73% of Black Babies are Born out of Wedlock

I hate to break it to you but facts are not racist.

I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.


the facts are that black americans disproportionally engage in self-destructive behavior.They can not blame whitey for institutionalized racism when they do it to themselves.

Your post is an example of why there will never be an honest discussion about race in this country.Now go ahead and call me a bigot and once again prove my point about a true discussion instead of a lecture.

Dingle Berry, aka Cum Sponge, go fuck your racist ass with a cactus.
I just heard this on the Factor and did not believe it. But apparently it's true. White women are trending higher than in the 90's as well.

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online

These thugs have no father figure to teach them values or kick their butt when needed. Real responsible men these are.

There is part of the problem with society today.Demise of the American family.

Compared to the 1990s when a third of Americans were born out of wedlock, now 41 per cent of babies do not have married parents. There are racial divides:
73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage
And educational divides:
92 per cent of college-educated women are married when they have a child
62 per cent of those with post-secondary schooling are married when they give birth
43 per cent of women with a high school diploma are married when they give birth
Data compiled by Child Trends

black kids dont need no stinkin daddy. The Democrat party are thier Daddy.
I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.


the facts are that black americans disproportionally engage in self-destructive behavior.They can not blame whitey for institutionalized racism when they do it to themselves.

Your post is an example of why there will never be an honest discussion about race in this country.Now go ahead and call me a bigot and once again prove my point about a true discussion instead of a lecture.

Dingle Berry, aka Cum Sponge, go fuck your racist ass with a cactus.

do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
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I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.

There is no assumption whatsoever. It is a fact that over 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock and the majority of them grow up without a father. It is a fact that kids who grow up in that environment have a higher risk of getting involved in drugs, crime, and dropping out of school than those that don't.

These are easily verified statistical facts, but few people are willing to talk about them because either they are white candy asses who are more afraid of someone thinking they're bigoted than having an actual, truthful discussion on race or they are shysters like Jackson and Sharpton who ignore these issues because it makes them money.

The fact of the matter is until the illegitimate birth rate among blacks drops drastically they will continue to be the lowest socio-economic racial group in this country and suffer dearly for it. No white person is doing this to them, but people like you who turn a blind eye to it are mostly certainly perpetuating the problem.

the facts are that black americans disproportionally engage in self-destructive behavior.They can not blame whitey for institutionalized racism when they do it to themselves.

Your post is an example of why there will never be an honest discussion about race in this country.Now go ahead and call me a bigot and once again prove my point about a true discussion instead of a lecture.

Dingle Berry, aka Cum Sponge, go fuck your racist ass with a cactus.

do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Leave my mother out it, Cum Sponge.
I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.

There is no assumption whatsoever. It is a fact that over 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock and the majority of them grow up without a father. It is a fact that kids who grow up in that environment have a higher risk of getting involved in drugs, crime, and dropping out of school than those that don't.

These are easily verified statistical facts, but few people are willing to talk about them because either they are white candy asses who are more afraid of someone thinking they're bigoted than having an actual, truthful discussion on race or they are shysters like Jackson and Sharpton who ignore these issues because it makes them money.

The fact of the matter is until the illegitimate birth rate among blacks drops drastically they will continue to be the lowest socio-economic racial group in this country and suffer dearly for it. No white person is doing this to them, but people like you who turn a blind eye to it are mostly certainly perpetuating the problem.

Problems do need to be addressed. I'm not denying that or turning my back to it. But what I responded to is some bigoted crap:

And for many of them it will be life long handouts from the government, first supporting them as babies and kids and later likely their illegitimate offspring too just like their moms, grandmoms, aunts, friends, etc. Imagine all the money just one person could get in a lifetime from all the various government programs and whatnot, and then multiply by however many millions and it's a huge ticket for current and future taxpayers.
who cares?

Those of us who pay federal income taxes care. And for many of them it will be life long handouts from the government, first supporting them as babies and kids and later likely their illegitimate offspring too just like their moms, grandmoms, aunts, friends, etc. Imagine all the money just one person could get in a lifetime from all the various government programs and whatnot, and then multiply by however many millions and it's a huge ticket for current and future taxpayers.

Oh, how racist of me not to want to support others' irresponsibility.

So, black babies born out of wedlock are born to worthless welfare queens and will never amount to anything beyond a leech on society.

Nah, that's not racist at all.

Your right, but it's highly factual

Talking about race and presenting facts and statistics doesn't make anyone a racist (but I bet a buck some of you will chime in here moaning and groaning that O'Reilly is one for this Talking Points segment). Watch the whole thing ... go ahead, you just might learn something.

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Talking about race and presenting facts and statistics doesn't make anyone a racist (but I bet a buck some of you will chime in here moaning and groaning that O'Reilly is one for this Talking Points segment). Watch the whole thing ... go ahead, you just might learn something.

Yeah I learned something. Like Bill O' is full of shit as usual.




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So, black babies born out of wedlock are born to worthless welfare queens and will never amount to anything beyond a leech on society.

Nah, that's not racist at all.

I hate to break it to you but facts are not racist.

I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.

Okay, genius. According to you money to support such dysfunctional lifestyles does not come from U.S. federal income tax payers. Can't since there "were no facts in that post." So how about enlightening everyone to just where all those many millions/billions of dollars come from?

Like Barry, I'm all ears.
Talking about race and presenting facts and statistics doesn't make anyone a racist (but I bet a buck some of you will chime in here moaning and groaning that O'Reilly is one for this Talking Points segment). Watch the whole thing ... go ahead, you just might learn something.

Yeah I learned something. Like Bill O' is full of shit as usual.





Andy smokes his weed in his basement and listens to Pink Floyd.

DeSean smokes his weed on the street corner while drinking an open container of Colt 45 and gets arrested for drunk and disorderly while in possession of 1 oz.

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