR post about the fear mongering Canuck......just responding to your post about fear mongering.

But I let myself get sucked in again with you....so now I am done. Your true clors always come out and yet I tend to ignore them.
This was the last time.
Go have fun learning nothing and assuming you know all. It works well for you.
very interesting and useless point. thanks?

So I show you how both sides of the aisle fear monger...agree with your point and openly admit the right does...but also show how the left does...and that is a USELESS POINT to you.

Speaks volumes about you.

I don't exactly see people running and screaming when someone says tonsillitis at an airport but who knows what kind of a pussy you are.

Yeah...sure...that makes a lot of sense.
[SIZE=+1]Ready For The Shit To Fly? [/SIZE]
Link Excerpt:
Hate radio and Fox News hate show hosts may be on vacation from their microphones, but have no doubt, they and their Republican managers are in full war room mode, preparing to go shock and awe all over Obama and the Democrats on what they'll say is the utter failure to protect your family from terrorism Monday morning. From Limbaugh to Hannity to Beck to every single one of the wannabes, they will be blaring "I told you so." Their guests will be nodding in full agreement while they sell their hitjob wares. Dick Morris has probably already written another "blame it on the Dems" hit job book this week. Newt Gingrich will reminisce about the old days of blessed contracts with America. Cheney and daughter will poke their spinning heads from the Dick Cave to castigate the administration for being weak and porous. It will be loud and it will be damning. The tea baggers will be hunch over their radios ready for tearful marching orders from General Beck. Rush will call for Obama's impeachment. O'Reilly's Folks will nearly get out of their rockers. Nearly.

What will Democrats do other than piss themselves and say nothing back?
Not sure where this question is coming from as it does not respond to what I said....but to answer your question...

No. We should not.

But then again, I do not seeing the detaining of a man who was reported by his father as haviong radical tendencies, paid cash for a one way ticket to a land he is not a citizen of, and with no luggage...as profiling.

I consider that enough "smoking guns" to detain a Priest.....
Just trying to determine whether or not you're advocating racial profiling, or national profiling vs. behavioral profiling.

Are you and your ilk prepared to do what NEEDS to be done to help curb terroristic attacks in the friendly skies? Hint: I starts with shelling out some serious funds for proper inspectors and observers instead of those bag men and women they currently employ at the TSA. They need to do things like hire ex Investigators, cops, FBI, etc. with similar experience who have years in trained profiling and observation techniques. Putting up full-body scanners is futile and only placates the dumb.

We should be in full agreement on this.
Pelosi and Holder injected politics into the CIA for their own personal gain. Arresting CIA operatives for possibly being too mean to brutal Terrorists will prove to be a massive deadly blunder for this nation. They thought it would be great to please their Liberal Wingnut base by arresting these brave men and women but in the end all Americans are going to pay for their blunder. These CIA operatives are now in a state of paralysis. They now fear being arrested and imprisoned by their own Government much more than they fear Terrorists. They're simply not going to risk things anymore. We're all going to pay for this. Pelosi and Holder may have scored some political points with their wingnut base but the damage they have done to the CIA in the process will likely prove to be quite deadly for Americans. What a shame.

Thats the way its supposed to work. Before you take a red hot poker to a suspects gonads, you better be really really really sure you got the right guy. A stiff prison sentence is the check and balance.

That is why the sane minded prefer all of this to be handled by the military.
I wonder where we would be today, if we had to read miranda rights to every Nazi captured...if our soldiers had to worry about what the captured would say about his capturing tactics.....

Tell you one thing.....Obama would not be President today....THATS for sure.

the sane minded want the military to handle everything when it comes to terrorisim......so citizens won't have to question anything and be very blissfull in their ignorance.
Not sure where this question is coming from as it does not respond to what I said....but to answer your question...

No. We should not.

But then again, I do not seeing the detaining of a man who was reported by his father as haviong radical tendencies, paid cash for a one way ticket to a land he is not a citizen of, and with no luggage...as profiling.

I consider that enough "smoking guns" to detain a Priest.....
Just trying to determine whether or not you're advocating racial profiling, or national profiling vs. behavioral profiling.

Are you and your ilk prepared to do what NEEDS to be done to help curb terroristic attacks in the friendly skies? Hint: I starts with shelling out some serious funds for proper inspectors and observers instead of those bag men and women they currently employ at the TSA. They need to do things like hire ex Investigators, cops, FBI, etc. with similar experience who have years in trained profiling and observation techniques. Putting up full-body scanners is futile and only placates the dumb.

We should be in full agreement on this.

Actually...yes...we agree.

As for me and my "ilk"....go to hell. I resent the way you put that.
Isn't this the time when someone will post that if you try and stop terrorists attacks the terrorists actually 'win'?

Which is almost as stupid as calling terrorists names ('MF'ng axis of evil, that's all they are!').
Maybe listen to what moderates in Islam nations want, and ignore the conservative hard liners (called Islamo-Fascists by are hard liners).
And maybe if they listened to our moderates and ignore our Dick (cheney that is) some violence would be averted and fewer innocents would die or be crippled.
Remember the definition of insanity each time the Dick (cheney, that is) speaks.

Isn't this what Obama and Hilary have been attempting?
Thats the way its supposed to work. Before you take a red hot poker to a suspects gonads, you better be really really really sure you got the right guy. A stiff prison sentence is the check and balance.

That is why the sane minded prefer all of this to be handled by the military.
I wonder where we would be today, if we had to read miranda rights to every Nazi captured...if our soldiers had to worry about what the captured would say about his capturing tactics.....

Tell you one thing.....Obama would not be President today....THATS for sure.

the sane minded want the military to handle everything when it comes to terrorisim......so citizens won't have to question anything and be very blissfull in their ignorance.

That is a mis-statement.....maybe even an outright lie.

The sane minded want enemy combatants to be treated as enemy combatants....not to be afforded an attorney at the taxpayer cost...not to be afforded the right to release because of a technicality...

The sane minded do not want to see enemy combatants get lucky like OJ Simpson did.

Wow...you really like to lie and make things up. Is that something all leeches from Canada do?
I apologize for my "...and your ilk" comment OldAndTired.

I assumed you were a neo-con.

Do you denounce Bush?
now I'm learning.....old and tired knows what the sane minded think. The sane minded bring up OJ Simpson and what Obama says about children who might undergo unecessary surgery for tonsillitis when it comes to the subject of terrorism.
The Geneva Conventions consist of four treaties and three additional protocols that set the standards in international law for humanitarian treatment of the victims of war. The singular term Geneva Convention refers to the agreements of 1949, negotiated in the aftermath of World War II, updating the terms of the first three treaties and adding a fourth treaty. The language is extensive, with articles defining the basic rights of those captured during a military conflict, establishing protections for the wounded, and addressing protections for civilians in and around a war zone. The treaties of 1949 have been ratified, in whole or with reservations, by 194 countries.[1]

might want to have a quick glance at this
Even Bush haters have to admit he was right when he commented about us needing to be right 100% of the time with respect to terrorism, but all they need is to be right once. And let's face it. We were darn lucky the Christmas attempt failed and an airliner full of people didn't come down in a heavily populated area. Next time though?

I've felt since 9/11 it's just a matter of time until the next one, still do, and likely will for a
very very long time.

Couldn't agree more. There will be other attacks here.

I wonder how many have been foiled in the last 7 years??? To bad they won't release the stats on that doncha know??
I apologize for my "...and your ilk" comment OldAndTired.

I assumed you were a neo-con.

Do you denounce Bush?

I do not denounce Bush. He did what he believed...and he screwed it up. I applaud him for his efforts...and did not vote for him the second time as, to me, his efforts were nto what I considered in our country's best interest.
I considered voting Obama for no other reeason than I was left with the lesser of the two evils. Both candidates were worthy of the position and both candiudates woulkd do whjat they deemed was best.....but neither candidate was what I wanted to see...
I passed on Obama the day he admitted to lying about public funding. I found that to be a slap in the face and made him no longer worthy of the position.

I have very conservative values. Always have. But I am smart enough to know that many dont...and we are all in this together....and so I do what I can to teach those that listen, but never denounce those that think differently...unlkess, of course, they denounce my beleif.

This being said, I get uupset when people like USCitizen knocks those such as the tea partiers...I admire their efforts....I admired the anti war protestors that did it peacefully...I felt for Sheehan......

What I am finding is that so many are so politically attached, they actually criticize those that do what this country allows people to do....speak their minds.

But I digress....

No, I do not denounce Bush...he was our President....I do not agree with Obama..and I do not agree with his use of words to mislead the blind......but I will not denounce him after he TOO fails...I will applaud his efforts...

But until the day comes when he is replaced...I will speak my mind. It is my right.

As for my ilk.....after reading something else you worte in another post, I realize you did not mean it the way I may have taken it.
You know what Old&Tired...thanks for that last post.

I now see you in a new light.

You seem like your heart is in the right place, just a bit misguided.

I understand.

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